InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blinded ❯ My light in the darkness ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As Inuyasha was about to say something, a voice was heard from above:
Kagome turned from where she heard the voice.
-“Sango-chan!” she said with tears already in her eyes.
Kirara landed on the ground and waited until the passengers on her back were off and transformed into her smaller form. After they landed, Sango immediately ran into her friend's arms and hugged her.
-“Sango-chan, I'm so happy to see you!” Pushing away from her, “Did you make it? Did you bring the Dokusan cure?”
-“Yes, Kagome-chan, we took the antidote!”
-“Thank-you Sango-chan! You don't know what that means to me!” Kagome hugged her friend tighter.
-“You don't have to thank me, thank Shippou?”
-“Shippou? Where is he?” Kagome asked, looking around.
-“I think that our little friend went to take a bath…”Miroku said.
-“A bath? Why?” Kagome asked.
-“Well…let's say that he did the dirty job for us…”Sango said. “But enough about that, now we must take care of Inuyasha's eyes before it's too late.”
Meanwhile, Miroku came beside Inuyasha.
-“It looks like you have awakened.”
-“Keh!” Inuyasha scoffed.
-“Those are terrible wounds; I just hope that it will heal, my friend.”
-“I also hope…” he thought.
Kagome came beside Inuyasha with Sango's jar that was filled with the Dokusan's antidote.
-“It will sting a little, Inuyasha. Just hang in there a little more.”
-“Keh! I had tougher times than a sting, wench!”
Kagome took some salve from the jar and carefully spread it on Inuyasha's eyes. She was really careful not to mess it in the last moment. She saw Inuyasha clench his teeth, knowing that he was in pain. Whipping the rest of the salve from her hands, she began wrapping his eyes in a clean bandage.
-“That does it…Now, how much do we have to wait?” Kagome asked.
-“Until tomorrow morning will be enough for the Dokusan to absorb the last traces of poison. The Dokusan antidote is very powerful.”
-“Now, Inuyasha my friend,” Miroku began. “You have to take a rest for the Dokusan to take a good effect.”
-“I don't need sleep! I can stay awake all night! I…”
-“Please Inuyasha…” Kagome pleaded. “You have to sleep.”
Hearing her voice, something couldn't make him say “no”.
-“Okay, wench!” he sighed.
Kagome smiled. After a few hours, he was sound asleep. Sango told her that the Dokusan has a powerful sleeping effect, and Inuyasha will sleep until morning without awaking. They were left alone for the night, Sango, Miroku and Shippou staying in another place, not far from them, only to give them some private time.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha's sleeping form lying in her lap. Rarely did she see him sleeping so deep. Another time she saw him like this was when he slept in her bed.
-`He looks so peaceful…' she smiled, but then her face saddened. `How could he love me…? He didn't say that, nor would he do it! He is still bounded to Kikyou!' She shook her head. `No! He said that he wasn't in love with her!' After a time, `But was it because of the poison? It happened like the time with the Spiderheads…'
Kagome was stolen from her thoughts when she heard Inuyasha's voice. Looking at him, she saw that he was still sleeping, but moved to find a more comfortable place and snuggled closer to her, breathing in her scent, a smile on his face.
-`He's talking in his sleep…Is he dreaming about me?' she thought, her heart beating faster.
She watched him to see if he reacts somehow, but he did nothing, only slept deeper. Kagome smiled. He's going to be okay. Cradling him in her lap, she let sleep overtake her.
The sun rose upon Feudal Japan from behind the mountains, his golden razes warming the earth and waking the entire living.
Kagome's eyes moved as the light reached them. She felt warm and cozy, like having a blanket over her. She pulled the cover closer to her and breathed it in. The smell of forest, clean air and…dog, filled her senses. Dog?
Slowly, she opened her eyes and the sunlight reached them, making her close them again. She woke up rubbing them. As she tried to get up, something fell off her, making a chill come over her. When she looked at the thing that fell, she saw something red.
-`Inuyasha's fire-rat haori…'
Then she realized that she's alone.
-“Where's Inuyasha?” she panicked.
She took his haori and went in search of him. She didn't want to wake her friends, so she went alone.
-“Inuyasha!” she yelled not too loud, Knowing that he will hear her if he was close enough. `What could have happened to him? Where is he? He should be resting!' Kagome's heart was pounding in her chest with worry.
She then arrived at a clearing, facing the sunrise. She covered her eyes from the blinding light, opening them after she adjusted herself. There, at the edge of the cliff, stand a person. He was wearing red haori pants, a white kosode and he had silver hair. On top of his head were two triangular dogears and in his hand were some white bandages.
-“I-Inuyasha?” Kagome said as tears threatened her eyes.
It was like in slow-motion as the person turned around, opening and revealing amber orbs. The tears in Kagome's eyes started running down her cheeks as she saw the silver-haired man turning to her.
-“Inuyasha!” she cried as she ran to him, holding his haori in her hands.
