InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ Ramen Rumble ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have good news. Spring Break just started and, like always, my family is just staying home with the exceptions of weekends up in Saginaw and Friday night, when Dad's going to Canada and I'm heading to a friend's party. So Expect A LOT more updates this week!!!

eMeLyNoOoPeE (Mmhm… And you get a better explanation of what's going on in this chapter. Thanks!)

blackestheart (Thanks! O.O Wow! I didn't tell them about this story because I wasn't sure there would be too many Inu/Kag fans in that group. Plus, I feared losing my life to some of my more… enthused reviewers. Don't worry about me dropping that story, though, Queenie'd kill me! YAY!!! The family says I'm annoying when I start ranting, so it's nice to hear SOMEONE listens!!! Anyways, thanks and here's chapter three!)

someone (Here it is!)

Monomo * Tsukino ( My middle brother refuses to read my stories after seeing THAT ^-^ Oh, well! As for the Kouga thing, it really just seemed like one of the few places I could stick him and I'm stunned no on thought of it before. Thanks for the review and the award!)

sashlea (*blush* Erm… Guess I forgot to do a spell check… And I'll start doing that scene change thing, too. I guess that WAS a little confusing last chapter… Thanks for pointing those out. I like to be told when I make mistakes!)

BlackLightning019 (Thank you!)

HellKeeper (I try!)

Naja607 (Thank you!)

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Kagome- Okay, DV, this is getting serious. You need to get your rear in gear.

DV-… What? O.o;

Kagome- Start writing more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV- You're really into this one.

Kagome- I'm a secret thief. That's cool.

Inu- Not to mention it's funny to see Sango beating the shit out of Miroku.

DV- Truuue…

Miroku- I resent that!

DV- Tell it to the orange four eared bunny rabbits.

Everyone- O.o;

Nurse- Okay, miss, it's time for the shots…

DV- NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT THE NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sango- the psychopath doesn't own us, nor will she EVER own us. Thank Kami-sama for THAT!

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Ramen Rumble%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

"Kag's coming home soon, right?"

"YES, SHE'S COMING HOME SOON!!!!!!!!!" I yelled back. I wouldn't have been so loud if the damn kit would learn that asking the same question every FIVE MINUTES for TWO HOURS gets kinda annoying after a while. I glared at Souta and Kohaku when they snickered. Kagura smirked at me before entering her room with an armload of books and papers.

"Yelling doesn't stop him from asking, Sango," Kanna said from her corner, slight annoyance tainting her usually emotionless voice. "You should know that by now,"

"Maybe, but it makes me feel better!" I snapped. I loved these kids to death, but they were gonna drive me to an early grave!

"Chill out, sis," Kohaku said from the couch where he and Souta were playing a racing game. "Shippo, use your nose, Kagome's practically right outside the door," the kit took an experimental sniff and his face lit up for a second, before setting into confusion.

"Why is there an inu hanyou with her?" He asked curiously. Stopping, I sniffed too, and my eyes widened.

"SHITAKE MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!" I yelled, making Souta and Kohaku snicker again. Shippo looked confused at the foreign word and Kanna raised an eyebrow at me. "No questions. concealment spells. NOW!" I also sent a silent mental tweak to Kagura in her room

Not half a second later, Kagome and InuYasha Juzu walked through the doors, seeing an ordinary teenaged ningen girl and four ningen kids. Also a few quick spells to cover any you-ki residue and youkai scents and Juzu didn't suspect a thing. Kagura stayed in her room, but still underwent the required transformations.

"You're back early," I said, raising an eyebrow at our resident miko.

"Let's just say I had a little problem with a customer," she replied, giving me an `I'll-fill-you-in-later,' look.

"KAGOMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" Shippo yelled, throwing himself at the girl and knocking her to the floor. Although for safety reasons Kagome had to pretend Shippo was her little brother, he was actually her adopted kit, her son. If others knew that, though, it could draw unwanted attention, and that was something our group didn't need, especially now that we were all so close to getting our revenge…

"Kagome? Who's he?" Shippo looked curiously at InuYasha.

"OH! InuYasha, these are my little brothers, Shippo, Souta and Kohaku and my little sister Kanna. You've already met Sango." The hanyou nodded at me in a distracted sort of way.

"Oy, wench, didn't you say you'd give me ramen?!" InuYasha demanded. Kagome glared at him.

"You need to learn to be more polite to someone in their own home, InuYasha!"

"Hey, who's the one who brought you your purse?!" ooh… So THAT'S what Kagome's up to! Guy's always lose their guards around girls they think are helpless ditz. (AN; *cough* Duo's Hanyou! *cough*)

"That doesn't mean you can be rude!" Then why the hell was she contradicting that with her actions now?

