InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayal of the Soul ❯ Human ( Chapter 6 )
"Sesshoumaru" Kagome said warmly. Despite himself he looked down at her and smiled which made her smile more. He gently brought his hand to her chin.
"You are more attractive when you smile, I will make sure to make you smile more often" Sesshoumaru stated as he continued to walk towards his home. Kagome put her hand over her chin where he had touched and sighed.
"KAGOME-SAMA!!!" a shrill voice yelled from across the field. Kagome looked up to see Rin running towards her followed by an exasperated Jaken. Kagome barley had time to prepare herself as the young girl latched herself to her leg. Jaken nearly fell over himself when he saw who it was. He humbly approached his lord.
"Sesshoumaru-Sama, you have been gone so long, and left me alone with that stinking child" he wept. Sesshoumaru glared down at Jaken and his incredulity. He had reprimanded the little toad repeatedly on his manner towards his young ward.
"Sesshoumaru-Sama, your arm that worthless half-breed severed it has returned!" the toad chirped gleefully.
"You are very observant Jaken, but I do not want to tell you again how deplorable your behavior towards Rin has become" Sesshoumaru said coldly.
"Ha-Hai Sesshoumaru-Sama" Jaken said bowing so low to the ground his nose was in the dirt. Rin skipped over to Jaken and began laughing.
"Jaken-Sama is eating the dirt again" she cheered before darting over to Sesshoumaru knocking over the little imp.
"Has Rin behaved in my absence" Sesshoumaru questioned.
"Hai Sesshoumaru-Sama, Rin was very good but Rin has missed Sesshoumaru-Sama, is Sesshoumaru-Sama going to stay, and why is Kagome-Sama here and is she going to stay here to" Rin babbled at a rate Kagome thought impossible. Sesshoumaru merely smiled and placed his hand on Rin's head never actually answering her. The girl seemed accustomed to this as she raced away from Sesshoumaru after Shippo. Kagome walked past Jaken as he began to peel himself from the ground. He sniffed the air and couldn't believe it, it was that horrible human wench that was with Sesshoumaru-Sama's disgusting brother. He looked between Sesshoumaru and Kagome trying to figure out what this meant, although it was obvious without asking, the wench was now an inu-bitch. Which meant…
"Sesshoumaru-Sama, Sesshoumaru-Sama, is that the human wench that is with your horrible brother!" Jaken screeched.
"Jaken, do not speak that way towards my aibou, who as you can see is not a human wench"
"Why yes I can see that she is now an inu-bitch but-"
Jaken never even had the chance to finish speaking when Sesshoumaru kicked the toad clear across the field. Rin stopped chasing Shippo and pointed towards the air.
"Look Shippo Jaken-Sama is flying" Rin laughed. Shippo knew very well toads could not fly and that Sesshoumaru had caused the toads temporary ability to fly and watched amused as the disgusting thing crashed into the ground causing a large crater.
"Jaken-Sama doesn't land as good as Sesshoumaru-Sama" Rin said. Shippo watched Rin wondering if she was done chasing him. Suddenly she looked back at him having lost interest in Jaken and jumped at him tackling him to the ground.
"Kagome…. Kagome…." Shippo yelled as Rin began to tickle him. Kagome debated separating the two, but it looked as if Shippo didn't really need any help as he turned the tables and pinned Rin to the ground and tickled her.
"Oh Sesshoumaru, look at them" Kagome said. Sesshoumaru watched the two children play.
"You know, I wish the world was really like that" Kagome said.
"People tickling each other?" Sesshoumaru said confused.
"No, Rin is a human, and Shippo is a full blooded youkai, and they are playing together as equals" Kagome pointed out.
"Children and pups are naïve, they do not understand" Sesshoumaru reminded her.
"I wish the rest of the world was that naïve" Kagome said sadly.
"Perhaps one day the world will change" Sesshoumaru suggested.
"I don't know, in my time, as far as I know, there are no youkai" Kagome informed him. Sesshoumaru actually stopped for a moment to think about her words. In her time, the future, there were no youkai. He found it hard to believe that there were no youkai in her time.
"Perhaps they just prefer to not be known and enjoy their privacy, as I do" Sesshoumaru argued.
"Maybe, or maybe the differences between youkai and human were irresolvable and…"
"Kagome-Sama Rin has found a flower for you" Rin said smiling up at her a small white flower clenched in her hand. Kagome smiled and took the flower from Rin and tucked it into her hair.
"Thank you so much Rin-Chan, its lovely" Kagome said. Rin smiled and blushed from the praise. She was not used to being treated so kindly. She slowly walked up to Sesshoumaru swallowed and tried to look as serious as possible.
"Sesshoumaru-Sama?" she questioned sweetly.
"Yes Rin" he answered.
"Can Kagome-Sama stay and be Rin's new Kaasan, Shippo said that Kagome adop-adopted him and became his Kaasan. Rin will still be Sesshoumaru-Sama's ward." Rin said as serious as possible. Kagome tried her best not to say anything when Sesshoumaru knelt in front of the girl.
