InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beautiful ❯ Warnings and News Part 2...Sesshomaru ( Chapter 12 )
It's me again and I agree I feel sorry for poor Miroku. I mean living without your worst nightmare for twenty years and then receiving it back. That could send you into a mental void or something. Anyway I better get down to the important stuff right?
Mystic Hanyou...-Thank you and I shall continue to try my best
Dragon Man 180...-I know as do I but what better revenge against Miroku and Sango then to tear them apart through the wind tunnel.
Inuyasha 19912...-He might you would have to read to find out and why do the girls not have the wind tunnel. I am taking into account the time period. Sango is an exception to the rule as was Kikyo, but in 99% of the families back there the girl was never the heir to the family legacy. It was always the guy and so Rahnee and Betia are safe, but should they have any male children.... As to Sesshomaru having a mate? The answer is old is Rin? Considering she was a couple of years older than Shippo I place her at 23.
miko no tsuki...-I know but as the old saying goes what can be given can be taken away and what is taken away can be given back.
Well on to the story okay. I don't own Inuyasha but I do own Timor, Hayek, Betia, Rahnee, and the three fire cats. I also will own the character being introduced in this chapter.
Warnings and news Part 2 Sesshomaru
Shippo was flying from tree to tree as he was heading towards the palace in the western lands. Focusing on his mission, the Kitsune flies fast, already he can sense the danger approaching and gaining on his heels. He knows full well that Naraku remembers the illusions he provided to confuse him during that battle from which was the real Inuyasha, Kagome and others compared to the fakes. Once his flesh was defeated though, Inuyasha and Kagome both had decided to take care of him and train him as best they could.
Inuyasha had taken him under his wing and begin to teach him how to fight and defend himself for there would come a time when Shippo's illusions could fail. Kagome worked with the young boy and helped him to enhance his illusions and increase his mental abilities. When it came time to do the shape changing she helped calm him down when it didn't go exactly the way he planned it, allowing him to return to normal form.
Feeling his senses kick in from his left, Shippo dodges as the energy whip strikes the tree branch he was on and falls to the ground. Prepared to face his attacker, he turns around and looks at a young man of eighteen years.
"Who are you?" Shippo asks as he takes in his opponents features. He has long dark hair streaked with silver all over. It is pulled back at the base of his neck with two feathers. He wears armor that is very similar to Sesshomaru's and what seems to be a black and silver striped tail just barely touching the ground.
"My name's Calto and you are?"
"The name's Shippo and I am on my way to visit with the lord of these lands."
"What do you want with my father!"
"Father!" Shippo looks stunned and freeing himself momentarily from his surprise as he now sees the fine aristocratic features of Sesshomaru in this young man's face. He also sees someone else as he gazes into the red eyes of the demon before him.
"Who is your mother?"
"What do you want to know about her for? You said you came to see my father and before I let you go any further I wish to know why!"
"Tell me quickly, for I come to deliver a warning to your father from his brother."
"Warning? My father is prepared for anything and everything...."
Shippo is debating on whether or not to attack this demon and continue on with his journey to find Sesshomaru when a very old and yet familiar face walks into the clearing.
"Calto come quick! Sesshomaru-sama is requesting your presence."
"Rin tell him I mean no harm!" Shippo exclaims. The young woman whirls around and her eye light up as she recognizes the fox demon.
"Shippo is Inuyasha and Kagome with you!"
"No they are not I will be meeting up with them later. They along with their son have gone up north to find Kouga, Ayame and the wolf tribe."
Rin looks a little nervous now as Calto and Rin both look at her with curiosity. "What's wrong Rin?"
Rin looks up her brown eyes filled with worry and tension as she looks up into his rd eyes and says a simple phrase that chills Calto to the bone.
"It's your mother..."
"My mother?" Calto stands back and then takes off running. Grabbing onto Shippo, who nods his head, he allows Rin to jump upon his back and joins in the run towards the palace at full speed.
"Tell me Rin is his mother...the one I am thinking of?"
Rin squeezes his shoulders tightly and softly whispers a word in his ear that makes him run even faster. For with his thoughts confirmed, this indeed could be very bad for Sesshomaru. Bad enough to the point, that should he lose, his mate and mother of his son, he could very well destroy them all in his grief.
Approaching the palace, Shippo sets Rin down and they both run in at full speed after the figure of the young man who runs ahead. His black and silver hair streaming and moving so fast that he seems to be almost flying. The wind carrying him inside with Rin and Shippo hot on his heels, who are soon stopped as Jaken darts in front of them.
The retainer has aged some but not much and still carries the staff of heads around as he alone knows how to use it.
"What is it you want fox."
Shippo already in a hurry simply grabs the staff from the old toad and knocks Jaken upside the head.
"I have no time to argue Jaken. I must see Sesshomaru right away!" Shippo tries to dart back in and is soon halted by Rin who shakes her head. Growling out of reflex at the young woman for stopping him, she takes the staff and hands it back to Jaken who has recovered.
"What is it Rin?" The old toad replies curtly. He has still never understood why his Lord has kept this human girl around, but in the end he is glad that she has stayed. When the young Master was born, it was Rin who entertained him and played leaving Jaken to handle work with the Lord and Lady of the Western Lands.
"Let's hear him out..."
