InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Begging For Mercy ❯ Last Words ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome nibbled on her lip as they started reaching the outer border of the village. Oddly enough, she had been comfortable traveling with Sesshomaru these last couple days. “Are you ready to descend, Kagome? And release the barrier you put around us?” Sesshomaru’s voice broke her out of her thoughts and she nodded, “let’s descend at the outer border and we’ll walk in, that’s when I’ll release the barrier,” she told him and instinctively put her arms around him as he started to descend.
Stepping off of the cloud shakily, she waited for Sesshomaru to join her before she started to walk into the village with him. Taking deep breaths to calm herself Kagome released the barrier as they headed towards Kaede’s hut. Her heart stopped when she saw Inuyasha run out of the hut and looked at her. Her heart started pounding as Mirkou, Sango and Shippo joined them. Tears welled up in her eyes and her body trembled as Shippo took off toward her and barreled himself into her stomach, causing her to topple over from the force of his impact.
“MOMMA!” he sobbed into her stomach which caused the little miko to start crying as well while she held the little fox kit.
Holding onto him, she stood up and brushed her kimono off with one hand. The next person to attack her with a hug was Sango, who happened to be squeezing her half to death at this moment, causing her to wince a little. “I’ve missed you, Kagome!” she mumbled before she let go, Kagome smile softly at her and looked at Miroku skeptically as he walked up to her to hug her. “Don’t try anything, monk,” Sango warned before the monk pulled the miko into a big hug.
Kagome’s eyes darted over to Sesshomaru and mouthed a thank you to him, getting a nod in return. Her whole body stiffened and her hand twitched as Miroku’s hand found its way to her backside, but she let it go since it had been so long since she’d seen any of them.
“Oi, wench, what is that bastard doing here?” came the voice of Inuyasha as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword and growling. Kagome pulled away from Miroku and put Shippo down before going to where Sesshomaru was standing. “Sesshomaru is the one that brought me here, Inuyasha, he protected me…if it wasn’t for him, I’d still be way away from here with nothing to defend myself with,” she said.
“Why the fuck would he help you, he hates humans,” the hanyou continued to growl. Sesshomaru decided then to step in, pushing Kagome behind him with his arm. “Because of your incapability to protect her or train her to protect herself so that she wouldn’t be sent to the sidelines to be kidnapped, half-breed; the wind witch had dropped her off in my lands and I spotted her scent, then she told me how she came to be in Naraku’s grasp…I think of her as an ally now and it was my duty to protect her because I was the lord of the western lands,” Sesshomaru growled out.
“Sesshomaru-sama has agreed to help us with the remainder of the shard hunt and the final battle against Naraku, he has also offered to train me to protect myself,” Kagome said softly, getting a gasp from each person in the group. Inuyasha only started to growl louder and brought out his sword.
“Why would he do that? He’s just using you to get the tetsusaiga, wench…Kikyo would never side with a being like him and bring him to her allies so that he could slaughter them,” he said, clearly not thinking straight.
“Inuyasha, SIT!” she growled out, a growl that was rather impressive for a human of her size.
The hanyou plummeted to the ground, “I’ve been gone for god knows how long and all you have to say to me is that basically I betrayed you and went to your enemy and then you compare me to Kikyo,” she muttered, upset. “You’ve been gone for half a year, Kagome,” Miroku said, stepping up to the depressed miko.
“Half-breed, you really are a waste of space…you don’t even care that she’d been kidnapped by Naraku and what he has done to her for apparently 6 months,” Sesshomaru stated coldly.
Inuyasha growled as he peeled himself out of the mini-crater, “of course I care, you bastard! But I don’t understand why the fuck you care about her being in your lands and having a duty to protect her! You have to have an ulterior motive,” Inuyasha yelled.
“Apparently the miko doesn’t seem to think of me as a threat if she healed my arm in thanks for leading her home,” Sesshomaru said, a smirk coming to his lips at the anger he sensed coming out of his half-brother. The hanyou stared wide-eyed at Sesshomaru’s healed arm and then turned angry eyes towards the miko.
“You healed him! He is our enemy, dumb ass! And you heal the only thing that hindered him in destroying us!” he growled out which brought a growl out of Sesshomaru.
