InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood is Thicker than Water ❯ Loose Ends ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

19.Loose Ends
Sango, and the new ally Kanna sat in attendance of a beaten Miroku; the wound would surely kill a mortal. Kagura, and Kanna both knew the slim possibility that the monk would survive his injury. The unending sleep his body had put in him was even more cause that the monk would never again recover to hold his distraught fiancée once more in his arms. The newly freed Kagura seemed to make the most of her time since Naraku's demise, gaining the favor of the stoic Lord of the castle. Sesshomaru seemed mildly amused. Or, the possibility that the Lord saw favor in her at all was seemingly too much for Kagura to hope for. Now that she and her sister were free women the thought occurred to them as to where they would call home, Kagura wished that Sesshomaru would offer his expansive mansion; perhaps Kagura was getting to far ahead of herself. The wind witch could not help but smile in remembering the way Sesshomaru had held her before the battle with Naraku began, not to mention the fact that he allowed her to stay in his private quarters. No, there was something there, and Kagura was not going to let the emotionally guarded InuTaisho go so easily.
“You did it Kagome.” Inuyasha's voice was uncharacteristically happy as it sang in Kagome's ears. “You were amazing.”
Kagome felt her body being lowered to the softness of a futon, her eyelids felt heavy and she really wished to sleep, but knew that Inuyasha would continue to pester her until she spoke to him. Kagome's right hand was aching fiercely, and the pounding in the confines of Kagome's skull was enough to drive her mad, but she was alive, Inuyasha was alive, but what of the others. Damn she had to get up, but kami Kagome felt like she did after loosing so much blood to Kikyo's arrow, Kagome's body was a week as a newborn kitten, and sleep was screaming out to her.
Kikyo, she was there with me, helping me again. Midoriko, she was there too right? Did I imagine it all? Even the inner dialog within Kagome's head was having a hard time grasping what had happened, it seemed like a vivid dream.
Kagome abruptly sat upright on the futon, scarring the daylights out of Inuyasha who fell to the floor on his butt, watching Kagome wide eyed. Hoping that his mate was not about to purify his ass, even as cute as Kagome said it was to her, the concern was still lingering. Okay no blue flame thingies, her eyes are still normal, and my blood isn't boiling. So am I safe? Inuyasha inched forward cautiously, uncertain as to what his awakened mate would do, be it to kiss him or kill him.
“K…Kagome?” The hanyou placed a nervous hand on Kagome's bruised and dirt-covered thigh. Inuyasha pushed himself up to his knees to come closer to her, still wary about what she could do. “You okay?”
Kagome turned to Inuyasha, the look on her face unreadable, but she quickly grabbed Inuyasha around the neck hugging her to her chest tightly. Surprised, but happy to be smothered in his mates' breasts Inuyasha let a lecherous smile slip across his lips.
“Now this I can deal with.” Inuyasha nuzzled his face into her with a gentle growl. “Why don't we do this more often?” The happy hanyou thickly spoke.
“Sickening.” The flat emotionless tone of Sesshomaru floated into the room.
Kagome's head snapped to the open shoji to find a disgusted Sesshomaru standing in the doorway. Kagome let out a surprised squeal shoving Inuyasha away from her with such force Inuyasha's head bounced off the wall, once again on his posterior. Sesshomaru simply shook his head walking off after sliding closed the shoji.
“You do know these things offer more privacy when closed. If you are going to be in this one's home, I would wish not to bear witness your carnal desires.” The InuTaisho's voice trailed off as he continued walking down the hall, leaving a very red faced Kagome, and annoyed Inuyasha with a bump on the head, and sore rear end.
“Does he try to spoil my fun?” Inuyasha moved to sitting on his heels intently watching Kagome, his eyes seeming to glow with a playful luster. “Where were we?” Inuyasha raised his brow as he leapt to the futon, pinning Kagome beneath him.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yanked her right hand away from him; her knuckles were white and cramping for keeping a tight fist for so long. “Get off!”
“I would if you'd remove the uniform.” Inuyasha began trailing kisses down Kagome's neck.
“Hentai! Come on! I just killed Naraku, I'm exhausted, and sore, and you're acting like I'm in heat!” Inuyasha looked down at her face, a wily smile on his lips, he was acting like a… like a puppy! Inuyasha noticed nothing but a resolve to get to her feet looking back at him in Kagome's eyes. Reluctantly Inuyasha released Kagome, standing at the foot of the futon, looking at her. “Thank you Inuyasha.”
