InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lotus ❯ An Explanation, An Order and A Rosary ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN IT !
"Please Ms. Higurashi, sit down," said the man gesturing to the plush chair in front of the desk he was sitting behind.
If she had thought Inuyasha had extraordinary looks, he paled in comparison to this Sesshomaru guy. Bright magenta stripes ran across his cheeks as golden eyes pierced straight through her. His hair was beyond white even though his skin was smooth. Eveyrthing about him screamed regal and intimidating. Kagome sat stiffly in her seat trying her best to keep down to tremors caused by the look in his gold coin eyes.
"I see you have brought her back in one piece, Inuyasha. That would be a first would it not? Now don't go and get a good reputation, dear brother. It would not do well with this company."
"And you screwing your secretary gives a good one? Don't try being funny Sesshomaru, its scary."
The snowy haired man behind the desk bared his fangs ferally and growled, "I do not screw my secretary."
"You prefer `fucking your secretary instead?'" Sesshomaru stood, his eyes fierce with rage.
Kagome, who could not help but think the idea of two demons battling it out in a small office was a bad idea, interrupted, "Ummm, Mr.- uh what do I call you? You wanted me for something?"
Sesshomaru suddenly remembered there was someone else in the room, calmed his anger, smoothed out his suit and sat again. But there was enough of a glare in his eyes to know that Inuyasha would get it later. Needless to say, Kagome was glad she wasn't on the receiving end of that scowl.
"Sesshomaru is fine, Ms. Higurashi, I have not a surname. Excuse the little argument between me and the fool. He tests us all sometimes. Back on the subject, I assume you don't know why we brought you here. . .?"
"It has something to do with the Shikon no Tama, I'm sure. But I'm just letting you know that I have never seen it and that I don't know where it is. So now that that's over with I can g-"At her attempt to get up she was pushed back down by an insistant hand on her shoulder. Inuyasha's hand held her to the chair.
"Not quite so fast, Ms. Higurashi. Yes, this meeting has to do with the sacred jewel. However, both I and my superior are perfectly aware that you do not know the whereabouts of it and that you have never seen it. In fact not one person has seen the gem for over seven hundred years and our news of its whereabouts stopped rather suddenly over seventeen years ago. The last person known to have possession of it would be your father."
"Well if no one has seen it for seven hundred years maybe its been destroyed and your information's wrong," Kagome offered hopefully.
"It is possible that the jewel of the four souls has become nothing more than a Maltese Falcon.*"
"Maltese Falcon?" asked a puzzled Kagome.
"Its times like these that reminds me how old I am. Anyways that option has been considered .But our information is mostly to the contrary for although no one has seen it; it has been sensed, which is why we have brought you here Ms. Higurashi."
"I don't understand," this conversation was just getting stranger and stranger, no not just this conversation but the entire day- giant bugs, demons, and now sensing valuables?
Sesshomaru looked genuinely puzzled, "Were you never told of your own heritage, girl? I should have known, humans never pay any attention to the past until it comes back to bite them. Have you never noticed strange things happening around you- seeing the next day's events in your dreams, never getting sick when you ate after other's who were ill or even the fact that when things were around they healed quicker?" Sesshomaru looked confused when Kagome shook her head. But doubts plagued her mind; the more she thought about it, the more events seemed similar to those exact circumstances.
"Well maybe there has been a few coincidental things but only a few," she offered, squirming a bit in her seat. The golden-eyed demon's cool look returned.
"I see. Well the fact is that you, Ms. Higurashi, come from a long line of psychics and mikos. In fact the priestesses in your line are some of the strongest to ever exist and you are the last of them; thus you contain of the power of generations past. The Sacred Jewel was entrusted to your father's care because he was a part of this family. He was to protect it from all other who would wish to use it wrongly."
"Wrongly? But its just a big diamond isn't it?"
"No," Sesshomaru sounded almost exasperated, almost, "It is a creation forged from the souls of demons and the death of another priestess, it grants almost infinite power to whoever so uses it. But it also brings tragedy to the entire world when used by those who only seek to increase their power selfishly. You can see why we want the jewel in safe keeping. And in order to keep it protected, this agency is asking for your help."
"Why me? Why not some other miko?"
"Simply put we believe you a part of an old legend that refers to the end of days. If I may quote it correctly:
"She who is young;
song yet unsung but shrouded it in darkness
The Jewel of Sacrifice shall come to
Born from the Blood Lotus it shall destroy unless otherwise changed through.
"There is more but that is the part that pertains to you. We believe that you can not sense the jewel as other mikos can but you can also purify it and end this threat to our world. So Ms. Higurashi we ask for your assistance, will you give it?"
"Assuming I believe what you're telling me, which I'm pretty close to based on what has been happening; just who is this `we' as in who are you people?"
"Oh, how very rude of me. You are now in the Demonic Government building. Our purpose is to protect ourselves and keep relative peace between Demons like myself. We exist because most demons will not follow demon regulations. We also keep track of several supernatural artifacts that may disrupt the peace we have wrought. A satisfactory explanation?"
"Um, yes?"
Inuyasha who had been playing silent sentinel suddenly spoke, "He basically means when demons break a law we go out and punish them, think of us a youkai police force. Why he couldn't just say that is beyond me."
"Hmmmm, I think Inuyasha it would be best if kept silent. Here put this on," Sesshomaru tossed something at his brother that Kagome could not see.
"What is it?"
