InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood and Chocolate ❯ Get Out! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Think about trying to hold a moon beam in your hands. It's impossible, right? Well, it would be impossible for me to own Inu-Yasha. I just don't have enough money to buy him. ::sigh:: Wish I could hold a moon beam, too. . .

Author's Note: I'm sorry, I just gotta ask- who thinks Miroku would be having way too much fun up on that cliff with all those naked were-girls? Lol! ^_~

Here we go!


If you'd ever met her, you'd know that Kikyo was a very pretty werewolf. Don't bother telling her- she's already well aware. Yes, with her flowing midnight hair, creamy white skin, and mystic blue eyes, Kikyo was hard to resist.

So she couldn't figure out how Inu-Yasha was resisting her!

They had gone out for a while- it was more lust then love; more casual dating than romance- but then she had discovered a very rich young werewolf from another clan named Naraku. He gave her everything she wanted and- bonus- he wasn't all that bad looking. Of course, she had dropped him like a rock when his money ran out- which was all thanks to her. Not that she lost any sleep thinking about it. Though wolves were mammals, she preferred to think of herself as cold blooded.

Cold blooded and sexy.

Who cared if people called her a slut?

She basically was.

She didn't mind admitting it.

But one thing she did mind was that- ever since they broke up- Inu-Yasha had been ignoring her. And it was driving her crazy.

He was most likely the hottest male Kikyo had ever seen- werewolf, or no. And body could be better then money, in many cases. Oooo, so many cases. . .

She'd tried every trick in the book to catch his attention again- flirting, lusting, even undressing right in front of him on the full moon- which many of the males would kill for.

But nothing worked.


The were-girl had pondered this question over and over again in her mind, her lush red mouth pursed in annoyance, her brow furrowed in concentration.

But then, on that full moon night, she smelt it. And it all clicked. What, exactly. . . ?

She had once again been undressing in a tantalizingly slowly fashion in front of an oblivious Inu when she had picked up the wiff of-

A human girl.

Her eyes narrowed and her lips curled.

So. . .

That was why. . .

`Well,' Kikyo snarled to herself as she glided off after her friends and elder sister. `I'll just have to get the bitch out of the way. . . And then. . .

Inu-Yasha will be mine.'


When the sun slowly rose the next morning and the werewolves felt their body transform back into that of humans, Kikyo had the fortune of hearing her elder sister pull Inu-Yasha aside after they all dressed.

"Inu-Yasha?" Kaede swallowed slowly. "About. . . the scent of that girl. . ."

Inu narrowed his eyes to slits, his silver hair prickling in anger as he zipped up his fly.

`Gods, he looks sexy,' Kikyo couldn't help but think while licking her blood colored lips, hiding her naked body behind a tree as she listened intently.

"What about her?" the half werewolf ground out, ferocity dripping from every syllable.

"I know who she is."

Inu-Yasha's dark look suddenly became one of surprise. "What?"

"She's the girl from the library. The only always checking out books on werewolves," Kaede pressed on. "Kagome, isn't it?"

"Yeah. . .why?"

Kikyo's elder sister was silent for a moment, the wisdom she had obtained from becoming pack medicine woman reflecting in her eyes.

"Seeing can be deceiving. Be careful around her."

Inu-Yasha raised an eyebrow in confusion.

She began to leave, but then paused in afterthought. "Oh! And don't break her poor, mortal heart either." With that, Kaede turned around and began to walk the long path back to the cars by herself, straightening her blouse.

The silver hared boy watched her leave in astonishment, pulling his t-shirt over his head.

What did she mean? How could looks lie? She was only a mortal- Kaede had also said that. Huh. . .

Shrugging it off, the silver hared teen also began to walk down to the cars, soon joined by a huffy Sango and a thoroughly thrashed Miroku.

In the shadows of the forest, Kikyo smirked to herself.Kagome, huh? She had her name and her scent. She would be a cinch to find.

Laughing to herself as she slipped on her tight clothes, Kikyo made her way down to the parking lot. This mortal girl was going to be sorry that she had ever laid eyes on Inu-Yasha.

VERY sorry.

Kikyo would make sure of it.


"Hello?" Kagome answered the door cheerfully, secretly hoping that it was Inu-Yasha. But her cheerfulness and hope instantly changed into confusion and bewilderment when her eyes full upon a girl that she had never met before. Who was she, and what was she doing standing on the door mat?

