InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha. No copy right infringement intended.
Sango sighed impatiently as she glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time. She was sitting in Kagome's kitchen, impatiently strumming her fingers on the island’s marble countertop, as she sat in the low back circular bar stool. Sango lived in the huge guest house at the back and off to the left of the mansion, with her little brother Kohaku. He only stayed with her during breaks from school since she had gotten him into one of the best private schools in Hong Kong. Her parents had died in a car crash when she was eleven, and that left her and her five year old little brother to live with their aunt, whom didn't treat them all that great. Sango had gotten a job at fifteen working at the Higurashi Shrine (well it used to be a shrine until it had gotten built onto, turning it into a mansion) as a cleaning maid, and that is where she befriended the daughter of her rich employer, Kagome. She and Kagome have been friends ever since, and when Kagome started her fashion career at just sixteen, she had hired Sango immediately. Wanting Sango somewhere close, she insisted that she and her brother live with her. Sango resisted, not wanting to intrude, but ended up settling for the guest house anyway. Besides after what happened with Kagome when she was fifteen, Sango knew that Kagome would need someone to be there for her. Too bad she wouldn't even talk about it…
Sango glanced at her watch again and scowled, ending her unhappy thoughts. It was already going on five o'clock in the afternoon, the day of the dress show and Kagome was nowhere to be found. Sango had already tried knocking on her door, but received no answer, and the door was locked, as usual, preventing Sango from going in there and investigating.
'The show starts intwothought irritably'What could she possibly be doing?'
With a groan of annoyance she got up from where she was sitting and marched towards the security room, taking the elevator to the top floor. She quickly walked down a huge corridor and took a left, walking down a narrower hallway. She stopped in front of a huge thick metal door. Underneath the handle was a small keypad of numbers and on the side of that was a small slot, where you could slide your security card in for instant access. Sango cursed herself for not having her card then quickly put in the 6 digit code. She heard a small click and then she swung the door open. It was surprisingly light and easy to open. She heard it latch back with a click as she proceeded down the narrow hallway, taking a left at the third door down and flung open the door. It was currently unoccupied as she quickly inspected the many monitors around the room. Finding the one that was pointed down the hallway where Kagome's room was location she stood in front of it and searched it intently, only a few inches away from the screen, looking for in signs of movement.
"She hasn't come out yet."
Sango jumped at the sudden masculine voice, and whirled around as one of the chiefs of security, sauntered into the room. His long brown hair swayed in the high pony tail that trailed behind him.
The young wolf demon plopped down in very comfortable looking office chair, a bored expression adorning his handsome face. His bright blue eyes stared lazily at her as he propped his feet up on the desk, and clasped his hands together behind his head.
"Where were you?" Sango asked through narrowed eyes. Someone is supposed to be in this room at all times. He knew that!
"Sexually exploiting myself to a picture of you in your sexy pink bunny underwear,” he replied casually, as if he were just commenting on the weather.
Sango crossed her arms indignantly, as her left eye started to tick in utter annoyance. Man, a girl wearsoneof pink printed bunny bloomersoneand she is condemned for it for the rest of her life! What kind of justice wasthat? It's not her fault the she had worn a veryskirt on averyday…
"Relax Sango, I was just taking a leak," he said rolling his eyes.
Sango just heaved a sigh of irritation and asked, "Where's Ayame?"
Kagome had two heads of security since she couldn't decide which one would be best for the job. Both were excellent fighters (both being wolf demons of course), good with technology, and had very sharp eyes. They both were just amazing at their job so Kagome put both of them in charge, like a partnered position. Kouga insists that he is the one with most of the control. Yeah right… that must be why Ayame is going to be at the show tonight and he is stuck here with nothing to do. Yeahthatdefiantly screamed authority…
"She is getting 'supplies'," he made air quotes when he said supplies. Sango giggled, knowing that her 'supplies' was probably a pair of new shoes, or a couple boxes of pocky. That girl had a serious addiction to strawberry pocky. You don't mess with Ayame's pocky it could turn into a not to pretty sight.
"And then she said she would be at the theater. I think she just leaves me here hoping I will die of boredom," he accused huffily, crossing his arms across his chest. His lower lip jutted out slightly and his eyebrows furled together, as he pouted.
"You're such a baby…"
"Hey looks like she's up," Kouga said, choosing to ignore her little remark as he inclined his head toward the monitor.
Sango glanced over and sure enough Kagome was up and ready, sporting a pair of nice form fitting brown dress pants that flared slightly at the bottom, a black sleeveless sweater top, a simple brown belt was around her waist, black high heeled shoes were on her feet, and her long raven colored hair was pulled into a high pony tail. A pair of dark shades adorned her pretty face and a black garment bag was slung over her shoulder, probably the dress she would be wearing at the show. And of course around her neck was a thin chained silver heart shaped locket, something that Kagome rarely, if ever, took off.
"About damn time," Sango grumbled as she looked at her watch. Her mouth gaped open as she seen it was almost five-thirty, and she dashed out of the room so fast she caused a stack of papers to fly off the desk. Kouga heard a quick "Sorry!" come floating back to him. He just sighed and got up to pick the papers up. At least it wassomethingdo….
She had just caught up with Kagome and the two were now making their way out the door, toward a waiting limo.
"Well Sango," Kagome began irritably as she climbed into the limo, followed by the other brown haired girl, "when one stays up for almost two days, one begins to become very tired, and thus resulting in the need of sleep."
Sango just rolled her eyes. Kagome hit the window that separated the driver from them impatiently, indicating that she wanted him to get a move on. As the limo started moving Kagome slumped back into the seat.
"Besides," Kagome continued, "most of the preparations have already been done anyway."
"Thanks to Keiji and me," Sango grumbled, shooting Kagome the thanks-for-nothing look.
"He is such an ass. I just want to strangle him with my bare hands…" Kagome commented darkly, as she imitated a choking gesture with her hands.
"Well aren't you just a bottle of sunshine today?" Sango commented dryly.
Kagome just scoffed and reached into the mini fridge inside the limo, pulling out bottle of water. She opened it and gulped about half the bottle down, and with an "ahhhhh" of satisfaction she screwed the cap back on. Sango knew Kagome was starting to perk up some when she seen the small smile on her face.
"Are the dresses already there?" Kagome questioned hopefully, shoving her sun glasses to the top of her head, revealing slightly clouded sapphire eyes. Whether it was from just waking up or something else, Sango couldn't tell…
"Had 'em sent to the theater over an hour ago." Sango told her, breaking out of her thoughts, as she flashed Kagome a huge grin.
"All ready to pollute the air with their aerosol cans."
"Make up?"
"Probably clogging pores as we speak."
"All twenty-two walking bean poles are accounted for."
Kagome beamed a beautiful smile at Sango, making her whole face light up. "What would I do without you Sango?"
"Completely ruin your own fashion show..?" Sango guessed.
"Would not!" Kagome protested, then added as an afterthought, "Well… not completely anyway…"
Sango chuckled as she dug into her huge bag- looking black and gold purse, pulling out her cell phone.
"Man I'm starving…" Kagome groaned, remembering that she had forgotten to eat. Her stomach gave a loud growl, agreeing with her.
"Already on it," Sango stated, phone pressed to her ear. "Hey, Ayame. Where are you? (pause) Oh excellent! Can you please pick up some oden on your way?"
Kagome perked up excitedly, hearing her favorite food dish. She gave her well-toned stomach a pat, reassuring it that she would feed it soon.