"Feh." Kagome rolled her eyes and started for the kitchen. I smirked at InuYasha. "What?" He said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"You like my sister," I said smugly.

"Do not!"


"I don't!"


"Damn it, I don't like Kagome, got that!" This was when the fates got bored and decided to have Kagome walk back into the living room to see what would happen. Oh, SHOOT!

Kagome didn't say anything, but a look passed over her face for a split second before she settled back into her regular smile.

"The ramen should be done in about three minutes," she said cheerfully as she walked over to her book bag, no doubt to get her homework. InuYasha flinched for a second and cast her an uncertain look. I felt a pang of guilt for nagging InuYasha like that, but brushed in aside. It was for the best that any relationship they might have was stopped before it started.

We couldn't have boyfriends because we might like, or worse fall in love with, them. Our lives, our jobs made that kind of relationship impossible. Hell, FRIENDSHIP barely worked for us. After a while, people ask questions. We can never allow ourselves to become too comfortable around someone.

Sure we dated sometimes, but we never went beyond two dates. After that, you're considered a couple. Though sometimes it was difficult to shake the boys off. Especially for Kagome. One of the guys she ditched started stalking her. We nearly cancelled a job out of fear he'd discover who we were. Since then, Kagura and I only allowed the boys we deemed safe around our younger sister. InuYasha was the only one worthy in our new school so far.

"Who're you?" Shippo asked impatient at not getting the hanyou's full name. Souta and Kohaku watched them and Kanna just ignored all of us and continued reading. She probably already knew all about InuYasha.

"InuYasha Juzu." He said shortly.

"Really? Rin's big brother?" Kagome froze in the corner. I wracked my brain to figure out why the Hell that name sounded familiar.

"Yeah, you know Rin?"

"Yep! I met her today in school. She's really nice, and we played togetheralldayandsheaskedmetocomeoverifherDadsaidIcouldandIreallylikedherbe causeshe'salotnicerthatmostofthekidsandshesmellsprettylikeflowersand-" Our group was completely used to this after living with the hyperactive kit since he was barely old enough to walk, so we heard him perfectly and flinched slightly at his description of Rin, which was enough to make even a ningen suspicious. Thankfully, Shippo's excited chatter went right over InuYasha's head.

"I think that's enough, Shippo," Kagome said as she headed back for the kitchen. She came back a few minutes later with eight cups of ramen and chopsticks. "Study break, Kagura!" Kagome called out loud enough to reach Kagura's room if she really was human. Our older sister came out, feigning surprise when she saw InuYasha.

"Oh, I didn't know we had company." She said, raising an eyebrow at him as she grabbed a cup of ramen. InuYasha already had his cup, and was currently gulping down ramen like his life depended on it.

"He returned my purse and came in for some ramen before heading home, right InuYasha?" Kagome said sweetly. InuYasha nodded, making a `mmmfftt!' sound.

"I see," she said, sitting down beside me. Shippo sighed in boredom as he played with his food. His kitsune nature made him more or less unable to sit still for more than two minutes, though he got away with it in school by saying he had the ningen disorder ADHD and he was allergic to an ingredient in the medicine. (AN; Believe it or not, it is possible. I was accused of ADHD when I was a kid, something my friends still laugh about now. I had weird reactions to Ritalin, so my mom took me off it. Got her into a cat-fight with my bitch of a fourth grade teacher. Mom won. ^-^)

So Shippo started looking around, no doubt for something to occupy himself with. His eyes landed on InuYasha, and his face broke into what Kagome called the Kitsune Grin, Kagura called the warning signs of trouble in the near future, Souta and Kohaku called a face signaling some `cool' stuff would happen, and I call Oh, shit, not another prank.

"InuYasha?" he said innocently, to the hanyou who had no idea the pain and embarrassment those big green eyes promised. All of us except Kagome had fallen victim to Shippo's tricks. I think the only reasons he excludes Kagome is because she's his mother and she's Damn scary when she's mad.

"What, brat?" None of us had any time to react when Shippo's cup rocketed towards InuYasha, landing on his hair, clothes and skin with a SPLAT!!! InuYasha yelped and jumped up when the hot noodles touched him.

"Oops?" there was dead silence for a second, then Kagome snorted. The snort turned into a giggle, and I fought fruitlessly to keep a straight face. Then Kagura started to giggle as well, and the next thing we knew, we were all rolling on the ground, our faces streaming with tears of laugher.


We all stopped laughing to stare at Kagome, who was now covered in ramen as well.

"Never let your guard down, wench." Kagura and I cracked up at this and the expression on Kagome's face. This was PRICELESS!!! The great Yumi bested by the son of the taiyoukai InuTaisho in her own home! The though of Kagome EVER letting her guard down since the accident was one to be remem-

SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kagura and I stared at Kagome, speechless as she smiled innocently back at us. Kagura and I looked at each other and grinned evilly.

