InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Being Blind ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry for the wait! Guess what I had to do with this chapter? I had to print it out and retype it because it had something wrong with it… =\ .:sigh:.

Anyway, check out my other fic please?; 'Friends Forever?', won't let me put the hyperlink, so C,C&P!!! [cut, copy, and paste]:

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.


Being Blind



The next night, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Kagome were all sprawled out on the floor and sofa, bored.

"Hey Inuyasha?" Miroku asked.

"What?" Inuyasha replied.

"Can we invite Kouga over?" Miroku asked like a child asking his mother for a cookie.

"Why?!" Inuyasha snapped.

"Awww….come on! You have to make amends with him sooner or later!" Miroku whined

"No. I don't." Inuyasha replied facing the opposite of Miroku's voice. Miroku just sighed and looked at Kagome who was on the reclining chair.

~I need to make sure that that vision was real.~ Miroku thought to himself. The visions always seemed so whimsical in a way that he could never be sure if they were odd dreams or actual visions. Without a word, he got up and headed towards the sleeping girl. Inuyasha, hearing his footsteps, turned to Miroku.

"What the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha asked. His voice wasn't demanding, just merely irritated.

"I need to make sure that that vision was real. It was unlike any vision with your mother or Kikyou. Though it was closer to your mothers. It seemed so pure and innocent…" Miroku rambled on while placing his index and middle finger over the sleeping girl's forehead, once again focusing on any spark of power. "If I pass out, tell her I'm asleep."

"Feh. Whatever." Inuyasha replied, but Miroku was already in another world.


Miroku slowly opened his eyes. He was once again, surrounded by a golden light, and could hear the faint sounds of music and laughing. He looked around for any sight of Kagome, but found he couldn't move. His eyes looked down and he saw that he didn't have a body, but for some odd reason, he didn't feel alarmed, if anything, he felt the familiar feeling of pure bliss engulf him again.

That was when he saw it. It wasn't big at first, but it seemed to be growing at a rapid rate. It was a ball of pure white light, and seemed that it would explode soon, but when the ball reached what seemed to be it's peak, it stopped. Suddenly, everything was silent. The laughter and music died down, and it was a eerie quiet. Then, suddenly, the ball glowed a brilliant pale pastel pink, then slowly opened, like a flower blossoming in elapsed time. It was then that he saw her. She was curled into a tight ball, giant, beautiful, pure white wings blossomed from her back, stretched out to a wide radius, though, despite this, they seemed almost drooped. It seemed she was protecting something. She wasn't smiling like she had been in his other vision, but slightly frowning, and eyebrows furrowed. Kagome was wearing something different this time. She had a form-fitting dress on that seemed to end at the knees. It looked as if it were white, but if one looked close enough, they could see that it had a small hue of a dusty pink.

She opened her eyes and Miroku was surprised at what he saw. Her once warm chocolate eyes seemed dull, and had lost it's luster and life to them, they were glazed with heartbreak. It was a terrible contrast to their surroundings. Miroku suddenly felt as if this were a vision of the future, how he didn't know.

Ever so slowly did she start to uncurl herself, to show that she was indeed holding something cupped in her slender hands. She then suddenly turned to him, widening her eyes as if happy to see him. She fluttered towards him and held out whatever she was holding.

"Take it…….." She said in a hollow, monotone voice that, quite frankly scared Miroku. The Kagome he knew, her voice was always happy, even if she had a frown on her face. It was as if she turned into Kikyou.

"W-what?" He asked, not sure what she meant.

"Please…" she said in a pleading tone, her eyes showing fear. "Protect it, I cannot anymore… He'll find me and destroy me…" She said as she slowly opened her hands to him. Miroku gasped. It was the object of ultimate power…the Shikon no Tama.

"H-how-" Miroku started, but was cut off by their surroundings becoming overcast, then it got dark, almost as if it were nightfall, but the feel to it…it felt pure evil. It soon became a polluted area, dark purple clouds billowing overhead, and the air became stale. He looked at Kagome, who seemed to be frozen in shock and complete fear.

"No…." She whispered. She took the Shikon no Tama and shovind it into Miroku's hand. "Please protect it…. Never let it get into the hands of evil-"

She was cut off by an evil and sinister laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!! You think you can escape me my precious angel? After I took you in after your heart broke because of that pathetic half-breed? You cannot escape me ever for I am more powerful than a pathetic excuse for an angel such as yourself." a bodiless voice said, teasing.

"Run!" Was all Miroku heard before blacking out into oblivion.


