InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayal It Comes Full Circle ❯ six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters... I do however own Leiko, Komo, Draven, and all other Original Characters, as well as this plot line. There. I said it. (sighs)


At the Elder's cavern:

"My Lord, Koga has arrived." said the messenger, as he bowed to the king.

"Show him into me immediately," replied the elder, eager for an update on his grandchild�s whereabouts.

"As you wish, my liege." he replied bowing, and left to do as he was bid.

A few minutes later Koga and a young female appeared.

Upon seeing her beloved elder, she smiled and ran over, crying out, "Oh grandfather, I�m so happy you�re here." She had secretly been worried that he may have grown too old and wouldn�t be here by the time she returned.

He looked shocked, and then down at the woman in his arms with tears in his eyes and said, "Oh child, I�m so grateful that you have finally come back home to me." embracing the woman in his arms.

They embraced each other as he held his crying, precious baby girl, and looked up at Koga, with tears running down his face. He said gratefully, "Koga, How can I ever repay you?"

Koga smiled watching the family embrace and said, "No payment necessary elder. I�m just glad that I could help," turning to walk off and leave them in privacy.

Leiko looked up at him and said, "Koga, wait!" not wanting him to leave just yet.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her, asking, "What?"

She ran over to him and wrapped him in a big bear hug, saying, "Thank you Koga.� She pulled back staring at him intently for a silent moment and then kissed him full on the mouth.

Koga was surprised by the unexpected kiss. Lost in how good her lips tasted, his wide eyes slammed shut and he began kissing her back, wrapping his arms around her and continued kissing her senseless.

When she broke the kiss in need of air, Koga whispered in her ear, purring, "Anything for you."

Blushing lightly, she whispered back, "I will never forget all that you have done for me and grandfather.� She lightly pecked his cheek and excused herself to her chambers.

The King walked up behind Koga, and smiled saying, "Thank you for bringing her back home where she belongs. I knew that you would not fail me.� As he gently placed a firm hand on the strong shoulder of the younger male.

Staring him dead din the eye, Komo added seriously, �Anything you need, you just let me know."

As an idea came to him, Koga�s face spread into his mischievous grin and he said, "Well actually, there is one thing..."

The King smiled and asked curiously, "oh? And what might that be?" giving the young warrior his complete attention.

After talking for awhile they nodded their heads and then everyone settled in for the night.

The next morning the word was sent out that the princess had returned. Everyone was thrilled and several men asked her grandfather for her hand.

Over the next week several tribe leaders came and asked for her hand as well.


A week later:

"I am here as you requested grandfather." said Leiko as she curtsied to him.

"Ah granddaughter, I have a request for you to consider. As you know I am getting on in years, and I would like to see my only granddaughter settled down before I leave this world." He said seriously.

Frowning, she started to object, "But grandfather-"

He held up a hand and cut her off saying testily, "I know, and I intend to keep my promise. You will not be forced to wed that cur!�

Turning back to all seriousness, he continued, �But I do wish for you to consider marriage to a noble and honorable man sometime in the near future- That is all."

Realizing that she was being dismissed, she bowed her head and said, "As you wish grandfather, I will consider it.� Frowning she mumbled, �But, where am I ever going to find a noble, honorable man who will love and cherish me?"

Her grandfather smiled and informed her, "Actually my dear, I have been asked for your hand by several suitors already. Since the news of your return, several of the tribe members, as well as some tribe leaders, have asked for your hand. I have told them all that it is your decision to make."

He grinned at her shocked expression and said, "So be prepared sweet-ling, for they have all come to court you."

She stood there looking completely shocked. He laughed, hugging her and said, "Good luck my sweet." dismissing her and she headed outside the caves.

Over the next few weeks, Kiaba leader of the black wolves, and Loki one of her fellow tribe members proceeded to try and win Leiko�s favor.


A few days later, with Kiaba by the river:

Leiko and Kiaba were skipping rocks on the water. Kiaba walked up behind Leiko, turning her to face him, and handed her a flower. Smiling he said, "A pretty flower, for a beautiful rose, my sweet."

She smiled and said, "How very kind of you, thanks" as she accepted the flower.

He took her hands and said, "It would do me a great honor, if you would become my mate."

She looked at him and said, "Lord Kiaba, I beseech you to be straight with me- why do you wish to mate me?"

He thought it over a minute and replied, "It will strengthen both of our clans, and your beauty is beyond compare."