"Yeah white rice too," Sango said, knowing Kagome liked having a side of rice as well. "Alright thanks Ayame! Oh yeah he is still sitting there… Yup pouting like a little baby… yeah… oh by the way I seen him eating your strawberry pocky…. something about helping you lose some of the extra weight…"
There was a loud shriek of "WHAT!?" followed by what sounded like curses and threats, but Kagome wasn't sure exactly what was being said, and was thankful. Ayame could be very violent at times.
"Ok… see ya Ayame," Sango hung up the phone with a huge smug grin.
"Kouga really said that?" Kagome asked incredulously.
"Course not," Sango scoffed, "It's just pay back for being an ass earlier."
"Brought up the bunny undies again, didn't he?" Kagome asked, amused.
"I wore them one damn time!" Sango scowled. Kagome burst into laughter, and Sango tossed a glare over to her direction.
"Sango it’s okay if you liked them, I'm sure those bunny printed granny panties were quite comfortable…."
"It was laundry day!" Sango defended, "it was all I had left that was clean!"
"I'm sure it was Sango dear," Kagome soothed, as if she were talking to a small child with an overactive imagination. Sango just 'hmphed' and turned away.
Soon the Fuji Theater came into view. It was a huge white one floored stylish building. It could be used for whatever, since the inside was so big you could just about build whatever you wanted to make it into. The limo drove to the very back of the building, stopping at a little security hut, before they could actually drive through the gates, and into the private was a light tap on Kagome's window, and an older security guard was standing there. He had a look of authority and irritation. Kagome rolled her window down and quirked an eyebrow up at him.
"Oh Ms. Higurashi!" he exclaimed immediately recognizing her. He motioned for the man up at the gates to open them. "Go right on through Ms. Higurashi! Sorry for the inconvenience! I'll inform Mr. Morimoto that you are here."
"You do that," Kagome replied in a slightly annoyed tone as she rolled the window up. The gates were opened and the limo proceeded into the area, stopping right in front of the back doors, which would lead them inside behind the stage and runway. Kagome and Sango got out of the black limo, and headed for the doors. Kagome pulled her shades back down onto her face, the black garment back slung over her arm. Kagome pushed the door open and was instantly hit with voices buzzing with excitement, the sound of aerosol cans spraying, the sound of heels clicking, and everything else you would expect behind the scenes of a runway show.
She walked into the huge room, Sango following suit. Many salon styled stations were set up everywhere, some models were getting their hair done and others were getting makeup done. Doing hair and makeup usually took about a good hour at the least, and by the look of things they were all about done. There were portable changing areas set up, just small square areas made up of poles on wheels and dark curtains hanging up around it, easy to draw together. They were small, but big enough to have room to change into. Some models didn't even really use them, changing right there in front of everyone, which all were used to anyway so it didn't really matter. There were other rooms there as well, closed off by doors of course. They were normally only permitted for designers and their immediate staff, for private conversations or to relax a few minutes, or whatever.
Kagome glanced at her watch, 5:57 pm.
'About an hour till show time,'thought a little nervously.
Kagome might have had many shows, but she still couldn't help getting a little nervous sometimes. After all, it's a lot of pressure being a designer. One day you're in, the next day you're out. Meaning of course that if no one thought her designs appealing, her career would head straight for the toilet. She had to be on her toes, be able to make something original and wearable. It had to be perfected down to the last detail, one wrong thing on anything, even a small one, could easily be the end of all she has worked for…
"Kagome! Over here!" a female voice called over the bustle of the room, interrupting Kagome's nervous train of thought.
Kagome and Sango both looked up and seen Ayame waving her hand energetically as she maneuvered through all the people toward her. Her red hair bouncing, in its usually high pig-tails, that would have looked childish and out if style on anyone else but she pulled it off as if she was born to look that way.
"Hey Ayame!" Kagome greeted happily as the girl finally stopped in front of her. She was holding a large lunch box in her hand; her bright green eyes were sparkling with excitement. Ayame loved coming here and getting to see all the amazing clothes and shoes.
"I got you something," Ayame beamed at her as she handed her the lunchbox.
"Thank you!" Kagome actually squealed in delight and squeezed the box to her chest protectively, eyeing anyone that looked "suspicious."
"No one is going to steal your oden Kagome," Sango remarked, rolling her eyes. Kagome just stuck her tongue out at her and proceeded to sit at a currently, unoccupied salon chair. She opened the box and the aroma of her favorite dish came floating up to her nose. She inhaled deeply and almost drooled at the heavenly scent.
"Oops almost forgot," Ayame said as she handed Kagome an unopened pack of chopsticks. Kagome took them gratefully, and began eating, groaning at the delicious taste. Of course she really couldn't eat it slow and savor the taste like she wanted to; she had work to do, so she began picking up the pace.
"Alright I'm off to make rounds," Sango told her, giving them a casual salute, and was gone.
"So Kagome," Ayame drawled casually, giving the said girl a sly grin, "going to be enjoying your next month?"
"I dowt wawnt to tawlk abowt it." Kagome replied, her mouth full of the yummy oden.
"Kagome it's rude to talk with your mouth full," Ayame scolded lightly. "Besides you don't want Inuyasha to think you don't even have proper manners do you?"
Kagome gave her a menacing glare and didn't reply. Ayame just grinned at her; her green eyes dancing with mirth.
"Anyway," Ayame said as Kagome swallowed her food, "I saw the dark gold dress."
The dress was sleeveless, and was made to look like it was slightly bunched at the midsection, and hugged the curves of the upper body. The bottom of it started out short, reaching about mid-thigh, but proceeded to get longer at the sides, sort of in a tiered style, the very bottom layer barely touching the ground. It was stunning.
"Do you like it?" Kagome asked, taking another bite of oden.
"Actually I love it!" Ayame exclaimed excitedly.Too…
"You want it don't you?" Kagome asked suspiciously.
"Well not exactly," Ayame replied casually, "I want a green one."
Kagome opened her mouth to say something but Ayame continued before she could.
"Please Kaggie-chan? Pleeeaaaase?" Ayame begged with wide pleading eyes, her hands clamped together in front of her face.
"Alright," Kagome sighed rolling her eyes. Ayame jumped in the air in triumph, squealing happily.
"I love you Kaggie," Ayame beamed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Kagome waved her off grinning, "Now go away and let me enjoy my oden in peace." Ayame gave her another brilliant smile, and skipped away energetically. Kagome finished up her oden, and got up to go inspect everything. Everything had to be perfect.
Kagome observed a blonde girl that was wearing the sea-green dress that Sango had helped her make.
"Uh uh," Kagome said shaking her head disapprovingly. She caught the attention of a dark haired girl a few feet away, and beckoned her to come over. Both girls looked at her, looking very much like two deer caught in headlights. "You need to switch dresses with her," Kagome told the dark haired girl, indicating the blonde. The sea-green would look much better on the darker haired girl, and the blonde ones hair went better with the gold.
"Hai," the girls mumbled and quickly but carefully got out of the dresses, relieved that that was all she wanted. Kagome just continued on, adjusting this, changing that. She made sure that all twenty-two models looked perfect and were in the correct dresses.
"You're an amateur aren't you?" Kagome questioned, gazing at the tall light browned hair girl in front of her.
"Hai," the girl replied nervously. She was wearing a light silver shimmering gown, with sheer slightly darker short sleeves. A dark silver ribbon was around her small waist, and the skirt fell in waves of silver down to her ankles.
