InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bitter Blood ❯ Chapter 9
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Bitter Blood
Chapter 9
What was going on? How had things gone so wrong?
She'd gone outside to comfort him, to offer her support . . . to be intimate with him . . . But instead, they'd fought . . .
Not really a fight, though. She'd been the one to do all the yelling. He was always so calm, so cool, so . . . infuriating.
"My lady?"
Rin stormed into the nursery and sat down beside Daichi's cradle. "You can leave," she said.
Dokumi sat on the opposite side of the cradle, watching Daichi sleep. "What troubles you, my lady?"
She turned her nose up at her. "It's none of your concern."
"Your health is my concern, and you seem quite agitated." She rose from her chair and went over to her side. "Your pulse is racing, my lady. You should try to settle yourself down."
"And you should mind your own business."
Dokumi laughed. "As I said, your health IS my business. It's my primary reason for being here. Now, why don't you tell me what's wrong?"
She, again, turned away from her.
"Is it something I said? Something I did?"
She didn't want to say. Dokumi already seemed to know too much about her family.
"Lady Rin, if you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't help fix the problem. Didn't I help you in your recovery? Didn't I help Daichi with his colic?"
She laughed dryly to herself. "Those were medical problems. This is something else, entirely."
Her silver eyes narrowed. "Did Lord Sesshomaru say something to upset you?"
Rin sighed, her head collapsing forward from the burden of carrying such heavy thoughts.
"Didn't I tell you what type of man he is?" Her gaze remained fixed on her, steady, unblinking.
Rin nodded. "You did."
Dokumi sighed. "I do hate to be right about this. Especially when you're in such obvious pain . . . Tell me, what did he say to you?"
She drew in a deep breath and pushed it out. "He has no further use for me," she said. "As a wife."
She put on a thoughtful frown. "Were those his exact words?"
"I can't remember his 'exact' words. I was too much in shock to take it all in." She reached down and stroked her son's head. "This is my post, now. To be a good mother to 'the heir of the Western Lands.' Forget that he has a name."
Dokumi rose to her feet. "Well, my lady, if you wish it, I shall leave you."
Rin nodded. "Please, do."
So, Dokumi thought as she closed the nursery door. It's time for me to begin my other duties . . .