InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Because you asked me to ❯ Open mouth, insert foot ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“I did not intend for you to hear that,” Sesshoumaru tried to defend himself.
Her reaction was immediate. The woman stiffened before shooting to sit up straight and spinning to face him. The anger was visible, the redness in her cheeks, the brightness of her eyes turning from the misty grey to the shined steel silver. His nostrils flared as he took in the scent of her anger. The way she held her body stiffly, her wide eyes that narrowed upon him even though she couldn't see him, the way her hair had fluttered and spun around her like a feathered blanket.
His eyes rolled up as his lids fell over them, hiding the glowing golden pools behind the delicate cover of snow white and magenta striped skin. It was all he could do not to pounce on her. The taste of her from that morning was still fresh in his mind, still calling out to him like a siren's song. Her angered words snapped his attention back into focus as he looked upon her.
“Is that suppose to make me feel better?!” she practically yelled at him. “I get it Sesshoumaru, I really do. But damnit you should've had the honor to tell me and not someone else.”
“You question my honor?” he asked calmly though his youkai was raging at him to take her.
“Yes! I do! Damnit Sesshoumaru! Damn you!” She rose up off the blanket made futon and stalked toward him.
Every movement was measured, angry, and stiff. Every movement only served to make his hakama tighter and his youkai closer to the surface. He was nearly trembling by the time she reached him and stabbed her finger into his unarmored chest.
“You told me I wouldn't be a servant. And while I believed you I still took it with a grain of salt,” she said angrily, hurting as she stabbed him in the chest with her finger to emphasize her point, her words. “I'm blind, and I'm nowhere near nobility or anything even close to it. I understand that! I always did! But damnit you made me believe that didn't matter. When were you going to tell me? When were - what are you doing?” she asked as she felt herself dragged harshly against him seconds before his lips crashed down on hers.
He couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't hold back anymore. He hadn't even heard what she'd been saying while she poked his chest, all he could focus on was the building lust that was nearly explosive. The kiss was demanding, needy, primal in its severity. He was panting hard as he held her, as he pressed his lips against hers. He purred deeply in approval when she gasped in surprise and he slipped his tongue into her mouth, stroking and tasting.
The woman felt herself being backed up until her back hit the wall and he pressed himself against her. She could feel the hardness in his pants, the desperate need he had for her. But while his kiss was turning her on, his actions were frightening her. What was he doing? Why was he doing this?
She didn't think, didn't stop to consider what she was doing, she simply acted. Closing her eyes, the woman focused on the gruff male voice she'd heard earlier, the one while being gruff had for whatever reason made her feel the same safety that she normally felt with Sesshoumaru. She called out to him in her mind, screamed at him to help her. She wasn't so much as scared of Sesshoumaru so much as she was scared of what he was doing.
“What the fuck?!” Inuyasha snarled as he sprang up in bed, his arms dislodging from around Kagome.
Without thinking, the hanyou sprang out of the bed and out of the room following the desperate voice that had woken him. He ran down the halls until he reached the room he could smell his brother inside of. He could also smell his brother's lust and a woman's fear. Snarling, Inuyasha ripped the door open and nearly off its wooden track as he flew inside.
“Release me!” Sesshoumaru snarled as he found himself physically lifted and thrown away from the woman that had been in his arm.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” Inuyasha snarled as he threw his brother full body into the hall and looked at Kenji as the black inu came to a running stop. “Take him to his chambers; tie him up if you have to!” The hanyou didn't wait to see if Kenji had agreed with him or not, instead turning back to the woman that stood against the wall. “You ok?” he asked her and saw her bite her bottom lip and nod shakily. “You wanna stay with Kagome and I tonight?” another shaky nod. “C'mon then,” he said and turned away. “You afraid of me too?” he asked roughly when she didn't follow him.
“No. I-I-I can't see you,” she said slowly, stammering.
“Too dark for you to see?” he asked knowing that some humans couldn't see at all in the darkness.
“It's always dark,” she said softly and Inuyasha frowned.
“What the hell's that supposed to mean?” he asked her.
“I-I'm…blind,” she said haltingly and gasped when he snarled darkly.
Inuyasha rounded swiftly on his brother that was standing alongside Kenji. Before either youkai could react, Sesshoumaru was flat on the ground his lip and cheek bleeding slightly, Inuyasha's eyes turning a pink-gold as his youkai fought him for control. The hanyou dragged his stunned brother up off the ground, flinging him into Kenji, knocking both youkai to the ground.