"Kagome-Sama is my aibou and will be staying with us, as for being your new Okaasan we will see"
"Kagome-Sama is your aibou, that makes Rin Kagome-Sama's ward as well!" Rin chirped. She appeared satisfied with that and ran after Shippo.
"We should really go back, I don't think its good to leave them alone right now" Kagome said.
"Very well" Sesshoumaru agreed.
"Shippo-Chan, Rin-Chan, lets go we're leaving" Kagome shouted. Shippo ran over and jumped onto her shoulder but Rin ran in the other direction.
"Rin-Chan!" Kagome shouted as the little girl kept running.
"She is retrieving Ah-Un she will not go anywhere without them" Sesshoumaru informed her. Jaken waddled over and glared at Kagome and then turned to Sesshoumaru.
"Sesshoumaru-Sama, Jaken will accompany you?" he asked. Sesshoumaru's response was a curt nod.
"Oh thank you Sesshoumaru-Sama" the toad said again bowing down to the ground. Shippo burst out laughing when Rin came running back with Ah-Un and the two-headed dragon stepped on the toad. They headed back as quickly as possible because Kagome felt something was wrong and wanted to get back.
Inu Yasha watched Kikyo as she silently wandered the village. She had been like that all day since he found her in the forest. The villages that were alive when she had existed before were so happy to have her back and she forced herself to pretend to be who she was, but Inu Yasha saw it in her eyes. It was killing her. He really hoped that there was something that could be done to help her. As long as she remembered and it bothered her, he would be forced to deal with it. He had learned to forget many things before in his life, as long as no one brought it up. But her demeanor was a constant reminder. He was brought out of his thoughts by a large crash in his forest. Without really thinking about it, he yelled for Kikyo, Miroku, and Sango and ran off towards the sound. The sight that greeted them was horrible it was Naraku crashing through the forest. He looked infuriated, which was nothing new.
"Where is that horrible priestess" he roared.
"Kikyo is free from you, leave her" Inu Yasha growled protectively.
"No not Kikyo, the copy, Kagome" he shouted
"What do you want with Kagome" Sango demanded.
"She has done something to me" he said plainly.
"Oh kami, Sango look at the well" Miroku said in shock. Sango looked at the well and realized why, it had been destroyed.
"Naraku you bastard" Inu Yasha screamed as he unsheathed tessaiga. Kagome and Sesshoumaru heard the yelling and instructed Rin and Shippo to stay behind with Ah-Un. Kagome ran into the clearing, her eyes fell upon the well.
"Nani ga" Kagome shouted in anger.
"Priestess" Naraku said.
"Naraku" Kagome responded her eyes hazing to red.
"What have you done!" He screamed.
"What are you talking about"
"The jewel, what have you done, its gone, and… I'm human" he growled.
"Onigumo?" Kikyo questioned from behind Inu Yasha.
"Don't speak that disgusting name to me whore" Naraku yelled.
"Don't call her that" Inu Yasha yelled.
"What else would you call her" Naraku said coyly. Inu Yasha charged at Naraku prepared to kill him right there.
"What the.." Inu Yasha began to say but the mouthful of dirt stopped him.
"How are you human?" Kagome asked.
"You tell me, one minute I'm a youkai, the next the shards start pulsating and I'm human"
"you were hanyo" Sesshoumaru corrected, not wanting to be classified with Naraku.
"It doesn't fucking matter now does it" Naraku said sarcastically.
"Your not even Naraku anymore" Kikyo said, the humor clear on her face.
"Shut up" he screamed.
"You destroyed the well" Kagome said quietly.
"You took something from me bitch, so I took something from you, it was that well that connected you to your time didn't it" Naraku said.
"I should kill you" Kagome threatened. Inu Yasha looked over at Kagome in shock, she had said should.
"You have taken away almost everything in my life, but I have one thing that I can still do." Kagome said as she advanced on Naraku.
"Stay back, you've ruined my enough" Naraku threatened.
"Or what" Kagome growled. Naraku tried to run, but Kagome was to fast and he froze when she appeared in front of him. I'll do to you, something worse then death. Kagome placed her hands on Naraku's chest and a blinding white light engulfed him. Naraku twitched and screamed in agony as the miko energy forced its way through his veins. Naraku fell to the ground and looked up at Kagome. He didn't speak just looked at her, finally he forced himself from the ground and ran away.
"Kagome, you let him go, why.." Inu Yasha demanded.
"He wishes I had killed him" Kagome answered.
"You did to him what you did to me" Kikyo interrupted.
"Yes, I purified his soul, he's human, so it didn't kill him, but he's going to wish it has when he realizes it" Kagome said smugly. She looked at the well and ran to it, she frantically began to sift through the rubble. Sesshoumaru ran up to her and grabbed her arms pulled her away from the destroyed well. She turned around and sobbed into his chest. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her and comforted her while she sobbed.
"I'm taking her away from here" Sesshoumaru explained as lifted Kagome from the ground and walked towards the village. Inu Yasha stared down at the remains of the well. Kikyo looked at the well, she had known the girl had used it to go to her home, she felt sadness for the girl. She felt tears in her eyes and brought her hands to her face as the tears slipped out. She was crying for the girl.
