InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bliss Of Another Kind ❯ The Ball: Not Quite Like Cinderella ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome wrinkled her noise as she look at her reflection in the mirror. The earrings didn't match. She heard the door open as she hunted through her jewelry box for something better.

"You look absolutely entrapping," said Naraku in a sickeningly syrupy voice as he looked her over.

He wasn't wrong. Kagome was a vision of dark red in the floor length Valintino gown that clashed perfectly with her pale skin and dark hair. She wished he'd leave. She was incredibly nervous as it was without him looking over her shoulder like that.

As soon as she had gotten home last night she found him waiting for her, demanding a full recap of what had happened. When she told him about her invitation to the anniversary he was delighted. The next morning he took her shopping for a new dress and some shoes. Under different circumstances this whole thing would have proved fun, but at the moment it was just a dark cloud hanging over her head.

"I don't know if I can do this," Kagome informed him as she felt the beginning of a panic attack coming.

"Don't talk like that.", he said forcefully., "You'll do what you have to do or you'll find yourself out on the street. You're a pretty girl Kagome, a little on the dumb side though. Do you really want to see what happens to "pretty" girls in the the real world? What would happen to you if I weren't always taking you by the hand?"

"No," She whispered softly, her eyes watered.

"Stop crying. You'll mess your make up."


It was 7:05 when Naraku's limo delivered Kagome to Sesshomaru Ishamaru's ocean side mansion. The walk way leading to a set of tall entrance doors was decorated with candles each placed in a stain glass vase. The vases created a swirl of color on the white pavement and the clothing of the people waiting in line to go inside.

After a short wait Kagome found herself face to face with the doorman.

"Name, please."

"Higarashi, Kagome"

She didn't know how he found everyone's name so fast. The list in his hand must of consisted of at least three hundred people.

"Here you are. Have a nice night Ms. Higarashi."

Kagome couldn't surpress a small gasp as she entered the house. The entrance room itself was huge. Everything was made of snowy white marble and polished to a shine with candles and lace decorating everything for the occasion. It was the most extravagant thing she had ever seen.

For a moment she just stood there taking in the scenery, afraid that if she moved she would get lost. Finally she decided she had to do something and chose a group of party goers to follow. They lead her through a hallway into a highly decorated ballroom with the same theme as the earlier room.

To her left an orchestra was playing a lovely piece of classical music which Kagome recognized as Handel. To her right was Sesshomaru himself. She was sure of it, the resemblance between him and Inuyasha was unmistakable. She could only guess that the woman standing next to him was Rin.

In front of them was a queue of guests waiting to present their congratulations to the couple and there, with his back to the line, was Inuyasha. He was talking to Miroku and yet another woman Kagome didn't know. It suddenly dawned on her just how few women she knew. She didn't have any girl friends.

Before she could dwell on that thought for long Inuyasha caught sight of her. He motioned for her to come over and she followed direction.

"Sango, this is Kagome Higarashi. Kagome, this is Sango Fukamori," Inuyasha said upon her arrival.

"It's nice to meet you.", Said Kagome

"It's, um, nice to meet you too.", Said Sango looking a little stunned.

There was an ackward silence for a moment with both Sango and Miroku glaring at Inuyasha. If Kagome noticed this she didn't say anything.

"Kagome said she might be interested in job at Ishamaru Co. Apparently she has a degree in international business.", Inuyasha informed Sango nervously.

"How convenient for you," She evenly replied.

Now Kagome was confused. She wasn't sure if it was something she'd done or not. Maybe they'd found out she was a fake. All the while the seconds ticked by; each feeling like a compressed year.

"Would you like to dance?," Inuyasha finally asked unable to take it any more.

Kagome nodded eagerly, giving him her hand and allowing him to lead her to the dance floor. The song was faster waltz, very different from the club music last night. This time she couldn't name the composer. She did notice however, that Inuyasha was a surprisingly good dancer. His arm was around her waist and his steps perfectly coincided with hers as he spun her in all the right places.

"You're a decent dancer," He said teasingly as the song ended.

"You're not so bad yourself," She replied.

This time the band played a slower number. Kagome felt Inuyasha's grip tighten on her pulling her closer as the song called for. She didn't even notice as the first genuine smile in days crossed her face. This was nice. She felt really safe in his arms there. She was almost tempted to lay her head on his shoulder and see if he said anything.

Suddenly Inuyasha's attention shifted from the girl in his arms. There, across the room. He'd have recognized her smell anywhere. He quickly averted his eyes and drew Kagome even closer. It was very startling for Kagome when Inuyasha suddenly began leaving light kisses on her shoulder. She couldn't help but tense at the sudden warm contact.

His hands held her tightly by the waist and his mouth worked the crook of her neck. She felt as though she'd received an electric shock through her whole body. For a moment she blissfully forgot that they were on a very crowded dance floor where anyone could probably see them.

As the song ended Inuyasha stopped his ministrations leaving Kagome light headed and a little disappointed.

"Let's get a something to drink," He said.

Before she could answer he took hold of her arm and lead her off the dance floor. She was nearly had to jog to keep up as Inuyasha made his way intently over to the bar. Sango and Miroku were there, looking slightly cold and upset as they continued to make small talk with the woman standing next to them. This time Kagome did recognize the woman, she looked just like herself. The only obvious difference was the dress. The woman in front of her wore a black dress that was both very high and very low. She could have passed for the most elegant prostitute Kagome had ever seen.

"Ah, and here's Inuyasha," Miroku said with evident relief in his voice.

"I can see it's Inuyasha," the woman said sarcastically her eyes turning to Kagome, "I don't we've meet though."

"I'm Kagome, it's nice to meet you."

"Don't assume things. I'm Kikyou, Inuyasha's girlfriend," Kikyou informed her all hints of any pleasantries gone from her voice.

"Ex-girlfriend," Inuyasha said.

"We'll see how long that lasts."

Kagome definitely didn't like her. Kikyou had a smile that didn't quite reach her cold eyes, through which she was shooting daggers at Kagome.

"This is a nice party, Yash. And this music, reminds me of all those romantic little get togethers. You know, the dimly light rooms, champagne, a little classical music setting the mood," Kikyou said in salutary kind of voice.

Without even thinking Kagome corrected her, "Oh, this isn't classical. It's Bach, Baroque period."

Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku couldn't quite hold back their laughter. Kikyou however looked less than amused. In fact, she appeared to be fuming.

"Inuyasha, your friend obviously doesn't know what she's talking about."

"Yes, I do," Kagome could feel her own anger on the rise, she may have made up the business part, but she did know music, "I've studied piano since I was five."

"Really? You should play something tonight," Inuyasha said eagerly.

"I-I um..."

"I think that's a great idea. I'd love to hear this," Said Kikyou obviously taking her hesitation as a sign of weakness.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Kagome told them.

"Are you kidding? It's perfect. You wanted a job right? What better way to get on Sesshomaru's good side then dedicate a performance to him? He may not seem like it, but he's a big music fan."

Kagome just nodded knowing she was cornered. It wasn't that she couldn't play, but it was a nerve racking thought. If she screwed this up it could prove a major set back to her mission. Another part of her though wanted to put Kikyou in her place. She'd never met anyone so outwardly cruel before.

"Great. Hold on a minuet," With that Inuyasha left to set everything up.


A/N: Sorry, this wasn't my choice place to end, but it's been a super hectic week and I really wanted to put something out. I'm hoping the next chapter will be out in a day or two. Thanks for the reviews so far, the feedback is what makes extra writing projects worth it. See you next time!