“Get him out of my sight,” the hanyou snarled before turning back to the woman and swinging her up into his arms. “It's alright,” Inuyasha soothed when the woman in his arms gasped, though his eyes held murder when they alighted on his brother. “I've got you,” he said and carried her down the halls and back to his chambers.
“So what's your name?” Inuyasha asked as he set the woman on her feet outside his chamber door.
“I don't have one,” she answered in an embarrassed whisper. Everyone had a name, but not her.
Inuyasha shrugged, so what if she didn't have a name. She was still a person.
“What are you called then?” he asked her and gave a lopsided smile when she said that she had been called `bishoujo' once by Sesshoumaru.
Inuyasha took her inside his room and sat with her in the chairs near the window as she told him in hushed tones of how she lived before the castle. He chuckled a bit as she told him of how she'd come to live with Sesshoumaru and what had happened since their meeting, all the way up until that very night.
“Wait a minute, he tasted you?” Inuyasha asked as she finished her tale, his answer was a blush and a silent nod. “Were you angry?” he asked her.
“When?” she asked softly.
“Before he attacked you, were you angry?”
“Well yes, but why does it matter?” she asked in confusion.
“Look, I'm not excusing what that damn bastard alright? But it seems that he and others here didn't tell you some things. Things you need to know.” Inuyasha paused and took a deep calming breath before continuing on. “Scent and taste, sometimes a good deal of sight are the main senses for inuyoukai and hanyou. Sometimes if the call is strong enough, then it's scent and taste alone. He's already tasted you, and as you said you were willing and responsive,” he watched as the woman blushed darkly. “It's nothing to be upset about, but it kind of explains what happened.”
“If his youkai saw you as his mate,” Inuyasha began only to be cut off.
“I heard him though, he said I was only here for Rin,” she argued with a sniffle.
“Look lady, that damn bastard never does anything without tasting his own feet first.”
“What?” she asked thoroughly confused.
“What he means is that Sesshoumaru a lot of the time doesn't say or do what he means,” Kagome said and Inuyasha looked over at the girl sitting up in the bed.
“You should be sleeping,” he admonished her.
“Well, I woke up,” the girl argued as she stood and walked toward them.
“You should be sleeping,” he argued softly again as he dragged her down to sit in his lap. “Anyway,” his attention turned back to the blind woman across from him. “Like I said, I'm not excusing what he did. But pretty much what happened was the more angry you got, the more aroused he got. A vicious cycle, but generally it's a precursor to the mating cycle when the youkai's mate is in heat. If you weren't blind, you would've seen his arousal in his eyes, most definitely other places too.”
Kagome yawned against him, interested in the conversation but growing tired once again. No wonder, she thought as she looked out the window, it was well past sunset, darkness incasing the room that was on lit by the light from the crackling fireplace. Inuyasha cradled her in one arm against his chest as he pressed the side of her head gently to his chest with the other. He held her like that for a long moment before stroking her hair until she had once again fallen asleep. The technique was not so different from the one she used to make Shippou sleep, though instead of stroking a tail she didn't have, Inuyasha stroked her hair.
“So it's my fault?” the woman asked softly.
“No,” Inuyasha said strongly. “It's that damn son of a bitch's fault for not knowing well enough to keep it in his pants!”
The woman couldn't help it, the way he said things, his gruff manner while being so kind and caring, it all added up to her reaction. Inuyasha looked at the woman strangely when he heard her giggling. She wasn't loosing it, or seeming to break down in seconds, instead she looked highly amused. Her misty silver grey eyes shined with her mirth, her hand slapping over her mouth as her giggles turned into full laughs.
“I-I'm sorry,” she stuttered through her laughs. “It's just…well I didn't think anyone had more foul language then Kenji but you just proved me wrong,” she giggled heartily.
“Feh,” he said and actually blushed softly. “You should get some sleep,” he said as he watched her yawn.
Standing, Inuyasha held Kagome cradled against his chest, one arm bent beneath her knees, the other curling and cradling her around her back. He carried her to the bed and laid her down, covering her with the blankets once more before returning to the woman. He shushed her as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed as well. He drew back the covers and laid her next to Kagome, covering her with the blankets.
Moving next to Kagome, Inuyasha sat up on the bed, his back to the headboard as he hugged his sword in his arms and closed his eyes. He focused his senses on the women in the bed and the room around him. Any shift in anything and he'd be the first to know. For now though, they all needed a bit of sleep.
