InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bleeding of the Past ❯ alt ending to Bleeding of the Past ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but have two trading cards!
Takes place after last flashback:
“You are in the Western Province. You are safe Sesshoumaru,” she assured him and gently pushed him back down onto the bed. He was still wide eyed but it faded to the emotionless mask he had gotten used to wear. “You are the only one that survived. I am sorry to say, all the others have died,” she looked at Sesshoumaru as she said this.
“No! All of them?” he couldn't maintain his mask at that news.
“I am sorry Sesshoumaru but it is true, they all have died,” she placed her hand on his for a moment then stood up, “get some rest. Things will look better in the morning.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes at the memory but then opened them in revelation.
“You are not here Kairi, in truth, you never were. For so long I have lived in pain at your loss when I should have been happy for you. You are free Kairi; you have been for so long now. I was a fool to mourn for your death,” he smiled when he looked at the rotting, blood stained floor, “I should have been celebrating.”
He stood up, with his eyes still fixed on that spot, “I will join you Kairi, but not now.” Sesshoumaru paused for a moment then continued on, “I will carry on for now I have the strength to.” With that, he walked out of the hut and out of the village without once looking back. He could finally start on once more; as he had before any of those terrible things happened.
Standing outside the old hut was a translucent figure of a woman with silver eyes and blue hair. She smiled at back of Sesshoumaru.
“Yes, one day we will be reunited but until then Sesshoumaru, don't forget to live,” spoke the woman before she faded away to await the day when she would one day travel side by side with her lord for all eternity.