InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood, Meat, and Love ❯ The Head Hunter ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The cries of a young man ringed through the forest as his neck was broken. An illegally enslaved African with no hair sank his teeth into the now dead mans leg. The cannibalistic triable man looked around as he ate his prey he saw nothing and pulled out a knife he stole from the noble Japaneses man that enslaved he and his village. He cut open the chest cavity blood flowed out of the mans corps. As he pulled the heart out of the body an arrow soared by his head. He instantly spun around two archers stood there in shock. The man covered in blood arose from his hunched possession and glared at them. The two archers shaking at the site of the tall blood covered man. One looked at him and yelled “Who are you??” Just as the archer said that the triable man picked up a rock and hurled it at him. The rock cracked his skull into peaces and blood came gushing out of this head as he fell to the ground. As the other archer ran for his life the man lunged at him and drug him to the ground where he cut his chest open and pulled out this heart while the man was still alive. Days had passed since the man had his fest and over time he has acquired Japaneses clothing. The monster walked into a village where a certain group of travillers where staying. This village was more like a fortress or castle. It had walls with arrow or cannon mounts. This fortified city had many nobles in it and was offeten visited by men of noble blood from other counties. Inuyasha and Miroku was eating lunch at a sit down bar like place as the girls, shippo, and keylala where at a hot spring within the walls. Miroku noticed the man had sat next to him. While enslaved the man was taught how to speak. The man told the women he wanted the chicken that was hanging in back of here raw. The man pulled out a hand full of coins and put it on the table, took his chicken and left. The women looked at Inuyasha and Miroku and sighed “He gave me way too much.” Hours later the gang left the city and headed back to the bone eaters well. Miroku, shippo, and songo left Kagome and Inuyasha alone since Kagome had told Inuyasha how she felt about him a few weeks earlier. Kagome hugged Inuyasha. And smiled “I'll be back in 3 or 4 days Inuyasha.” Inuyasha sighed as kagome hooped into the well. But just after she went in the man who was covered in blood again and had a human leg bone in his hand fallowed Kagome into the well. Inuyasha jumped in after him leavening the others behind.