InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beautiful ❯ Return of an old friend Part 3 ( Chapter 50 )
Thanks all of you for the well wishes...heh...can I help it if I am a humongous Klutz. Anyway been busy replaying some old games on the playstation and right now going Slap Happy with kingdom hearts....a little annoyed right now that I can't get one chest...but I will eventually....Anyway back to what I am supposed to be doing.
Mystic Hanyou...-Thank you and Thank to my will get back to normal...eventually
Sesshomaru4eva203-Thank you and don't hurt yourself okay? I would feel bad if you did....
kyli the wolf hanyou...-Thank you
Inuyasha19912...-Where is he off to...well you have to read and find out
Dragon Man 180...-Yep...Inuyasha full demon...not good...and also Hayek demon...even worse....I don't think anyone stands a chance
InuyashaGirlie...-Finally a sister you huge huggles.....remind me to tell you of how my mother who I inherited my klutziness broke her toe sneezing....anyway as to my story...thanks and I thought so to....
furbufan19...-Sorry I forgot you on last chapter....but thank you and I am glad that you are enjoying it....
inu-fanforever...-Yep and from what I understand he did go full demon in the third movie but not with the Tetsaiga, but with another sword that belonged to his and Sesshomaru's father...Soukijin or something like that is what it is called...I don't quite remember
Kikyo 2713...- Why thank you...giggles...
You love all really love me....Smiling as she does the usual thing....I don't own Inuyasha but pretty much everyone else in the story I do!
Chapter 50
The return of an old friend Part 3
Miroku watched as the claws lengthened and the fangs emerged from within Inuyasha's mouth. The others watch and somehow begin to feel nervous as the bloodlust they sense upon his features makes them nervous.
"Everyone RUN!" Miroku yelled out as he and Kilala along with the unconscious demoness, take off for the distance and for the first time, the others actually obey. The wolf twins each hop upon the backs of Kilala and Tiasma behind the others as Mirada lets Calto and Shippo upon hers. Launching into the air, they look in awe shaken fear as they had narrowly missed a blast from Ryokotsei as well as the careless swinging of Inuyasha and the Tetsaiga.
"WHAT'S GOING ON????" Rahnee yells at her father as he and Kilala move with the demoness just in the nick of time as the pure energy that Inuyasha and Ryokotsei are giving off seems to expand and its sheer energy is hot and painful.
Not able to answer her as the energy triples near in size. They all watch as the lone hanyou battle with the monster. The slashing of the sword against its rock skin bounces and seems to only infuriate the demon even more. The Tetsaiga pulses though with power and the wind seems to expand. Still it does not refuse its Master, who chuckles with intent as he holds the sword high in the air.
Growling as the power emanates from the hanyou in waves, Ryokotsei launches one of his own. Firing off at the same time, the power seems to collide and struggle neither one winning, but somewhere a flow of power is coming from the formerly dead demon, and the others watch as the power seems to increase exponentially.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Kino watches as Calto simply gazes in silence. The worry on his face is evident as he gazes at the energy being expended. That's when his eyes pick up a fair distance, a gold aura speeding for the battleground.
"Hayek?" He says curiously as the others jump at his words. Looking in the same direction Calto is looking at they watch as Hayek pulls out the sword of Gabriel, that erupts into a sword of pure white flame. They watch as the demon of dreams jumps into the battle.
Back at the fight....
Hayek growls and his eyes flash a dark red as he spies the demon that nearly killed his woman. Looking at the one in red and growling, the two as if an unspoken agreement, work together to push back the demon, and send it back to where it belongs. Jumping and slashing at the heart of Ryokotsei, he slices through the rock skin as the hanyou follows with a wind scar.
Ryokotsei howls in anger as he feels himself starting to purify. But then something strange happens and the others watch the horror unfolding from a distance. It seems the purification is actually....REVERSING ITSELF.
Growling in a rage and bloodlust, both men launch into attacks, that are designed to not only slash, but to kill. Ryokotsei laughs as they fight him fruitlessly.
"MY POWER IS TO GREAT FOR YOU!" Launching another series of blasts, the two demons split apart. Fighting each is hard and the land takes on the scars from their battle as several times each man is thrown to the ground leaving a crater as the other swats them around as if they were flies.
Moaning, in pain, the red in each pair of eyes grows darker and more malignant. Miroku and the others just watch as Inuyasha and Hayek seem to growl at one another and decide to combine. As both swords are raised at either end, Inuyasha begins the Backlash Wave as Hayek's sword starts to glow white and with an immense mount of holy flame.
