InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Betrothed ❯ meetings and explainations ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: I own nothing
I'm sorry I didn't update earlier I wasn't home or around a computer.
Kagome woke up with a start. She looked around and noticed that the room looked totally different from her own, almost the size of a house. She thought she was dreaming, when all of the sudden the maid opened the door. "So, I see you're up early. My name is Sango and I will be serving you lady Kagome." Kagome was speechless. "WHAT!!!!! Why would you serve someone like me?" Sango looked confused you are to be prince Inuyasha's bride are you not? Kagome was shocked beyond belief, "HIS WHAT." Kagome knew who he was because she had heard stories of the royal family, but never in her life had she anticipated her actually being married into the family and to the prince no less. How did this happen? So many emotions and questions were running through her mind. She fainted.
In the King's Chamber
HIS WHAT… I can hear that she's up already. The king smiled. The Queen looked over to him a little uneasy do you think this will work out? Of course, why wouldn't it. What if she doesn't like youkai( I'm not sure if that's spelled right). "Well… we will see what happens when they meet. Come on we gotta get ready for the show." The queen giggled and went into the bathroom to get washed up.
In Inuyasha's room
HIS WHAT... Inuyasha looked around sleepily. Who is that crazy person scream at this ungodly hour. It's only 10:00. He rolled over. His servant Miroku walked in. come on Inuyasha. It's a new day and it's time for you to meet your new bride. He was wide awake now. MY NEW WHAT… He was mad, confused, and scared. What wife!!! Surely you know of your new wife. No I don't. Inuyasha ran to his parents' room. DAD, MOM WHAT ARE YOU TWO SCHEMING!!! He hated having someone else control his life. They came to the door with smiles on their faces. What is this about? I don't have a fiancé. Inutashio spoke up. You do now. Why, who, where, how? You'll meet her at breakfast this morning. Inuyasha looked perplexed how did you find her, what you just found someone off the street? Who is she? Why do I have to get married now? The Queen stood up. All of your questions will be answered in the dinning room. Go get dress and cleaned up.
He went back and cleaned up cursing under his breath the whole time. Miroku, how did you know of her and what do you know of her? Well your father brought her in last night while she was sleep. I know that she is very beautiful and that she is just as confused as you about being engaged. Inuyasha was kind of relieved. He thought that she knew of the arrangement and was just trying to get his money. She was as much of a victim as him. He slightly smiled. Miroku, I'm too young to be committed. I just got out of a relationship with the countess Kikyo. She was just good for the sex. I can never find anyone interesting. When I get married, I want to always be interested. I don't want a boring spouse." Miroku nodded, "I understand. The one person I know that's has those qualities for me is lady Sango." "Why don't you go and propose then," asked a confused Inuyasha. She turns me down every time. Inuyasha laughed, asking her to bare your children is not a proper proposal. Miroku looked offended, and why not? Inuyasha looked disbelieving, "are you serious? Did you ever stop to here what you were saying? This is how you sound. Lady Sango, would you like to be my baby momma?" Miroku acted confused, "but I'm giving her the opportunity to bear my child." Inuyasha looked at his longtime friend. "Stop playing around, if you really want to be with Sango you've got to stop being such a pervert and man up. Miroku looked scared, that's the thing, I'm scared of commitment. Inuyasha replied, "Well if Sango means that much to you, then there shouldn't be anyone else that could take her place. Miroku thought about it. I never picture it that way. Well start considering it because I know she's getting tired of waiting. Miroku thought, speaking of waiting, your keeping your soon-to-be-bride waiting. Inuyasha sighed; alright let's get this party started.
