InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Being Blind ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: The plot as of now will get more complicated…^.^

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
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Kagome sighed mentally as Inuyasha insulted her choice of music. He had blindly tried to change the channel, but missed and so far turned on the AC, the heater, and somehow managed to jam her CD player. How it still played, she'll never know. It was three days later, and since he'd healed so quickly of his other injuries, they let him go home early, and where currently driving to his house. She began to seriously doubt her choice in deciding to aid him, but she still refused to believe the rumors. She still believed that Inuyasha was really good at heart, though what made her believe that, she didn't know.
"So, do I take a left on Keiichi Lane? (>.< bad name…)" Kagome asked.
"I already told you!" Inuyasha said impatiently.
"Well tell me again." Kagome replied, masking her frustration.
"Yes you do." Inuyasha replied arrogantly.

~Lucky me…~ Kagome thought sarcastically. ~I get to live with this jerk until I get enough to pay off the bank for the debts.~ She had done the math earlier, and to pay off the damn bank would take six months. The good thing though, was that the bank had given her eight months… a month ago. If not, they would have to mortgage the shrine.
She remembered it clearly…the day her father had left them with so many debts. It happened only three months ago… They found out that he had died in a car crash, and then a month later the bank had said that he had 'unpaid debts from previous engagements'. They had never said what they were from. Her mother had to take care of Jii-chan, and Souta, so that only left her to work. She had received some archery scholarships, but she couldn't juggle school and a job at the same time. She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear her cell phone ring, and only noticed it when Inuyasha yelled at her.
"Oi wench! Your damn phone is ringing!!" Inuyasha called over the incessant ringing.
"Huh? Oh!" She said and picked up her phone. "Hello?"
"How's it going?" came a familiar feminine voice on the other end.
"Yeah. So is he like the rumors said he was? Or is he how you envisioned him?", she asked excitedly. Kagome glanced at Inuyasha, who was facing outside the car with his cap on, so she couldn't tell if he was paying attention.
"Let's say… it sort of met in the middle." Kagome replied. She knew it was mostly her fault that they had started off on the wrong foot.
"Oh. Ok. Can I help you move in with him?" Sango asked innocently. Kagome glanced at Inuyasha. She knew he was probably listening, but he wasn't saying anything… and it wasn't like she wanted to spend a whole lot of time with him, being so irritable, even though it was her job.
"Sure, I guess." Kagome shrugged.
"Ok!" Sango chirped. "What's the address?"
"Oh yeah! Ummm… it's… (I don't know addresses in Japan so bear with me) 5678 Shonin Av. Do you need directions?"
"No. I'll get them off the internet. I'm on right now." Sango replied.
"I'll see you around…. 5:00pm ok?"

"Bye." Kagome hung up the phone. She looked around at all of the huge houses in the neighborhood. ~Stupid rich people…~ She thought. How did these people get rich anyway? "Hey Inuyasha?"
"What?!" He asked irritably.
"How did you get so rich?"
"What?" Inuyasha asked. ~Why is she asking about that?~ He thought.
"How did you get so rich?" She inquired again.
"Inheritance." He replied simply. ~Well I guess that's one way…~ Kagome thought.
"How did your parents get rich?" She asked, trying hard not to sound too nosy.
"Dad was some kind of politician, and Mom's family was in stock and business. What's with the questions anyway?!" He suddenly snapped. Why had he told her all of that crap anyway?!
"Just wondering! Geez…." Kagome said masking some hurt. Why did he have to be that way? "So… where are your Mom and Dad anyway?" Kagome asked conversationally.
"Do you ever learn?! Just shut up and drive!! My house is the one with the black gate!!" He yelled.
"Ok! Ok." She said as she came upon one of the more medium houses, but it was big to her. "You live in a house like this alone?!" She exclaimed.
"Feh! (Or is it Keh?) I live here with Miroku!" He said.
"The guy at the hospital?" she asked innocently.
"Who else?!" Inuyasha said impatiently.
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"Wow…. They even have a pool…" Kagome said in awe, while looking at the backyard.
"Yup." Came a masculine voice from the corner of her eye. She turned to see none other than Miroku standing behind her.
"Uhh… hey…" She stammered, not sure how to act around a pervert. "I better go and unpack and stuff…" She said as she turned to leave.
"Wait!" She heard him say. She turned around.
"Ummm… you're not going to hold it against him are you?" He asked fidgeting.
"What against who?" Kagome asked, bewildered.
"Inuyasha… you're not going to hold against him the fact that he's hanyou are you?" Miroku asked seriously.
"Why would I do that?" Kagome asked with genuine confusion and an innocent face.
<>Miroku's POV<>