“Silence yourself, Inuyasha! I could’ve destroyed with or without my arm,” he said. His golden eyes turned to Kagome, who was on the brink of tears once again, but not out of happiness. “That’s all you care about isn’t it, Inuyasha…you can’t cool it just for a while since I found out I’ve been in Naraku’s captivity for 6 months and all you care about is I show up here with Sesshomaru…you don’t even know what the fuck I’ve been through, and all you do is put me down and compare me to a dead…thing,” she whispered, pulling about from Sango and Miroku, stalking up to Inuyasha, who’s ears were now plastered to his head and his eyes no longer held anger.
“Kagome…I…” he was cut off by a slap to the face from the infuriated, yet depressed miko in front of him.
“Don’t say anything Inuyasha, just stay away from me. I’m going home for a few days and when I get back, we are going to start the hunt for the shards and Sesshomaru IS coming with us whether you like it or not because Naraku has only gotten stronger and he keeps finding shards of the jewel while you sit here and argue because you have ill feelings towards the strongest ally we’re going to have, just suck it up!” she said and walked away from him, into the forest and headed towards the well.
Inuyasha turned and watched her walk away, ears still plastered to the top of his head and a hand placed on the area she slapped, it stung. The slap and the words stung him deep but didn’t stop himself from growling when Sesshomaru walked past him, intent on following Kagome. “I do not like this Sesshomaru but…if you do ANYTHING to betray us, I WILL kill you,” he said.
The demon lord looked at Inuyasha and then to the rest of his companions, “let’s hope you don’t feel the same way as your fearless leader about me being here, because I’m not going to betray you, I promised the miko that I help and I am a demon of my word,” with that said, he walked in the direction Kagome had.
Within a few moments he saw her in front of the well, her hands on the lip of it. He walked up behind her, the scent of salt thick in the air. “That well doesn’t look safe,” he muttered, putting a hand on her shoulder. Those words had gotten a bitter laugh from the miko.
“I know it doesn’t, but it leads me home, please make sure that Inuyasha doesn’t come after me, I will be back in a week,” she said. Her body stiffened when arms wrapped around her from behind, she was not used to this side of the demon lord behind her. “I will make sure that the half-breed comes nowhere near this well and I’ll tell your companions to do the same, I’ll be here to meet you when you come back,” he whispered into her ear and let go of her, watching her hop over the lip of the well.
His eyes widened as a blue light came from the well and once it was gone, he looked inside; seeing that Kagome was nowhere in sight. “So she really was telling the truth about being from the future,” Sesshomaru shook his head and turned away from the well, leaving the clearing and heading back into the village.
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Stepping off of the cloud shakily, she waited for Sesshomaru to join her before she started to walk into the village with him. Taking deep breaths to calm herself Kagome released the barrier as they headed towards Kaede’s hut. Her heart stopped when she saw Inuyasha run out of the hut and looked at her. Her heart started pounding as Mirkou, Sango and Shippo joined them. Tears welled up in her eyes and her body trembled as Shippo took off toward her and barreled himself into her stomach, causing her to topple over from the force of his impact.
“MOMMA!” he sobbed into her stomach which caused the little miko to start crying as well while she held the little fox kit.
Holding onto him, she stood up and brushed her kimono off with one hand. The next person to attack her with a hug was Sango, who happened to be squeezing her half to death at this moment, causing her to wince a little. “I’ve missed you, Kagome!” she mumbled before she let go, Kagome smile softly at her and looked at Miroku skeptically as he walked up to her to hug her. “Don’t try anything, monk,” Sango warned before the monk pulled the miko into a big hug.
Kagome’s eyes darted over to Sesshomaru and mouthed a thank you to him, getting a nod in return. Her whole body stiffened and her hand twitched as Miroku’s hand found its way to her backside, but she let it go since it had been so long since she’d seen any of them.
“Oi, wench, what is that bastard doing here?” came the voice of Inuyasha as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword and growling. Kagome pulled away from Miroku and put Shippo down before going to where Sesshomaru was standing. “Sesshomaru is the one that brought me here, Inuyasha, he protected me…if it wasn’t for him, I’d still be way away from here with nothing to defend myself with,” she said.
“Why the fuck would he help you, he hates humans,” the hanyou continued to growl. Sesshomaru decided then to step in, pushing Kagome behind him with his arm. “Because of your incapability to protect her or train her to protect herself so that she wouldn’t be sent to the sidelines to be kidnapped, half-breed; the wind witch had dropped her off in my lands and I spotted her scent, then she told me how she came to be in Naraku’s grasp…I think of her as an ally now and it was my duty to protect her because I was the lord of the western lands,” Sesshomaru growled out.