Sometime during the night, Inuyasha's legs had unfolded and Kagome had moved between them. The sleeping miko lay stretched out on her right side between the hanyou's legs, the side of her face pillowed on his thigh. Golden eyes fluttered open as the girl's head shifted. Her arms that had wrapped around his leg constricted and hugged his thigh closer to her chest. Inuyasha gave a soft amused snort as he looked down on the sleeping girl. He ran his claws through her sleep tousled hair, combing out the tangles until the silken strands shone and slipped through his fingers like liquid silk.
His golden eyes shifted over and looked upon the young blind woman that lay sleeping in the bed. She looked peaceful enough, her warm honey brown hair blanketing over her. As he turned his eyes away, he caught sight of something and snapped back for a better look. There it was. Damn bastard. Doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. Without the hanyou noticing it, his brother had slipped into the room while he was sleeping.
Sesshoumaru sat sleeping on the floor, his head resting on his folded arms, his closed eyes fixed on the sleeping woman. Using his claws, Inuyasha carefully snipped the top button from Kagome's shirt and narrowed his eyes. She can kill me later. Narrowing his eyes on his brother, he flicked the small plastic round and hit the sleeping youkai just behind the top of his bangs on his head. The silver head popped up looking confused and annoyed.
“What the hell are you doing in here?” Inuyasha asked in a hissed whisper.
“I didn't mean to scare her,” the taiyoukai answered back in a similar calm but regretful whisper.
“Kinda figured that after she told me what happened, or what's been happening,” the younger brother answered. “Still doesn't make it alright.”
“I know that,” Sesshoumaru sighed. “Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru looked up, twin sets of golden eyes meeting. “Why didn't you ever come back here?”
“When? And what do you mean come back?”
“You lived here once, with mo- Izayoi, father and I. Why didn't you come back after she died?” he asked softly, guardedly.
“She didn't die bastard.”
“Then you mean to tell me that she lives?” Sesshoumaru asked sarcastically.
“No you son of a bitch,” Inuyasha hissed and growled low when he was answered with the single raising of a silver brow. “I mean she didn't die. She was killed.”
“What does it matter to you?”
“I cared for her too brother.”
“Fine way of showing it with that act you pulled with the un-mother.”
“I had no prior knowledge of what Jaken had planned. Believe had I, I would've stopped it. Izayoi was an honorable woman, she didn't deserve that.”
“Oh please. You never cared a scrap for her.”
“Of course I did!” Sesshoumaru hissed.
“Then what the hell's this all been about? Trying to kill me and my pack?”
“No,” the taiyoukai closed his eyes slowly, perhaps this rift could no be closed. “It hasn't been about killing anyone.”
“Then what the fuck has it been about?!” he asked angrily his voice raising somewhat.
Kagome moaned softly and squirmed against Inuyasha. She moved closer, her shoulder pressing tightly, intimately between his legs. Sesshoumaru watched as his younger half-brother jumped slightly, golden eyes flaring wide. Inuyasha's eyes dropped down to the girl resting between his legs, and try though he might; there was no room to scoot back.
“It seems that you're in a rather interesting position,” Sesshoumaru whispered in amusement, though his face held no expression.
The taiyoukai watched in interest as the girl shifted again, and his brother jerked once more. Kagome's arm that she half laid upon moved. Her hand moving up as it would to snuggle beneath her pillow, though instead of a pillow it was wedged between Inuyasha's backside and the bed beneath him.
“Kami, Kagome stop moving,” he hissed at the sleeping girl though knowing she had no knowledge of her actions. “Oh for fuck's sake,” the hanyou groaned in frustration when Kagome moved again.
The girl's face no lay pillowed directly between his legs, her cheek resting on his quickly hardening arousal.
“This is really not fair,” he groaned tightly as the sleeping girl rubbed her cheek against him. “Damnit. What the hell are you laughing at bastard?” Inuyasha hissed rather crossly.
“I don't think I've ever found myself in your current position brother. It is rather…amusing.”
“Oh shut up,” he growled.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome moaned and rolled onto her stomach as she began to awaken.
Oh kami, this can't possibly get any worse. Inuyasha looked down and did his best to keep himself from jumping away when Kagome yawned and turned her face completely into her current `pillow'. She gave a confused groan and moved her hands to rub her face that was lying against something hard. Putting her hands flat on either side of the stiff thing beneath her face, she turned her face up and blinked drowsily at the hanyou. Oh kami, Inuyasha groaned mentally. I should say my prayers now cause she's gonna kill me.
