InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beloved ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By Hatori-Kun
Chapter 1
A History Lesson
Kagome sat in front of the tarot reader, or one of the many that lined the street. Kagome was visiting her cousin, Sango, in New Orleans, who now resided in the Crescent City. “So where ya from?” The reader inquired. She had a thick southern accent, dark skin, and a long braid of thick black hair. She looked to be around forty, but maybe she was older- she looked like one of the people who would have aged gracefully.
“Tokyo.” Kagome responded, smiling cheerfully. She was curious if this was one of the phony readers she had heard of. No one ever talked about the readers that had talent. All everyone talked about was the ones like Madame Cleo that had no idea what the hell they were talking about, or telling people.
The woman whistled. “That's a long ways away. What brings ya here?” The reader added, “By the way my names' Keisha.” She pulled out a deck of a seventy-eight count of tarot cards and set them on the table.
“I'm Kagome and this is my cousin Sango. I'm here on vacation and Sango moved here a few years back.” Kagome replied. Smiling Keisha handed Kagome the deck of cards.
Keisha offered the deck to the younger girl. “Shuffle the deck and split it into four piles.” Shuffling silently Kagome stared intently at the cards. The artwork on the back of the cards featured vines intertwined with snakes and skulls. She did as told and split the cards into four extremely uneven piles. Keisha took the top card off of the left most pile and put it on the table.
The first card she set down had a man and a woman standing stark naked next to each other, holding hands. “The Lovers of the major Arcana.” She explained. “Is what is happening at this moment, of this phase of your life. The lovers tell you to examine relationships and eliminate those that are going no where- this is not only dating, but also friendships. Also it is possible- and probable that a new relationship will begin to bloom.”
“Maybe you should dump Hobo…” Sango suggested smiling, purposely mispronouncing her cousins boyfriends name. Kagome ignored her cousin and kept listening intently.
A second card was placed diagonally below the first one, this one was of woman with long red hair holding a sword in her right hand and wearing a long dress covered in spades. “This represents past influences- Queen of Swords from the Suit of Swords. The queen of swords is a warrior who cuts away the unnecessary, and controls the mind and thought process.”
Keisha went to the third pile and placed it beside the second one. “Ponder this- Death. No, not literally. You shall soon enter a growing phase- stop doing anything that doesn't feel right for you and don't take no as a final answer.” The card had an odd looking skull in the middle with two black wings on the side of it and an old-fashioned hourglass beneath it.
The fourth card was laid down. It featured a man floating in the middle of the page with his head levitating above his body and tilting to the left. There where two twigs in front of him. “Now this card is an advice card- II of wands. It tells you not to rely to much on others, but to trust your own instincts.” Keisha said, gathering the card. “The majority of cards come from the Major Arcana. This suit contains represents life lessons to be learned. The cards that came from this suit in your reading were The Lovers and Death.”
Kagome stared at the odd looking cards, getting an odd foreboding feeling in her gut. The reading had fit how she was feeling at the moment. Unsure about what to do. Bored with her life as it was. Tired of having to spend time with her boyfriend, but not brave enough to end it. Not content with the sheer predictability of her life. “How much will that be?” Kagome asked pulling out her wallet, and realizing that she had not paid yet. That had been interesting, and Keisha seemed to know what she was doing.
She smiled slightly. “Five dollars, child.” Keisha said smiling. Kagome handed her the money. “Where are you heading to now?”
“We're going to go on the ghost tour. The one that starts by the bar right down the street.” Sango pointed at it's location, then glanced at her watch. “Oh crap it starts in ten minutes, we'd better get over there.”
“Have a good time girls… who knows you might make some new friends… don't stir up to much trouble.” Keisha said smiling knowingly. Kagome paid her and Sango started to pull her away.
“That was cool.” Sango said, fanning herself against the heat. Both of their faces were flushed bright red, because of the heat mixed with the humidity. Not a very pleasant combination. “The girl who did my reading a few weeks ago had know idea what she was doing… I mean she had a book with the meanings of the cards, which she hide under the table and glanced at every few minutes to make sure that she was saying the right things. And whenever she got something wrong she would say something about how `the psychic waves are unbalanced and she needed to be more in tone with the wavelengths'. I wasted ten bucks on a phony, who kept checking out my boyfriend and hitting on him. But I have to admit it was pretty funny.”
“Hey I wonder if the tour will be any good. The website looked kinda corny.” Kagome said thoughtfully, changing the subject. The website they had visited was called `Haunted History' and it was a tour that took you through the French Quarter to the most haunted locations. The reason she referred to it's look as `corny' was because it had a the owners dressed up all vampiric and goth, which didn't look very good. And there was the whole overuse of skulls.