I looked at her face, and saw that she was being honest. I think that she's a miko…she has to be; otherwise she wouldn't have known what Inuyasha was. How could a miko not understand? I can see auras, probably6 from being a monk, and her aura has some kind of power circulating around it…but it tries to keep itself hidden… maybe if I did the test?
<>Normal POV<>

Miroku regarded her for a moment before asking: "If you don't mind, could I do something?" Kagome was a little worried since he was a pervert. "I promise I won't touch any offensive part of you," he assured her. She gave him a hesitant nod. "Ok. If you could please close your eyes?" He asked sincerely. Kagome wondered if this was the same Miroku whom she had met in the hospital, but she closed her eyes.
Miroku lifted his right index and middle finger to her forehead, closed his eyes, and concentrated on any source of energy. He had to be sure that she was a miko. All of a sudden he felt a sudden spark. There it was! The miko sign. He saw it. But all of a sudden, he felt another spark, and he was enveloped in a golden light.
Inuyasha was just sitting around doing nothing but listening to the radio when he heard a sudden shrill scream. He jumped up immediately and headed for the voice, which was undoubtedly Kagome's.
Miroku blinked up at the golden light. It was odd. He didn't feel as though he had a body of any sort, but he felt in complete and utter bliss. ~Wha…What is this place? ~ he asked himself. Then he saw something. It wasn't golden like the light he was engulfed in, but instead a pure white. In the core of the light, he saw… Kagome? She had the most beautiful angel wings, and was smiling angelically. Her face was averted away from him, but even he had to admit that she was beautiful. ~No… it can't be…can it?~ He thought. Then she looked up at him, her innocent smile widened, as if happy to see him. Then everything blacked out.
Miroku slowly opened his eyes. He was lying in someone's bed, and he groaned.
"Oi." Miroku looked to his side to see Inuyasha 'looking' at him with his blind gaze.
"Where's Kagome-sama?" Miroku asked. He needed to talk to Inuyasha about her.
"What's with the 'sama'? She went out to go buy medicine for you or some shit like that. I wasn't listening." He replied. "So what happened?"
"Kagome may be an angel…" Miroku replied.
"An angel?!?!?" Inuyasha exclaimed. "How could she be one?! She probably isn't even a miko!!"
"She doesn't know, but…I don't know how her powers developed without her knowing, but she may only be a few steps below being an angel. She probably only has to harness her power before she can become one…" Miroku said looking at his friend.
"Kikyou wasn't an angel, and she was almost powerful enough to defeat Mom and Dad… HOW CAN THAT WEAKLING OF A GIRL BE ONE!??!?!?!?!?!?" Inuyasha yelled.
"She isn't one yet! Besides, we both know that even though Kikyou was powerful, she could never be HAPPY. She never smiled, or showed any emotion! That's why she didn't become an angel!" Miroku argued.
"Still… even though… she wasn't one… she was to me…even though she saw me as a monster…" Inuyasha replied in a soft, almost inaudible tone.

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A/N: I suppose you want explanations:
1.) When a miko becomes powerful, AND happy, (which is hard to find since powerful people are usually power hungry) and are at a power level where they can't get any higher, they become an angel with more powers, etc… It is extremely hard to become an angel, but if you can, you can demolish a youkai with barely any energy.
2.) Kikyou's and Inuyasha's relationship will be explained later.
3.) Inuyasha's mom was almost an angel.

Any other questions, put in the reviews, and I'll answer them later.

Other than that, REVIEW PLEASE? ::puppy dog eyes::
And please, to anyone, do NOT correct my Japanese and stuff, my editors KNOW Japanese (not to mention the fact that I AM ½ Japanese) and will correct anything that I have done wrong.