InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Between Darkness and Light ❯ My Heart ( Chapter 8 )
Yay more reviews! I love it…death threats and everything.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Between Darkness and Light
Chapter 8: My Heart
By Cataluna
Kagome yawned loudly, stretching out her tired body, her hands reaching high into the air. "Come on Inuyasha, do we HAVE to practice tonight? It's getting kind of late."
Inuyasha gave her an annoyed look before opening his door. "Yes, you need to be prepared. You heard what he said, all these demons are coming out."
Knowing there's no changing his mind, she sighed in defeat and followed him inside. She sat herself comfortably down on his leather couch, happy to be able to rest her poor legs. He dropped his keys down on the coffee table before taking off his leather jacket and flinging off his shirt. Her face flushed immediately at the sight.
"You want water or something?" he asked while walking into the kitchen.
"Yes," forcing the word out of her mouth.
He reappeared a short while later, and tossed her a water bottle. She caught it, and gulped the water down greedily, delighting in the feel of the cool water traveling down her throat, trying to satisfy a thirst of another kind. Inuyasha raised his eyebrows, and watched her curiously, "thirsty?"
She nearly choked on her water. A spray of water shot out from her mouth, she covered her mouth and bent over her lap in a fit of violent coughs. Concerned, he sat down next to her, and patted her back gently. "Geez Kagome, you think you can learn to drink and think at the same time?" he teased.
Her coughing finally faded, but not the redness from her cheeks. A bit embarrassed by what happened, she sat motionless, refusing to look at Inuyasha for fear there'll be more teasing. "Here." He took the bottle from her hand, and pulled her onto his lap, her head tucked under his chin.
She looked up. "What are you doing?" shivering from the close contact.
He held the bottle to her lips, grinning, "Making sure you don't choke on your water again."
Nose flaring from anger, Kagome snatched the bottle back, and dumped the rest of the water on his head. "No thank you," she hissed, before shoving at him. For some reason, her hands refused to move, her fingers curled against his chest. He looked down at her darkly, and suddenly stood up, shoving her from his lap. She dropped to the floor with a thud.
"Time to train."
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Sweats dripping down her face, she tried to make her fist connect with his jaw. He quickly sidestepped, grabbed her arm, and flipped her on the ground. She leaped up, and kicked him in the face. Though it made contact, he barely felt it. "Don't hold back…pretend I'm a real enemy."
"I won't if you won't," she replied.
"Fine, have it your way," he said before punching her in the face, then in the gut. She punched him back, hard. His eyes widened in surprise. Inuyasha backhanded her, sending her to the floor again. She shot her leg out. He jumped up to dodge it, then kicked her, sending her backwards.
Growing frustrated, Kagome rolled, got up and began to punch him wildly in the face.
He grabbed her hands and threw her against the wall, forcing her arms down on her side. "You're getting better, but not good enough," he grinned. She struggled to get loose; unaware of what her movement was doing to him. A groan rumbled from his throat. "Stop," he commanded, his voice sounding husky.
She froze, color flushed across her face, finally realizing what her struggling has done. Still not letting her go, he continued to stare at her heatedly. Kagome felt as though her heart would explode from beating so fast.
Slowly, he leaned down, his lips merely an inch away from hers. Her breath caught in her throat, she wetted her lips nervously, feeling the warmth coming from his mouth.
For a while he did nothing, just letting his hot breath gaze all over her face, his lips almost touching but not quite, as if he was mapping out her face. Kagome moaned, she can't believe that she was getting turned on just by that. He traveled to her lips again, this time letting his brush against hers delicately, like flower petals.
Not being able to take his torture any longer, she surprised both him and herself by boldly capturing his lips. Inuyasha returned the kiss with an urgency and passion she has never experienced. He licked at her lips, asking for entrance. She eagerly opened them, gasping at the feel of his rough tongue thrusting into hers, mimicking what he would like to do with his other body part.
He finally released her limbs, allowing Kagome to wrap her arms tightly around his shoulders. She could feel the hard muscles under her fingertips. The kiss grew more and more passionate as their tongues battled each other's, neither winning nor losing.
Her knees trembled as though they might not be able to support her much longer. Inuyasha slipped his hands underneath her legs and wrap them around his waist. She thought she would die from sheer pleasure.
His lips hungrily journeyed down to her chin, nibbling gently…then to the curve of her neck. Warms lips devoured her throat, she arched her neck, giving him more access, and ran her fingers down his muscular chest.