The girl looked around Kagome's age- though quite a bit taller- and had the appearance of one who would have been very pretty- Her long hair down and her makeup perfect, wonderfully complementing her flesh-forming outfit- if it hadn't been for the fact that her lips were pulled into the most frightening sneer that Kag had ever seen. Or was it supposed to be a smile. . . ?

"Are you Kagome?" the woman questioned, looking the girl up and down with an air of disgust.

Kag gulped and nodded, slinking slowly away.

How did she know her name?

"Well? Don't be rude," the girl smirked, her eyes holding fake kindness. "Invite me inside your little shrine."

"O-of course. . ." Kagome cleared her throat. "Sorry. . ." There was something about this woman that she did not like- but what could she do? Sending her away would be rude. . . She should at least talk to her until she was aware of her intentions. The taller girl stepped inside as Kag held the door open.

She looked around as Kag silently watched her.

"Nice," the girl lied bluntly, crossing her arms and looking down at Kagome. It was as if she expected her to start the conversation. . . Well, the sooner she spoke, the sooner she'd be gone. . .

"Um. . . who are you?"


She offered no last name, and Kagome didn't bother to ask for one. The only thing on Kag's mind was getting this Kikyo out of her house as fast as she possibly could.

"Show me to your room," Kikyo suddenly demanded, glancing up the stairs. She could faintly smell Inu-Yasha- and if her suspicions were correct, his delicious aroma would end in this bitch's room.

Her room?! The words `No way!' began to form on her lips, but they died as the stranger's eyes flash a convincing shade of turquoise. `Wow. . . maybe I should. . .' she thought a bit light-headedly- - -

And by the time she had come completely to her senses, they were already in her sanctuary. The first thing Kagome noticed was how Kikyo's eyes narrowed and her lip curled in disgust when she looked toward her bed.

`The scent of Inu-Yasha ends there. . .' Kikyo fumed in her mind. Her eyes quickly traveled over Kagome. `Did he MATE with her?!'

Kag noticed her gaze and quickly looked away, sitting on her bed and fiddling with the hem of her skirt in a nervous fashion. Kikyo ripped her eyes away from Kagome, instead letting them fall on a picture frame on her bedside table.

It was square, made of fake silver- shiny and new- with a single pink, crystal heart embedded on the top.

Inside was a picture of Inu.

Walking swiftly over, Kikyo picked up the frame and examined the photo it held.

It was taken at school, in the busy hall way. Inu-Yasha, bedecked in his usual black, leather, and hat, was being jostled around by people while glancing over his shoulder- a look of confusion in his eyes.

But that wasn't the only emotion. . .

There was one other. . .

Bring the picture closer to her face, Kikyo did nothing by stare into Inu's photographic orbs.

The other emotion. . .

Was sadness. Wistfulness, even.

It was obvious by his stance and eye position in the photo that he had been watching Kagome- whether or not he had seen her take the picture before he turned completely away was another question.


Kikyo growled softly as she slammed the photo back down on the bedside table with a bang so loud that it made Kag jump slightly.

"So," Kikyo droned, examining her manicured nails in fake calmness, "you have the hots for Inu-Yasha?"

Kagome hugged a pillow to her chest in an embarrassed reflex. It wasn't a book, but it would do. "Um. . ."

"You don't need to lie to me, Kagome-chan," Kikyo smiled, her voice sugary as she sat next to Kag on the bed. Yet Kagome couldn't help but feel that there was poison hidden deep within the sweet coating of her words.

"You see, I already know about you and Inu-Yasha," Kikyo winked cheerfully, tapping Kag on the nose with one of those much-too-long nails.

"Oh?" Kagome breathed. "Then why are you here, if not to question me about him?"

"I'm here to save you from him," Kikyo replied calmly, showing the girl another fake smile.

"I don't want to be `saved', thank you," Kagome retorted curtly, wishing that the taller girl would scoot at least a foot away- if not leave her home entirely.

"Now you see, Kagome-chan," Kikyo giggled, that misleading `kindness' still in her eyes, "that's where you're wrong."

She stood casually, picking up the picture and sitting back down with it, running her fingers almost sensually around the frame.

"Look at him, Kagome-chan," Kikyo whispered, indicating Inu in the picture. "What do you see?"

"I see a wonderful, kind, misunderstood person," Kag replied just as softly, glaring up at the taller girl.

"You're incorrect," the were-girl hissed, slowly examining the picture in the frame. "Nothing about Inu-Yasha is misunderstood. He's not kind or wonderful at all. He's a dark, rude, mean, cruel murder."

"And you're a liar," Kagome couldn't help but snap, her voice growing a little louder as her patience wore thin.