Miroku shot up and looked around. He was sitting up on the floor where he supposedly had fallen after the vision. He looked up at Inuyasha who was flicking imaginary lint off his shirt. Miroku seemed to suddenly seemed to notice a small weight in his fingers. He looked down, and slowly but surely opened his palms. He almost fainted. Right there in his palm was the Shikon no Tama.

"Well?" Inuyasha asked.

"Sh-she…Oh my God…" Was all Miroku could say. Inuyasha looked up. What? He asked, even though he heard exactly what Miroku said.

"S-she had the-the Shikon….Kikyou was supposed to destroy it…" Inuyasha was up in a flash, violently shaking Miroku.

"WHAT did you say?! Where is it now?!?!?!?" Inuyasha yelled.

"I have it!" Miroku yelled back.

"Wha…" They both heard, and both turned to a yawning Kagome. "What are you talking about?" She asked stretching, her hair slightly tousled.

"Nothing." Replied Inuyasha, stiffly, tilting his head so his bangs covered his unseeing eyes. Kagome blinked.


^v^^v^ a few days later ^v^^v^

"Oi Bouzu!" Inuyasha asked one day while Kagome was out. Since Miroku's last vision, he possessed the Shikon.

"Houshi. What?" Miroku asked over his book.

"What…what did you see that day?" You never told me exactly." Inuyasha said. Miroku didn't need to ask what Inuyasha was talking about.

"Like I said; I surrounded by a-" He was cut off by a certain impatient blind hanyou.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah… golden light, music, you couldn't move." Inuyasha interrupted. "What I mean is…. Can you show me?"

"Again?" Miroku asked exasperated. "I showed you one of you're mothers two years ago, and I fainted from exhaustion, and I'm still recuperating!" Miroku snapped.

"Come on…"


"If you don't show me, I'll kick you out of _my_ house." Miroku paled considerably. He knew Inuyasha wouldn't hesitate to do it either.

"You're bluffing."

"You're the one whose bluffing, you wanna try me?"

"You know very well that I have no place to go since Mushin died." Miroku pointed out.

"All the more reason to show me." Inuyasha countered

"You're blind." Miroku was getting desperate now.

"No shit Sherlock. I'm using my minds eye. I'll be able to see. Baka. Inuyasha replied smartly, as he threw a pillow at Miroku with amazing accuracy.

"…I hate you…"

Inuyasha smirked.


Miroku and Inuyasha sat down on the couch.

"Ok… well if you wake up and I fainted again, the just tell Kagome-sama I fell asleep ok?" Miroku reminded his friend sternly.

Yeah yeah…" Inuyasha replied as Miroku placed his index and middle finger on Inuyasha's forehead.

"Close your eyes". Miroku said.

"Inuyasha slowly closed his unseeing eyes not sure what to expect when he heard Miroku chanting a mantra. Suddenly, he felt himself being lurched forward by an invisible force as his world was taken into darkness.


Inuyasha's eyes snapped open. He was in a bright golden light. It didn't feel overly bright as to where you would have to shade your eyes though. But he didn't hear any music as Miroku had said. ~Stupid idiot….~ He thought silently to himself, only to hear his voice echo in the golden light. He mentally slapped himself, (only to be slapped in the face by an invisible force,) of course! He was -inside- his own head, however odd that sounded.

He felt as if he were floating. He looked down and was slightly surprised to see his body. ~Miroku said he couldn't see his body……~ Slowly, he felt his feet touch solid ground. The golden light suddenly brightened as if he were staring into the sun. He shielded and closed his eyes.


When he re-opened them, he found himself lying in the shade of a giant tree. ~Nani? Miroku said it got all dark.~ He was slightly surprised that his voice didn't echo back to him. He sat up and looked around. He heard a small giggle from behind him.

"You've finally woken up." Said a feminine voice with a hint of a smile. That voice… there was no mistaking it was Kagome's. He turned around, wondering what she looked like and almost gasped.

"K-Kikyou?!" He asked. She looked puzzled and cocked her head cutely to the side.

"What're you talking about? It's me Kagome?" She replied, then her smile reappeared, although this time, it was slightly teasing. It was then he noticed the subtle differences. Her features were softer, less sharper than Kikyou's, her skin was slightly tanned, and her chocolate eyes were warmer, and more welcoming. All in all, she was the most beautiful creatures Inuyasha had ever seen. She was sitting down, both legs together, and to the side. She was wearing the dress that Miroku had described. (He never misses out on those details.) Slightly pink, form-fitting (insert blush), and though he couldn't see it while she was sitting, he knew it was right above the knee. He didn't see wings though. Where were they?

"Or didn't you notice from my scent?" She asked, her melodious vioce breaking him out of his reverie. She smiled cutely and he blushed. Why was he feeling this way?