Sesshoumaru held a fisted hand to his mouth as he struggled not to release the chuckles building inside of him. He couldn't possibly have thought up a better torture for his little brother than what was happening right now. The taiyoukai watched and waited for the girl's response, it should prove to be entertaining at the very least.
Kagome yawned widely again as she awoke, her eyes squeezing shut as she turned her face back down to rub her fists at her eyes.
“Uh, no. Don't do that,” Inuyasha said quickly in a choked voice as he caught her face in his hands and turned it back up to him.
A pained whimper escaped him as the girl whose face he held looked up at him with a soft smile. Kami did she have to do that? Those eyes, oh no Kagome please not those eyes. His silent plea fell on deaf ears when Kagome's eyes half closed and she smiled in that dreamy way of hers. He couldn't stop himself from jumping when her hands moved over together to cover his hard and far too painful arousal. He couldn't remember ever being this hard before.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked in worry as she moved her hands again, back to their original position on the inside of his hips as she raised herself up to sit on her knees in front of him. “What's wrong?” she asked, none the wiser to the precariousness her previous position. “Inuyasha?” she asked again when he didn't answer her.
“Just…don't move…ok?” he asked his voice oddly choked.
Kagome frowned at the sound of his voice. Something was wrong, why wouldn't he tell her? She put her hands to his face. He was warm, and clammy. Why was he clammy, she wondered. Did hanyou get sick? She moved her hands to the underside of his jaw to check for swollen glands like her mother did whenever she was sick.
“Don't move bitch,” the hanyou growled when Kagome put her face in his neck to see if she could smell any difference.
Kagome moved her head back to look at him, her eyes wide. Inuyasha's own eyes were red, his irises teal. A jagged purple stripe adorned each cheek. She looked at him, her eyes unbelievably wide.
“Inu-Inuyasha?” she asked afraid, not of him, but for him. “What's wrong?” she'd never been this close to him before when he was like this.
Inuyasha bent his head and sniffed at her neck, his nose pressed against the skin beneath her left ear. His clawed fingers moved to cover her lips.
“If you sit me bitch, I'll crush you. That command will hurt you,” he warned her as he nipped at the column of her throat, his face hidden by her thick curtain of hair.
A dull ripping sound was heard, and in the back of her mind, Kagome registered the fact that he had stripped her of her shirt with his claws, shredding the material. A soft snap sounded and Kagome felt her breast freed of their lace encasement. She felt his claws tracing her delicate skin, the soft pillowing mound and she gasped softly as the feel of it ignited an unbearable fire within her.
“Good bitch,” he said softly when the scent of her arousal surrounded him and engulfed his senses.
Inuyasha yelped as he returned to himself, his youkai receding quickly when his head was tugged back with a sudden painful jerk. Sesshoumaru had moved quickly, but not quickly enough, for the girl sat between his brother's legs, her chest exposed. The taiyoukai grabbed the hair between the puppy ears and gave a swift firm tug.
“What the fuck! Let go of me bast-Ka-gome,” he stuttered out, his breath leaving him quickly when he saw her exposed breasts, his hand cupping and holding one mound.
“Inu-yasha?” Kagome panted breathily, her airy voice husky and confused, her eyes unfocused. She moaned softly when his thumb grazed over her puckered nipple.
Inuyasha's golden eyes grew hazy and he began growling as he focused in on her scent. Kami, how many times had he wanted to be in such a position with her when her scent was like this? Too many to count, too many to remember. He was brought out of his aroused musings with a yelp as he felt his hair tugged roughly again and turned furious eyes upon his brother.
“Stop fucking doing that!” Inuyasha snarled.
“Move away from her Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru commanded evenly.
“Fucking bastard,” Inuyasha yelped louder as he was practically dragged from the bed by his hair. “Ow damnit!”
“You're lucky I had your mother's wardrobe moved in here after you both left the castle,” the taiyoukai said as he released his brother's hair, watching as the hanyou rubbed his abused scalp. “Miko, I shall leave you to dress. I shall have a servant come and direct you to the hot springs if you would like.”
Kagome's eyes lit up brightly and a wide smile split her face, “Hot springs?”
“She should be by soon,” he said with the slightest amusement in his stoic golden eyes. “Her name is Kari.”
“Kari?” the sleeping woman mumbled as she awoke and sat up. “Wait…Sesshou-maru?” she asked her misty silver grey eyes growing a bit large.
