InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Because He was Different ❯ Because He was Different ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

     It was because he was different, that they treated him like trash. Those whispers of hate, that made his ears flick; hanyou, monster, inugami, eta, abomination, filth. But he still walked with his head held high, not caring for what they had to say. It was one of the reasons to why I loved him.
       It was because he was different, that he never had a home. They didn't accept him for what he was. A hanyou; child of a youkai and ningen. They didn't see him as a man, they saw him as a monster; a creature that took up their air. Something that was better off dead. But I saw him, gave him notice, and he became my best friend.
       It was because he was different, that they never let him cry, laugh, smile, and live. Because of them, he made a fortress around his heart that was never suppose to be broken. But when that fortress did break, he lived, smiled, cried, and laughed. He had friends that he cared for and who cared for him. He was finally happy.
       It was because he was different, that they never let him love. When love got close, they ripped it away from him. They ripped his mother… Kikyo… and others… And now they have ripped him away for good. They have ripped him away from me…
       It was because he was different, that they killed him. On the one night he was defenseless, right in our home and in our bed, they struck him in the heart.
And as I held his body, and felt the warmth of his blood spill all over me, I realized something… He died happy. At least for a little while he live a life they he had always desired. A home with a wife that loved him and a family…

       It was because he was different…That was the only reason that they took his life.

       It was because he was hanyou. Is that all they could come up with? He was a man, a living being, someone who loved and was loved. He will always be loved.

       Looking down upon his flower covered grave, I weep. I weep for him because I miss him. I weep for him because he will never live again. I weep for him because he was different and that made him an amazing man.
       My stomach gets larger as the days pass while our baby grows inside me. The baby that he always wanted; the baby he would never hold, and raise; the baby that he would never love.

       They who curse hanyou, I curse you. They who cursed him, I curse you. They who curse those who are different, I CURSE YOU.

       It was because he was different, that they took him away from me.

       It was because he was hanyou.

       It was because he was Inuyasha… my husband. The man I loved and will forever love.