"K-Kagome?" He asked. She nodded.

"Come on." She said, smiling brightly (boy, she sure does smile a lot doesn't she?), standing up, and holding out her hand. Inuyasha looked at it reproachfully. She looked a little hurt and Inuyasha felt a pang of guilt. "I'm not going to eat you." she said with a small smile." Inuyasha took her slender hand and she helped him get up.

She turned and faced the giant tree that was offering them shade.

"Kikyou once told me that this was a time tree." She began, but glanced at Inuyasha when the stuttered a bit.

"H-how-?!" He began, but was cut off by Kagome.

"Inuyasha… I'm not your Kagome." She paused, as if thinking whether of not to continue. "I had a different destiny…" She paused before looking at him, a fake happy smile on her face. "Go to the Library with Kagome, and look up 'Shikon Quests by Miroku'" She said. "I still can't believe that he couldn't think of a better name…" she murmured softly to herself, a small smile playing on her lips. "Remember that title and name Inuyasha." She said, and put the palm of her right hand on a spot of the giant tree that seemed to have less bark, and a small dot a little right and above to the center.

"This… This tree's name is the Goshinboku…Inuyasha, what I am about to tell you will seem confusing, and slightly embarrassing. The confusing part will be worked out when you go to the library…" She paused, a sad expression crossing her features. Inuyasha felt the odd need to hug her. He shook his head. What was up with him?

"We were never meant to be together…Inuyasha and I…" She said. Inuyasha looked at her with a baffled expression. "I was in love with him…" The look in her eyes became sadder, and she looked down, but still touching the Goshinboku. "He loved me too…though he told me too late…" She cut herself off, and looked up at him. Her eyes were watery, and any minute, any second, her eyes would overflow. "I got a little ahead of myself" She offered him a small smile. "When I first met Inuyasha… he insulted me, then saved me, then tried to kill me for the Shikon no Tama that I had held inside my body… then I shattered the jewel on accident, and we had to search for the shards… we were met by other people….a kitsune cub, Shippou-chan, a perverted monk, Miroku-sama, and a demon exterminator, Sango-chan and her demon cat Kirara. By the time we met Sango-chan, I had was already in love with you. But…

"I didn't come to talk about that with you. I need to tell you. Give the jewel to Kagome. Disguise it as a jeweled necklace or anything, just give it to her. Don't use it to become full demon, you would regret it….after you give her the jewel, and go to the library, you as well as her will get flashbacks of your previous life… and you'll soon find yourself… falling for a certain someone." She gave him a smile. "But, you have to tell them your feelings, if not, there will be dire consequences.

"When we fought Naraku… I wasn't an angel… I was meant to be one, but it didn't turn out that way, because, though I was happy, I wasn't as happy as I could've been. Because I'd never think that Inuyasha would ever feel the same way about me, but he did…" She added. A lone tear made it's way down her cheek and her voice began to waver. Inuyasha had to keep fighting off the thought of hugging her. "The day we faced Naraku, my miko power and the Bakuryuuha were able to defeat him, but… but before our blast hit him, he shot his miasma at me, and myself, weakened from conjuring the blast, couldn't dodge it. Inuyasha…Inuyasha was furious, but he couldn't do anymore to Naraku's body. I was dying, and… and he told me he loved me, and that if I would life, he would…" She let out a choked sob, and Inuyasha couldn't hold it back anymore, he pulled her into a tight embrace. Her hand slid away from the tree trunk, and she cried, but continued talking. "I tried… Inuyasha, I tried… but I couldn't do it. I died that day in his arms." Inuyasha rocked her slightly. Her small form was shaking. Why was she telling him this.

"Inuyasha." She began again. "Don't let history repeat itself… We were all reborn again with a different destiny, though frighteningly close to the one I lived through. You must not let history repeat itself. Please…" She begged.

"Shh…. I promise…" Inuyasha said. For some reason, wanted to trust her and everything she said. So he did.

"I have to leave you now… but Inuyasha, remember, don't hide your feelings." She whispered as Inuyasha began to feel his eyelids droop. He could feel as she let him lay on the soft cushion of grass. For a small amount of time, he even felt her lips press against his.

"Aishiteru, Koishii."


While Kagome was driving back to Inuyasha's place… she felt herself…shift…. As if a small part of her soul separated itself from her.

When she drove up to the driveway, she felt it return.

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A/N:WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!! I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! .:does a happy dance:. PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!!! I'm really sorry for the wait!!!!! .:begs for forgiveness:. I promise the next chapter will be out within a week!!!! ^_^