"No, I'm not. . ." Kikyo replied insistently, putting her arm around Kag in a `friendly' gesture. "You can even ask-"

She took a deep breath, as if trying to sniff something out.

"Sango and Miroku. You like hanging out with them, don't you?"

Kagome was officially freaked out.

How did this woman know about Sango and Miroku? How did she know about her and Inu-Yasha?

"Yes, you do, don't you? Well, you can ask them. . . Inu-Yasha has a dark past. He's dangerous, Kagome-chan. You shouldn't hang out with him."

Kagome glared. "Who cares if he has a bad history? He's different now!"

"No one ever changes, Kagome-chan," Kikyo insisted, scooting a little closer to Kag. God, she was practically in her lap!

"He did!"

"He murdered, Kagome-chan. Five innocents. Do you know what he could do to you, as soon as you turn your back? He loves blood-shed, Kagome-chan."

Kag bit her lip.

It did sound sorta like-

What the hell was she thinking?!

He wasn't like that- not anymore, at least!

He was the kindest, gentlest, sweetest, most protective person he knew, and she loved him!

"He's not a murder! He isn't!" Kagome yelled, her voice getting louder with each syllable as her anger grew.

She was a liar.

She was an idiot.

And what was with this `Kagome-chan' shit?! They weren't friends!

"You know he is. . ." Kikyo repeated, her eyes narrowing as she leaned into Kagome. She was slowly losing her cool as Kag continued to insist the truth was a lie.

"He is NOT! I LOVE HIM!"

This pushed Kikyo over the edge- her tolerance disintegrating on the spot.

"You fool," she hissed, leaning so close to Kagome that the shorter girl fell backward. "YOU IDIOT!"

Raising her claw like nails to Kag's throat, the taller girl almost pounced on Kagome, snarling like a wolf.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK HE IS?!" she screamed, causing Kagome to quiver in fear as the elder's eyes began to glow that strange turquoise again. "SOME SWEET, KIND HUMAN?! YOU'RE WRONG, BITCH!" Kag's own eyes began to grow a bit unfocused. `Am I wrong. . . ?' "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN MORE WRONG!" `God she's convincing. . .' "HE'LL NEVER LOVE YOU! EVER!"

`Never love. . . ?'

She blinked, her head suddenly clear once again.


"You're a liar," Kagome snarled, her courage wavering but her heart pushing her on. Kikyo's face contorted in shock at her sudden outburst. `She beat the mind control- - - ?!' "You're a liar! He loves me and I love him and I want you out of my house this INSTANT!" Sparks of pink flew from Kagome's hands as she kicked Kikyo with all her might, sending her to the floor. The picture of Inu-Yasha flying out of the were-girl's grasp and smashing against the wall on contact. Neither girl noticed as Kikyo yanked Kag to the floor as well and slammed a punch into her, jamming into her stomach.

Winded, Kagome threw a blind fist back at the taller girl, smacking her hard in the eye.

Bruises already forming, Kikyo lay in shock on the ground.

"You hit me," she whispered as she tried to glare at the panting Kagome.

"Out-" Kag breathed hard. "NOW."

With as much dignity she could muster with her eye swelling shut, Kikyo stood and left the house with a slam that shook the foundations. Finally regaining her breath, Kagome crawled over to the shattered frame to retrieve her photo. She didn't care about anything else, not then. . . Reaching out a trembling hand, she hissed in pain as she cut her hand on a piece of the shattered glass.

Dammit. . .

The sound of footsteps at her door caused Kag to turn her head- ready to continue the fight if it was Kikyo.

Instead her gaze fell on a frantic Inu-Yasha.


"Kagome!" Inu breathed after an eternity of silent seconds, falling to his knees and crawling over to his girlfriend. She allowed him to pull her into his arms, a feeling of safety like she'd never known washing over her.

"I smel- saw Kikyo leave! What happened? Are you okay?" Inu-Yasha whispered in a rush, running his hands quickly over the girl's body, trying to find any wounds.

He growled when she winced as his hand brushed her stomach. He lifted her shirt up slightly to reveal a large, already purpling mark. "Did Kikyo do this to you?!"

Kagome nodded, tears of pain and fright welling up in her eyes. But not fright at Inu-Yasha, who was now gently licking the blood off of her bleeding finger and wrapping the wound in a torn piece of cloth from his shirt.

No, this was fright at Kikyo.

And her words.

"Inu-Yasha?" she whispered timidly as the boy held her close, nuzzling her neck as they sat on the ground.