"Show me your walk," Kagome instructed. The girl complied immediately, strutting like she would down the runway, she struck a pose and continued back to her. Kagome shook her head. "You need to walk more gracefully, like a goddess," Kagome told her and proceeded to show her exactly what she meant. "And do not do that pose that you did. You need a more soft and confident look."
"Like this?" the girl asked, as she walked the way Kagome showed her and did a pose where her face was relaxed, with a soft sexy smile, head held high.
"Perfect," Kagome approved with a nod. "You need to learn to embrace what you are wearing,becomewhat you are wearing. If you can't express what the dress is supposed to say to other people on your own, you will not make it anywhere."
"Hai, Ms. Higurashi, thank you so much," the girl said with a small smile, taking the advice she had given her completely seriously, like she should.
Kagome gave a curt nod, and was off again.
'Only a half-hour left,'thought, as she headed to the back of the room, and opened the door to the small room she left her garment bag in. You could already hear the loud chatter from the front room. Obviously there were a lot of people there, like there always was. Most people came early, especially the photographers and camera people.
'I wonder where Keiji is...?'Kagome thought suddenly, realizing she hadn't seen him yet. She just shrugged, concluding in her mind that she didn't care, and unzipped her bag.
She was in a small room with two long couches on either side of the room and a table in the middle of the room, it had no windows. Kagome pulled the dress out that she had picked to wear for when she was forced to go on stage and introduce her line. It was a sleeveless light purple dress that laced up the back, sort of in a corset fashion. It bunched at the bust and midriff area slightly, giving it a slightly ruffled look; the skirt part was looser and flowed to her ankles. It was simple and elegant.
After she slipped the dress on and the black sandal high heels, she bounded out the door, the back was loose and not tied yet; obviously she couldn't do it herself. She was irritated at herself for forgetting about the back and wasn't paying attention to where she was going. That of course led to her crashing into something hard, causing her to fall backwards. She had her eyes shut tight, waiting for the impact of the ground to hit her. It didn't, however shedidfeel strong arms wrap around her, keeping her from falling.
"Keh wench watch where the hell you're going!"
Her eyes snapped open, and she was staring straight into irritated golden eyes. She recognized those eyes immediately and shoved on his chest, and out of his arms.
"Well maybe if you weren't just standing there looking stupid I wouldn't have ran into you," Kagome retorted, and then went to walk past him. A strong hand reached out and clasped onto her upper arm, causing her to spin back around.
"What the hell did you just say to me!" Inuyasha growled.
"I said," Kagome said slowly as if speaking to a child, "if you're stupid ass wasn't standing there, probably ogling yourself in the mirror, I wouldn't have ran into you."
"Bitch do you know who the hell your talking to?" He snarled, anger flashing in his beautiful amber eyes, his grip on her arm tightening.
"For your information, Mr.Takahashi," Kagome snapped, emphasizing his name, "I do know who you are, and I do not care. Call me a bitch again and I will have you thrown out."
Before Inuyasha could reply an angry voice sounded behind him, "Inuyasha what the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha let her go and whirled on the voice behind him.
"I'm about to put thisbitch," he sneered the word making sure she knew that he would not listen to her, "in her place!"
"Inuyasha, you idiot, that's Kagome!" The blue eyed man said, obviously annoyed by the hanyou's behavior. He turned to Kagome and gave her a dazzling smile. "I apologize for my friend's behavior; I'm Sosaki, Miroku, Inuyasha's agent."
"Don't apologize for me I don't have a damn thing to be sorry about!" Inuyasha snapped, his arms crossed over his chest stubbornly.
"An apology isn't needed anyway," Kagome replied, throwing Inuyasha a dark look, "I understand that he can't help the fact that he is a natural born asshole."
"And you must be a natural born bitch! Bet your parents are real proud," Inuyasha sneered at her.
There were a collective number of gasps that had sounded in the room from the people that had overheard him. Kagome's blood ran cold; her face instantly turning into an emotionless mask, the only thing that indicated her rage was the fact that her eyes were so dark they were almost grey.
"Go to hell," Kagome retorted maliciously. She spun on her heel and stalked away.
"Inuyasha you dumbass!" Miroku exclaimed angrily turning to said 'dumbass'. "Her parents are dead!"
That statement made the hanyou's heart drop, remorse instantly coursing through his body.
"Aw shit," Inuyasha grimaced, his ears drooping slightly with guilt.
"What's wrong Kagome?" Sango questioned when Kagome got close to her. Kagome just turned around in front of her and lifted her hair, exposing the unlaced back. Sango instantly got to work, understanding the silent request.
"I can't talk about it right now Sango," Kagome said quietly, but Sango heard the anger in her voice.
"Hai Kagome-chan," Sango understood, she finished lacing her up, and making sure it was tight enough to stay right where it was, but not so tight she couldn't breathe. Sango looked at her watch, 6:42."Kagome we only have about eighteen minutes."
"You," Kagome called out to a passing hair stylist, a bit more harshly then she meant, "I need this straight." She indicated her hair with a toss of her head.
The young man scrambled over to the nearest station, and Kagome took a set. Sango came over and brushed Kagome's face with some foundation, as the hair stylist got to work straitening her slightly wavy hair. Sango put black eyeliner and light shimmering purple eye shadow on her, and some lip gloss on her full lips. It only took about ten minutes for the man to be done, considering Kagome's hair was pretty much straight to begin with. Kagome stood up and flipped her hair over her shoulders; she clapped her hands loudly a few times, getting the attention of the room.
"Listen up," Kagome said in a commanding professional voice, the whole room instantly quieted. "Do not make a fool of yourself, and embarrass me. Wear my dresses proudly, make them want to have it! And peoplepleaseto walk in tune with the music! Nothing looks more ridiculous than a model that can't walk correctly to simple music."
"Two minutes Kaggie!" Sango informed her, handing her a microphone. Kagome hurriedly turned to a young man that was in charge of the music.
"As soon as I introduce the line, immediately start playing the music." He nodded and she turned to the models once again. "When the music starts then go, do not hesitate! Do not take too long on the runway and models on board do not start going until the next girl is halfway back!" With that said Kagome plastered a brilliant smile onto her face, pushing away all the anger she felt into the back of her mind. She gracefully swept onto the really long runway, turning the microphone on. Camera's instantly flashed away.
"Good evening," Kagome said pleasantly, the crowd of about two hundred people burst into applause. Chairs were lined up surrounding the runway for V.I.P members, and then the other rows started a few feet away from the runway, each row slightly higher than the one before it, making the runway available to see for everyone. " Thank you all for coming here today!" Kagome began with a dazzling white smile. "I'm very excited to be here tonight. I hope you all will enjoy the show! Now I'm proud to present, the new Higurashi Dress Line!"
With a graceful sweep of her arm, she exited the runway. The music began and the first model pranced out. The pleasant look on Kagome's face disappeared as she turned off the microphone behind the stage. She watched the models standing in line, waiting anxiously for their turn in the spotlight. Kagome was in a spot where she was hidden from view but was able to watch the models down the runway.
"Everything looks fabulous Kagome."
She didn't have to turn around to know who was talking to her, "Where you been Keiji?"
"Just taking care of some business," he replied casually. Kagome turned to look at him and he knew something was wrong. "What happened?"
"Inuyasha is what happened!" Kagome snapped. "Tell him the deal is off. He isfired."
"You can't fire him Kagome," Keiji said quietly. "The deal is done. There is no going back on it, he can't be fired."
"Why are you doing this to me?" Kagome asked exasperatedly. "You know that I can't do this!"
