InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beside You ❯ The Job ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: The Job

At Inuyasha's House

Inuyasha was relaxing in his house on the couch watching T.V. with Miroku when the door bell rang "I'll get it " said Mirku as he

rushed to answer the door. He opened the door to find Sango there. "Well hello lady Sango to what do I owe this pleasure" said

Mirku as his hand made its way to grope her."HENTI" screamed Sango while slapping him "I need to ask Inuyasha a favor" Sango

said while stepping over Miroku who was laying on the ground knocked out by the force of Sango's slap. Once Sango got inside

she saw Inuyasha sitting on the couch watching t.v. "hey Inuyasha" Sango said to get his attention away from the t.v. to listen to her.

"what do you want Sango?" asked Inuyasha

"well I need a favor" said Sango

"what kind of favor?" asked Inuyasha

"well remember how you said that you needed money"

"yeah, now get to the point already" replied a now annoyed Inuyasha

"well I got you a job"

"WHAT" yelled a now clearly pissed off Inuyasha

"well you see my friend needed a babysitter because I cant anymore so I said that you would do it" replied Sango 'well I didn't say

that he would do it but he wwouldn'tdo it if I gave him an ooption thought Sango.

" I am NOT babysitting some brat kid" yelled a still very angry Inuyasha

"Inuyasha PLEASE you will get paid somewhere between 20 and 75 dollars a day and the little girl is not a brat" said Sango

"Feh...whatever.. fine I guess I will do it I do need the money" said a now calmer Inuyasha.

"Good you start Monday here is the address and be there by seven thirty in the morning and after school you will have to go watch her

then too and you will usually get the weekends off" replied Sango

"Fine but who will I be watching?" asked Inuyasha

"Your watching Sakura Higurashi she is four, but ddon'task her anything about her father or Kagome." said Sango

"Who's Kagome and why not?"

"Kagome is Sakura's mom and the reason not to mention him is because he left Kagome when she told him that she was pregnant

with his child" said Sango

"What an asswhole how could he do something like that to his wife" stated Inuyasha

"She wasn't his wife she was his girlfriend" replied Sango

"oh the guy must've been a jerk." muttered Inuyasha

"oh well don't forget and I got to go" said Sango as she headed over to the door while stepping over a still unconscious Miroku ' didn't realize

that I hit him that hard.' thought Sango while stepping outside

"bye" muttered Inuyasha as sat back down on the couch to finish watching what he started only to have it be over "damn it" he muttered as he

flung the t.v. changer on the table.


Kagome was awoken by the sound of telephone ringing early on Sunday morning 'who the hell would be calling this

early in the morning' though an angry Kagome as she answered the phone. (conversation Sango- S Kagome- K)

K-"What the hell do you want and why are you calling me at looks at the clock 5:45 a.m." yelled Kagome into the phone.

S-"hehe well I just wanted to call you and let you know I found a babysitter for you" replied a very nervous Sango

K-"so you called me at 5:30 in the morning to tell me this" yelled Kagome

S-"Well look at the time I got to go bye" Sango said rather quickly escaping her grumpy and angry friends wrath.

K-" oh no you don...." Kagome never got to finish because Sango had already hung up the phone

"whatever" said Kagome as she hung up the phone and fell back asleep.

Monday Morning at Inuyasha's house


"god damn it now I have to buy a new alarm clock" said an angry half asleep Inuyasha. As he walked to the bathroom Inuyasha glanced

at the VCR's clock it said 6:45a.m. "holy shit I'm going to be late" yelled Inuyasha as he rushed into the bathroom to take a shower and get

dressed. When Inuyasha was done he had on black and red baggy jeans and a red muscle shirt. The clock next to him said 7:05 "damn it

now I only have twenty-five minutes to find the house that I'm supposed to baby sit at" said Inuyasha quietly as he headed out the door and got

into his new black and silver mustang convertible and drove off. (A/N Inuyashas not rich he saved all his money that he go to buy the convertible

and since he spent all his money on it, and he needs more for anything else he would want to do)

End of Chapter 2

(A/N so how was it? was it oOK? well until next time Ja ne!)