Inuyasha opened his arms as she ran into him at full speed, but with his demonic powers, he caught her effortless. He then let her cry on his shoulder, resting one hand behind her head, and one hugging her.
Inuyasha held Kagome's crying form until her sobs turned into small hiccups. He then let her look at him. She saw in his eyes every emotion that went through him: happiness, understanding, thankfulness, and most of all…they held love. She was lost in his enigmatic amber eyes until she felt a clawed hand whipping her tears from her eyes.
-“Are you there, wench?” he said playfully. “I've lost you a moment back there.”
She smiled.
-“I just got lost in your eyes, that's all,” she said blushing.
-“You don't know how lost I get in your eyes, Kagome.”
Kagome smiled and held him tighter.
-“I thought that I could never see you again,” Inuyasha whispered in her ear. “It scared me to death.” He pushed her to look at her. “But now I have noting to fear anymore.”
He leaned closer, closing the space between them. Kagome recognized that look. Something pulled her to do what her hart wished. She rose on her tip toes. The two meet in a sweet kiss at the half of the distance. At first, it was just a chaste kiss, but in the end it became a full passionate one, their tongues battling for dominance, neither of them giving up. Kagome raises her hand to grab a furry appendage and felt Inuyasha growl in contentment.
-“I should tell you what rubbing my ears do to me, woman…” Inuyasha said in a husky voice.
Kagome immediately retreated her hand, blushing.
-“Don't do that!” he said, taking her hand and putting it back to his ears. “I like it…”
Kagome smiled.
-“Kagome…My dear Kagome…” Inuyasha said lovingly, as he cupped her cheek, Kagome leaning to his touch.
-“I love you so much, Inuyasha.”
-“And I love you too, my Kagome. My only light in the darkness.”
-“Inuyasha…” she whispered as a few stray tears of happiness rolled on her cheeks.
Meanwhile, behind a bush, four pairs of eyes were on espionage duty.
-“Finally, we could see some activity between our friends here,” Miroku said.
-“It's about time!” squeaked Shippou.
-“I think that they need some time alone,” Sango said. “They need it.”
-“They really need it…” Miroku said with a lecherous grin.
-“Don't get any ideas, Houshi!”
-“Sango, you misjudge me! I would never think of such things!”
-“Oh yeah? Then what does your hand do on my behind?” Sango said irritated.
-“I told you before, my dear Sango! This hand is cursed!”
-“Cursed is your personality!” she hissed at him.
In the end they left, careful not to disturb the couple in love. But they weren't aware of the amber eye that was spying on the moving bush, and the twitching ear that was catching their sounds, the person that had them, too busy with the girl in his arms.
-“Well, we'd better get going,” Inuyasha said.
-“Yeah, I'm sure that Sango is worried about us for fleeing like this. And we have some explaining to do, too.”
-“Well…Let's go…We must see where the rest of the shards are,” Inuyasha said with a playful wink.
And the two went for their camp, holding hands and looking lovingly at each other from time to time. Until they arrived at the campsite, the others were already around the fire.
-“Hello you two!” Miroku greeted them with his sparkle in his eyes.
-`Why do I have the strange feeling they know?' Kagome thought as she saw him.
-“Kagome! Where have you been? I saw that you and Inuyasha were gone!”
-“We're fine, Sango-chan!” then thought, `Wait a minute! When did they search us?!'
Sango turned to Inuyasha.
-“I see that your eyes are healed. Can you see perfectly?”
-“Yeah, Sango. Thanks,” he smiled.
-`Inuyasha thanked me?! Kagome really has an incredible influence on him!'
-“So, Inuyasha, did you have a great morning?” Miroku asked smirking.
-`They know!' both Inuyasha and Kagome thought in unison.
-“Yeah, bozu…we did have a great morning!” Inuyasha said with his back turned to them. “But you? Did you have a good time spying us in the bush?”
Inuyasha turned to them. They freeze.
-“Well…I…um…” Sango stammered.
-“My friend, it's not like that!” Miroku panicked.
-“They made me do it!” Shippou squeaked.
-“Shippou!” Miroku and Sango yelled.
Instead of a fuming hanyou and a blushing miko, they heard Inuyasha in a full-blown laugh and Kagome giggling along.
-“Aren't you mad?” Sango asked unsure.
-“Not a bit, Sango,” Kagome said. “At least you speared us of telling about it.”
The three sighed relieved.
-“So this means we're safe?” Miroku asked.
-“If you don't say any lecherous bullshit, yeah.” Inuyasha said.
-“Well, we must continue the search for the Jewel Shards,” Kagome said.
-“Yeah, and that bastard Naraku! He's out there somewhere, and when we'll find him, he's going to pay for everything!”
Our group headed to yet another journey to find Naraku and the Jewel Shards and put an end to his injustices once and for all!
-“What, bozu?
-“Did you and Kagome-sama have a pleasurable time together? *bonk* OW! Why did you do that for?”
-“I told you that you'll pay if you think of lecherous bullshit!”