InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Begging For Mercy ❯ Never Be The Same ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“Miko, what do you think you are doing in my lands?” a cold, familiar
voice drifted across her ears and she felt her body stiffen. Kagome took a deep breath and turned around to see Sesshomaru. Her brown eyes widened considerably and she rubbed a sheepish hand through her hair.
“Oh, haha, these are your lands? I just…I got lost trying to get wood for the group and…uh...” she trailed off, trying to find a good excuse. Within seconds she was pinned against the tree with a clawed hand wrapped around her already bruised and tender throat.
“Do not lie to me, you insolent wench, I can smell the deceit on you as well as your fear, and I ran into your group a week ago, you were not with them,” the dog demon growled. The girl was stumped at the point, she kind of felt like an idiot, ‘well you are an idiot, he’s a demon and he’s a dog, of course he would smell your lies and fear!’ her mind chastised her and she fought the urge to roll her eyes.
“I apologize Lord Sesshomaru, but if you would please let go of my neck, even though I know you won’t comply to my request because it’s beneath you,” she said, muttering the last part sarcastically, knowing he would hear it anyway. She really did have no fighting spirit left in her…she was broken.
Sesshomaru cocked his eyebrow and moved his thumb to see the dark discoloration that decorated the pale skin of her neck and let her go nonchalantly. This was not the same loud mouthed girl that followed his pathetic half-brother around like a lost puppy.
Kagome sank to the ground after he let her go, rubbing at her neck and then looking up at him, “give me a few moments to rest and I will be out of your way, I apologize for tainting your lands with my presence,” she muttered and as she promised, she stood up and brushed herself off.
Bowing to him only slightly, she turned away from him and continued walking in the direction she had been heading. She only got a few dozen feet away before she was running into something firm and surprisingly warm.
“Believe me, this will not be out of the kindness of my heart because I want to avoid it at all costs but this Sesshomaru will lead you to the half-breed…you are in my lands and as the Lord of these lands, I’m duty bound to protect an…ally of sorts, even if the ally is a human,” he stated.
Kagome couldn’t help the bitter snort that came from her, “Lord Sesshomaru, I mean no disrespect but we are not allies…you made that quite clear last year when we asked for your help in finding Naraku, you can follow me if you wish but I will not force you to accompany me, you hate humans, I am human, therefore you hate me and proved that as well with the numerous times you’ve tried to kill Inuyasha and I,” she said.
As fast as lightning, the demon lord that had stood in her way was nowhere in sight. Shrugging, she started to walk in the same direction again.
~ * ~
Sesshomaru watched the girl leave from a branch in a tree before jumping down and heading back to his camp. His retainer, Jaken, flocked to him as usual. “I found the half-breed’s wench a few minutes ago, when we ran into him last week, she hadn’t been there and judging by her fading scent at the time, she had been gone for months but I will lead her to my brother so that I don’t have to dirty myself of cleaning her bloodied corpse in my lands,” he stated.
“Take Rin back to the Palace, I will return in 3 days time,” he said and left without another word, tracking Kagome’s scent and following about 50 feet behind her so that she wouldn’t detect him for a while.
After a couple hours of traveling, the night was growing colder and darker and he quickly caught up to her. “Miko, you are human…rest and we’ll continue at dawn,” he ordered without room for argument.
Kagome sighed and silently complied, she sure wished she had her yellow backpack because she’d kill for her sleeping bag but she wouldn’t complain. Anything was better than that dungeon. She could feel his eyes on her as he started up a fire but she decided to ignore it for the time being.
“Miko…” he started.
“Its Kagome,” she replied, glancing up at him before returning her gaze back to the ground.
He cocked an eyebrow before continuing, “Kagome…what happened to you?” he asked, truly curious as to what could affect the high spirited girl so harshly.
Kagome sighed, “it’s a long story but…the simple version is Naraku captured me while we battled one of his puppets, they always send me to the sidelines so that I can shoot my arrows, we had left Shippo with Kaede and next thing I knew, I was knocked unconscious and woke up in his dungeon,” she said.
The demon lord nodded silently, “do you know how long you were there?” he asked, having a seat across from her on the other side of the fire. Kagome shook her head, “I lost count after the second month, gave up on everything after the first month,” she said softly.
