InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Birthday ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: InitialA/TuxedoUranus89
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!
Author's Note: I'm alive, I promise!! School is kicking my ass, and my creative writing class has me focusing on original work this semester. T^T Knittingknots has me back in a little slice of life kick, so enjoy!
Spring was here at last, but it still felt a bit like winter in InuYasha's hut. His usually cheerful wife had been moody lately, and she wouldn't tell him why. She was napping at the moment, while he finished with dinner; she napped often, and he wondered if it was because she was sad so often. His mother had been that way when the anniversary of his father's death was near. It was nearly time to eat, and he went into their room to check on her.
Kagome was grumpy when he touched her shoulder. “Stop hovering, InuYasha, I'm awake.”
“Dinner's almost done,” he replied, barely ruffled from her snapping.
She nodded. He mused for a bit, going back to the main room and filling their bowls. InuYasha missed his cheerful wife. Absently, he stared out the front door; the mat was moved aside to let in the warm evening air, and flower buds were starting to poke out of Kagome's garden. His eyes widened slightly as he remembered something. “Shit…” he muttered.
That night, a runner summoned Kagome to assist in childbirth. Soon after she left, InuYasha dashed off into the woods.
Dawn was breaking when he returned. Kagome was building up the fire in the main room; he could tell she'd just gotten back and was exhausted, physically and mentally. InuYasha knelt next to her and gathered her in his arms. She stiffened slightly, but didn't move away. He dug something out from his sleeve and gently draped it around her neck; her hand went to her throat. She pulled the necklace back to look at it: beads and stones, their colors faded, were cool to the touch. “It was my mother's,” InuYasha said softly.
Kagome leaned into him. “It's beautiful.”
“It was her favorite. I…stole it when she died, so they wouldn't burn it with her,” he explained. “Happy birthday, Kagome.”
She giggled and hugged him. “I thought you'd forgotten.”
“Keh. Wench, thinkin' I'd forget when we met…” He grumbled, blushing slightly.
She laughed again, and a knot in his chest loosened. He pulled her closer. “There's one more thing…”
Kagome looked up at him in confusion. He scooped her up and carried her into the next room; she giggled again when he dropped her onto the futon. “Happy anniversary,” he whispered huskily, moving in for the kiss.
((Hope you enjoyed. As always, reviews are welcomed! ~InitialA/TU89))