“Sesshomaru-sama has agreed to help us with the remainder of the shard hunt and the final battle against Naraku, he has also offered to train me to protect myself,” Kagome said softly, getting a gasp from each person in the group. Inuyasha only started to growl louder and brought out his sword.
“Why would he do that? He’s just using you to get the tetsusaiga, wench…Kikyo would never side with a being like him and bring him to her allies so that he could slaughter them,” he said, clearly not thinking straight.
“Inuyasha, SIT!” she growled out, a growl that was rather impressive for a human of her size.
The hanyou plummeted to the ground, “I’ve been gone for god knows how long and all you have to say to me is that basically I betrayed you and went to your enemy and then you compare me to Kikyo,” she muttered, upset. “You’ve been gone for half a year, Kagome,” Miroku said, stepping up to the depressed miko.
“Half-breed, you really are a waste of space…you don’t even care that she’d been kidnapped by Naraku and what he has done to her for apparently 6 months,” Sesshomaru stated coldly.
Inuyasha growled as he peeled himself out of the mini-crater, “of course I care, you bastard! But I don’t understand why the fuck you care about her being in your lands and having a duty to protect her! You have to have an ulterior motive,” Inuyasha yelled.
“Apparently the miko doesn’t seem to think of me as a threat if she healed my arm in thanks for leading her home,” Sesshomaru said, a smirk coming to his lips at the anger he sensed coming out of his half-brother. The hanyou stared wide-eyed at Sesshomaru’s healed arm and then turned angry eyes towards the miko.
“You healed him! He is our enemy, dumb ass! And you heal the only thing that hindered him in destroying us!” he growled out which brought a growl out of Sesshomaru.
“Silence yourself, Inuyasha! I could’ve destroyed with or without my arm,” he said. His golden eyes turned to Kagome, who was on the brink of tears once again, but not out of happiness. “That’s all you care about isn’t it, Inuyasha…you can’t cool it just for a while since I found out I’ve been in Naraku’s captivity for 6 months and all you care about is I show up here with Sesshomaru…you don’t even know what the fuck I’ve been through, and all you do is put me down and compare me to a dead…thing,” she whispered, pulling about from Sango and Miroku, stalking up to Inuyasha, who’s ears were now plastered to his head and his eyes no longer held anger.
“Kagome…I…” he was cut off by a slap to the face from the infuriated, yet depressed miko in front of him.
“Don’t say anything Inuyasha, just stay away from me. I’m going home for a few days and when I get back, we are going to start the hunt for the shards and Sesshomaru IS coming with us whether you like it or not because Naraku has only gotten stronger and he keeps finding shards of the jewel while you sit here and argue because you have ill feelings towards the strongest ally we’re going to have, just suck it up!” she said and walked away from him, into the forest and headed towards the well.
Inuyasha turned and watched her walk away, ears still plastered to the top of his head and a hand placed on the area she slapped, it stung. The slap and the words stung him deep but didn’t stop himself from growling when Sesshomaru walked past him, intent on following Kagome. “I do not like this Sesshomaru but…if you do ANYTHING to betray us, I WILL kill you,” he said.
The demon lord looked at Inuyasha and then to the rest of his companions, “let’s hope you don’t feel the same way as your fearless leader about me being here, because I’m not going to betray you, I promised the miko that I help and I am a demon of my word,” with that said, he walked in the direction Kagome had.
Within a few moments he saw her in front of the well, her hands on the lip of it. He walked up behind her, the scent of salt thick in the air. “That well doesn’t look safe,” he muttered, putting a hand on her shoulder. Those words had gotten a bitter laugh from the miko.
“I know it doesn’t, but it leads me home, please make sure that Inuyasha doesn’t come after me, I will be back in a week,” she said. Her body stiffened when arms wrapped around her from behind, she was not used to this side of the demon lord behind her. “I will make sure that the half-breed comes nowhere near this well and I’ll tell your companions to do the same, I’ll be here to meet you when you come back,” he whispered into her ear and let go of her, watching her hop over the lip of the well.
His eyes widened as a blue light came from the well and once it was gone, he looked inside; seeing that Kagome was nowhere in sight. “So she really was telling the truth about being from the future,” Sesshomaru shook his head and turned away from the well, leaving the clearing and heading back into the village.
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