InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blind Date ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 19
“Mmmn this chicken teriyaki is very good.” Sango complemented Kagome.
“Thanks.” Kagome smiled.
“Yeah I know I ate like ten of them.” Miroku laughed.
“Where are Rin and Seshoumaru?” He asked.
“They couldn't make it.” Inuyasha told him with his mouth full.
“Didn't you hear what happened?” Kagome asked.
“No what?” Sango put down her glass that she was drinking.
“Rin's dad died and she upset I guess.”
“Why?” Miroku asked.
“What do you mean why? What kind of stupid question is that?” Inuyasha looked at him.
“No he's right. Rin's dad wasn't a good person.” Kagome said.
“What do you mean?” Inuyasha asked.
“He used to hit her and kicked her out of the house.” Miroku said.
“Oh.” Inuyasha sighed.
“Yeah but he's still her dad so…” Sango said playing with her fork, turning it constantly. Miroku nudged her knee.
“Oh.” Sango said excitedly.
“We have something to tell you that's um…”
“Could be taken as a bad situation or maybe a really, really good one.” Miroku finished for her with a grin on his face.
“What is it?” Inuyasha said not amused.
“We want to move in together.” Sango beamed.
“Oh that's wonderful.” Kagome smiled.
“Wait where am I supposed to go, I don't want to be next to your room while you're doing shit.” Inuyasha raised his eyebrows.
“Well we thought about that and we think you can move back into the mansion.” Sango said.
“Hell no!” Inuyasha protested.
“Or you can move in with Kagome.” Miroku suggested.
“Wait what? Move in with me?”
“Yeah you're going to need someone to pay half the rent.” Sango pointed out.
“But we've only been together a couple of weeks…” Kagome looked at Inuyasha who was looking at her with his elbow on the table and hand over his mouth.
“He sleeps here all the time anyway.” Miroku said.
“Inuyasha do you want to?” Sango asked him.
“If she's ok with it, I'd move in.” Inuyasha said through his hand.
“I don't know… it's moving a little too fast…Am I the only one who feels this way?” Kagome said, frantic.
“Hey you don't have to decide this very second. You guys talk and decide what you wan to do and then just tell us ok?” Sango assured her.
“Ok.” Kagome sighed.
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“Hi.” Seshoumaru came into the living room. He looked at Rin on the couch clutching a blanket while watching a movie on TV.
“Hi.” She said quietly. Seshoumaru came up to her and hugged her from behind.
“Mmmn.” Rin sighed.
“You ok?” He asked resting his head on her shoulder.
“Yeah…Did you tell her?” She asked.
“Was she upset?”
“No she said she hope you feel better.” Seshoumaru answered.
“You want to go to bed.” He asked.
“No I'm not tired.” Rin said picking up the remote and flipping through he channels.
“You need anything?”
“No I'm fine, go to sleep.” She smiled sweetly at him.
“Ok, good night.” He gave her a kiss and existed the room.
“Bye, I'll see you tomorrow.” Sango gave Kagome a hug.
“Bye.” Miroku said. Inuyasha waved at them still sitting at the table as they finally stepped out the door, closing it behind them. Kagome sighed deeply and headed back to the living room.
“So?” Inuyasha asked getting up and helping her clear the table.
“So what?” Kagome looked at him.
“Are we going to talk about it?” He asked putting the plates in the sink. Kagome leaned against the table. Inuyasha came back into the living room and took her hands into his.
“I don't know.” Kagome sighed.
“You don't want to live with me?” He asked swinging her hands back and forth slowly, then pressing them against his chest.
“You don't think it's moving, I mean us…we're moving way to fast.” Kagome tried to explain.
“I don't think so?” He told her.
“You don't?” Kagome asked.
“No…” He leaned to her ear.
“I love you.” He whispered. A rush went all over Kagome's body.
“I love you too.” Kagome said as Inuyasha captured her lips, moving one of his hands to stroke her hair and the other holding her hand tightly. Kagome kept her eyes closed hoping this time it was for real, because she never felt this way before about anyone. This was so much more…
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“Well I hope that turned out well…” Sango smiled.
“Where's the car?” Miroku asked.
“Um didn't you leave it over there?” Sango pointed at the next block.
“Oh yeah.” They started walking.
“You think he'll move in?” Sango asked.
“Of course…I hope, otherwise we're going to be stuck with him for some time.” He laughed.
“Ugh you're so mean.” Sango hit him playfully.
“I think he loves her.” Sango said.
“Yeah…I thought he'd never forget Kikyo.” Miroku sighed.
“What she did to him was horrible.” Sango agreed.
“I know I had to drag him out of that bar, poor guy.” Miroku spotted the car.
“There it is.” He said and started to cross the street. The doors automatically unlocked as Miroku pressed the button on his keys. They got into the car.
“The real question is…does she love him?” Miroku asked and started the car.
“I think she does, she never let anyone sleep with her before.” Sango laughed.
“Really?” Miroku said surprised.
“Anyway let's hope your right.” He smiled pressing the gas pedal and driving off.
A/N: why can't we have a fairy tale in real life? Why can't things end in happily ever after…. Why do all guys have to be losers or cheaters or something else like that sighs I'm in a bad love mood I hope that didn't effect my writing anyway well I thought it was cute how he told her he loved her and she had a rush going through her bodu. Do you ever get that rush? When ur excited or happy or something glike that I always get it and it's the best feeling ever I wish I can feel it whenever I want but I cant oh well so just r/r tell me what u think guys thanx for reading ;) mwaaaas