"Yes you can Kagome," Keiji assured her, his green eyes staring intently at her. Kagome said nothing, turning her attention to watch the twelfth model glide down the white runway. "I'm not doing this to hurt you Kaggie…" Keiji said softly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I know Keiji," Kagome replied, some of her anger disappearing. Keiji has always looked out for her, always been there for her. He was just doing what he thought was best… Kagome just wished that everyone would leave her alone. He knows why she wasn't dating…why is he trying to force her? Well if you can call it dating anyway…
"Anyway," Keiji changed the subject, bringing Kagome out of her thoughts. "Inuyasha will be waiting for when you are ready to introduce him as the lead model." Kagome stiffened at the mention of his name, but nodded anyway.
As the last model came back Kagome quickly took her place at the end of the line for the final walk. The whole show only took about twenty-five minutes. The final walk was when all the models walked one last time down the runway, in single file. Keiji handed her back the microphone, as Kagome composed her face and put on her best smile. The models began to descend onto the runway, each striking a two second pose at the end and walking back. Cameras were flashing wildly, as Kagome, took a deep bow, the crowd erupted in applause. She smiled at them and turned her microphone back on. She was genuinely pleased that they liked the line, and glad that the show was a success.
"Thank you all so very much!" Kagome exclaimed, slowly making her way back toward the middle of the runway as she talked. "As everyone knows, I will be presenting my first full men's line next month," the crowed buzzed with excited murmurs. "I would like to present to you, my lead model for the show, who will also be getting his own spread in my magazine,Hush," Kagome paused, the suspense getting to the crowd, as they wondered who the lucky model could be. "The one and only, Mr. Takahashi, Inuyasha," Kagome indicated toward the back of the stage.
Everyone applauded excitedly as Inuyasha came strutting out. He had one hand in the pocket of his designer jeans and the other one, was holding the microphone, his fingers waving to the crowd. Cameras snapped even more wildly, as he came to stand beside Kagome, a cocky grin plastered on his handsome face.
"Thank you for that wonderful introduction, Kagome," Inuyasha replied, giving Kagome a wink, which of course didn't get unnoticed by the people that were close enough to see. Kagome just gave him a tight smile, her face flushing slightly with anger, which everyone else took as a blush. "I'm looking forward to working with Ms. Higurashi, for the next month," Inuyasha stated. Kagome got the hidden sarcasm of his words however.
"I'm glad to hear it," Kagome replied in a pleasant tone, Inuyasha being the only one that knew that retort would have been sarcastic had she not been standing in front of over two hundred people. She turned her attention back to the people, "I hope you all enjoyed your evening, and I hope you will also have a fantastic time at the party." Kagome gave a look of apology to the crowed as she continued. "I however will not be attending tonight. Unfortunately an emergency has come up that I need to tend to." She shot a fake smile toward Inuyasha. "Mr. Takahashi however will still be going. Thank you everyone for joining me this evening, I look forward to the next show." Kagome gave them a beautiful smile and left the stage.
"See everyone tonight," Inuyasha called out, waving good-bye as he followed behind Kagome.
'What the hell does that wench think she is doing?'thought irritably. The whole point of him going to that party was to be with her. He glared at her retreating form, already halfway across the room.
Kagome stalked off toward the room she had left her other clothes in. She was not going anywhere with him. To hell with that stupid deal! He was such an ass! Kagome was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Sango had been following her, until Kagome accidently slammed the door in her face.
"Damn Kagome!" Sango huffed as she rubbed her abused nose. She quickly closed the door and locked it.
"Sorry Sango," Kagome apologized, "I didn't even know you were behind me."
"Obviously," Sango snorted as she strolled over behind Kagome and started undoing the back of her dress.
"Thanks," Kagome mumbled as she held her hair away for easier access.
"You haven't told me what happened yet," Sango reminded words from Inuyasha's previous comment came back to her.
'Bet your parents are real proud.'
Kagome felt her heart clench in despair at the thought of her parents. She would never forgive herself for their death…
"He just kept calling me a bitch," Kagome replied, interrupting her own thoughts. Sango knew Kagome wasn't telling her everything but decided to drop it for now.
"Keiji is going to kick your ass for not going tonight," Sango warned, undoing the last piece of lace.
"He will get over it," Kagome scoffed, sitting down on the couch to slip her shoes off. Sango just sighed as she went and picked up Kagome's shoes and set them in the box they came in. Kagome slipped out of her dress, exposing her black strapless bra and matching black lacked short styled cut underwear. Kagome quickly changed back into the clothes she wore earlier, and slipped on her heels. Sango put her dress in the bag as Kagome pulled her hair up into a high ponytail.
"Sango can you take care of things tonight?" Kagome asked quietly as she placed her shades on top of her head.
"Hai Kagome," Sango agreed, knowing that Kagome must really be upset to leave like this.
"Thank you Sango-chan," Kagome said softly as she walked past Sango.
"Hey," Sango called out to her, Kagome looked at her over her shoulder. "I'm always here if you need to talk…"
"I know," Kagome replied quietly, and then she was gone.
He was feeling horrible about what he said to her earlier. Damn Miroku for not telling himbeforewent and opened his mouth. Inuyasha hated feeling guilty, even if he rarely felt it. Miroku had demanded that he go and apologize, and he wasn't too happy about doing it. However he knew the annoying feeling wouldn't go away unless he did so.
'Ah-ha!'spotted the familiar raven hair making its way toward the exit and started to follow her.
Kagome was quickly making her way to the back door, trying to make a hasty exit before she caught any unwanted attention. She sighed in relief when she made it to the door, and out into the cool night air. Without pausing she started walking through huge parking lot, spotting her limo toward the back.
"Kagome!" She heard her name being called out by someone she most certainly did not want to see. Why didn't he just leave her the hell alone?
"Go away, Inuyasha." Kagome retorted, not bothering to stop or look at him. He had caught up with her easily.
"I just wanted to tell you that I-" he began trying to be polite, that's what Miroku told him to do. After all Inuyasha rarely apologized to anyone…
"Save it," Kagome snapped. He was starting to get irritated.
"Will you just listen to me for a damn minute?" Why was she making this so hard?
"No," Kagome replied simply. Inuyasha growled, and reached out and grasped her wrist. She gasped in surprise as she was whirled around to face him.
"Now listen here bitch!" Inuyasha began angrily; his golden eyes dark.
"Let me go you ass!" Kagome shrieked as she tried to tug her wrist free. Inuyasha grasped her around her upper arms with both hands and bought her close to his face.
"Damn it I'm trying to apologize!" He shouted a scowl on his face. Kagome looked up at him and he saw a flicker of fear quickly pass over her face. His face softened slightly and his grip loosened. Kagome took the chance to jerk out of his grasp and place a bit of space between them. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier," Inuyasha told her uncomfortably, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. "I didn't know about your parents."
Her face was calm, but Inuyasha seen the flash of anguish in her beautiful eyes, but then it was gone.
"Accepted," Kagome gave a curt nod. She pivoted on her heel, and headed to her limo.
Inuyasha didn't go after her, just stared at her retreating form with a sort of curious and confused look. He knew that losing her parents would definitely have been hard on her but the look in her eyes told him that there was something more to it... and he was determined to find out exactly what Kagome was hiding...