“No one wants to play with me, this is the first time in years that we can breath a sigh of relief, and everyone is so damn serious. What's so important that you can't spare a intimate moment with your mate?” Inuyasha turned his back to Kaogme, an exasperated growl rumbling in Inuyasha's throat. “I'll get you later wench.”
“Inuyasha.” Kagome stood next to him, her legs wobbled, and Kagome grabbed his haori to keep from falling. Inuyasha turned to her steadying Kagome on her feet. “Inuyasha.” The hanyou did not wish to meet Kagome's eyes; the overwhelming urge to jump Kagome was almost too much. “Inuyasha, look at me.”
“Why? There is something different about your scent now, not that I haven't noticed it before, but it's making me a bit frisky, an' now that Naraku is defeated... oh, hell Kagome I don't want to do anything you don't want to I mean you're a hero, or heroine, something like that.” Inuyasha rambled on. “I still can't believe you-“
“Inuyasha.” Kagome tried to interject.
“You were fucking amazing and you're my bitch, I mean mate.” Inuyasha remembered Kagome was not to keen on being called a bitch. “Sesshomaru has got to take you serious now, not that I care what the snob thinks.”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome sternly yelled out, finally getting his attention.
“What is it? You don't have to yell at me!” Inuyasha met Kagome's eyes.
“Look.” With some effort Kagome pried the stiff, numb, white knuckles to unfurl, no wonder her hand was cramping.
“By the Kami's. Is that-“
“Yea.” Kagome whispered trying to grasp how it ended up in her possession. “How did I get this?” Kagome stared unblinking at a nearly completed Shikon no Tama.
“The Shikon jewel.” Inuyasha amazed sat to the futon, staring at the glimmering jewel in Kagome's palm.
Shippo and Makkura giggled searching the halls for a hiding Rin, the three were acting as children should, playing games, and driving Jaken completely out of his little Kappa mind. Of course Rin was never able to hide for long, as she was at a loss against the noses of the kit and wolf, but they had fun nonetheless. Sesshomaru had never seen the girl so happy and relaxed as she was with the other children, perhaps another young one in the castle would be good for her. The thought rattled the Taiyoukai, since when did he care about another's well-being? It had to be Inuyasha and his nigen mates' fault, that was all there was to it. But still, Rin needed other children to play with if she was going to grow into a well-rounded adult. Of course he taught her schooling and battle tactics, but the ability to interact with others was vital to a child's mind. Sesshomaru had shown reserved relief when the three youths returned to the castle, in the back of the Lord's mind he was wary that the two youkai would be unable to protect his young charge if Naraku's horde came in contact with them, but now with Rin back in his home, his world could return to some since of normalcy.
No, there was nothing normal about his home now, the peace and quite had been shattered, and the many unwelcome guests now roamed its majestic corridors as if they owned the place. How could he force the woman who single handedly destroyed Naraku to leave, even though her presence was now beginning to bother even him, not only because of her human blood, but the bitch was going into heat, it would reek havoc on all of his male subjects, and Sesshomaru could not be there to protect the girl at all times, his brother would have to deal with her safety. Sesshomaru walked contemplating how his home had become a place of refuge for his brothers' pack, the wolf youkai tribe, Kagura and her sister, who else was going to show up?
Sesshomaru walked into his room arguing internally over the blatant display of his brother and mate, stepping into his quarters, sliding the shoji closed, the familiar scent of Kagura wafted to his nose, turning to his bed, there she lie, those ruby orbs of hers locked onto his form, a devious smile on her beautiful lips, and her hair falling loosely around her nude form as she sat up to greet him. How was he to ignore this? Throwing her out into the hallway did cross his mind, but then again…
“May I be of some assistance?” Sesshomaru spoke with a raised brow, well knowing the answer, if she even gave him one.
“I wanted to get your attention milord Sesshomaru.” Kagura purred, as her fan snapped open hiding her face, all but her eyes. “You seem displeased.”
“That is not a word this one would use to describe a situation such as this.”
Kagome was excited to let Sango know that she now was the possessor of the Shikon Jewel, but she was not looking forward to asking her friend for the shard that was imbedded in Kohaku's back for so long. Inuyasha and Kagome walked through the castle, Inuyasha was having a difficult time keeping his paws off of her, and Kagome was becoming even more annoyed with each touch.
“What you don't like me touching you?” Inuyasha whispered in her ear following it by a nibble to her ear lobe. The nip sent a pleasant chill through Kagome's body. “See, you do.”
“Geeze dog breath gonna take her in the hall or what?” Kouga approached the two his chest puffed out, and a sneer on his face.
