InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayal It Comes Full Circle ❯ nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters... I do however own Leiko, Komo, Draven, and all other Original Characters, as well as this plot line. There. I said it. (sighs)


The next morning:

Everyone cheered as the new couple came back to the dens. The claim marks were visible for all to see, as were their glowing faces.

Shortly afterwards the Inutachi departed, to resume their hunt for the few remaining shards. With Naraku gone, there was a driving urgency, but they still didn�t need those few shards ending up in the wrong hands.

Sesshomaru walked up to the happy couple and said, "As is my privilege, I have decided that you two may use the cabin in my lands for the next few weeks. Think of it as a� private sabbatical. There is a river behind it and plenty of privacy." He winked knowingly at Koga, and Leiko found herself blushing.

She hugged her friend and mentor saying, "Thank you Sesshomaru." and beamed at him.

He gave her a small smile and said, "Anything for my favorite girl."

Leiko laughed and said, "Ah, but Lady Rin is your favorite, ne?" elbowing him playfully.

Sesshomaru replied amused, "Of course! My mate will always be my best and favorite. You however, my dear, are a close second."

Leiko grinned and replied, "Thanks."

Koga and Sesshomaru looked at one another and Sesshomaru said, "Koga, we must speak privately a moment."

Koga nodded and replied, "Of course." He looked at his blushing mate and assured, "I will be back in a moment love, do not worry."

She nodded and Sesshomaru said, "Fear not Leiko, I have no intentions of making you a widow, so soon."

He laughed at her scowl and the two males walked off away. Lady Rin walked up to her dearest friend and said soothingly, "Relax Lei, he will be fine."

Leiko smiled at her friend and said, "I hope so. We both know how protective Sesshomaru can be though."

Rin nodded, smiling and said, "Yeah, we do." The Ladies sat and waited for their respective mates to return.

With Lord Koga and Lord Sesshomaru:

Sesshomaru looked over at Koga and informed him seriously, "Leiko is a very special woman.�

Koga added just as seriously, �"To both of us!"

Sesshomaru nodded and continued, "She is like a younger sister to me, and has been for some time now, as well as my mate�s best friend. I merely wish to make sure that we understand one another.�

Flexing his claws, Sesshomaru warned, �If any harm comes to her, there will be hell to pay." Staring the younger demon dead in the eye, to make sure his point got across.

Koga nodded, looking Sesshomaru in the eye, and assured seriously, "I will protect her with my life.� Adding bemused, �Even though we both know that she is an accomplished fighter."

Sesshomaru nodded and added proudly, "Especially under my teachings." allowing pride in her abilities, to briefly shine in his eyes.

Koga nodded and Sesshomaru said seriously, "She has been hurt in the past."

Koga informed him, "I am aware of that.� Eyes narrowing he growled, �And if he ever tries to harm her again-"

Sesshomaru cut him off and declared fiercely, "He will pay!"

They said in unison, "I will see to that!" They started at one another a moment and then slowly nodded.

Sesshomaru said calmly, "I see we are in agreement after all."

Koga nodded and said, "Indeed." and they both grinned.

Pleased to see that the wolf prince actually did care for his friend, Sesshomaru offered, "The cabin is open for the two of you for the next few weeks."

Imaging a few weeks of just he and his mate alone, Koga smiled and said, "Thank you Lord Sesshomaru, we will gladly accept the offer."

Sesshomaru nodded and said, "Just call me Sesshomaru; we are after all, family now."

Realizing the honor just bestowed upon him, Koga nodded and said, "Just call me Koga then." They both agreed.

Sesshomaru clasped Koga's hand, looking him straight in the eye, and said resolutely, "If I did not trust you not to harm her, I would not have allowed you near her the first night we met."

Koga looked at him and replied, "Likewise." They stared at each other a silent moment, both assessing the other for possible harmful intent toward the woman in question.

Nodding once, Sesshomaru said approvingly, "You will do just fine."

Koga grinned nodding and they walked back to their wives, Koga grinning the entire way.

Back with the ladies:

Sesshomaru walked up to Leiko and announced, "He will do just fine." then chastely kissed her cheek, in a brotherly manner.

She blushed and said, "Thank you Sesshomaru."

He replied seriously, "I have to protect my girls." Koga walked up to his mate and they embraced.

Rin smiled and said, "Welcome to the family Koga."

Koga grinned and said, "Thank you Lady Rin. You and Sesshomaru's acceptance of me are indeed unexpected."

Sesshomaru, Rin, and Koga all nodded in agreement and Leiko beamed at her friends and husband.

Sesshomaru announced that it was time for him and his mate to take their leave. Koga agreed to go to the cabin shortly. Sesshomaru nodded at Rin, who smiled, and they took their leave.

Komo walked over and informing them, "I�ve spoken with the ancients. We will have the official rising to the throne ceremony in six weeks."

Koga nodded, grinning, and said, "That will be fine. It will give Lei and I sometime to catch up."

Komo laughed and said, "Okay" as he smiled at them both.

Koga said, "By the way elder, Lord Sesshomaru has offered us the use of his cabin for the next few weeks, and we have accepted. So if you need to get word to us, send word to him and he will let us know."

