InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Forgoten ❯ Different world ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Different world
One of the guards pulled along the small dog carrying case, carefully lifting it out of the giant moving van. Accidentally hitting the edge of the case on the floor.
“Watch what your doing! The one in there is `special' to the boss!”
Giving a very crude finger movement the guard pulled the dog cage along with the rest into a small dark room. In all there where twelve dog cages each carried a small child all of them were boys about the age of seven or eight. The cages were all pushed together excepted for one. A smaller cage in the corner.
Golden eyes that glowed shown from the little bars on the sides, a small wimpier escaped the bars. It was cold and very dark children woke from different cages and started to cry out of confusion a few of them had been here longer they were silent or trying to get others to be quiet also.
Foot steps could be heard hitting the ground with a thud each time the room seemed to shake. Each child looked away from the light as the door swung open and a very large man walked in. He stood about 6'4” witch was gigantic compared to all the children, He had large shoulders and big legs. The boots had little metal studs on the ends. No one wanted to find out what if felt like to be kicked by that foot…
“What's going on in here!?”
A man in a blue uniform walked next to the man and whispered something in his ear. The man in blue had to stand on his tipsy toes to reach his bosses ear. As the man in blue whispered. The boss seemed to get it pushing the blue man away.
“You don't have to say it so low Adams! I would shout it to the world; this is the group of important children. Get me the list.”
Someone held a wooden board with a paper on it. Boss man grabbed it and started to call out titles of importance.
“President. Vise president, secretary of state. Etc..”
he listed down eleven titles and paused at the end walking over toward the loner cage
“And the one and only Inukaru mighty Demon lord of the western lands”
The boss man laughed kicking the cage, a tiny little growl escaped it. making the boss angry and kick it again the cage rolled over and hit the wall. only after the tiny little yelp was heard did the boss man stop kicking.
“I am Naraku, learn the name well little ones”
Naraku walked over the fallen cage and got his face close to it, Naraku gave a light evil toothy grin “ learn your place little Inuyasha, and you wont get into trouble” a tiny little hand quickly lashed out through the bars scraping Naraku in the face across the nose blood shot every were. Naraku cursed out
There was a leap of commotion as everyone ran forward so the boss didn't kill the little Inuyasha. Each man grabbing apart of him at least twenty men had to grab onto Naraku before they could pull his away from the cage Inuyasha was in.
“Sir we need him for the fights!”
“Aye boss think about it. A hanyou against human children! a snitch!”
“Naraku man let it go it was a mistake the little guy didn't mean it”
The last man was held up by the neck Naraku's hand was around it blood spilled out through the man's neck were Naraku's nails dug in. his Legs kicked in the air he gasped for breath, hands on Naraku's hairy arm. The little Children watched in horror. Inuyasha Growled lightly the only way a hanyou his age could. the man suspended in the air gave one final kick and went limp.
“There children see your future if you disobey me, I will have no regret killing you.”
Naraku and the other men left closeting the door behind. Them leavening the room as dark as the children's dreams for the future were. Inuyasha's tiny eyes shown in the room his nose twitched. The world was lighter out side and he could sense it. at home his father was probably looking for him. And his human mother was in the kitchen cooking something good to eat for when he would get home.
Inuyasha curled in the cage laying his head on his arm felling the fabric to the nice shirt his mother had just bought him at the new store in the mall he had been begging to go to in a long time, blinking Inuyasha grew tired a small yawn escaped his mouth
“Hey Hanyou-freak, next time just shut up and don't do anything stupid we want to actually live to see tomorrow. Were not all like you were we don't have lives”
“I have a life and a mother and a papa too.”
“Maybe but they don't care about you. You're just a Hanyou. no one cares about hanyous, there most likely happy to have gotten rid of you”
the other children made there silent little agrees to a seven year old your parents word was law and the only thing that really mattered, no matter what anyone else said. And the little children hurt and scared Inuyasha.
Inuyasha fell asleep with little tears on his cheeks.
Lights shown in all directions men and women stood out side the caged ring cheering on the humans that would come to fight against one another Screams for the winners and boos for the losers. When you won a match you got to eat when you lost a match you got no food. it made them strive harder to fight the other kid in the cage.
Inuyasha stood legs apart in the middle of the ring, flexing his claws four other kids were in the ring with him. Because inuyasha was a hanyou he had to be tested more, if the humans won they got to feast on food, if inuyasha won he got a small meal fit for a dog. Inuyasha growled as one boy took a step toward him. they were scared of inuyasha and had fought him before, there wasn't a single kid there with out a scare or two from Inuyasha's sharp claws.
Daren the oldest ran at inuyasha fist extended to punch Inuyasha's face, Kyle and Aaron ran to grab Inuyasha's arms Kevin kicked the Hanyou in the back.
Jumping into the Air and spinning silver hair flew around rewarding the four boys with newly earned slashes arose there nose's.
“There now you all look like your master!”
Round house kicking Daren flew into Kyle and Kevin. they hit the bars, Inuyasha was struck in the face by Aaron, spiting blood Inuyasha right hooked Aaron in the jaw making the seven year old also hit the bars.
The crowed cheered out loud for the hanyou people handing money over losing in bets glared at inuyasha. But the eight year old Inuyasha just walked through the door letting him in the back were he could eat the day old bread with the rest of the winners, and the losers waited on the floor for punishment from Naraku making them with they would have died in the match. Scoffing at the food but still eating it Inuyasha tried to build up his strength Naraku some times didn't care weather Inuyasha won or lost…