Inuyasha apologized? –gasp-
Stay tuned :)
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Sango sighed impatiently as she glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time. She was sitting in Kagome's kitchen, impatiently strumming her fingers on the island’s marble countertop, as she sat in the low back circular bar stool. Sango lived in the huge guest house at the back and off to the left of the mansion, with her little brother Kohaku. He only stayed with her during breaks from school since she had gotten him into one of the best private schools in Hong Kong. Her parents had died in a car crash when she was eleven, and that left her and her five year old little brother to live with their aunt, whom didn't treat them all that great. Sango had gotten a job at fifteen working at the Higurashi Shrine (well it used to be a shrine until it had gotten built onto, turning it into a mansion) as a cleaning maid, and that is where she befriended the daughter of her rich employer, Kagome. She and Kagome have been friends ever since, and when Kagome started her fashion career at just sixteen, she had hired Sango immediately. Wanting Sango somewhere close, she insisted that she and her brother live with her. Sango resisted, not wanting to intrude, but ended up settling for the guest house anyway. Besides after what happened with Kagome when she was fifteen, Sango knew that Kagome would need someone to be there for her. Too bad she wouldn't even talk about it…
Sango glanced at her watch again and scowled, ending her unhappy thoughts. It was already going on five o'clock in the afternoon, the day of the dress show and Kagome was nowhere to be found. Sango had already tried knocking on her door, but received no answer, and the door was locked, as usual, preventing Sango from going in there and investigating.
'The show starts intwothought irritably'What could she possibly be doing?'
With a groan of annoyance she got up from where she was sitting and marched towards the security room, taking the elevator to the top floor. She quickly walked down a huge corridor and took a left, walking down a narrower hallway. She stopped in front of a huge thick metal door. Underneath the handle was a small keypad of numbers and on the side of that was a small slot, where you could slide your security card in for instant access. Sango cursed herself for not having her card then quickly put in the 6 digit code. She heard a small click and then she swung the door open. It was surprisingly light and easy to open. She heard it latch back with a click as she proceeded down the narrow hallway, taking a left at the third door down and flung open the door. It was currently unoccupied as she quickly inspected the many monitors around the room. Finding the one that was pointed down the hallway where Kagome's room was location she stood in front of it and searched it intently, only a few inches away from the screen, looking for in signs of movement.
"She hasn't come out yet."
Sango jumped at the sudden masculine voice, and whirled around as one of the chiefs of security, sauntered into the room. His long brown hair swayed in the high pony tail that trailed behind him.
The young wolf demon plopped down in very comfortable looking office chair, a bored expression adorning his handsome face. His bright blue eyes stared lazily at her as he propped his feet up on the desk, and clasped his hands together behind his head.
"Where were you?" Sango asked through narrowed eyes. Someone is supposed to be in this room at all times. He knew that!
"Sexually exploiting myself to a picture of you in your sexy pink bunny underwear,” he replied casually, as if he were just commenting on the weather.
Sango crossed her arms indignantly, as her left eye started to tick in utter annoyance. Man, a girl wearsoneof pink printed bunny bloomersoneand she is condemned for it for the rest of her life! What kind of justice wasthat? It's not her fault the she had worn a veryskirt on averyday…
"Relax Sango, I was just taking a leak," he said rolling his eyes.
Sango just heaved a sigh of irritation and asked, "Where's Ayame?"
Kagome had two heads of security since she couldn't decide which one would be best for the job. Both were excellent fighters (both being wolf demons of course), good with technology, and had very sharp eyes. They both were just amazing at their job so Kagome put both of them in charge, like a partnered position. Kouga insists that he is the one with most of the control. Yeah right… that must be why Ayame is going to be at the show tonight and he is stuck here with nothing to do. Yeahthatdefiantly screamed authority…
"She is getting 'supplies'," he made air quotes when he said supplies. Sango giggled, knowing that her 'supplies' was probably a pair of new shoes, or a couple boxes of pocky. That girl had a serious addiction to strawberry pocky. You don't mess with Ayame's pocky it could turn into a not to pretty sight.
"And then she said she would be at the theater. I think she just leaves me here hoping I will die of boredom," he accused huffily, crossing his arms across his chest. His lower lip jutted out slightly and his eyebrows furled together, as he pouted.
"You're such a baby…"
"Hey looks like she's up," Kouga said, choosing to ignore her little remark as he inclined his head toward the monitor.
Sango glanced over and sure enough Kagome was up and ready, sporting a pair of nice form fitting brown dress pants that flared slightly at the bottom, a black sleeveless sweater top, a simple brown belt was around her waist, black high heeled shoes were on her feet, and her long raven colored hair was pulled into a high pony tail. A pair of dark shades adorned her pretty face and a black garment bag was slung over her shoulder, probably the dress she would be wearing at the show. And of course around her neck was a thin chained silver heart shaped locket, something that Kagome rarely, if ever, took off.
"About damn time," Sango grumbled as she looked at her watch. Her mouth gaped open as she seen it was almost five-thirty, and she dashed out of the room so fast she caused a stack of papers to fly off the desk. Kouga heard a quick "Sorry!" come floating back to him. He just sighed and got up to pick the papers up. At least it wassomethingdo….
"Kagome the show is at seven! Why the hell are you just now ready to leave?" Sango asked exasperated.She had just caught up with Kagome and the two were now making their way out the door, toward a waiting limo.
"Well Sango," Kagome began irritably as she climbed into the limo, followed by the other brown haired girl, "when one stays up for almost two days, one begins to become very tired, and thus resulting in the need of sleep."
Sango just rolled her eyes. Kagome hit the window that separated the driver from them impatiently, indicating that she wanted him to get a move on. As the limo started moving Kagome slumped back into the seat.
"Besides," Kagome continued, "most of the preparations have already been done anyway."
"Thanks to Keiji and me," Sango grumbled, shooting Kagome the thanks-for-nothing look.
"He is such an ass. I just want to strangle him with my bare hands…" Kagome commented darkly, as she imitated a choking gesture with her hands.
"Well aren't you just a bottle of sunshine today?" Sango commented dryly.
Kagome just scoffed and reached into the mini fridge inside the limo, pulling out bottle of water. She opened it and gulped about half the bottle down, and with an "ahhhhh" of satisfaction she screwed the cap back on. Sango knew Kagome was starting to perk up some when she seen the small smile on her face.
"Are the dresses already there?" Kagome questioned hopefully, shoving her sun glasses to the top of her head, revealing slightly clouded sapphire eyes. Whether it was from just waking up or something else, Sango couldn't tell…
"Had 'em sent to the theater over an hour ago." Sango told her, breaking out of her thoughts, as she flashed Kagome a huge grin.
"All ready to pollute the air with their aerosol cans."
"Make up?"
"Probably clogging pores as we speak."
"All twenty-two walking bean poles are accounted for."
Kagome beamed a beautiful smile at Sango, making her whole face light up. "What would I do without you Sango?"
"Completely ruin your own fashion show..?" Sango guessed.
"Would not!" Kagome protested, then added as an afterthought, "Well… not completely anyway…"
Sango chuckled as she dug into her huge bag- looking black and gold purse, pulling out her cell phone.
"Man I'm starving…" Kagome groaned, remembering that she had forgotten to eat. Her stomach gave a loud growl, agreeing with her.
"Already on it," Sango stated, phone pressed to her ear. "Hey, Ayame. Where are you? (pause) Oh excellent! Can you please pick up some oden on your way?"
Kagome perked up excitedly, hearing her favorite food dish. She gave her well-toned stomach a pat, reassuring it that she would feed it soon.
