InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Do You Say Sorry? ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

9.Do you say sorry?
Kagome awoke snuggled close to Inuyasha his breathing claming her, the headache was much better, but still lingered. The castle was eerily quiet, inexplicably quiet, as if she was walking in a cemetery, she slid the door open stepping into the hall she could feel no presence of any youkai aura, which confused her greatly. Surely Sesshomaru would not abandon his fathers' home, and Inuyasha and the others could have not destroyed all of his warriors, could they? The curious nature of the castle compelled her to find an answer. Not to mention she needed to find the room where she had been previously, the kimono she wore was not as comfortable as her uniform, nor did it restrict her movements like the obi around her waist. Kagome silently made her way down one corridor only to be stopped by two hands on her shoulders from behind, stopping her in her progress.
“Where do you think you are going wench?” Inuyasha's voice purred in her ears. “You have a bad habit of running off and getting into trouble. Did you really think I could not hear you trying to sneak out of the room with the grace of an elephant? Stealth is not a strong point of yours Kagome.”
“I thought I was letting you get some rest, besides I need to find my clothes.” Kagome leaned back into him, her body fitting perfectly into his, his arms wrapped around her protectively the unnatural mood of the castle lifted from her as her heart delighted in the feel of Inuyasha's embrace, the world seemed to stand still for her when he was around, it was the most wonderful feeling she had ever known.
“Can you two keep your hands off of each other for any length of time? And you call me hentai.” Miroku leaned against the wall behind the two, lecherously smiling at the pair. “Not that I would be able to do the same if Sango would let me. How is the head Kagome? Sango really pummeled you I'm sure it must pain you; by the way she feels just dreadful for having to do that to you.”
Inuyasha was glaring at the monk wishing he could rip his tongue out, Kagome did not need to know the extent of what happened just yet, and here was Miroku volunteering the information. Miroku, oblivious to Inuyasha's growing anger kept right on.
“You are really a powerhouse when you get going, we didn't know what to do, Sango just became so angry when Kirara went down that—“ Miroku looked up to meet the agitated hanyou's eyes, he gulped realizing he had just put his foot in his mouth and was getting deeper into trouble with Inuyasha. “I, uh, mean, ummm, Inuyasha why don't you field this.”
Kagome turned in Inuyasha's arms to face him. “What is he talking about Inuyasha?”
“Miroku you fuckin' idiot! She does not need this right now; I was going to tell her later when her strength returned. But noooooo, you have to open your mouth.”
“Inuyasha, answer me. What happened?” Kagome's voice flared in anger, Inuyasha could have sworn he briefly saw a blue flame in those beautiful eyes if only for a second. “Inuyasha?”
“This is really not the time for this. Why don't we go and find your clothes, you wanted them right? We can talk about the other stuff later.” Inuyasha released her, stepping toward Miroku, waiting for the dreaded `sit' word to come from his mate's lips.
“You are changing the subject.” Kagome huffed crossing her arms over her chest; her foot could be heard tapping the floor in agitation. It occurred to Kagome he had done the same thing last night when she inquired about the events of the day. “What the hell happened Inuyasha?”
Enough trying to be sensitive, she obviously wanted to know, so why not shock her? Inuyasha growled taking Kagome by the hand leading her down the hall with Miroku in tow. He glanced back at her as he stopped before a door; Inuyasha took in a deep breath.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome's anger was beginning to fade, turning to apprehension as she stood before the door wondering what was waiting on the other side for her.
“Inuyasha you may not want to do that, they are not—“ Miroku interjected, but to late, Inuyasha had slid the door of the room open and pushed Kagome inside.
“This is what happened. How dare I try to protect you're feelings Kagome, why do you always have to push, and push?” Inuyasha looked into the face of a shocked, and worn out Sango, his heart sank at the sight of the slayer surrounded by unconscious youkai, tears springing to her eyes at the sight of Kagome. “Sango, I'm sorry.” Inuyasha whispered unsure if she was able to hear him.
“Sango?” Kagome knelt at her friends' side looking down at the sleeping Kirara in her lap. Fragmented visions of what happened flashed in her mind making her head throb once again as she fought for answers that seemed to elude her the harder she tried to recall them.
“Kagome, I'm sorry.” Sango looked into the confused eyes of Kagome, tears softly falling down her cheeks. Kagome wrapped her arms around the exhausted woman hugging her tightly hoping to relieve her pain.
“I did not mean to hurt Kirara Sango, or the little ones. Please forgive me.” Kagome's eyes welled with tears as she held Sango tighter. Kagome pulled away looking to Inuyasha for answers, he stood silent, looking hurt by all of this himself. “Tell me Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha cleared his throat; unsure of what he could possibly say that would not deeply hurt his mate, he realized he already had. “I don't really know, I passed out myself after I came to close to you, so did the rest of the youkai in the area I think.”
“Lady Kagome, your aura seems to take over your normal thought when you are threatened, it seemed to me like another entity was released in your soul, your powers took control as a protective mechanism to preserve your life, very similar to Inuyasha's youkai being sealed by the Tetsusaiga.” Miroku paused seeing the confusion in Kagome's face, the realization of what she had inadvertently done seeping in.
“But why all of the sudden? I mean I have felt different the past month, like something new was channeling throughout my body, but I took it to be the mate mark.” Kagome sat indian style pulling Shippo into her arms snuggling the kit, hoping he would feel her presence. The tears continued to silently fall as she realized she was now a danger to her friends, even the love of her life Inuyasha, if she could not control the `gift'.