“I didn't mean to frighten you,” the taiyoukai said as he moved to her side and touched her face. “I over stepped our bounds last night, and for that I am sorry.”
The woman turned her eyes down, turned her face away from him. “Don't worry, I'll see to Rin.”
“No. You will listen to me,” he said and sighed in frustration as he looked at his brother, the hanyou watching him intently.
“What? I'm just trying to make sure you don't fuck it up again,” Inuyasha said grumpily. “Someone has to make sure you can keep it in your pants, bastard.”
“You really are worse than Kenji,” the blind woman giggled.
“Bishoujo,” Sesshoumaru said with a resigned breath. “My brother, Inuyasha, this is bishoujo.”
“Thought you said you didn't have a name,” the hanyou said.
“I don't, it's just what he calls me. You're his brother. Then you're not dead.”
“I should think not,” Inuyasha grumbled arrogantly.
Suddenly, the woman reached out, felt Sesshoumaru's arm and then pulled her hand back.
“What was that for?” Sesshoumaru asked when she slapped his arm.
“Make things right,” she commanded him.
“Make things right damnit,” she commanded impatiently as she slapped him again. “I had to live my life without a family, but you don't. Make things right.”
“No!” she practically shouted as she moved closer to him, her anger rising once again. “Don't you dare try to placate me and don't you dare try to tell me that he means nothing to you. Did you forget who was with you in that dojo? Make things right. He's your brother; he deserves that much at least.”
“And how would you suggest I do that?” he asked his own eyes beginning to glow at the scent of her anger and frustration.
“Open up your mouth and tell him and shut off your damn pride. Just forget your pride,” she said her voce soft and resigned, “and remember your family.”
“Where are you going?” he asked as she moved to get off of the bed.
“To attend to Rin,” she said evenly.
“About that,” he said catching her around her waist and drawing her back against himself as he forgot the other two in the room. “She has her own personally attendant already.”
He thought telling her such would ease her worries, erase her doubts. Boy was he wrong. His words only served to stir up the angry fire inside of her.
“Then why did you bring me here?” she demanded. “You said I was for Rin, I heard you say it! What am I some toy?” her own question gave her pause.
“Many of us have been in his bed,” the youkai whispered harshly, cruelly to the human woman. “He's tasted many of us and bedded some as well. You're nothing more to him than a bed warmer. A blind one at that,” the youkai laughed cruelly and shoved the woman back against the wall. “You'll never please him. He'll be done with you in a week, two tops.”
“Oh kami,” she breathed out, her anger dying away and leaving only a cold emptiness in its wake. “That's it, isn't it?” she asked with a weak voice. “That's all I am to you. She was right. Oh kami, she was right.”
“Who was right?” the taiyoukai demanded as he watched her move out of his arms slowly, stiffly as she stood on the cold stone floor.
“How could I have been so stupid?” she whispered reproaching herself. “I should've seen…last night…oh kami,” the woman fell to her knees, her legs boneless beneath her. “She was right.”
“Who was right?” Sesshoumaru asked as he knelt in front of her swiftly.
“Damnit you bastard, what the hell did you do to her?” Inuyasha growled as he tied his haori on Kagome and moved to the woman's side when he smelled her tears, Kagome following close behind.
“Who was right?” Sesshoumaru asked her again, ignoring his brother.
“The-the woman,” she said as she leaned into Kagome's arms that were wrapped around her shoulders. “I was in the dojo.”
“When?” Kagome asked her gently.
“After, after we,” she blushed as her voice trailed off.
“What did she say to you?” Sesshoumaru asked her as he touched her face, wiped away her tears.
You're nothing more to him than a bed warmer. A blind one at that. You'll never please him. He'll be done with you in a week, two tops.”
“Some…things,” she said her voice halting, trembling.
“Like what?” the hanyou next to her asked as Kagome petted the woman's hair.
The woman seemed afraid or unwilling to tell. Moving up onto his hand and knees, Sesshoumaru moved closer and began purring as he rubbed the side of his face against her dampened cheek. Inuyasha and Kagome watched on with wide eyes, never before had they seen him so gentle, so caring. After a few moments, the woman's hands came up and hugged the taiyoukai around his shoulders as she buried her face in his neck and felt the vibrations of his rumbling purr against her face.
“What did she say to you?” he asked her again, his voice rumbling softly with his purring.
She followed him, still holding onto him as he pulled back, allowing Sesshoumaru to move her to sit in his lap. Her face rested against his chest, one arm moving to hug his chest as she took comfort in his embrace.
