InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Big Hands ❯ Chapter 1
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Blood Rayne 
Okay, i don't own anything. I am a horrid speller and still don't know how to do the Italic Font. And, please reveiw while i go fuck that guy over there!
Chase: Who me?
Kagome drank her milkshake and tried to turn her friends out, /I graduated...Thank Kami-Sama. I need to go back to the Feudal Era, everyone will be worried. InuYasha....He tried to tell me something but I didn't listen, as usual.../ "Kagome! Snap out of it!" Kagome blinked, "Huh?" Yuri laughed, "So does the Two-Timer have Big Hands?" Kagome blinked once more, "What in the seven hells are you talking about?" "Well,I heard some girld talking about their boyfriends having big hands.." She squealed, "And when a guy has big hands they say that they have HUGE.." "Yuri shut you mouth!" Kagome interuptered. Yuri grinned, "Hey, it's not my fault it's the truth." Kagome and the others gasped, "You mean, you've...." Yuri nodded, "Yeah, with one of our old math teachers." Kagome blushed, "I always wondered how you got those 'A's."
Kagome sighed as she jumped into the bone-eaters well, landing in the Feudal Era of Japan. Kagome pushed her backpack over the edge and followed over the top. She sat on the edge of the well, contemplating her earlier conversation with her friends...
/InuYasha has big hands..../ Kagome gasped, /Oh no! I am starting to think like her!/ InuYasha silently walked infront of her, "Kagome, don't think to hard. It might just hurt your head." Kagome stood up and sighed as she turned to him. InuYasha toke a step back, Kagome's eyes were filled will pure animalistic lust.
InuYasha whispered, "K-Kagome?" Kagome took a step foreward, /Too late to back out now girl. Start using the vixen that Yuri said you had./ Kagome flipped her hair over her shoulder as she swiftly strolled over to him, stopping when they were only inches away, "Yes, InuYasha? Is there something you want to tell me?" She ran a hand down his chest and stopped right above his manhood. "K-Kagome...? What are you doing?"
"HEY KAGOME!!!" InuYasha tried to pull away but Kagome wouldn't let him, "Kagome...they'll see us!" Kagome rubbed her hands against his dog ears, earning a lustfulled growl. "They will just be jealous..."
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 05.12.2005 | Updated On: 05.12.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 13 | Visits: 2.0K | Status: Work In Progress

Okay, i don't own anything. I am a horrid speller and still don't know how to do the Italic Font. And, please reveiw while i go fuck that guy over there!
Chase: Who me?
Kagome drank her milkshake and tried to turn her friends out, /I graduated...Thank Kami-Sama. I need to go back to the Feudal Era, everyone will be worried. InuYasha....He tried to tell me something but I didn't listen, as usual.../ "Kagome! Snap out of it!" Kagome blinked, "Huh?" Yuri laughed, "So does the Two-Timer have Big Hands?" Kagome blinked once more, "What in the seven hells are you talking about?" "Well,I heard some girld talking about their boyfriends having big hands.." She squealed, "And when a guy has big hands they say that they have HUGE.." "Yuri shut you mouth!" Kagome interuptered. Yuri grinned, "Hey, it's not my fault it's the truth." Kagome and the others gasped, "You mean, you've...." Yuri nodded, "Yeah, with one of our old math teachers." Kagome blushed, "I always wondered how you got those 'A's."
Kagome sighed as she jumped into the bone-eaters well, landing in the Feudal Era of Japan. Kagome pushed her backpack over the edge and followed over the top. She sat on the edge of the well, contemplating her earlier conversation with her friends...
/InuYasha has big hands..../ Kagome gasped, /Oh no! I am starting to think like her!/ InuYasha silently walked infront of her, "Kagome, don't think to hard. It might just hurt your head." Kagome stood up and sighed as she turned to him. InuYasha toke a step back, Kagome's eyes were filled will pure animalistic lust.
InuYasha whispered, "K-Kagome?" Kagome took a step foreward, /Too late to back out now girl. Start using the vixen that Yuri said you had./ Kagome flipped her hair over her shoulder as she swiftly strolled over to him, stopping when they were only inches away, "Yes, InuYasha? Is there something you want to tell me?" She ran a hand down his chest and stopped right above his manhood. "K-Kagome...? What are you doing?"
"HEY KAGOME!!!" InuYasha tried to pull away but Kagome wouldn't let him, "Kagome...they'll see us!" Kagome rubbed her hands against his dog ears, earning a lustfulled growl. "They will just be jealous..."
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 05.12.2005 | Updated On: 05.12.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 13 | Visits: 2.0K | Status: Work In Progress
Big Hands