Miroku sat before her his hand clasped in his lap, he felt like a cur for being so forthright, but she deserved answers, and he was speaking only in theory of her powers. “The energy was concentrated into a blast rendering all youkai paralyzed and unconscious. I am hopeful with mediation you would be able to gain some control since the power takes over on its own when you are in jeopardy, you must learn how to master the strength.”
“Kikyo wasn't like that Miroku, so why would Kagome suddenly be this way?” Inuyasha knelt behind Kagome his arm looped around her waist letting her know he was there for her.
“You and Kikyo never took the vow as mates. Kikyo was incapable of such power, this is not simply miko energy, this is miko energy enhanced by the mating bond, the strength of which I believe will continue to grow now that your soul has been returned to full Kagome. It is this energy that that the mother of Sesshomaru wanted for herself, no doubt Naraku will wish to destroy it as well, specially since he would be unable to absorb your powers for fear of purification. You could more than likely fatally hurt him with a focused attack; he will want your life ended, as much as it pains me to say such a thing. I am quite certain that Naraku is aware of the goings on in these lands, especially since Kagura was here.”
“That won't happen Kagome, Naraku won't lay a finger on you. We'll just have to find him first and finish this as soon as possible.” Inuyasha turned toward the door hearing footsteps approach.
The charge of Sesshomaru, the human girl Rin cautiously peeked into the room. She noticed Shippo and Makkura still asleep and gasped, quickly kneeling next to Makkura, briefly forgetting why she had sought Inuyasha's pack.
She looked up at Kagome with a heartrending look on her beautiful little face; the child fought back tears of her own. “How could you hurt them all?”
“I… I… Rin I did not mean to. I swear.” Kagome choked out hugging Shippo even closer, the tears seemed never-ending.
Inuyasha wanted to yell at the girl, but realized she was only speaking out of hurt. “Why have you come Rin?”
“Milord Sesshomaru wishes to speak with you and Kagome, he had awaken much earlier, but master Jakken has not.” Rin stroked Makkura's ink black hair, pulling it out of his face, she sniffled trying hard not to cry in front of them, her master would think her weak if she wept in front of them, but she could not control her trembling bottom lip.
“Guess he is ready to send us on our way. I hope you did not get into to much trouble for allowing us to stay in Sesshomaru's home.” Inuyasha kissed the back of Kagome's head and stood to his feet.
“No sir, no trouble at all, I know not what milord wishes of you, I was simply told to bring the both of you to him. Hitomi and Emi are still asleep, so I am doing their jobs as well.” Rin wiped her nose with the sleeve of her yukata and stood to her bare feet, solemnly walking to the open door waiting for Kagome to follow.
Kagome stood at Inuyasha's side, their fingers intertwined following Rin to Sesshomaru, Kagome was becoming increasingly nervous, and it was beginning to bother Inuyasha.
“Calm down Kagome, I can smell your apprehension, and Sesshomaru will love the fact that he bothers you.” Inuyasha gently squeezed her hand, keeping step with the child.
“What do you think he wants? He won't try to hurt me right? Maybe he wants to kill be because of what happened?” Kagome was beginning to panic herself.
Inuyasha stopped facing her, he looked deeply into her eyes smiling. “I would not allow Sesshomaru to touch you again, nothing will happen I can assure you of that. Plus he does anything you could purify his ass into the next plane of existence okay?” Kagome nodded taking in a deep breath relaxing her body, believing Inuyasha's words as the truth.
“Thank you Inuyasha.” Kagome let a small smile cross her lips; he really was affectionate even if he hated to admit it. “No, really thanks.”
“Feh.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes, she didn't have to say thank you, she was his mate, and besides how else was he supposed to react?
Sango felt ashamed of herself for not apologizing to Kagome, she was just to overwhelmed, and emotionally drained to think clearly when Kagome came into the room, she would have time to tell Kagome how she felt later, her body and mind were spent. Sango lay down on her mat finally letting her exhaustion have her, she had driven off sleep for far to long, and now sleep had finally come to claim her. She lay on her left side, her arm tucked under her head, Kirara resting in the curve of her body, she let her eyes gently close, only to have them snap open at the feel of Miroku cuddling up behind her, molding his body to fit hers, his arm pulling her to him sweetly. The slayer blushed, glad he could not see her face, but she was grateful for the contact she needed comfort, and his hand was not even roaming to her rear, he seemed content to simply hold her. Sango felt the weight of sleep pull on her eyes as she drifted off, murmuring to herself as Miroku amiably kissed at the crook of her neck and to her earlobe. It felt nice to have the semblance of love if only for a little while. She actually dreamed peaceful dreams for once, not the bloody imaginings of most nights.
Kirara mewled in surprise when her eyes opened to see her mistress in the arms of the hentai monk; Kirara cocked her head watching the two sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Satisfied the monk was not being inappropriate Kirara laid her head back down, she still hurt herself, and was in need of rest, she would keep an eye on the monks hand, it moved of its own accord he may loose a finger.
Kagura was still in the forest, wondering what to do about her situation. She knew Naraku must be angered by her lack of capturing the miko, but she was at a loss. A tree branch above groaned, as the wind witch jumped to her feet snapping open her fan ready to defend herself.
“Show yourself lest I bring the trees down with my wind.” Kagura's ruby eyes scanned the darkness of the forest, trying to make out the intruder.
Out of the darkness of the forest walked the form of the adolescent youkai slayer Kohaku. The boys' Kama with chain swinging at his side like a deadly pendulum, the blade glinting in the moonlight as he approached the incarnation of his master, his blank eyes meeting her own.
“The master sent me to help you in your task.” Kohaku's vacant eyes sending a chill through Kagura's' body, the flesh and blood puppet always unnerved her.
Kagura realized Naraku had forgotten one thing, the boy at least could not be purified, but the jewel shard in his back could.