Sango sighed. “Yeah the site looked corny but it's the highest rated tour in New Orleans and they don't tell you a load of crap. Plus, didn't your mom ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover?” Sango said turning a corner and finding a large sign that stated `Haunted History Tours'. After paying for the tickets and getting thin cardboard fans that were shaped like skulls they sat down waiting for it to begin.
The people defiantly stood out. They looked like they were sweltering hot in all that black clothing. “Okay if everyone on the tour would please join me on the other side of the street.” A shorter girl called out, attempting to get every one's attention. She had short black hair and brown eyes. Walking around all the readers (tarot, bone, tea leaves, palm, ect.) the reached the other side of the street. Where the girl cleared her throat, signaling she was about to start talking.
“My name is Mia. First of all I shall start off by telling what this tour is and what it's not.” She said in a loud voice. Kagome and Sango listened intently. “There will be no people jumping out at you with ski masks and chainsaws- and if some does they are probably trying to mug you so my advice would be to run. What this tour is historically and factually based.
“Now to give you a bit of back round information that leads me to believe that New Orleans is one of the most, if not the most, haunted city in America. Well we all know that the Louisiana territory expanded from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, it being owned by the French. Well at the time the French were at war with the English and could spare no able bodied men to colonize- also the prisons were starting to get overly crowded. So the French government made a deal with the prisoners. If they would colonize the territory they would gain freedom.” She took a long swig of water and continued.
“So after a year there was something that resembled a city the colonists wrote to France telling them that the had forgotten something that you could go without when trying to populate. Anyone know what they forgot?” She looked around smiling. No one knew so she continued the story. “Well since the prisons were filled with men they had sent no women.” People laughed and giggled. “Well no respectable woman would wish to go so the decided to send ladies of the night.” So now that you know that murderers, thieves, rapist, and prostitutes founded New Orleans I must point out that there would of course be violent deaths. Now if you'll follow me we'll go to our first stop.”
“What do you think so far?” Kagome asked quietly.
“I think it's kinda cool. You?” Sango replied looking around.
“Yeah… but it's extremely hot.” Kagome replied, fanning herself and jokingly letting her tongue loll out of her mouth. They had stopped in front of The Bottom of the Cup Tearoom.
“This is the location of our most predictable and active haunting. You see in the 17 and 1800's it was a tradition for Youkai Aristocrats to take human women as mistresses. By doing this, the woman was insured protection and any children that the two had share their father's last name and have right to heir ship. Well here a human woman named Kikyou. She was in her late teens or early twenties lived with her youkai lover.
“She wished to marry her lover, but that was impossible- having a mistress was fine and dandy but actually marrying her was a totally different story. Kikyou wanted to prove to the city that their love was strong enough to defy the law… but her lover believed otherwise. He was quite comfortable with his life and did not wish to lose his business and his name which would happen if he married Kikyou.”
Taking a deep breathe Mia continued, “Their relationship took a turn for the worst when she started to bother him about marriage. Finally he came up with an idea so ridiculous that she would never agree to it. He told Kikyou that he would marry her the next morning if she would prove her love for him by sitting on the roof the whole night without a stitch of clothing. Before she could reply he left to greet his business partners. It was a harsh winters night, sleety and ice cold.
“Kikyou's lover had kept his guest up all night talking business- he apologized for his rudeness and went to find Kikyou. He went up to their bedroom and noticed that not only was the bed empty but it had not been slept in. Noticing that the window was opened he found Julie on the roof- cold, naked and extremely dead. People say that on the coldest night in December you can see Kikyou on the roof completely naked- but as the sun rises she disappears. She can also be heard laughing or at times crying throughout the tearoom. The lover's name was Naraku.”
The next place they stopped at was The Andrew Jackson Hotel. “This Hotel used to be a school for wealthy demon children- but there were only five boys enrolled, for were demons and the other was hanyou. The school was destroyed in one of the fires in the 1700's and all five boys lost their lives. The funny thing about this haunting is that the hotel is “16 and older” but people will still call the front desk in the middle of the night to tell them that there are kids playing in the courtyard that need to shut up.” Mia said smiling. They started walking again to their last stop.
“That's kind of creepy but whatever.” Sango replied this would be interesting.
They had stopped next to on Pirates Alley. Kagome ignored Mia as she took in the scenery. They were by St. Louis Cathedral, a beautiful church that was hard to see at night. Looking down the alley she made eye contact with the most beautiful eyes she had even seen. They were dark gold and practically glowed in the dark. She looked away quickly.
There was an odd gleam in the eyes and she did not want to know what it meant.
R and R please.