InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ The Escape ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
Running through the halls they both headed for the roof “It's the only place with a good escape route” Mina had said, but no both girls were on the roof surrounded, “Yea Mina this is really good” Kieka said her voice laced with sarcasm “Oh shut up I mean what were you doing huh?” she bit back. Kieka unsheathed her sword smirking “I say we just kill the filthy humans they killed off all the Dreamers kind except for us” she mumbled, Mina shook her head “No we will separate…I don't know if we will ever see each other but I want you to know you're my best friend and your like a sister to me” she said smiling her two swords vanished, as did Mina. Kieka stared at the spot sadly and sheathed her sword “Be lucky vermin” she said leaping over them she landed on the ground and took off into the streets dodging bullets and weaving her way through traffic.
With Mina
Mina was in her room, entering through the many shadows of her closet, she was now sitting on her bed looking around “What do I do? I cant stay here” she said sighing she grabbed a large suit case and one of her book bags, she filled the suitcase with her clothes and under garments and filled the book bag with her make up, jewelry, shampoos, CD player, CD's and her journal, hefting the pack onto her shoulder she looked around and sighed “Goodbye room we shall part our farewell” she said turning the light off she vanished into the shadows. Her mother opened the door to her room and sighed, checking the closet she saw everything was gone, giving a soft smile she mumbled, “Be safe with him my dear” closing the door she turned off the lights.
Mina went from shadow to shadow “So where do I go now I'm wanted for being a Dreamer and the fact I'm not human go to the Victorian house it is where we must be well cant argue with myself m'kay then” she thought sinking into the shadows she came back up behind the large house where the back door was open as if waiting for her. She tightened her grip on her luggage handle and slowly went inside. The door closed behind her with a loud thud, Mina walked through the halls listening to her feet echo “Why did I come here? Hello is anyone here?” she called listening to her voice echo through the empty house she sighed, turning around she bumped into two people “Huh so someone does live here” she took a step back. A man and woman stood in front of her both looked to be a few years older than her, the woman was the same height as her, she had long red hair that was in one braid, red eyes and fangs she was wearing a black cloak she could see underneath was a long black gown. The other person was taller than her; he had spiky dark blue hair, red eyes, and fangs. Mina looked at them and saw only kindness in their eyes, relaxing she asked, “Who are you two?” they looked at each other then back at her “I am Siya and this is Kye. We presume that you are Lady Mina am I right?” they asked, confused she slowly nodded “Don't know about the lady part but yes I am Mina” she answered, both visibly relaxed “Good we have been awaiting your arrival or I should say a certain someone has” Kye said looking past her she followed his gaze and gasped “I-its you…Kiba Koa” she said. Kiba looked at her “I told you the 1000 years curse would come and now you are here you have entered the house and you shall never leave” he said turning around he began to walk away “Wait what do you mean I wont be able to leave?” she said causing him to stop “You have two days…on the sunset of the last day you will never leave this place” he said and vanished.
Mina stood in the hall staring at the spot where Kiba had vanished “Two days huh…well then I better get ready” she said dropping all her stuff on the floor she turned around and ran out the house dragging both Siya and Kye with her “You two are gonna help me” she said and vanished into one of the sunset shadows.
The Escape