She blushed slightly and said, "I have to be honest with you Kiaba, I care for you as nothing more than a friend. I am sorry, but I cannot in good faith mate with you."

He sighed heavily, and looked at her. Realizing his sweet words were not going to sway her, he said determinedly, "Lady Leiko, you would learn to love me, if only you would give us a chance."

She smiled sweetly and said, "I am sorry my friend, but I don't think we will ever be anything more than friends, and I can't marry for anything but love." With that, she walked away.


A week later in the afternoon with Loki, sitting by the river:

Loki looked over at the beauty before him and cleared his throat, saying "Lady Leiko, we have never exactly been close, but I know that we can become closer if given a chance. Please allow me to court you. I wish for us to one day be mates."

Turning to face the man who had spoken, she looked shocked and said, "Tell me Loki, why do you want us to become mates?"

Loki looked at her and replied, "We have been friends since we were just pups. I believe that given a chance, we could grow to love one another. I know you and Koga have always been close, but I think I could be a better leader and husband, than he."

She thought this over and asked, "Anything else?" holding his gaze with an unwavering one of her own.

He looked at her and said, "You are beautiful beyond compare." Thinking she wanted complimented.

She blushed, and took a deep breath, before saying slightly disappointed, "Loki, we have been friends, and even though we have never been very close- I would think you would have known me better by now."

He looked at her and queried confused, "What is that supposed to mean?"

She replied sadly, "We are friends Loki, but nothing more. When I marry, it will be for love alone. Not the clans uniting, not to bear heirs, not for anything but love!" I am sorry friend, but my answer is no." With that his face turned beat red from fury, and he stomped away.


A few hours later, while Leiko was off walking to clear her head:

She was walking along the river and sighed heavily, thinking hard about what her next move should be.

Her spine stiffened as a foul scent invaded her nostrils. Her nerves prickled as she heard the one voice she had hoped to never encounter again.

"My my, so the rumors are true after all.� He eyed her skeptically, taking in the many changes in her body and added, �What a beautiful woman you have become too.�

Chuckling at the low growl emitting from her throat warning him to stay back, he drawled sarcastically, �It�s nice to see you again too, my sweet love.�

Eyes narrowing into slits she growled, "Draven? What are you doing here!?" hand flying to the sword at her hip.

His eyes danced with amusement at her pitiful attempt to warn him off and he replied, "Heard that you finally came crawling back home. I have come to restate my claim on you, my only love." ending with a snide tone.

She blanched and snarled, "Don�t you ever come near me. All you want is the throne!� Baring her fangs to warn him off, she vowed adamantly, �I will not let you have it!" eyes meeting his with a blatant challenge.

This was the male who had played her for a fool. She had returned to face the mistakes of her past, and ensure she would never repeat them. She didn�t trust this wretched cur, even one ounce.

Hand never leaving the sheathe at her waist, she glared hard at the male who had single handedly, and callously destroyed her confidence and her fragile world, so many years ago.

Draven looked amused and gasped, "What!?� asking, �How can you think so little of me, and after all these years too?" feigning a look of hurt at her verbal barbs.

She sneered at him and said, "Drop the charade Draven! We both know damn well that you're just after the throne, and I am not letting you anywhere near it, or me!" intending to put distance between them.

She walked off in a huff and Draven quickly caught up to her. He spun her around, crushing her to his chest and asked amused, "What's wrong babe? He leaned over and whispered huskily in her ear, "I remember a time when you loved my touch, so much that you trembled with need whenever I touched your body." nibbling her ear.

She had grown rather nicely, and he sure didn�t mind the thought of seducing her to his advantage again. He had learned from his mistakes too� this time he intended to keep her beneath him, until she was carrying his pup. Once that was done and the pup born, he�d dump her body to the wolves for dinner.

She looked very sad at the reminded of her foolish childhood days, and shivered in disgust, saying barely above a whisper, "Not anymore." Gritting her teeth, she kneed him hard in the balls.

Surprised by the unexpected attack, he let her go and doubled over holding himself, growling, "You stupid bitch! I'm going get you for that one, just you wait!"

Knowing without a doubt that if she didn�t get away from this man immediately, he was going to do something horrible to her, Leiko poured on her speed, racing off.

Growling, he chased after her, intent on putting the feisty bitch in her place. He caught up to her, just in time to witness Koga wrapping her in his arms protectively.


Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter six please remember to read and review thanks.