"Yeah white rice too," Sango said, knowing Kagome liked having a side of rice as well. "Alright thanks Ayame! Oh yeah he is still sitting there… Yup pouting like a little baby… yeah… oh by the way I seen him eating your strawberry pocky…. something about helping you lose some of the extra weight…"
There was a loud shriek of "WHAT!?" followed by what sounded like curses and threats, but Kagome wasn't sure exactly what was being said, and was thankful. Ayame could be very violent at times.
"Ok… see ya Ayame," Sango hung up the phone with a huge smug grin.
"Kouga really said that?" Kagome asked incredulously.
"Course not," Sango scoffed, "It's just pay back for being an ass earlier."
"Brought up the bunny undies again, didn't he?" Kagome asked, amused.
"I wore them one damn time!" Sango scowled. Kagome burst into laughter, and Sango tossed a glare over to her direction.
"Sango it’s okay if you liked them, I'm sure those bunny printed granny panties were quite comfortable…."
"It was laundry day!" Sango defended, "it was all I had left that was clean!"
"I'm sure it was Sango dear," Kagome soothed, as if she were talking to a small child with an overactive imagination. Sango just 'hmphed' and turned away.
Soon the Fuji Theater came into view. It was a huge white one floored stylish building. It could be used for whatever, since the inside was so big you could just about build whatever you wanted to make it into. The limo drove to the very back of the building, stopping at a little security hut, before they could actually drive through the gates, and into the private was a light tap on Kagome's window, and an older security guard was standing there. He had a look of authority and irritation. Kagome rolled her window down and quirked an eyebrow up at him.
"Oh Ms. Higurashi!" he exclaimed immediately recognizing her. He motioned for the man up at the gates to open them. "Go right on through Ms. Higurashi! Sorry for the inconvenience! I'll inform Mr. Morimoto that you are here."
"You do that," Kagome replied in a slightly annoyed tone as she rolled the window up. The gates were opened and the limo proceeded into the area, stopping right in front of the back doors, which would lead them inside behind the stage and runway. Kagome and Sango got out of the black limo, and headed for the doors. Kagome pulled her shades back down onto her face, the black garment back slung over her arm. Kagome pushed the door open and was instantly hit with voices buzzing with excitement, the sound of aerosol cans spraying, the sound of heels clicking, and everything else you would expect behind the scenes of a runway show.
She walked into the huge room, Sango following suit. Many salon styled stations were set up everywhere, some models were getting their hair done and others were getting makeup done. Doing hair and makeup usually took about a good hour at the least, and by the look of things they were all about done. There were portable changing areas set up, just small square areas made up of poles on wheels and dark curtains hanging up around it, easy to draw together. They were small, but big enough to have room to change into. Some models didn't even really use them, changing right there in front of everyone, which all were used to anyway so it didn't really matter. There were other rooms there as well, closed off by doors of course. They were normally only permitted for designers and their immediate staff, for private conversations or to relax a few minutes, or whatever.
Kagome glanced at her watch, 5:57 pm.
'About an hour till show time,'thought a little nervously.
Kagome might have had many shows, but she still couldn't help getting a little nervous sometimes. After all, it's a lot of pressure being a designer. One day you're in, the next day you're out. Meaning of course that if no one thought her designs appealing, her career would head straight for the toilet. She had to be on her toes, be able to make something original and wearable. It had to be perfected down to the last detail, one wrong thing on anything, even a small one, could easily be the end of all she has worked for…
"Kagome! Over here!" a female voice called over the bustle of the room, interrupting Kagome's nervous train of thought.
Kagome and Sango both looked up and seen Ayame waving her hand energetically as she maneuvered through all the people toward her. Her red hair bouncing, in its usually high pig-tails, that would have looked childish and out if style on anyone else but she pulled it off as if she was born to look that way.
"Hey Ayame!" Kagome greeted happily as the girl finally stopped in front of her. She was holding a large lunch box in her hand; her bright green eyes were sparkling with excitement. Ayame loved coming here and getting to see all the amazing clothes and shoes.
"I got you something," Ayame beamed at her as she handed her the lunchbox.
"Thank you!" Kagome actually squealed in delight and squeezed the box to her chest protectively, eyeing anyone that looked "suspicious."
"No one is going to steal your oden Kagome," Sango remarked, rolling her eyes. Kagome just stuck her tongue out at her and proceeded to sit at a currently, unoccupied salon chair. She opened the box and the aroma of her favorite dish came floating up to her nose. She inhaled deeply and almost drooled at the heavenly scent.
"Oops almost forgot," Ayame said as she handed Kagome an unopened pack of chopsticks. Kagome took them gratefully, and began eating, groaning at the delicious taste. Of course she really couldn't eat it slow and savor the taste like she wanted to; she had work to do, so she began picking up the pace.
"Alright I'm off to make rounds," Sango told her, giving them a casual salute, and was gone.
"So Kagome," Ayame drawled casually, giving the said girl a sly grin, "going to be enjoying your next month?"
"I dowt wawnt to tawlk abowt it." Kagome replied, her mouth full of the yummy oden.
"Kagome it's rude to talk with your mouth full," Ayame scolded lightly. "Besides you don't want Inuyasha to think you don't even have proper manners do you?"
Kagome gave her a menacing glare and didn't reply. Ayame just grinned at her; her green eyes dancing with mirth.
"Anyway," Ayame said as Kagome swallowed her food, "I saw the dark gold dress."
The dress was sleeveless, and was made to look like it was slightly bunched at the midsection, and hugged the curves of the upper body. The bottom of it started out short, reaching about mid-thigh, but proceeded to get longer at the sides, sort of in a tiered style, the very bottom layer barely touching the ground. It was stunning.
"Do you like it?" Kagome asked, taking another bite of oden.
"Actually I love it!" Ayame exclaimed excitedly.Too…
"You want it don't you?" Kagome asked suspiciously.
"Well not exactly," Ayame replied casually, "I want a green one."
Kagome opened her mouth to say something but Ayame continued before she could.
"Please Kaggie-chan? Pleeeaaaase?" Ayame begged with wide pleading eyes, her hands clamped together in front of her face.
"Alright," Kagome sighed rolling her eyes. Ayame jumped in the air in triumph, squealing happily.
"I love you Kaggie," Ayame beamed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Kagome waved her off grinning, "Now go away and let me enjoy my oden in peace." Ayame gave her another brilliant smile, and skipped away energetically. Kagome finished up her oden, and got up to go inspect everything. Everything had to be perfect.
Kagome observed a blonde girl that was wearing the sea-green dress that Sango had helped her make.
"Uh uh," Kagome said shaking her head disapprovingly. She caught the attention of a dark haired girl a few feet away, and beckoned her to come over. Both girls looked at her, looking very much like two deer caught in headlights. "You need to switch dresses with her," Kagome told the dark haired girl, indicating the blonde. The sea-green would look much better on the darker haired girl, and the blonde ones hair went better with the gold.
"Hai," the girls mumbled and quickly but carefully got out of the dresses, relieved that that was all she wanted. Kagome just continued on, adjusting this, changing that. She made sure that all twenty-two models looked perfect and were in the correct dresses.
"You're an amateur aren't you?" Kagome questioned, gazing at the tall light browned hair girl in front of her.
"Hai," the girl replied nervously. She was wearing a light silver shimmering gown, with sheer slightly darker short sleeves. A dark silver ribbon was around her small waist, and the skirt fell in waves of silver down to her ankles.