Jaken frowns, but reluctantly nods his head. Shippo sighs in relief and begins to speak rapidly telling of them of what has happened since Kagome sent him out to meet Inuyasha and the girls during their return trip from the demon slayer school and village. As they listen Jaken and Rin look at one another and for the first time they both agree.
"Come follow me fox, I will immediately take you to see Master Sesshomaru." Jaken starts to walk towards some stairs at the end of an elaborate hall. As they leave the stairs from the second floor, Jaken turns to Shippo.
"Fox, you listen and listen well. Master Sesshomaru's mate and the Lady of the Western Lands has taken ill all of a sudden and from what you just told me. It won't be long until she dies so we must find a way to destroy that abomination once and for all."
Shippo nods his head and agrees with Jaken's sentiments. Approaching a door, he watches as Jaken knocks a certain way and gestures for Rin to stand close to Shippo. Wondering what this is about as Rin stands by him. She turns and whispers in his ear. "Just in case...."
Nodding his head as the door opens slightly and Jaken is allowed through. Shippo waits outside for a few moments and soon Sesshomaru and Calto both step out of the room.
"It has been a long time Fox. You wished to speak with me about something..."
"Yes Lord Sesshomaru." Shippo bows out of respect, having earned his way into the Lord's good graces so long ago. "I bear ill news..."
"Yes Jaken told us it might have something to do with mother and why she was sick. But he suggested that we talk to you directly." Calto replies. He has a slightly haggard appearance to his features as does Sesshomaru, which Shippo notices and wonders to himself. "Am I too late?"
Gesturing for Shippo to follow him into the next room which is like an office. Sesshomaru and Calto both enter with Shippo and Rin right behind them. Closing the door behind her, for Jaken looks after the Lady, they turn to Shippo with a commanding gaze.
"Speak Fox, what is it that my brother has sent you here for..."
"To warn you my Lord Sesshomaru" Shippo begins to speak of the events that have been occurring and happening to Inuyasha and his family. How Goshinki was somehow reborn and attacked them. The return of the poisonous insects as well as they aided in keeping Kikyo and Rahnee busy from helping Inuyasha. Listening as Shippo speaks, Sesshomaru remains impassive. The only reaction the Lord is exhibiting is from his hands that seem to be clenching together even tighter.
"Follow me...." Sesshomaru states and leaves. Heading back towards the room, he pauses as Shippo approaches. "What you are about to see Fox is one of the reasons I have not spoken to my brother or any of the others for close to twenty years."
Opening the door, Sesshomaru allows Shippo to enter the room and gaze upon the sickly figure in the bed. Wearing a kimono of silver and white as to indicate her status as Lady of the western lands, her black hair sticky and damp clinging to her face as she fights to rest is....Kagura.
"If what you have told me is true and Naraku is indeed alive again, than he has found a perfect way to get back at me and her. He has made her ill Fox and she is dying."
Shippo nods his head as her red eyes open and take in the figures standing there. Closing her eyes again as if in a fevered pitch, she starts to tremble and shake. Jaken noticing this and runs his hand along her forehead starts to chant a small spell and the room seems to literally drop in temperature as if to cool the woman who seems to be burning hot.
Closing the door as he and the others stand out in the hallway, Sesshomaru turns to Shippo. "As you can see it is too late, but you say that Inuyasha's daughter has been able to fight off Naraku's advances."
"Yes. After I was to leave here I was to meet up with them at the slayer school and village."
"Fox I will not be able to go and neither will Jaken this time around. Instead Calto will go along with you as will Rin."
"Rin knows some spells to keep me abreast of the situation from time to time. If what Kagome and Inuyasha has told you is true that this time we shall not only have to destroy his flesh, but his spirit as well, I must research this here. And if Kagura comes out of it long enough for there are times when she does, she can clue us in on someway we can destroy him."
Shippo nods his head as if understanding and goes off with Rin to go help her collect some items and supplies. Waiting as the two go off in the distance, Calto turns to his father with a curious look.
"So father I go with Rin."
"Yes. You will meet your Uncle and his family as well, do not disappoint me son, for despite the fact he is a half-breed your uncle is indeed powerful. He holds the other sword made from your grandfather the Tetsaiga and his mate is the most powerful Miko in many a century."
"Yes Father."
"I give you permission to take Toukijin and Tenseiga with you, for your battles that you will face. Naraku will not be your average enemy."
Calto listens as Sesshomaru gives him some more information, he follows his father to where both swords rest in their sheaths. Handing them to his son Sesshomaru nods his head as they seem to accept him as their master.
When Shippo and Rin reappear, he says goodbye to his father and Jaken, and proceeds to follow the others out of the palace. Turning around and gazing towards the room where his mother rests, he makes a silent wish.
"Live Mother...Live..."
Then watching and waiting for Rin to secure their supplies and extra weapons and healing items with Shippo, he pauses and allows for Rin to climb onto his back. Nodding his head he takes off after the Fox with at the signal is flying once more from tree to tree this time heading for the Slayers home village and school, where Kikyo, Rahnee and the others wait.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
That's the end of this part folks. Yep Kagura is Sesshomaru's mate in this one. I felt she suited it much better than Rin would have this time around. Anyway folks don't forget to read and review okay! Bye for now.....