“I honestly can’t wait to go home, Inuyasha has the shards and I’m sure his beloved Kikyo can see them, I don’t want to come back to this awful place,” she said brokenly, not letting herself cry in front of the demon lord who would probably just put her down and tell her to stop crying like Inuyasha always did when she was upset.
“What about your other friends, would they not like for you to stay with them?” he asked, stroking the fire to keep it going before putting his golden gaze on the human across from him. Kagome shrugged, “I’m just a jewel shard detector, the only one I guess that would care for me is
Shippo because he sees me as his mother but I just, after being with Naraku, I can’t stand this era,” she said and didn’t realize she gave her most precious secret away to Sesshomaru.
“This era? What are you talking about, Kagome?” he asked her and she flinched, stiffening when he asked her that. “I’m not from this era, I…you’re going to think I’m crazy but whatever…I am not from this time, I’m from 500 years in the future where there are no demons and the only things I have to worry about are school and boys,” she said blissfully.
“No demons? Surely we haven’t died out in only 500 years, Kagome, if you went back now, I think you’d find lots of demons, just under concealment,” he told her. “If so then okay, I was wrong about there being no demons but as long as they’re not hurting people, I could care less, Naraku took everything from me, I have nothing,” she muttered.
The demon lord sniffed at her scent to see if he could sense any sort of lie laced within it. When he found none, he sighed inaudibly but also realized that the innocence she used to have in her scent was no longer there. “He forced himself upon you?” he asked quietly, not know if she’d answer him or not.
At that moment, Kagome broke down into sobs that shook her entire body and that was the only answer he needed and he was surprised at himself for growling about it but there was nothing more dishonorable and despicable than for a demon to force himself upon a human woman or any woman for that matter. Especially a vile hanyou such as Naraku.
Sesshomaru felt awkward, not knowing how to comfort the woman and not knowing why he wanted to comfort her or why he cared about her being upset. But despite his façade, he wasn’t heartless, he cared for Rin like his daughter but that was the only human he cared about, the only person he cared for.
After a while, he watched as Kagome fell asleep from emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. Being a demon, he didn’t need sleep so he kept watch to make sure nothing happened to her while she slept. All the while he was pondering why he cared and why he wanted to bring this girl, Inuyasha’s wench, back to the way she used to be.
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voice drifted across her ears and she felt her body stiffen. Kagome took a deep breath and turned around to see Sesshomaru. Her brown eyes widened considerably and she rubbed a sheepish hand through her hair.
“Oh, haha, these are your lands? I just…I got lost trying to get wood for the group and…uh...” she trailed off, trying to find a good excuse. Within seconds she was pinned against the tree with a clawed hand wrapped around her already bruised and tender throat.
“Do not lie to me, you insolent wench, I can smell the deceit on you as well as your fear, and I ran into your group a week ago, you were not with them,” the dog demon growled. The girl was stumped at the point, she kind of felt like an idiot, ‘well you are an idiot, he’s a demon and he’s a dog, of course he would smell your lies and fear!’ her mind chastised her and she fought the urge to roll her eyes.
“I apologize Lord Sesshomaru, but if you would please let go of my neck, even though I know you won’t comply to my request because it’s beneath you,” she said, muttering the last part sarcastically, knowing he would hear it anyway. She really did have no fighting spirit left in her…she was broken.
Sesshomaru cocked his eyebrow and moved his thumb to see the dark discoloration that decorated the pale skin of her neck and let her go nonchalantly. This was not the same loud mouthed girl that followed his pathetic half-brother around like a lost puppy.
Kagome sank to the ground after he let her go, rubbing at her neck and then looking up at him, “give me a few moments to rest and I will be out of your way, I apologize for tainting your lands with my presence,” she muttered and as she promised, she stood up and brushed herself off.
Bowing to him only slightly, she turned away from him and continued walking in the direction she had been heading. She only got a few dozen feet away before she was running into something firm and surprisingly warm.
“Believe me, this will not be out of the kindness of my heart because I want to avoid it at all costs but this Sesshomaru will lead you to the half-breed…you are in my lands and as the Lord of these lands, I’m duty bound to protect an…ally of sorts, even if the ally is a human,” he stated.
