InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Chronicles: Sweet Blood ❯ Farewell Mother ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inner Voice
~~~Scene change
~~!!…~~!! POV
The three stood in Mina's bedroom; the older ones stared out the window towards the full moon in awe while Mina packed her covers and pillows into a box. Siya gave a small sigh “Its beautiful isn't it?” she said, Kye nodded “Yes it is I'm glad we have this chance” confused Mina looked out the window “What are you guys talking about?” she asked “The Moon its full…its so bright we've never seen it like this before” Siya answered, shrugging Mina continued to pack her stuff while the other two looked around her room awe struck. She finished packing half of the stuff in her room when someone knocked on the door, Siya and Kye got in a crouching position, fangs bared and daggers ready to attack the intruder, the door opened and Mina's mother came in “Siya, Kye drop the stance its me” she said instantly they stood up straight and put there weapons away “Wait mother you know them?” Mina asked getting even more confused nodding her mother smiled “I've always known I am your mother after all” she said looking at Siya and Kye they both sunk into the shadows to leave the two alone. Mina sat on the floor and her mother leaned against the wall absently staring at the moon “How long have you known?” Mina asked breaking the tight silence between them. She looked at her daughter and smiled “The entire time” she answered “Then why were you shocked when you saw my hair?” she asked, her mother shrugged “Because I didn't know that you had the vampire blood I thought it skipped you” her mother came over and sat beside her on the bed. She ran her hand through her daughters hair and sighed “look at you…beautiful I detested those human features” she said, Mina turned her head and looked at her mother “I want to see my real mother” she said nodding her mother closed her eyes and in a shimmer of light her mothers hair turned from a light brown to ebony black with baby blue highlights, fangs overlapped her lips. She opened her eyes and they were a dark emerald green, smiling she looked into her daughters reddish blue eyes “If you knew then why did you not confront me before hand?” she asked “Because it would not have been the right time” she said standing up she reached into her pocket and handed her a small card “This has a lot of money on it over 2 million dollars buy whatever you want in the next few days” she said turning around “This will not be the last time we meet I shall see you again on the battle field” with that said her mother vanished into a swirl of snow.
Mina slipped the card into her pocket “I guess that means this house will be empty…I wonder what she means she will see me again on the battle field” sighing she went downstairs and saw Siya and Kye sitting on the ceiling “I wont even ask” she muttered watching the two come down on there feet, grabbing the two by the arms the walked out the house and into the cold night air “You two head back” she said handing Kye the box of her covers and pillows she handed Siya a small box “Do not open this one” she said, Siya nodded and both slipped into the night. Mina stood and stared at the home she grew up in, many memories, many things yet it all felt fake like it was never supposed to happen that way she was born in the wrong place yet it was the right place, taking out a match she lit it, tossing it at the house she did it with several more matches and soon her home took ablaze her hands in her pockets she watched her house burn watched as all the love and care she might have had become ashes and watched as all those memories burned into the flames. She turned her attention to the full moon “My friend I hope you are safe” she said turning around she started to walk away “Farewell mother” she muttered and became one with the shadows.
Farewell Mother