InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Beginning of the End ( Chapter 17 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Beginning of the End
Rin, Makkura, and Shippo exited the tunnel into the darkness of the forest. Makkura breathed a heavy sigh of relief, glad to be out of the stale, suffocating air of the escape tunnel. The sounds of the forest, and the cool breeze on his face rejuvenated the young wolf as every muscle in his tensed body began to relax. Rin seemed on the verge of tears the entire walk from the castle, she had great faith in the strength of her Lord Sesshomaru, yet the battle with Naraku could not help but cause the girl great fear for his safety, Sesshomaru was all she had in the world, with out him where would she be? Dead. Shippo cautiously moved toward the trees, but yelped in surprise when the sound of breaking underbrush met his ears, the Kitsune fearing Naraku's youkai scurried backwards hitting Makkura and Rin in his retreat.
“Wh..what is that?” Shippo stammered.
Makkura's predatory eyes focused in on the direction the noise was coming from, Rin instinctively gripped the wolf pups hand in hers. Makkura laughed aloud as the source of the noise became clear to his vision.
“You two are funny.” Makkura gave Rin's hand a reassuring squeeze. “It's only your dragon Rin.” Makkura's amber eyes glinted in the moonlight as Makkura looked down on her, those wolf eyes seeming to glow dimly, caused Rin to stare into their depths nearly mesmerized by their beauty.
Ah-Un tromped up to the youths seeming very happy to see the girl, the two-headed beast nuzzled her happily, nearly knocking Rin off of her feet.
Rin pet the dragons' heads with a giggle. “Milord must have sent them to keep us safe.”
Shippo breathed a sigh of relief, as he plopped to the ground with a rumbling stomach. He was hungry, as were his companions, neither of them thinking to pack any food for their journey, nor did they think it would take so long to reach the end of the tunnel.
“We need to find food and shelter, till the others come for us.” Shippo reluctantly returned to his feet, Kagome told him to take care of the others and he would do so, even if he had no idea how to do such a thing.
“Milord told me there is a abandoned temple not to far out of his territory, I bet we could find it from the air.” Rin climbed up to the back of Ah-Un, reaching out to pull Makkura up behind her. Shippo transformed to his bird form taking to the skies ahead of the dragon. “Let's go Ah-Un.”
The dragon youkai complied, following the bird-kitsune into the chilled night air. Makkura sniffed at the darkened sky, the air currents were saturated with youkai blood, the stench so thick Makkura could taste the coppery scent on his tongue. The wolf youkai twisted around looking back toward the west, his eyes narrowing as he caught movement in the mountains, his breath hitched in his lungs as he recognized the writhing mass of youkai infiltrating Lord Sesshomaru's castle. It took every ounce of his restraint to keep from leaping from the dragons back, and rushing to his packs aid, he should be down there fighting, not fleeing. Not only was his new pack in danger, but also in addition the distinct smell of the wolves wafted to his nose. Unintentionally Makkura growled causing Rin to jump, her jerking movements pulling back the boy to his present situation.
“What's wrong?” Rin glanced over her shoulder trying to figure out what was amiss with her companion.
Makkura snapped his vision forward, still internally chastising himself for his flight from battle; he tried to smile at the girl in his arms, his grip tightening around Rin's midsection. “It's nothing.” Makkura hung his head, hiding his face from her. “Yea, it's nothing.” The torn wolf youkai whispered to the wind, what kind of pack member was he, if he did not even stand and fight at the Alpha's side?
“Miroku!” Sango yelled out in misery, her voice muffled in his robes, the devastated slayer clutching the monk to her heart tightly. “I'm sorry Miroku I could not protect you. Don't you dare leave me Miroku! I refuse to let you leave me, do you hear me?! We're supposed to get married, we just….you just…. told me you love me….please don't leave me alone. I need you.” The tears of Sango were dropping like fallen stars to the cheek of an unmoving, yet shallowly breathing Miroku.
Kirara was engaged in battle, keeping the youkai from overwhelming his mistress who was clutching her fallen love, oblivious to the dangers surrounding them all. The great cat saddened herself as she sensed the passing of Kohaku, however the boy was an unnatural creature, nevertheless it still pained her to loose the boy that meant so much to Sango. Kirara knew Kohaku should have remained dead, all in nature knew death was a part of life, and the boy had come back with a tainted shard, nearly destroying her mistress in the process. Breaking the back of a weasel youkai Kirara looked to Sango, hanging on to the man she loved, the monk still had life within him, that at least gave Kirara some relief. Returning to the battle Kirara raked her claws through more youkai, there was no possible way Kirara would let Sango be injured.