Kagome couldn’t help the bitter snort that came from her, “Lord Sesshomaru, I mean no disrespect but we are not allies…you made that quite clear last year when we asked for your help in finding Naraku, you can follow me if you wish but I will not force you to accompany me, you hate humans, I am human, therefore you hate me and proved that as well with the numerous times you’ve tried to kill Inuyasha and I,” she said.
As fast as lightning, the demon lord that had stood in her way was nowhere in sight. Shrugging, she started to walk in the same direction again.
~ * ~
Sesshomaru watched the girl leave from a branch in a tree before jumping down and heading back to his camp. His retainer, Jaken, flocked to him as usual. “I found the half-breed’s wench a few minutes ago, when we ran into him last week, she hadn’t been there and judging by her fading scent at the time, she had been gone for months but I will lead her to my brother so that I don’t have to dirty myself of cleaning her bloodied corpse in my lands,” he stated.
“Take Rin back to the Palace, I will return in 3 days time,” he said and left without another word, tracking Kagome’s scent and following about 50 feet behind her so that she wouldn’t detect him for a while.
After a couple hours of traveling, the night was growing colder and darker and he quickly caught up to her. “Miko, you are human…rest and we’ll continue at dawn,” he ordered without room for argument.
Kagome sighed and silently complied, she sure wished she had her yellow backpack because she’d kill for her sleeping bag but she wouldn’t complain. Anything was better than that dungeon. She could feel his eyes on her as he started up a fire but she decided to ignore it for the time being.
“Miko…” he started.
“Its Kagome,” she replied, glancing up at him before returning her gaze back to the ground.
He cocked an eyebrow before continuing, “Kagome…what happened to you?” he asked, truly curious as to what could affect the high spirited girl so harshly.
Kagome sighed, “it’s a long story but…the simple version is Naraku captured me while we battled one of his puppets, they always send me to the sidelines so that I can shoot my arrows, we had left Shippo with Kaede and next thing I knew, I was knocked unconscious and woke up in his dungeon,” she said.
The demon lord nodded silently, “do you know how long you were there?” he asked, having a seat across from her on the other side of the fire. Kagome shook her head, “I lost count after the second month, gave up on everything after the first month,” she said softly.
“I honestly can’t wait to go home, Inuyasha has the shards and I’m sure his beloved Kikyo can see them, I don’t want to come back to this awful place,” she said brokenly, not letting herself cry in front of the demon lord who would probably just put her down and tell her to stop crying like Inuyasha always did when she was upset.
“What about your other friends, would they not like for you to stay with them?” he asked, stroking the fire to keep it going before putting his golden gaze on the human across from him. Kagome shrugged, “I’m just a jewel shard detector, the only one I guess that would care for me is
Shippo because he sees me as his mother but I just, after being with Naraku, I can’t stand this era,” she said and didn’t realize she gave her most precious secret away to Sesshomaru.
“This era? What are you talking about, Kagome?” he asked her and she flinched, stiffening when he asked her that. “I’m not from this era, I…you’re going to think I’m crazy but whatever…I am not from this time, I’m from 500 years in the future where there are no demons and the only things I have to worry about are school and boys,” she said blissfully.
“No demons? Surely we haven’t died out in only 500 years, Kagome, if you went back now, I think you’d find lots of demons, just under concealment,” he told her. “If so then okay, I was wrong about there being no demons but as long as they’re not hurting people, I could care less, Naraku took everything from me, I have nothing,” she muttered.
The demon lord sniffed at her scent to see if he could sense any sort of lie laced within it. When he found none, he sighed inaudibly but also realized that the innocence she used to have in her scent was no longer there. “He forced himself upon you?” he asked quietly, not know if she’d answer him or not.
At that moment, Kagome broke down into sobs that shook her entire body and that was the only answer he needed and he was surprised at himself for growling about it but there was nothing more dishonorable and despicable than for a demon to force himself upon a human woman or any woman for that matter. Especially a vile hanyou such as Naraku.
Sesshomaru felt awkward, not knowing how to comfort the woman and not knowing why he wanted to comfort her or why he cared about her being upset. But despite his façade, he wasn’t heartless, he cared for Rin like his daughter but that was the only human he cared about, the only person he cared for.
After a while, he watched as Kagome fell asleep from emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. Being a demon, he didn’t need sleep so he kept watch to make sure nothing happened to her while she slept. All the while he was pondering why he cared and why he wanted to bring this girl, Inuyasha’s wench, back to the way she used to be.
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