"Show me your walk," Kagome instructed. The girl complied immediately, strutting like she would down the runway, she struck a pose and continued back to her. Kagome shook her head. "You need to walk more gracefully, like a goddess," Kagome told her and proceeded to show her exactly what she meant. "And do not do that pose that you did. You need a more soft and confident look."
"Like this?" the girl asked, as she walked the way Kagome showed her and did a pose where her face was relaxed, with a soft sexy smile, head held high.
"Perfect," Kagome approved with a nod. "You need to learn to embrace what you are wearing,becomewhat you are wearing. If you can't express what the dress is supposed to say to other people on your own, you will not make it anywhere."
"Hai, Ms. Higurashi, thank you so much," the girl said with a small smile, taking the advice she had given her completely seriously, like she should.
Kagome gave a curt nod, and was off again.
'Only a half-hour left,'thought, as she headed to the back of the room, and opened the door to the small room she left her garment bag in. You could already hear the loud chatter from the front room. Obviously there were a lot of people there, like there always was. Most people came early, especially the photographers and camera people.
'I wonder where Keiji is...?'Kagome thought suddenly, realizing she hadn't seen him yet. She just shrugged, concluding in her mind that she didn't care, and unzipped her bag.
She was in a small room with two long couches on either side of the room and a table in the middle of the room, it had no windows. Kagome pulled the dress out that she had picked to wear for when she was forced to go on stage and introduce her line. It was a sleeveless light purple dress that laced up the back, sort of in a corset fashion. It bunched at the bust and midriff area slightly, giving it a slightly ruffled look; the skirt part was looser and flowed to her ankles. It was simple and elegant.
After she slipped the dress on and the black sandal high heels, she bounded out the door, the back was loose and not tied yet; obviously she couldn't do it herself. She was irritated at herself for forgetting about the back and wasn't paying attention to where she was going. That of course led to her crashing into something hard, causing her to fall backwards. She had her eyes shut tight, waiting for the impact of the ground to hit her. It didn't, however shedidfeel strong arms wrap around her, keeping her from falling.
"Keh wench watch where the hell you're going!"
Her eyes snapped open, and she was staring straight into irritated golden eyes. She recognized those eyes immediately and shoved on his chest, and out of his arms.
"Well maybe if you weren't just standing there looking stupid I wouldn't have ran into you," Kagome retorted, and then went to walk past him. A strong hand reached out and clasped onto her upper arm, causing her to spin back around.
"What the hell did you just say to me!" Inuyasha growled.
"I said," Kagome said slowly as if speaking to a child, "if you're stupid ass wasn't standing there, probably ogling yourself in the mirror, I wouldn't have ran into you."
"Bitch do you know who the hell your talking to?" He snarled, anger flashing in his beautiful amber eyes, his grip on her arm tightening.
"For your information, Mr.Takahashi," Kagome snapped, emphasizing his name, "I do know who you are, and I do not care. Call me a bitch again and I will have you thrown out."
Before Inuyasha could reply an angry voice sounded behind him, "Inuyasha what the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha let her go and whirled on the voice behind him.
"I'm about to put thisbitch," he sneered the word making sure she knew that he would not listen to her, "in her place!"
"Inuyasha, you idiot, that's Kagome!" The blue eyed man said, obviously annoyed by the hanyou's behavior. He turned to Kagome and gave her a dazzling smile. "I apologize for my friend's behavior; I'm Sosaki, Miroku, Inuyasha's agent."
"Don't apologize for me I don't have a damn thing to be sorry about!" Inuyasha snapped, his arms crossed over his chest stubbornly.
"An apology isn't needed anyway," Kagome replied, throwing Inuyasha a dark look, "I understand that he can't help the fact that he is a natural born asshole."
"And you must be a natural born bitch! Bet your parents are real proud," Inuyasha sneered at her.
There were a collective number of gasps that had sounded in the room from the people that had overheard him. Kagome's blood ran cold; her face instantly turning into an emotionless mask, the only thing that indicated her rage was the fact that her eyes were so dark they were almost grey.
"Go to hell," Kagome retorted maliciously. She spun on her heel and stalked away.
"Inuyasha you dumbass!" Miroku exclaimed angrily turning to said 'dumbass'. "Her parents are dead!"
That statement made the hanyou's heart drop, remorse instantly coursing through his body.
"Aw shit," Inuyasha grimaced, his ears drooping slightly with guilt.
Kagome stalked over to the other side of the room, close to the entrance to the stage, where Sango was standing, observing. Sango seen Kagome coming toward her, and knew by the look on her face that something was very wrong."What's wrong Kagome?" Sango questioned when Kagome got close to her. Kagome just turned around in front of her and lifted her hair, exposing the unlaced back. Sango instantly got to work, understanding the silent request.
"I can't talk about it right now Sango," Kagome said quietly, but Sango heard the anger in her voice.
"Hai Kagome-chan," Sango understood, she finished lacing her up, and making sure it was tight enough to stay right where it was, but not so tight she couldn't breathe. Sango looked at her watch, 6:42."Kagome we only have about eighteen minutes."
"You," Kagome called out to a passing hair stylist, a bit more harshly then she meant, "I need this straight." She indicated her hair with a toss of her head.
The young man scrambled over to the nearest station, and Kagome took a set. Sango came over and brushed Kagome's face with some foundation, as the hair stylist got to work straitening her slightly wavy hair. Sango put black eyeliner and light shimmering purple eye shadow on her, and some lip gloss on her full lips. It only took about ten minutes for the man to be done, considering Kagome's hair was pretty much straight to begin with. Kagome stood up and flipped her hair over her shoulders; she clapped her hands loudly a few times, getting the attention of the room.
"Listen up," Kagome said in a commanding professional voice, the whole room instantly quieted. "Do not make a fool of yourself, and embarrass me. Wear my dresses proudly, make them want to have it! And peoplepleaseto walk in tune with the music! Nothing looks more ridiculous than a model that can't walk correctly to simple music."
"Two minutes Kaggie!" Sango informed her, handing her a microphone. Kagome hurriedly turned to a young man that was in charge of the music.
"As soon as I introduce the line, immediately start playing the music." He nodded and she turned to the models once again. "When the music starts then go, do not hesitate! Do not take too long on the runway and models on board do not start going until the next girl is halfway back!" With that said Kagome plastered a brilliant smile onto her face, pushing away all the anger she felt into the back of her mind. She gracefully swept onto the really long runway, turning the microphone on. Camera's instantly flashed away.
"Good evening," Kagome said pleasantly, the crowd of about two hundred people burst into applause. Chairs were lined up surrounding the runway for V.I.P members, and then the other rows started a few feet away from the runway, each row slightly higher than the one before it, making the runway available to see for everyone. " Thank you all for coming here today!" Kagome began with a dazzling white smile. "I'm very excited to be here tonight. I hope you all will enjoy the show! Now I'm proud to present, the new Higurashi Dress Line!"
With a graceful sweep of her arm, she exited the runway. The music began and the first model pranced out. The pleasant look on Kagome's face disappeared as she turned off the microphone behind the stage. She watched the models standing in line, waiting anxiously for their turn in the spotlight. Kagome was in a spot where she was hidden from view but was able to watch the models down the runway.
"Everything looks fabulous Kagome."
She didn't have to turn around to know who was talking to her, "Where you been Keiji?"
"Just taking care of some business," he replied casually. Kagome turned to look at him and he knew something was wrong. "What happened?"
"Inuyasha is what happened!" Kagome snapped. "Tell him the deal is off. He isfired."
"You can't fire him Kagome," Keiji said quietly. "The deal is done. There is no going back on it, he can't be fired."