“She said…she said that you've done things like that with lots of the others…That I don't mean anything…That I'm a toy…Other tings too.”
“Like what?” he asked her softly.
“That I…that I won't please you…That I can't please you…That you'll get rid of me.”
“You're not going anywhere,” he promised her.
“Promise?” she asked him uncertainly.
“Am I…Am I only for Rin?” she asked softly.
“No…You are for me as well,” he soothed her to sleep with his promising voice.
“So what the hell's going on between you two?” Inuyasha asked his brother when the taiyoukai returned from putting the sleeping woman to bed in his chambers.
“It is simple and yet complicated,” the youkai answered as he returned to his brother's room. “Where is your miko?”
“Kagome? She's in the hot spring,” Inuyasha said with an offhanded shrug.
“From her reaction, she gains much enjoyment from them,” Sesshoumaru said as he stood in front of the painting that showed him holding his newly born infant brother.
“Keh. It's pulling teeth just to get her out of one.”
“Be thankful she does not carry the stench that other humans do.”
“Believe me I am. Enough of the small talk. What was that woman talking about?”
“There is no way to accurately find who spoke to her.”
“Not about that. About the other thing,” Inuyasha said as he moved over to study the painting as well.
“I…miss - you,” Sesshoumaru said slowly, his words a bit short as he guarded himself against a response he feared.
“You miss me?” Inuyasha asked incredibly. “I find that hard to believe.”
“Believe it or not it is the truth,” his brother answered guardedly.
“Do you want to go fight then?”
“What?” Sesshoumaru rounded on his younger brother with wide unbelievable eyes.
“Well that's why you miss me right?” Inuyasha asked. “We haven't fought in nearly two moons.”
“No,” Sesshoumaru said as he shook his head slowly and motioned to a painting that stood on the floor and leaned against the wall. “I mean Inuyasha, that I miss you.”
Inuyasha walked forward and looked at the painting. The hanyou pulled back quickly and shook his head before crouching down and moving closer to it on all fours. There stood his brother, though the youkai was younger, and much different. Amusement, happiness shone in his eyes and face, along with love. His golden eyes were turned upward as they looked up at the tiny hanyou pup that lay on its belly on top of his head.
“That's…that's us,” Inuyasha breathed out, his eyes wide enough that his brother thought they might very well fall out of his head. “You mean…you mean those weren't…They weren't fantasies or a pup's dreams…They were memories?”
“You remember your time here?” Sesshoumaru asked careful to keep the hopeful tone out of his voice.
“Not really,” the hanyou shook his head a bit. “It's just a lot of little flashes. None of them click together to form a solid memory, but…but I remember that,” he said as he touched the painting. “It was the first time I ever bit your ear. Kami I hate it when Shippou does it to me,” he said as he sat back on his haunches and looked at the painting as though he thought it might move.
“You were teething. You didn't even have your milk teeth yet. It was annoying yes, but it didn't hurt. You use to ride around on my shoulder much like the kitsune does with you.”
The startled sound brought both brothers out of their musings and they looked over to see Kagome standing inside the closed room in nothing more than a towel, her hair dripping wet down her back and over her shoulder.
“I - I forgot my clothes,” she said slowly with wide eyes.
From his position on the floor, Inuyasha's eyes were level with bottom edge of the towel. It barely reached mid thigh on the girl and as he looked up, he saw a drop of water roll down her neck from behind her left ear and slip its way down between her breasts and beneath the towel. He groaned when he saw a second drop of water drop off the bottom corner of the towel and slither down her slender, smooth leg.
“No,” Sesshoumaru said as he restrained Inuyasha by the back of his haori. “Stay,” he commanded his brother. “We shall leave so you may dress. Izayoi's kimonos hang in the wooden wardrobe between the paintings of her and our father holding your hanyou.” He watched the girl blush at that. “Come Inuyasha,” he said and led the whimpering hanyou out by the back of haori.
Inuyasha was fairly panting as his brother led him out of the chambers. The hanyou lopped clumsily across the room on all fours as his eyes stayed trained on the tempting girl in the towel. He could dry her with his tongue, he thought as his eyes glazed over with lust.
“Take him to the spring Kenji and throw him in, clothing and all,” Sesshoumaru commanded as he tossed the still lust dazed hanyou at the inuyoukai's feet. “He needs a bath, and his kimono needs washing.”
“What happened to him?” Kenji chuckled as he tossed the hanyou up over his shoulder.