"Did you really. . . kill five people?" she choked out.

Inu halted his nuzzling, instead looking Kagome in the eyes. She looked afraid. Did *he* frighten her?

He felt his heart break as he looked away. No point in lying- Kikyo would be sure to tell the truth if he didn't. Perhaps she already had.

"Yes. . ."


Kagome was silent for a moment, before she gently touched her boyfriend's cheek, asking him without words to look at her.

He complied.

"Why?" she murmured softly, her eyes full of-

Pity? Why pity? Why not anger or hate or scorn? Even sadness. . . Why pity?

He'd never understand her. . . But. . . Maybe. . . She could understand him? To an extent, at least?

"They. . . they. . ."

He couldn't show her his ears. So instead he told a half truth.

"One of them pulled a knife out on me. . . because. . . they didn't understand."

It wasn't a lie.

The only thing he left out was the fact that they didn't understand his ears.

He scared them.

And they needed to rid themselves of their petty fear.

"And so. . . It was in self defense. . ."

Another half truth.

While killing one was done in order to save himself, the other four were just from fury.

A sudden wave of guilt- guilt he had never once experienced- hit him hard. He tried to lessen this feeling by assuring himself that they would have told the police about him, unless they managed to murder him. Then what would have happened?

So. . . maybe they were in self defense too?

Yeah. Right.

It was just his fury acting, and he knew it.

But. . .

But even if his story wasn't entirely true, it felt good to get it off his shoulders. Because even though he had inevitably ended up the victor of that fight and acted as though it was nothing- acted as though he had wanted to kill them from the start-

He had been scared out of his mind. But not as scared as he was. . .

Right now.

"Inu-Yasha?" Kagome asked softly.

He looked down at her, a single tear trickling down his face before he could stop it. "Do I. . ." he swallowed. "Do I scare you?"

Kagome's eyes softened as she - - -

To his shocked- - -

Hugged him gently to her chest. "No. I love you," she assured him as he rested his chin against her shoulder, wrapping his arms loosely around her middle as he did so.

"I love you, too," he whispered, nuzzling in throat and breathing in her sweet scent. . . the scent of tiger lilies on a full moon night. . .

Holding Inu tightly, Kagome glared out the window- where she could see Kikyo watching this whole exchange. As the taller girl whipped around and headed down the street, Kagome felt her hatred for her intensify.

Kikyo was a lying bitch.

And she would pay for it.

"Hey," Inu-Yasha whispered softly a few moments later, picking something up off the ground. "Is this the picture of me?"

Kagome loosened her arms and glanced down at the photo. "Yup."

"Hm. Guess I don't look that bad in it," he smirked playfully, his mood slowly improving as he tried to cheer her up. "But it doesn't really capture my natural charm."

"You have natural charm?"

Inu looked dryly at Kag as she giggled. "You've deeply wounded me."

"Aw, sorry," Kagome giggled, trying to give the boy pouty-eyes as she laughed.

"Ha! You'll know the real meaning of sorry when I'm done with you," Inu-Yasha grinned evilly, laughing as the girl backed slowly away in pretend fright. Hands darting out as fast as lightening, the boy gently grabbed her around the waist; hulling her over to her bed and dropped her carefully onto it, straddling her before she'd even managed a muffled squeak for help.

"Now that you've got me," Kag blushed as Inu pinned her arms over her head, fluttering her eyelashes suggestivly. "What are you gonna do with me?"

"I'm going to torture you until you beg for mercy," Inu-Yasha whispered huskily in her ear- - -

Before beginning to tickling her furiously.

She was begging for mercy very, very shortly after.


Kikyo had stood there and watching the display of love, hugs, and comfort between Inu and Kag until she thought she was going to be sick. Then she had turned around and left.

But this was in no way the end.

Oh no.

If Kagome wouldn't give Inu-Yasha up by choice, Kikyo would just have to separate them by force.

And she knew just how to do so.


Okay, who here thought Inu-Yasha was going to `have his way' with her instead of just tickling her?

Come on, I know you did. . .

^_~ Just kidding. Hope you enjoyed the mental pictures of Kagome beating the crap out of Kikyo and Inu-Yasha tickling Kag to death as much as I did! XD

(PS- Just a note. I really don't see Kikyo as an evil slut, I really don't- but I do have a good time poking fun at her and making her the bad guy on occasion. If you like Kikyo, please check out some of my Kikyo related works. Surprisingly enough, I do have a quite a few with Kik as a good guy. ^_^)