Kagome stood before Kohaku, tears burning her eyes. Not much older than Sota. Kagome whispered a prayer for the lifeless Kohaku, what a cruel twist of fate; the boy killed his father only to be killed in turn by his own sister, who wished only to have her only remaining family by her side. Closing the dull eyes of Kohaku, Kagome pulled the blade from the boy's chest, easing the deceased adolescent to the ground with care, as if the boy was only sleeping, playing the role of the dead, Kagomes' tears raining down, the gut wrenching pain she was feeling began to turn to quick revulsion for the one who tortured Sango with the life of Kohaku. Naraku disserves death; he disserves to suffer the way he has made us all suffer. Naraku was loathsome, a vile creature that deserved to be destroyed in the most painful way possible with no hint of mercy. Kagome surprised herself with the violent feelings that churned within her heart, never in her life had such a feeling of malevolence been so strong. Then again her normal life in present day Tokyo, never presented such opportunities for overwhelming hatred. Kagome knew in her heart if someone had harmed Sota the way Kohaku had been hurt, the same feelings would manifest, the disgust with any who did evil deeds would always bring the same reaction in a pure heart. Be it present day or five hundred years in the past.
Kagome stood to her feet; her eyes finding Naraku who fought with the sons of the Taiyoukai, it seemed even from the distance Kagome stood watching, that Naraku was only toying with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, but of course he was. The bastard even had a putrid smile on his face, and his malevolent eyes catching Kagomes gaze in his own, causing his grin grow even wider. Kagome looked to Sango as the rage within her peeked, Naraku would die, and he would die this night. Kagome drew back on her bow trying to take aim on the snake Naraku but Inuyasha kept getting in her way of a clear shot, Kagome let out a frustrated scream, realizing if Inuyasha and Sesshomaru could do nothing to the barrier, neither would her arrow. Sango looked to Kagome with red eyes and a tear-streaked face, as Sango slowly removed the blade of Kohaku that pierced Miroku's body, the monk writhed in pain even if he was unconscious. Kagura appeared from the shadows, her eyes fixed on Naraku's position, but kneeling beside Sango. Kagome was ready to aim the arrow at the wind witch, but Kagura quickly turned to her, Kagura meant no harm.
“Let me take the monk into the castle, you two have others to assist.” Kagura looked back toward Naraku. “I will protect him, I promise.”
“And what is the promise of an incarnation of Naraku?” Sango choked out through her tears. “You would just as easily kill him than keep him safe.” Sango was distraught, but knew she was needed in battle, confused she looked to Kagome. If Naraku was defeated she and Miroku's lives could begin, even if Kohaku was taken from her, his spirit beyond the mortal plain, he was free.
The stirring in Kagome's blood reached a boil, each thought, shadowing her mind was only intensified by feeling, and now her heart and feelings combined were bent on destroying Naraku. The vacant look animating Kagome's face was not that of the normal woman Inuyasha and her friends knew, there was now a desire to destroy, a look of resolve Sango had never seen on a face so young. A dazzling blue flame began to emerge from her skin as Kagome fearlessly walked out into the horde of Naraku's youkai, and any that approached the haunting miko quickly turned to ash on the wind. Sango blinked hard trying to clear the tears from her vision, she stood as Kagura took the hallway into the castle with Miroku gliding on her transformed feather. Sango took up Hirakotsu following Kagome into the fray, the slayer rubbed her eyes as her vision followed Kagome, it looked like Kagome was being followed by spirits, two wraiths were dimly glowing the same color as the flames now erupting from Kagome's aura, maybe Miroku had not been too far off when he thought Kagome may be possessed.
“Kagome!” Sango yelled out in the wake of ash left by Kagome's aura. Kagome paused, turning to look to her sister; Kagome's milky blue eyes only stared, as did the eyes of both spirits, which fixed on the confused Sango. Sango gasped in recognition of the spirits, her hand over her mouth in surprise. “Midoriko….. Kikyo.” The group of three miko's turned back on their path to Naraku.
Naraku felt the powerful surge in spiritual energy, the spike drawing his attention from the two brothers who could do nothing to him. A shiver of fear crept down his spine enraging the youkai. How dare that girl! Did she honestly think she could harm him? It was then that he noticed the phantoms walking with her, his army literally blowing on the wind. Kagome stood as a creature which Naraku now feared simply because he could not control her, nor manipulate the power, be it because that she was of a time strange to him, or was it simply the irrational fear of a woman with the spiritual powers of not only Kikyo, but Midoriko, the creator of the Shikon no Tama. This odd woman from a time unknown, held the invisible blade to sever his own Gordian's knot to mere threads ending his era in this existence.
“NO!” Naraku stepped back as the miko's approached, the quarry of Inuyasha and his friends retreated, Naraku thought himself invincible, he could defeat the strongest of youkai warriors, but three miko's with extraordinary power, Naraku was not so certain. “It's not possible!”
Kouga and Ayame watched in wonder as the aura burst from Kagome, leveling Naraku's forces in the courtyard, those that managed to survive being in the trees began to retreat. It began to snow youkai ash, Kouga ran to Ayame pulling her to him. The wolf prince was wary of what was happening to his once love, but if she could decimate the army of Naraku, she could easily kill his pack.
Inuyasha could feel the power of his mate washing over him, yet it was not the burning of purification, this power was focused of those who follow Naraku, and their leader. His eyes were fixed on Kagome, it was happening to her again, but she seemed in control this time.
“Inuyasha is that not your former lover at your mates side?” Sesshomaru questioned as he parted ways, clearing the path for Kagome to Naraku. The Lord of the Western Lands wished for the kill, but thought better of that idea, he would not go up against the miko's, and this was the will of the Kami's.