“He saw his woman in a towel after she came back from the springs.”
“He hasn't mated her yet?” the inu smirked in amusement.
“I doubt he's even talked to her about it yet.”
“Baka,” Kenji chuckled and turned, carrying Inuyasha down to the enclosed springs.
“What the fuck!” Inuyasha came up from the spring spluttering and spitting water as he continued to curse. “What did you do that for?!” he growled at the chuckling inuyoukai.
“Take it up with your brother pup. I was just following his orders. Besides, he's right, you do need a bath. Give me your kimono and I'll have it washed.”
Inuyasha grumbled about `rude inus' following the orders of `fluffy bakas' but eventually threw his sopping haori, hakama and under kimono at the still chuckling Kenji. The hanyou was told where the towels were, that if his clothing hadn't been brought back to him before he was finished, to simply go back to his chambers, and they would be brought there. Inuyasha grumbled but nodded his understanding.
An hour and frayed patience later, the hanyou made his way back to his chambers the same Kagome had, in nothing but a towel. He was grumbling under his breath as he made his way back into his chambers. Inuyasha heard Kagome's soft muffled chattering and groaned when his eyes fell upon her hidden form.
As if this morning hadn't been bad enough with Kagome being in just a towel, now she was on her knees on the floor, most of her body hidden beneath the bed as her bottom was elevated in the air. She was talking to something, trying to get whatever it was to come toward her, but she didn't seem to be having any luck. What made matters worse was, that instead of her form being hidden by the over abundant layers of one of his mother's kimonos, she was in her school uniform. He groaned again as the girl wiggled her bottom and the precariously ruffled up skirt fell down over her back exposing her scarlet satin covered derriere for all to see. Add to that the fact that her shirt billowed and he could see up it easily to her scarlet encased breasts.
Inuyasha didn't notice when the towel fell away from his hips and landed on the floor with barely a sound. He felt his youkai blood fight him once more, but oddly enough not for control. He didn't notice that he was growling softly, or that he had moved up behind the kneeling, crouched girl. He barely caught the sound of her gasp when his claws reached out and stroked over her satin covered bottom fleetingly, teasingly. The girl half hidden under the side of the bed squeaked when she felt the claws snip the bikini side strings of her panties and felt them fall away.
Kagome rose up quickly at the first feel of the claws raking teasingly over her bottom, her head hitting the flat board cradling the futon. She shrieked when she felt the same claws tear away her panties and groaned at the first feel of the hot wet tongue on her center.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed out for her hanyou protector as she regained her senses.
“Yeah wench?” said hanyou asked as he lay beneath her and slid his way under her body until he was face to face with her.
“Inu-yasha?” she asked her eyes impossibly wide.
The hanyou was closing the distance between their faces as he felt the irresistible desire to kiss her when the door to their chambers was thrown open.
“Lady Kagome!”
The twin cries came from Sango and Miroku as they both entered the room, having heard the girl's cry as they were passing. A dull thunk and a curse was heard, drawing them both to the side of the bed. Sango blushed furiously, Miroku chuckling lecherously at the sight of a very naked Inuyasha lying beneath a dressed, though exposed Kagome, the girl missing her panties, and both persons in question half hidden under the bed.
“Inuyasha, it is generally better to make love in the bed rather then under it,” Miroku advised as he led Sango from the room, his chuckles coupled with Inuyasha's cursing.
“What were you doing under here anyway wench?” the hanyou asked with a gruff pout.
“Trying to get to him,” she said and motioned to a small inuyoukai pup curled up in the corner made by the head-bedpost and the wall. “He just slipped in a little while ago. He looked so frightened and when I reached for him he dashed under here and oh my god you're naked!”
“Shut up! Damnit wench you're just scaring him more. Here, let me try,” he said and squirmed beneath her to get closer to the infant that couldn't be much more than three or four months old.
Inuyasha's movements robbed Kagome of her balance and the girl fell on top of the naked hanyou beneath her. She squeaked and squirmed as she tried to regain her balance. Inuyasha growled as he stilled her hips with his hands.
“If you'd kindly remember,” the words came out panted and strained through his growls, his eyes closed tightly as he tried to hold onto his fraying control. “We're both naked down there, and I can still smell you.”
“Smell me?” she asked curiously. “I took a bath!”
“Not that kind of smell,” he growled and bucked his hips against hers, his rock hard shaft nudging along her cleft. “That kind of smell.”