The elder grinned and said, "Of course." he beamed at his granddaughter and Grandson in-law and said "Hopefully I will have great grandchildren after this springtime." winking at the blushing couple.

Leiko gasped, and then blushed, scolding, "Grandfather!"

Komo replied, "I am getting on in years, and wish for great grandkids. Can ya blame me?" at their silence, he laughed and walked away.

Koga looked at his mate, grinning his mischievous grin, and said, "You know, that�s not a bad idea at all," wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

She laughed and said, "Now, now Koga, be patient my love. All will happen in due time." She grinned at him and he beamed proudly and said, "So, shall we be off to the cabin?�

He grinned and said, "Of course!" eager to be alone with her. He scooped her into his arms bridal style, and ran off towards the western lands.

At the castle in the western lands, many hours later:

"Ah Koga, I see you have arrived." Sesshomaru said slightly amused. He continued seriously, "You two will stay here tonight and tomorrow I will show you to the cabin."

Koga agreed and they all settled in for the night.

The next morning:

The four woke up and went out after breakfast.

Around noon they stopped and Sesshomaru announced, "Just over this next hill is the cabin. It has been cleaned and stocked. The bed linens have been changed, and there is plenty of firewood to chop."

Koga thanked him for his kindness and thoughtfulness.

Sesshomaru smirked at the couple and said, "Enjoy your stay, and each other, and have fun!" he chuckled at their blushes and motioned for Rin to follow and they took their leave.

Back with Koga, and Leiko:

She looked around the cabin, then at the waterfall and said, "It�s beautiful." Koga agreed and they decided to go for a swim to cool off.

They chased each other in the water then dunked each other and carried on like when they were kids, afterwards the laid out on the riverbank drying in the sun.

Leiko got up and they decided to walk for a while. They walked along and caught a couple small rabbits, and then returned to the cabin and made dinner.

Inside the cabin, Leiko was making a stew from the rabbits they caught, while Koga was outside, chopping some fire wood.

Koga walked up, hugging his mate�s waist from behind. She smiled turning around and they kissed.

She broke the kiss and announced dinner would be done soon.

After they had eaten, Koga flashed her his mischievous grin and carried his mate to bed. They made love throughout the night, towards dawn finally sated; they rolled onto their sides and fell asleep.

The next morning:

Warning lemon!!

They awakened and decided go to cool off in the river, but this time they decide to swim naked.

Koga caught up to her, grabbing her from behind. She grinned and leaned back to kiss his neck. His hands cupped her breasts, and his thumbs flicked her nipples.

She moaned into his mouth and his tongue explored the inner cavern of her mouth. Their tongues mated and he lowered one hand to her inner thigh, slowly drawing circles and driving her wild.

She reached one hand back and cupped his butt, pulling him into her. She could feel his desire for her and grinned.

His fingers slowly worked their way up her inner thigh and started gently rubbing her sensitive bud. Then he slowly entered one finger into her moist opening and she moaned into his mouth again.

He broke the kiss and she whimpered a protest until he leaned back and turned her to the side and captured an erect nipple tugging and nibbling then sucking and licking. She gasped over and over and ground herself against his other hand, while his fingers still moved inside her.

Finally when she couldn�t take any more, she turned to face him and he gripped her hips and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He entered her very slowly and at the same time plunged his tongue into her mouth again.

She gasped and moaned and they set a pace. He began to slam into her, while darting his tongue into her mouth in tune to his body slamming into hers driving them both wild and she thrust her hips to meet him.

After awhile he could feel her release building and the water around them only intensified the sensations. He captured her mouth fully and she screamed her release into his mouth and that set off his own release.

When they were finished, both panting heavily, he laid his forehead on hers and smiled, saying, "I can never seem to get enough of you."

She grinned and replied, "I can never get enough of you either.� They kissed again and bathed. They walked out onto the river bank and made love again in the sun on the grass.

When their stomachs growled, reminding them that they hadn�t eaten in a long time, they decide to get dressed and eat.

Afterwards they decide to walk for a while, holding hands and talking. Eventually their playful natures got the best of them and they ended up playing chase like when they were kids.

After an hour or so of chasing each other and laughing, Koga tackled Leiko and they ended up wrestling on the ground for a couple hours, before she laid him on his back and mounted him. He gasped and thrust up deeply into her silken walls. They set a mutually satisfying pace and rode each other to their complete fulfillment.

They washed in the river and redressed. After dinner, they curled up holding each other and fell asleep on the bed.

They repeated this pattern mostly, for two and a half weeks. During the last week to Koga�s immense delight, he smelled not only Leiko�s arousal, but the fact that her body was going into a powerful heat.

After slowly drinking in and savoring the alluring smell, Koga would smirk and pounce on his mate, wearing that trademark wolfish grin, and a purely dominant glint shining in his eyes.

They made love every day that week- multiple times a day, to better their chances at conception. Far too soon for either of their likings, the last few days of their sabbatical came.

For the end of their honeymoon trip, the couple decided to go visit Sesshomaru and Rin, thanking them for their hospitality.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter nine please remember to read and review thanks.