InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bliss Of Another Kind ❯ What I wouldn't do for you ( Chapter 2 )
A/N: Warning for lemon!
The apartment was unsurprisingly dark when he finally came in at around midnight. He could make out the furniture by a small bit of light coming from the T.V. Several feet away the remains of a dinner meant for two sat cold on the table, and there on the couch was Kagome, fast asleep.
Naraku simply looked at her for a moment; his eyes scanned her pretty face and flawless body. Her raven hair fanned out over the pillow she was resting on.
"She really is something.", He thought to himself in appreciation, "Only a fool would turn her down."
He couldn't help but smile at that last statement, the first smile he'd worn all night. It had been a rough day. Kagome no longer bothered to question where he'd been all night, but if she did he would have had a legitimate excuse tonight. There had been no barely legal waitresses or fountains of champagne tonight, just one long, desperate business meeting.
Naraku Daimyo had built a medical empire in the recent years of his immortal demon life. It had taken time and several morally questionable business practices, but he was now one of the leading names in both medical equipment and pharmaceutics and now he was in trouble. As he'd learned in today's meeting his main competition, Ishamaru Inc., was on the verge of some amazing medical break-through. This break-through was said to be called the Shikon Syrup. If utilized it could serve as a cure for everything from AIDS to cancer. Good for humanity, bad for Naraku Daimyo; and when you thought about it, who was more important?
Turning his attention back to the girl on the couch, he bent down and caressed her check. Kagome's eyes fluttered at the soft touch and then widened slightly at the source of the touch. She couldn't remember the last time he'd been tender with her. Maybe he was drunk.
"What's wrong?", She asked quietly, afraid of breaking whatever spell he was under.
"Nothing.", he replied, " I just missed you today, baby. Is there anything wrong with that?"
She slowly shook her head,openly confused. Yes, he was definitely drunk. Although she couldn't smell any liquor on him, only the expensive cologne he loved to wear.
"Good.", he said with uncharacteristic softness as he lowered his lips to meet hers, "Now why don't you come to bed, dear?"
His hand glided down and took hers. She followed him numbly to their bedroom. Once there he made quick work of taking her into his arms and lowering her to the mattress. A trail of light teasing kisses made their way down her throt to her chest.
He slowly removed her clothing to give him full access to her firm breasts and the rest of her young body. His hand moved down to the junction between her legs and he began to rub her core with his palm.
Kagome lay beneath him completely torn. What he was doing felt wonderful, but she couldn't help but wonder what had brought on this sudden change. Intercourse for them was usually short, rough, and emotionally void; with him taking what he wanted and leaving. Still, Kagome couldn't help but enjoy this rare show of affection as she ran her hand through his black hair.
Naraku bit back an arrogant smile as he heard her breathing become faster. Sensing when she was ready he pulled off his own clothing, leaving them in a pile with hers on the bedroom floor. His thumb made fast circles around her clit while he inserted a finger into her, causing a low moan to escape from her lips.
Removing his hand he positioned his fully erect member at her entrance. His hips rocked back and forth as he slowly made his way into her slick passage. Finally, he grabbed her hips and with a single thrust, sank fully into her hot depths.
Kagome gasped as she felt herself stretch to accommodate his length. Slow movements in and out quickly became powerful thrusts. Kagome shuttered as her climax hit hard causing every muscle in her body to tighten. Feeling her clench around him Naraku gave into his own peak with a grunt.
For a moment they simply lied there catching their breath. Then Naraku climbed off her and returned to leaving light kisses up and down her jaw line.
"Kagome baby? You know I love you right? That I'd do anything to continue taking care of you?"
She felt her muscles tighten again, but this time not from pleasure. He wanted something. Instantly she felt stupid and lonely again. She should have realized it; if Naraku had taught her one thing it was that you didn't get something for nothing. No, nothing was given freely by anyone, not even love.
Acting as though he hadn't noticed her silence Naraku continued, "Look Kagome, the company is in trouble. We're in trouble. If I sink, so do you. I have a job for you baby, I'm asking for you to help me like I've helped you over these last couple years. Make me happy baby, say yes."
What could she do? He was right, as all her previous attempts to escape had proven, she needed him. She was nothing without him.
"Yes.", she said in a voice just above a whisper.
Quiet as it was he had still caught her vocal consent. He smiled and pulled her back into his arms.
"Good girl"
Kagome tried to discreetly straighten her tight silver dress as she entered the loud night club. Naraku had a job for her all right. After explaining the situation with Ishamaru Co. to her last night he had also told her that it would be her job to get to the mysterious Shikon syrum. The best way to do that would be to go through the president of the company. Sesshomaru Ishamaru however was notoriously cold hearted and already mated besides. He wasn't the sort of man to cheat either.
That left Kagome's sights set on the vice president, Sesshomaru's younger brother, Inuyasha. With his reputation for being reckless and quite a womanizer as well Naraku thought he was perfect for this. Kagome however wasn't so sure; after all, she was the one who was going to have to seduce this strange man. He was suppose to be here tonight.
Trying not to look too outwardly nervous Kagome began to make a round of the crowed room. It didn't take long to spot him. She figured he'd be in the VIP section and once there she could instantly identify the man. All the Ishamaru's had a head of unmistakable silver hair and Inuyasha was no exception.
She could just make out his form sitting at a table with a number of very beautiful women and another man she didn't know. The other man seemed to be having a very nice time flirting openly with all the pretty girls. Inuyasha however looked rather bored as a big busted blonde women tried in vain to capture his attention while wearing a sickeningly coquettish smile.
Kagome took a deep breath as she made her way over to the VIP section. She gave the doorman a flash of Naraku's VIP card and went on through the velvet rope. She could see a waitress on her way to Inuyasha's table with a tray of drinks. In a split second Kagome decided her course of action.
She walked down the slightly narrow carpeted path between tables towards Inuyasha's making it look as though she was headed for the empty table just behind his. As she neared it she pretended to be trying to maintain a conversation with someone across the room while distractedly walking forward.
Her plan worked perfectly as she collided with the waitress just in front of Inuyasha's table, making both her and the waitress fall to the floor and spilling a mess of Martini and Pina Colada all over. Needless to say, it got the silver haired man's attention, along with everyone in the rooms.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!", She said exasperated.
A few people laughed as she began to help the irritated waitress pick up the mess, including the blonde woman hanging on Inuyasha. It wasn't until Kagome finally straightened up to wipe the crushed ice and liquor off herself that Inuyasha got a good look at the clumsy girl. His eyes widened for a moment.
A/N: I've decided to give this a try because I really like the potential of this story and I had a lot of fun planning out the plot. I prefer to write AU for that very reason. I think it allows for more freedom with both the plot and the characters. I love to get reviews so please take a few seconds to fill one out for me! I'd love some feedback or just to answer some questions. See you guys next time!