InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blind Date Inuyasha style ❯ epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Darklordoftheland666 "Hello and welcome to Blind date the special INUYASHA STYLE and now lets say hi to the team"

Co-host" hello and how are we all doing to day"

Team inuyasha "we are all good"

Darklordoftheland666"do you how y you are all here to day"

Shippo" for dog treat???"

DLOTL 666"no you dumb dog for us to make you all go on wonderful date and for us to have a laugh"

Team inuyasha "you said that we would get dog treats basterd"

DLOTL666" hell no"

Co-host" thank you DLOTL now we need you reader to make matches of team members you would like to see go on the blind date challenge ha ha ha "