Inuyasha groaned, almost a strangled cry, and tore his lips away from her neck. Kagome whimpered at the lose of contact, and began to kiss his collarbone.
His eyes flashed darkly, and reluctantly unwind her legs from his torso. He set her down gently. Muttering a string of curses and cracking his knuckles, he went to answer the door.
Feeling light headed, with her legs refusing to cooperate, she slid down against the wall and onto the floor. `Whoa…what just happened?' she thought as she touched her bruised lips. She glanced at the direction to the door. `I feel sorry for the person that interrupted.'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Inuyasha returned from the door, and sat on the couch with one arm gripping the armrest. He gave Kagome a brief glance, who was still dazed on the floor, her clothing disheveled. `I almost let something happened…' Miroku followed, rubbing his bruised neck, and settled in the armchair.
"You want to join us?" the hanyou asked.
She nodded, got up quickly, and straightened out her clothes, her face deep red. "What's going on?" she sat beside Inuyasha, frowning inwardly when he didn't attempt to move closer. Instead, he clenched the armrest even more tightly.
"Miroku is my consultant, we need to talk things over."
"Alright so what's this you said on the phone about the Ring of Midoriko?"
"It's what we need to find the Shikon no Tama. Do you know anything about the Taiji clan?"
"Hmmm…the Taiji clan," his eyes closed, tapping a finger to his forehead. "Yes, their clan goes way back…almost to the time of the first slayer. They're extremely skillful. Many demons would love to destroy them. I heard they've been having trouble lately…now I know why."
"You know their location?" Inuyasha asked.
"No, it's extremely secretive…but I have a friend who owes me a favor, he might know," Miroku sighed lightly. "You know, they're not just going to hand the ring over...especially to a half-vampire."
"Keh. Who said anything about handing things over, I'm just going to take it."
"Maybe…they'll trust me since I'm the slayer?" Kagome asked hopefully.
"I don't know, it might work."
"How long is it going to call your friend in on that favor?"
He got up from the armchair. "I don't know, I'll contact him as soon as possible…I'll let you know soon."
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Without saying a word, Inuyasha went over to the bar and poured himself a glass of red wine after Miroku left. He drank it down with one gulp. Kagome got up and wrapped her arms around his torso from behind, nuzzling her face against his back. "Well…now that he's gone," she said while tracing the muscle line of his abs.
Inuyasha bit the inside of his cheeks, barely feeling the pain, and pour himself another drink. His skin burning at her every touch. `Shit! I shouldn't have kissed her…now it's going to be ten times harder to resist.'
`Why is he acting so cold all of the sudden? Is he still mad about the interruption?' He sat his glass down and unwrapped her arms from his waist. Looking tensed, he led her to the front door. "We'll finish practice later, get some rest," he said, still avoiding eye contact.
She cupped his cheeks in her hands, forcing him to into her eyes. "What's going on?"
He cringed, amber eyes darting from side to side, and turned away from her, "what do you mean?"
"The kiss…I know you felt it," she placed her hand on his chest. "Your heart. It's still beating fast, like mine."
Inuyasha clenched his fists. "Kagome…we can't, I'm sorry. I…I was weak."
Kagome's eyes narrowed at his explanation, a hard lump squeezed in her throat. She stepped away from him and took a deep breath, trying to hold in a sob. Without saying a word, she pulled open the door; a gust of wind shot through the opening, and ran out.
He stood staring at the door for a moment, a painful tug at his heart. "Kagome…"
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He tore his mouth away from the girl's neck, and licked his lips, blood trickling down his chin. "The new recruit is almost ready?" he asked.
"Yes, he's very thirsty." Her fangs pushed out of her mouth at the sight of blood.
"Ku, Ku, Ku," Naraku threw his head back and chuckled. "Wouldn't the slayer be pleased to see her brother again?" he asked the half-dead girl in his lap before punching through her chest cavity and ripping her heart out.
Blood splattered on the wall, he then threw the still beating heart to her. She caught it and devoured the heart eagerly, drowning in pleasure as the warm blood drips down her throat.
He lapped up the blood remaining on his fingers. "Good job, Kagura."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Review Review Review!!!
For those of you who are waiting for my Charade sequel, I am happy to inform you that I am working on it. I'll try to have the first chapter out soon. I really hate my summer classes, way too much reading. Anyway, please continue to review this story.
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