InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Big Red ❯ Big Red ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I do not own Inuyasha... Peace out peeps or Big Red.
Chappie 1
Kagome was walking to the sanctuary chewing on her favorite piece of gum.
It had been her favorite gum science the day she met Inuyasha.
Kagome was walking toward her house after her 6th grade class had let out. When she decided to take a new route home she stumbled across a giant tree. When she herd rustling up above her she looked up to see a dog eared person. She stepped back but stopped when she seen how badly he looked she stirred up the strength to say something.
“Hi what's wrong with you? You seem scared?” she asked with sorrow in her voice.
Inuyashas heart felt good for some reason. Like the girl he was looking at had something sweet about her. “Nothing” he said with a huff.
“don't tell me that I know the look on your face. There's something wrong isn't there?” she gazed up at him with a smile.
He huffed once more “Ill tell you later”
She looked up at him with surprise in her facial features “oh so you wish to see me again?”
Inuyasha blushed.” Maybe.” And looked away.
“All right then. May I ask your name?” She looked up with a smile.
He grunted”Inuyasha.” He looked away with a frown. But he felt something he never has felt before. He almost felt. Welcome around her. He liked that. So he felt he would wish to see her again.
“Thank you Inuyasha, and my name is kagome” she sat on the ground and Inuyasha just stared into space. “Inuyasha come down here!” she yelled to get his attention.
“What?!” he asked.
“Humor me! Get down here!” she yelled.
“Fine!” he got up off his branch and jumped down. Kagome just stared at his ears. Content to just watch they twitch. Suddenly she had the erg to touch them. She got on her knees and started to fondle them with a giggle. Inuyasha didn't like that one bit. “Would you stop that?! I hate it when people touch those!” she giggled and sat Indian style in front of him. What she didn't realize is that she was warring a skirt. And could see her panties clearly. Inuyasha felt something he never felt before. He ignored the feeling and concentrated on the girls rambling.
“here Inuyasha have this. As a token of my friendship.” She pulled out a rosary with purple beads and little things that looked like fangs on it. And handed it to him. He was speechless. No one ever gave him anything.
“Thanks kagome.” He took it and put it on…”well the only thing I have to give you is this peace of Big Red bubble gum.” He handed it to her. She looked at it. Shed never herd of it. But pulled the wrapper off and started chewing it. Her face lit up with glee.
“I love it! Thank you Inuyasha!” she scurried up and hugged him. Then she sat back down with a smile.
“Well I am glad you liked it. Now ill see you tomorrow bye!” she understood and got up and left.
**end flashback**
Ever science that day she has loved that bubble gum. And every time she ate it, it made her think of her one and only. Inuyasha..
“Hey Kags!” I turned around to see her bright and shining Inuyasha running up to greet her on their way to school. She and Inuyasha had been friend's science that day and kagome has known him for 4 years now. Over the years she has grown to love Inuyasha. Every time she sees him her heart stops. Sometimes she just thinks it's a school girl crush but other times she feels almost overwhelmed.
“Hey Gooshy!” Gooshy was her nick name for him ever science junior high. He had gained a little bit of weight and kagome was just so giddy about it. Every chance she got she squeezed his “goosh.” And giggled. The nick name just stuck. Even after he hit his growth spurt. Inuyasha ran up to her with a smile and walked beside her.
“I see you are chewing on your gum again Kags” he smiled and winked at her. She giggled.
“Yep always and forever my Gooshy.” He just smiled and they went to school.