Kagome gasped and groaned at the feel of him. Dear Kami was he trying to kill her, she wondered as she let her head fall to his bare chest. The pup she had originally gone under the bed to retrieve gave a bleating bark at the two playing adults and moved closer as he saw Inuyasha's puppy ears move. His eyes moved up and stayed on Kagome, or rather the girl's chest.
Kagome apparently hadn't noticed when the hanyou below her had slipped his hands beneath her top and bared her breasts when he had first climbed below her. The pup however did, and he was hungry. There was a bare teat hanging down from the torn shirt and all he could think of was food. That's where it came from anyway.
Kagome gave a startled yelp when something latched onto her nipple and sucked at it hard as though searching for something. Both she and Inuyasha looked down to find the pup latched on securely as he tried to pull milk from her dry breast. Inuyasha grasped and carefully dislodged the pup as both he and Kagome moved out from under the bed.
“I'm sorry baby, I don't make milk,” Kagome said to the tiny youkai pup sadly.
“You'd best put on something else,” Inuyasha said with a blush.
“Inuyasha, destroyer of clothing,” Kagome said dryly as she moved to the wardrobe holding his mother's old kimonos. “Oh wow,” she sighed out in amazement. “They're so beautiful.”
“She was a princess,” Inuyasha said as he moved behind her, not giving any thought to hide his nudity. “The blue one,” he said as he looked at the silken garment. “With the snow tigers…That's the one you should wear,” he said his voice far away in thought.
“And you hanyou, should be dressed yourself,” his brother said as he entered the room carrying his brother's cleaned clothing. “I'm going to have to put a leash on you aren't I?” Sesshoumaru growled in disapproval at the state of Kagome's clothing.
“Turn around!” Kagome commanded both males and waited as they followed her command.
Quickly, the girl striped herself of her torn clothing and dressed in the pale blue silk under kimono and then in the sky blue and snow white over kimono. She donned the sapphire blue kimono with the white tigers on it, but left the robe hanging open, unable to tie its obi without help.
“Ok,” she said turning around and the males turned to face her. “Now give him to me while you dress,” she said and took the youkai pup from Inuyasha's arms. “We best find your mamma little one,” she said as she played with the pup like a kitten, letting his tiny clawed hands catch her hand as she cradled hi in one arm. “Yup, you're hungry aren't you?” she asked sweetly as she let him suck on her finger.
“Yeah, it's not like you make any food for him,” Inuyasha said with a grumble as he watched her play with the pup as he quickly dressed. “Even if you did he wouldn't want it.”
Kagome and Sesshoumaru looked at the hanyou with wide eyes. What the hell was he thinking to say such a thing? Sesshoumaru thought.
“Sit!” Kagome barked and watched in satisfaction, as he was subdued. “You see little one, that's what happens to bad rude inus.”
“What? You're milk ain't youkai milk. It's weaker,” Inuyasha grumbled from his place on the floor.
“Sit! There are nicer ways to say things Inuyasha!” she growled at him.
“Where did the pup come from?” Sesshoumaru asked her as he watched the human girl cuddle and coddle the pup.
“I don't know,” she said as she played with him and giggled when his tiny claws scratched against her hand leaving tiny white scratch lines behind. Just like when Buyou was a kitten, she mused sweetly. “I thought I heard something at the door and when I opened it, he zipped in. I went to reach for him, he seemed so frightened. But then he disappeared under the bed and I went after him. Then that hentai,” she said narrowing her gaze on the still prone hanyou, that had decided it would be safer to simply stay there until she was completely finished, “came in and caused trouble.”
“Me?!” Inuyasha growled in indignation. “I'm the hentai? You were the one squirming around on the floor with your ass up in the air. Ain't my fault you looked like a bitch ready to be bred.”
Kagome's eyes opened wide, her mouth following suit before both narrowed dangerously, her mouth thinning into a pressed almost white line as she stared at him.
“Sit!” she snarled. “Sit sit sit!” She turned on Sesshoumaru, the taiyoukai actually taking a step back at the look of pure unadulterated fury in the woman's eyes. “You,” she snarled at Sesshoumaru, “teach him,” she pointed a slim finger at the hanyou groaning in pain on the floor, “manners!”
With that furious command, Kagome stomped from the room, content to simply wander the halls with the tiny playful pup in her arms. Sesshoumaru looked at the empty doorway and sighed pitifully at his brother before chuckling in amusement, the sound shocking his brother.
“Well Inuyasha, I think I know understand the phrase: `open mouth, insert foot'.”