By the Kami's he still hated the fact that Kagome had chosen the mutt over him, secretly the youkai had hoped that Naraku would have killed the hanyou so Kouga could add Kagome to his own pack, even though he probably would have lost both of his balls to Ayame for even suggesting such a thing. But the fact that Kagome was going into season was driving him mad with want for someone he could no longer have, he could smell the woman from miles away, each male in his pack had taken notice to the miko's change in scent.
“Kouga!” Ayame knocked her mate upside the head, smiling at Kagome the whole time. “So you're awake Kagome, good, Kouga was so worried about you.” Ayame's brief statement brought a deep growl from Inuyasha, who began glaring at the wolf prince, his happy mood turning instantly foul.
“Oh Kouga, I'm glad to see you.” Kagome smiled stepping away from an irritated Inuyasha. “We need to talk.” Kagome took Kouga by the arm leading him a few steps down the hall whispering in his ear. Kouga turned over his shoulder slyly smiling at Inuyasha, and then turning his attention back to Kagome.
Inuyasha went to follow, but was halted by Ayame. “So, you two going to be having pups next spring too huh?”
“Wh…what?” Shocked by Ayame's question Inuyasha forgot about the wolf in Kagome's presence. “What do you mean?”
“Oh come on Inuyasha, the whole castle knows about Kagome.” Inuyasha stared at Ayame with a witless expression. “Gosh Kouga was right about you, you are thick.” Ayame rolled her vivid emerald eyes at him. “Hey, baka, you know your mate's in heat, so you gonna do something about it or what?”
“I…I…I mean we haven't really talked about it, she just woke up, and she's got things going on at home, I don't know. But, every fiber in my being is screaming at me to jump her.” Inuyasha blushed realizing maybe he had said too much. “What business is it of yours anyway? Kouga put you up to it?”
“Nah, just curious, it would be great if my pups could be friends with Kagome's pups. Kouga would just love that.” Ayame snickered. “You know he still thinks he loves her.”
“I really don't want to hear this Ayame.” Inuyasha watched as Kouga suddenly stopped in his tracks down the hall, the look of the wolf's face was pure shock. Kagome produced the nearly complete jewel from her pocket, shoving it in Kouga's face.
“No!” Kouga huffed; pacing back to Ayame leaving Kagome standing stunned a few feet away. “She wants me to give her my shards! Can you believe it!”
“Yes, and you will.” Ayame got up on her tippy toes looking his square in the eye. “You will give Kagome those shards Kouga.”
“No I won't.”
“Yes you will! She defeated Naraku, that's the least we can do for her.” Ayame glared into the angered azure eyes of her mate. “If you don't you will have a long, cold winter alone Kouga.”
“Ayame, you wouldn't.” Kouga's look changed to disappointment.
“If you ever want to have more pups with me you will.” Ayame looked fiercely at Kouga daring him to push the matter further.
“Damn bitch.” Kouga growled, his eyes meeting the amused face of Inuyasha. “You knew she was going to do this?”
“Yea. Only three shards left, and you happen to have two of `em. Give them up, I'll help if you want.” Inuyasha acted as if he was going to draw Tetsusaiga. “Don't move to much of I might take off both legs purely by accident.”
“Inuyasha.” Kagome rejoined the trio, her eyes pleading with Kouga. “Please Kouga.”
“Ah fuck Kagome, for you.” Kouga sat against the wall of the hallway plunging his clawed fingers into the calf of his right leg removing the crimson covered shard, handing it off to Ayame. The wolf grimaced a moment before doing the same to his left leg. Standing back to his feet, small streams of blood running form the wounds, Kouga eyed the shard in his claw briefly, before handing it to Kagome. “I sure hope it's worth it.”
“Damn I was hoping to get those out for you.” Inuyasha smiled, receiving a cold glare form Kouga.
“Thank you Kouga.” Kagome took the second shard from Ayame; Kagome brought the shards together with the larger jewel clasping her hands around the gem. Kagome closed her eyes focusing her energies on fusing the loose shards into the larger sphere. “There. All that's left now is the one that was in Kohaku.”
“Good luck with that Kagome. See ya around.” Kouga slightly limped off with his arm around Ayame. “Oh and good luck with the pups.”
Inuyasha coughed wishing to throttle the wolf, which knew full well what he was doing with those words.
“What is he talking about Inuyasha?” Kagome looked to Inuyasha who was nervously scratching at his head, trying to keep from looking Kagome in the eye. “Inuyasha?”
“Nothing. Lets go see how Miroku is doing.” Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand leading her down the hall.
“What did Kouga mean by pups?” Kagome's voice was full of suspicion.