"Why are you doing this to me?" Kagome asked exasperatedly. "You know that I can't do this!"
"Yes you can Kagome," Keiji assured her, his green eyes staring intently at her. Kagome said nothing, turning her attention to watch the twelfth model glide down the white runway. "I'm not doing this to hurt you Kaggie…" Keiji said softly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I know Keiji," Kagome replied, some of her anger disappearing. Keiji has always looked out for her, always been there for her. He was just doing what he thought was best… Kagome just wished that everyone would leave her alone. He knows why she wasn't dating…why is he trying to force her? Well if you can call it dating anyway…
"Anyway," Keiji changed the subject, bringing Kagome out of her thoughts. "Inuyasha will be waiting for when you are ready to introduce him as the lead model." Kagome stiffened at the mention of his name, but nodded anyway.
As the last model came back Kagome quickly took her place at the end of the line for the final walk. The whole show only took about twenty-five minutes. The final walk was when all the models walked one last time down the runway, in single file. Keiji handed her back the microphone, as Kagome composed her face and put on her best smile. The models began to descend onto the runway, each striking a two second pose at the end and walking back. Cameras were flashing wildly, as Kagome, took a deep bow, the crowd erupted in applause. She smiled at them and turned her microphone back on. She was genuinely pleased that they liked the line, and glad that the show was a success.
"Thank you all so very much!" Kagome exclaimed, slowly making her way back toward the middle of the runway as she talked. "As everyone knows, I will be presenting my first full men's line next month," the crowed buzzed with excited murmurs. "I would like to present to you, my lead model for the show, who will also be getting his own spread in my magazine,Hush," Kagome paused, the suspense getting to the crowd, as they wondered who the lucky model could be. "The one and only, Mr. Takahashi, Inuyasha," Kagome indicated toward the back of the stage.
Everyone applauded excitedly as Inuyasha came strutting out. He had one hand in the pocket of his designer jeans and the other one, was holding the microphone, his fingers waving to the crowd. Cameras snapped even more wildly, as he came to stand beside Kagome, a cocky grin plastered on his handsome face.
"Thank you for that wonderful introduction, Kagome," Inuyasha replied, giving Kagome a wink, which of course didn't get unnoticed by the people that were close enough to see. Kagome just gave him a tight smile, her face flushing slightly with anger, which everyone else took as a blush. "I'm looking forward to working with Ms. Higurashi, for the next month," Inuyasha stated. Kagome got the hidden sarcasm of his words however.
"I'm glad to hear it," Kagome replied in a pleasant tone, Inuyasha being the only one that knew that retort would have been sarcastic had she not been standing in front of over two hundred people. She turned her attention back to the people, "I hope you all enjoyed your evening, and I hope you will also have a fantastic time at the party." Kagome gave a look of apology to the crowed as she continued. "I however will not be attending tonight. Unfortunately an emergency has come up that I need to tend to." She shot a fake smile toward Inuyasha. "Mr. Takahashi however will still be going. Thank you everyone for joining me this evening, I look forward to the next show." Kagome gave them a beautiful smile and left the stage.
"See everyone tonight," Inuyasha called out, waving good-bye as he followed behind Kagome.
'What the hell does that wench think she is doing?'thought irritably. The whole point of him going to that party was to be with her. He glared at her retreating form, already halfway across the room.
Kagome stalked off toward the room she had left her other clothes in. She was not going anywhere with him. To hell with that stupid deal! He was such an ass! Kagome was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Sango had been following her, until Kagome accidently slammed the door in her face.
"Damn Kagome!" Sango huffed as she rubbed her abused nose. She quickly closed the door and locked it.
"Sorry Sango," Kagome apologized, "I didn't even know you were behind me."
"Obviously," Sango snorted as she strolled over behind Kagome and started undoing the back of her dress.
"Thanks," Kagome mumbled as she held her hair away for easier access.
"You haven't told me what happened yet," Sango reminded words from Inuyasha's previous comment came back to her.
'Bet your parents are real proud.'
Kagome felt her heart clench in despair at the thought of her parents. She would never forgive herself for their death…
"He just kept calling me a bitch," Kagome replied, interrupting her own thoughts. Sango knew Kagome wasn't telling her everything but decided to drop it for now.
"Keiji is going to kick your ass for not going tonight," Sango warned, undoing the last piece of lace.
"He will get over it," Kagome scoffed, sitting down on the couch to slip her shoes off. Sango just sighed as she went and picked up Kagome's shoes and set them in the box they came in. Kagome slipped out of her dress, exposing her black strapless bra and matching black lacked short styled cut underwear. Kagome quickly changed back into the clothes she wore earlier, and slipped on her heels. Sango put her dress in the bag as Kagome pulled her hair up into a high ponytail.
"Sango can you take care of things tonight?" Kagome asked quietly as she placed her shades on top of her head.
"Hai Kagome," Sango agreed, knowing that Kagome must really be upset to leave like this.
"Thank you Sango-chan," Kagome said softly as she walked past Sango.
"Hey," Sango called out to her, Kagome looked at her over her shoulder. "I'm always here if you need to talk…"
"I know," Kagome replied quietly, and then she was gone.
'Where did that wench go?'growled looking around the room, looking for the said 'wench'.He was feeling horrible about what he said to her earlier. Damn Miroku for not telling himbeforewent and opened his mouth. Inuyasha hated feeling guilty, even if he rarely felt it. Miroku had demanded that he go and apologize, and he wasn't too happy about doing it. However he knew the annoying feeling wouldn't go away unless he did so.
'Ah-ha!'spotted the familiar raven hair making its way toward the exit and started to follow her.
Kagome was quickly making her way to the back door, trying to make a hasty exit before she caught any unwanted attention. She sighed in relief when she made it to the door, and out into the cool night air. Without pausing she started walking through huge parking lot, spotting her limo toward the back.
"Kagome!" She heard her name being called out by someone she most certainly did not want to see. Why didn't he just leave her the hell alone?
"Go away, Inuyasha." Kagome retorted, not bothering to stop or look at him. He had caught up with her easily.
"I just wanted to tell you that I-" he began trying to be polite, that's what Miroku told him to do. After all Inuyasha rarely apologized to anyone…
"Save it," Kagome snapped. He was starting to get irritated.
"Will you just listen to me for a damn minute?" Why was she making this so hard?
"No," Kagome replied simply. Inuyasha growled, and reached out and grasped her wrist. She gasped in surprise as she was whirled around to face him.
"Now listen here bitch!" Inuyasha began angrily; his golden eyes dark.
"Let me go you ass!" Kagome shrieked as she tried to tug her wrist free. Inuyasha grasped her around her upper arms with both hands and bought her close to his face.
"Damn it I'm trying to apologize!" He shouted a scowl on his face. Kagome looked up at him and he saw a flicker of fear quickly pass over her face. His face softened slightly and his grip loosened. Kagome took the chance to jerk out of his grasp and place a bit of space between them. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier," Inuyasha told her uncomfortably, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. "I didn't know about your parents."
Her face was calm, but Inuyasha seen the flash of anguish in her beautiful eyes, but then it was gone.
"Accepted," Kagome gave a curt nod. She pivoted on her heel, and headed to her limo.
Inuyasha didn't go after her, just stared at her retreating form with a sort of curious and confused look. He knew that losing her parents would definitely have been hard on her but the look in her eyes told him that there was something more to it... and he was determined to find out exactly what Kagome was hiding...
Inuyasha apologized? –gasp-
Stay tuned :)
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