"A necklace, you fool. Rin thought it would look nice on you and asked me my opinion when you were just coming. Put it on."
"Feh. Whatever."
"Now Kagome will you help us?"
"I-I don't know."Answered truthfully, weren't demons supposed to be evil?
"I suppose I should mention the stipend?"
"Yes, you will be paid ten thousand dollars U.S. for agreeing and actually looking for the jewel and on the completion of purifying the jewel a sum of 45, 000 will be paid."
" That's S-s-sixty five thousand dollars. Oh my God. That's-"
"You will also be given a chance and the resources to find your parents and brother as they no doubt disappeared due to the jewel. In fact, we recommend that you do as it may lead to the Shikon no Tama's recovery. So with all those facts in mind will you help us?"
`I don't think I have much a choice, that's a lot of money. . ."
Sesshomaru actually smiled, a scary sight indeed, "Well then welcome to the D.G. Ms. Higurashi. Now then." He pressed the buzzer on his desk.
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?" came the voice of Rin over as she stepped into the room..
"Would you, please, send in Lady Kaede?"
"Absolutely Lord Sesshomaru, If you don't mind me asking what gadget is she bringing today," Rin asked sweetly.
The sinister smirk on Sesshomaru's face was enough to send even the bravest man shrieking in fear to their knees. "You may watch as we test it Rin. Just go get her."
"Okay, Lord Sesshomaru," Rin said positively pleased as she closed the door. Moments later. Kagome heard the clipppity clop-of Rin's heels and another set of foot steps, this quieter and hobbling.
These foot steps continued until an elderly woman came into Kagome's view. She was dressed simply and had an eye patch over just one eye. She presented Sesshomaru with a small button sized black shape.
"Thank you, Lady Kaede."
"Not a problem, Lord Sesshomaru. Anything for Megumi's child."
"You knew my mother," Kagome asked before she could stop herself.
The woman looked to Kagome with a twinkle in her eye, "Yes, my dear, I did."
"Ms. Higurashi, I'd like to introduce you to Lady Kaede our head of the science department. She was amiko in her own right until she married," introduced Sesshomaru.
Rin stopped this conversation from continuing by asking in her usual chipper voice, "Hey, Inuyasha, nice necklace, is it new?"
"Is it new?" Suddenly Inuyasha was suspicious. "Sesshomaru didn't you tell me-"
"Yes, but I lied as I often do. However I tell you the truth when I say you are Kagome's new body guard and will be for the continuance of her search."
"No way in hell."
"I'm afraid so, and just what did I tell you about hell."
"I'm gonna kill you. This is the last straw, you've been interfering with my life too much as it is." As Inuyasha rolled up his sleeves, his brother spoke again.
"Now Ms. Higurashi, if a dog was being very bad what would you say to it?"
Kagome was puzzled at the odd question but answered anyway, "Well `sit' I guess."
Inuyasha began to walk slowly towards Sesshomaru, but the latter demon did not move, "Say that once more Ms Higurashi."
"Um , sit." Just as Inuyasha raised his claws to strike he slammed into the ground.
"What the hell?" Was the only audible obscenity from avery long string of them.
"Simple, dear brother, I invested in our priestess's safety and installed a voice command system. Everytime she says `sit' you will fall to the ground. Fun, no?"
"I'll show you fun," Inuyasha said as he got up, "I'll just slaughter your precious priestess." He launched himself at Kagome.
"SIT!" She called out frantically and Inuyasha fell miserably to the floor. More cursing.
"Here you go, Kagome, if you want to change the voice command press the middle once and speak into it," He handed the black button into her hands.
"Like hell she'll even have time for that," Inuyasha said as he snatched it away. When he opened his hand again it was nothing but black dust. "You lose."
Seshomaru's smirk told a different story, "Oh really? Kagome would you mind speaking the word again?"
"Erm, sit?"
Inuyasha was once again flat on his face.
"You see, dear brother that the necklace is self contained."
"Well then I'll just take-it-off" Inuyasha punctuated each word with a tug on the jewelry but he could not get it over his head. "Wh-what, why won't this thing come off?"
"Oh," said Sesshomaru innocently, well as innocent as he can be, "It seems you've broken it by destroying the control. You know that little button was also the switch to take it off you. Oops."
"You planned this," Inuyasha accused.
"Maybe I did. Now Lady Kaede how long did you say it would take to make a new control."
"Four years, Lord, at least."
"Really, that's such a long time. I'm afraid you'll have to just wait," Sesshomaru was barely able to control his mirth at the torture of Inuyasha, "I'll tell you what. I just so happen to have a second controller and if you're a good half breed and protect Ms. Higurashi I may just give it to you at the end of her quest."
"Fuck you," was Inuyasha's frustrated response.
"No thank you, dear brother, Now Ms. Higurashi will be staying with you until the time which an apartment opens as a matter of precaution and ease, as her house is far to far away from head quarters."
"Wait a minute I never said-" began Kagome but she was interrupted by a sudden crash from the roof.
A/N: I love cliffies don't you? Its been awhile, but I finally have the time to update everything and the inspiration to do so. I love all my reviewers by the way, hugs and kisses to you all. Expect updates more regularly now. So you know the deal: more reviews equals quicker updates blah blah blah.
*The Maltese Falcon is a very cool old movie and a very good book. Look it up to find out the meaning, its worth it. Oh Yeah I don't own that either
Next chapter: The Demon Hunter and a Monk, but wait they're enemies?