Kagome finally wakes up; she looks around the room to find it the same so it wasn't a dream. She looked down and saw that her clothes had change from the rags that they used to be, into an elegant gown. How did I get dressed? She blushed at the thought of someone other than herself seeing her body. Sango walked in., "don't worry Kagome I dressed you and I have seen enough breast and things to last an eternity. I'm not interested in females so don't worry." Kagome felt better. O. K she seems nice, but blunt. Well Sango, can you tell me how all of this happened? One minute I'm resting in my bed and the next I wake up in a castle engaged to the prince. What's going on? Sango smirk, I like her. Well I don't know everything so I will answer to the best of my ability. The king brought you in while you were asleep last night and while he was in the room with his wife, the servant listened at the door while he explained that you were to marry Inuyasha. Kagome looked nervous; I don't even know Inuyasha, what if he's cruel and forces thing upon me or what if I don't fit the criteria of a princess. I'm so confused. Sango was shocked at how this girl could be so open to a complete stranger. Well I can tell you one thing, Inuyasha isn't the type to force himself on anyone and so far I'm not sure how you two will get along but we can find out as soon as you get to breakfast. Alright. Sango walked her to the dinning room.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked right past Kagome in the hall. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him, who's that Sango. Sango replied, your future husband. What are you serious I could never marry someone so beautiful. I'm no contest. Sango looked at Kagome in shock don't say such a thing, you are beautiful, don't ever put yourself down.
Inuyasha spotted her in the hall too and had to pry his eyes away. I can't look at other females if I am to become married. But no harm in looking. He looked back and she went into the dining room. I'll just see her in here.
The Queen's eyes opened up wide, Kagome is beautiful. She would make a lovely bride. Let me see how her attitude is. Good morning Kagome, how are you this morning. Kagome looked at the Queen who held a mother quality about her. Well to tell you the truth I was very confused this morning Sango filled me in on a little information but I still have questions. The queen smiled. She liked Kagome's openness. She was glad she didn't lie. My husband and I will answer both you and Inuyasha's questions in a minute. We're waiting on him to join us.
Inuyasha opened the door and looked around. He saw his friend Miroku and sat next to him. So where is she. Miroku looked at the girl inuyasha was eyeing earlier. There she is. His jaw hit the floor. He only go a glimpse of her in the hall way, but this time he saw everything, she is beautiful. Kagome felt the stare and averted her eyes. Kagome got Impatient. O.K, can I ask my questions now. Go ahead. I want to know how I got in this predicament. How was I picked to be your son's bride? Inuyasha wanted to know this answer as well. The King spoke up. Well your father gave you to me as payment for losing a game while gambing. WHAT!!! They both said. Kagome was hurt. She sat down and cried Inuyasha felt bad for her. To think that your father would just give you away. That's painful. He hugged her which shocked everyone in the room. He spoke words of encouragement. Don't think about your father, if he couldn't see that he had something special and he just gave that up, then he's the fool. He's the one who was stupid enough to give up his baby girl. Kagome nodded. He had changed ever since her mother died. He was uncaring and sometimes cruel. He almost hit her once. But she would always remember how he was before the accident with Naraku. I'm fine. I knew he had gotten low but I didn't know he would go that low. She wiped her eyes and smiled at Inuyasha. I'm alright. They both looked around at the shocked faces of everyone. What wrong with them, they both said at the same time. Everyone fell out their seats. They all sat up, Miroku spoke up for everyone, "it's just that we've never seen you so what's the word, caring." Inuyasha looked around at everyone who just nodded their heads. "feh". The queen smiled. So far so good, my husband's prediction was good. O.K is that all of the questions. No, Inuyasha cut in how come you just chose her to be my bride without even knowing her. The King spoke, I went on a feeling. He looked at his father like he had grown three heads. So you just set my life based on a feeling, what if she was an anti-youkai? Kagome looked offended but understood why he would ask that question so she let it slide. The king smirked, Well your mother asked me the same thing this morning and I felt that it would be shown weather or not she liked our kind based on the reaction she displayed here and so far she's passed with flying colors. Kagome blushed a little, I'm not prejudice, I there are good and bad youkai.
The Kings stomach growled and he annonouced. "O.K everyone, lets eat I'm starved." Kagome was scared of making a bad impression so she ate politely but when she looked up to notice that Inuyasha was eating anything but polite she was confused. Wasn't royalty supposed to eat politely? Sango saw Kagome's face and laughed. Kagome he may be royalty but he is a pig. Inuyasha blushed and remembered he had company. His parents sent him death glares. Sorry. Everyone laughed. Breakfast went along smooth after that.