Watching as the sword glows in the power of the dream, Ryokotsei unleashes his attack. Letting loose the Backlash Wave, the powers begin to merge and soon the demon suffers the fate he did before, but as he starts to pull together, he looks as the sword shoots into the air and becomes a rain of holy fire.
Watching as it begins to fall; Miroku starts to chant fast and furious and sets barriers around those he cares about. Throwing his seals to temporarily render the two combatants human, as if to protect them from what is to come.
On Inuyasha it finds the mark and as silver becomes black, the fire rain hits him and Ryokotsei. His demon side saved by Miroku's seal, Inuyasha collapses and as the others watch, Hayek not only bats it away but generates a barrier around himself for protection.
"Is that even possible for a demon to do that?"
"It shouldn't be...It shouldn't be...."
Watching as Hayek, despite his demon form leaps away, they all wait with fear as Ryokotsei once again fades out to the corners of hell. They swoop down and watch as a very human Inuyasha, starts to come around.
"What happened....?" He asks dazedly.
"The Tetsaiga allowed you to go demon....THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!" Miroku and the others yell and Inuyasha just looks at them confused.
"That shouldn't be possible...."
"You're telling us...." Shippo responds as he helps Inuyasha up. Turning him around, Miroku peels off his seal and Inuyasha's demon blood begins to seep back into his form. A momentary flash of red is all that appears before the vibrant gold of Inuyasha's eyes return.
"So how did we when then...."
"Actually you and Hayek did it together." Sakado replied as Calto and the others nod their head.
"HAYEK! WHERE IS HE? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Inuyasha yells and the red slowly returns, but is halted as a voice calls out.
"You will do no such thing Inuyasha...."
"WHAT THE HELL?" The hanyou screams as he whirls around at the voice. "WHY NOT SHE IS MY DAUGHTER AND I AM NOT GOING TO LET HIM HURT HER!"
"He will not...things have happened as I have foreseen...." The demoness replies slowly as she raises a hand to her head. She goes into a slight panic, as she doesn't feel her staff, but Miroku smiles and hands it to her.
"Thank you kind monk...."
"You are most welcome...." Miroku looks quizzically.
"It is a pleasure to meet you...but what do you mean it has happened as you have foreseen."
Inuyasha growls in anger and she can't help but growl warningly back at him. "I will explain, so please sit down all of you."
"Things are is the turn of the tide now. What Naraku and the darkness will be throwing at you will be nothing compared to what you have experienced before. He is probably just now realizing the potential for destruction that he has within him. Kikyo and Hayek would be safer alone as they journey."
"But what about....?"
"That is what we will do...I know the cure for the sickness that afflicts your mate Inuyasha and I can help her and the others who need it."
"Thank you...." Inuyasha replies as he feels a little relief.
"We must split up now..."
"Split up why?" Rahnee asks. She to is worried about the two still out there and as they talk they don't realize as a fire cat slinks away to try and track down her friend.
"So that we can gather the others who will be involved in what's to come..." She replies and as if looking at Calto directly, she whispers softly. "You must go back and collect your parents. They will be needed."
Nodding his head as if accepting, she then turns to Shippo. "You must go with him. Kagura will still be weak, but against Kyoko, Kagura who has similar abilities will come in handy. Between the three of you, you should be able to protect her and the child long enough for you to survive."
Looking fearful at the thought of being separate from Shippo, Rahnee is about to protest, when the demoness turns to her and Miroku.
"We need the two of you to go and fetch the Demon Slayers. The wolf pack alone will not be enough this time."
"It will be that bad?"
Inocencia nods her head to Miroku's comment and the others look downcast. "If we collect and prepare now, we can do the one thing we need to do for Kikyo and Hayek...."
"Which is what?" Rahnee replies.
"Buy them time.... By now Hayek knows where to go...."
"Hey what about us?" The wolf twins ask and she can't help but shake her head. "You, Inuyasha and myself must return to the wolf tribe. Other than healing, your parents must be warned and for those that can fight to prepare for what is coming."
"And that is..."
"Hell Itself....Naraku at this moment journeys with his mother that he has under his control and is heading for the same place that Hayek and Kikyo are. If they can not get there in time to stop him..."
She trails off and the others understand as the look off into the distance. A future, that is uncertain, as those who play its roles are about to make their moves to determine its fate.
Kikyo panics as she paces the cave. It's well lit and open air allows her to move freely back and forth. Still hearing the signs of battle going on, she watches and hopes that all she knows and loves is all right.
As it fades away, she looks outside and waits....
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Looks around and then starts running despite her hobble like mad as she knows this cliffy will definitely get her in a heap of trubble. I hope you all enjoyed don't forget to read and review...and oh barring any ideas you all throw at me....I think 10-15 chapters are left...Maybe?