InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blazing Hearts ❯ Chapter 29

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blazing Hearts
Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own Inuyasha or company; I merely toy with them for my own twisted amusement.
AN: Sorry about the long wait, I got hit with a worm and lost everything on my computer. So I had to rewrite this chapter as well as the other ones I was working on and since I was frustrated I took my time. I'm calmer now though, I have a bit of what I lost back.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
He watched her in the darkness.
As she got into the car.
Tired and worn out... but beautiful...
Raven hair flew about in the wind.
Slender hands that fiddiled with the keys before she drove away.
Pink mouth that opened to let out that yawn.
She was as beautiful as he remembered.
Half of him demanded that he reveal himself to her. To take her into his arms and kiss her. He would apologize for what he did, confess his remaining love to her and then everything would be good again.
The other half argued. The other half knew the truth.
Kagome would not want to be swept up by a monster. Not with the memory that he left her with. He would let her see him... but not now. When she was so tired from work.
And so he stayed in the darkness.
For now.
Kagome rose a brow when she walked into her kitchen, “What are you doing, Inuyasha?” she asked, rubbing her eyes from the previous night sleep. Coffee... that was what she needed.
“Nothing,” he said simply flipping through the pages of a white photo album.
She frowned and sat down at the table across him as she held her steaming cup of near-white coffee. She enjoyed her cream. “Looking for something?”
“No...” he said, barely listening to her.
“Is this Hojo?” he asked, pointing to a photo of Kagome, Shippo, and the man he saw yesterday. They were smiling in glee.
She looked at the photo, her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. “No. That's Suikotsu,” she took the album and flipped through herself to find the picture of yet another ex, but one that made her feel only slightly less sick.
She found the wedding picture in the back, the album was at one point in time chronologically correct, but time took its path and she hadn't been through her albums in a good year or so. “This is Hojo. Why?”
He looked at her for a moment, before turning back the pages, “Because I saw this man,” he pointed at the picture he had been looking at first, “at the park yesterday.” He felt relieved that the man—Suikotsu—wasn't Hojo, her ex-husband. Only an ex-boyfriend. How long was her track-record anyway?
She shook her head. “That isn't possible. He's... not around.”
“I know who I saw, Kagome. And this was the guy. He just stood there behind a tree, watching me and Shippo.”
She rubbed her face worriedly, “Not possible...” she muttered to herself; leaving the hanyou in the dark, confused as she left to get to her telephone. She needed to call his institution... she would not believe anything else until she talked to the doctor.
The phone rang three times before the secretary answered and put her on hold. She was then patched through to the Director who had informed her of Suikotsu's shocking escape, the police had already been informed—he assured her—and the psychologist who had been put in charge of Suikotsu was just as bewildered as the rest of them.
She thanked the Director and hung up after being warned to not go outside alone. She sat down on her couch. Dazed. Nearly a week had passed since Suikotsu's escape from the institution. And no one had told her. No one had warned her.
There was nothing on the news about it and nothing in the paper. How long would it take for them to let the public know?
Would it take another murder?
Would it take her murder?
“Excited to see your uncle?” Kagome asked her beaming kitsune.
Shippo looked up at her from the passenger seat, “I can't wait! I always wanted to see Uncle Souta at his home!”
She smiled at him. Not more than an hour after she called the institution, Kagome had called her brother who currently lived in America with his wife and three little girls. Souta agreed without hesitation to Shippo's visit when Kagome explained, though the little boy remained unaware to the actual reason of his trip.
That was three days ago she had called Souta and bought Shippo's plane ticket.
“Do you think L.A. is as big as Tokyo?” he asked in excitement.
Kagome laughed, “I don't know. But take lots of pictures so I can see, okay?”
Shippo nodded enthusiastically, “I will!”
She parked the car and went into the airport. Shippo wasn't the only child in the world who went alone on a plane before, but she remained nervous. Kagome didn't know whether it was because of Suikotsu's return or if it was just because she was sending her baby to America alone on a plane.
The attendant smiled when Kagome handed her Shippo's ticket. She assured Kagome that Shippo would be watched carefully before the blonde took Shippo by the hand and led him onto the plane.
Kagome's heart pounded. She knew it was the safest choice regarding her son, to keep him out of harm's way. But she still felt very, very sick.
She quickly located the nearest bathroom and emptied her fluttering stomach.
She stalked slowly to the bathroom sink and filled her palms with the cold water, splashing it onto her face and filling her mouth to rid it of the bitter taste of vomit. She looked into the mirror and saw the fright on her face. In her eyes.
Suikotsu was back.
But Shippo would be safe.
And she had Inuyasha.
Everything would be okay... wouldn't it?
It's a little shorter than what I had originally, for that I apologize. Hopefully the next chapter will be up in a few days. Again, forgive me.
Random Quote:
This is the LAPD. We're the most hated cops in all the free world. My own mama's ashamed of me. She tells everybody I'm a drug dealer.” - James Carter (Chris Tucker) - Rush Hour