InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blind Stitch My Heart ❯ Winged Sandals Guide Me ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Blind Stitch my Heart
10- "Winged Sandals Guide Me"

Written by: profiler120 PG-13 (rating is probably higher than necessary)
I do not own Inu Yasha.

(. . . ) - Denotes p.o.v. change within the same scene.
Notes: Jaken is a human in this fic (but I'm sure you remembered that)- very important for a scene coming up. I guarantee you'll never have seen this one coming, heck, it even took me by surprise, and I wrote it. ^_^

Kagome looked up from staring down at the table. There was a book off to one side, but she was not reading it. "Oh, hey Sango, what's up?"
"Oh, nothing much," she replied. "What about you?"
She folded herself down on the other side of the small table with a curious look.
"Nothing," Kagome replied. "Um, why are you looking at me like that?"
"I couldn't help but notice him touching you last night in the kitchen. After he ordered everyone to leave, capturing your hand, it was so romantic. Especially after jerking Miroku around, so what's going on with you and the Master?"
Immediately her smile gave her away. "Actually I'm not quite sure."
Conversation drifted but really didn't go anywhere with Sango's probing questions and Kagome's ambiguous answers.
"Have you noticed anything odd today?"
Kagome looked up again. "Like what?"
Sango shook her head. "I just I keep thinking I see faces at the windows and people sneaking around outside. It's creepy, but maybe it's my imagination."
"Faces at the windows?" Kagome asked standing. "Hmm, I'll see you a bit later."
She wandered out the door and down the hall toward his room. She wondered if he was still sleeping or not. She knocked.
No response. So she knocked again. Nothing.
"The Master is in his library."
She just caught sight of Jaken before he slipped into another room close by and out of sight.
She turned back, heading toward there before common sense kicked in, warding her away from spending too much time with him. She planned on meeting him for lunch, so there was no need in pestering him.