Five minutes later, the living room was covered in sticky noodles, as were the rest of us. Shippo had also decided he hadn't caused enough chaos, and brought out the soda, ice cream and leftover `Hamburger Surprise' from Kagura's failed cooking experience.

The girl was an awesome ally, and a cunning youkai, but for the life of her, she couldn't cook. I couldn't talk, really, so we left ALL the cooking to poor Kaggy, the only one of us who could tell the difference between a kitchen knife and a spatula.

So anyways, there all of us were, tired, sticky, messy and covered in who-knows-what. Kanna had `somehow' managed to avoid the whole mess without looking up from her book. Ya think she might have put forth a LITTLE effort to look normal until we got our payback and left for our cozy hide away deep in the Japanese forests but nook…

"I'd better go," InuYasha said, sounding a little hesitant, "I've got to get home and take a shower. The rest of us giggled slightly, thinking about the looks he'd get walking down the street covered from head to toe in bits of food and drink.

"See you tomorrow, InuYasha," Kagome said, smiling.

"Feh," Was his oh-so-intelligent response. The rest of us sat there, grinning for a while.

"Do you girls remember the last time we've done something like this?" Kagome asked as she stood, picking stray noodles off herself.

"Got into a massive food fight and wrecked the house?" Kagura asked, eyeing the soda drenched sofa.

"No," Kagome said, rolling her eyes, "Just goofed off. Did something completely stupid for the sake of doing something stupid." Then her eyes softened in sadness, "gone a few minutes without thinking of that Bastard or the bitch that ruined our lives to the extent that we're willing to master all our abilities and become thieves to get our revenge?" The rest of us sat in silence.

"I guess we had been a bit obsessed," Kagura said, frowning.

"Could anyone blame us?" I asked sharply, "Look what the Bastard's done to me, Kohaku, Kagura and Kanna! And that bitch and her family screwed you and Souta over because of you two and your father and took over your life pretending it was hers!"

"But does that really give us the right, Sango," I was silent. I really didn't know what to say. Did it?

"We're too deep in to get cold feet now," Kagura said sharply, drawing all of us out of our thoughts. "We are going to do what the Blood Sisters have been doing for the last ten years. Punish those both human and youkai laws ignore. We're the karma for those who think they can take whatever they want and go unpunished." I nodded, having no better excuse at hand. Kagome sighed, then her face brightened.

"I CALL FIRST SHOWER!!!!!" Kagura and I shot up, but we were too late as the door to the one bathroom in the house slammed shut. I swore under my breath.

"I've got second!" Shippo chipped up.

"Third's mine!" Souta added hastily.

"I call fourth," Kagura said.

"I'll take fifth!" Kohaku yelled out.

"I want the sixth," Kanna said calmly. I sat there in stunned horror when I realized what that meant for me.

"No Faaaaaaaiiiiir!!!!!!!!!" I whined, "There's not gonna be any hot water left!!!" (AN; Cold showers… *shutters*)

"Shoulda' moved faster, Sis!" Kohaku said cheerfully. I glared at him.

"Haha. You DO realize that since you boys were responsible for most of this mess, you have to clean it up." All three boys looked around the room and flinched. I smirked and headed to my room. Hehehe…

Once there, my mind settled on more important matters. Such as Kagome's comment earlier. Why was she acting like she wanted to bail now? She'd never done that before, always strongly believing that we were doing the right thing, and we weren't the only people hurt by the Kokusei and Nazo family.

Though are own pain is what caused us to ban together and become the Blood Sisters. And the pain of those we most care about. Not just Shippo, Souta, Kohaku and Kanna, but our deceased family as well.

Kohaku and I both lost our parents to Onigumo. Mother and Father were both Punishers, servants of the Five Lords and the Five Lords alone. Mother was a starlight phoenix, and father a black dragon.

Phoenixes and Dragons are mortal enemies, so no one else in our family was too happy when they mated. They disowned both of them, and denounced Kohaku and I as their blood. Mother and Father didn't care, though. They were happy with each other. At least, until they were sent to interrogate Onigumo at his home ten years ago.

On the way there, they were both killed by a tiger youkai, who was later found dead himself. Apparently, a special kind of bug youkai had buried itself in its brain, eating away and controlling his actions until he died. The bug youkai disappeared and there was no evidence linking Onigumo to the crime. But Kohaku and I know. We have no doubt it was him who killed our parents, and sent us into the streets.

Because our parents could no longer work for them, the Lords saw no need to keep housing and clothing us. Actually, The Northern, Southern and Eastern Lords all agreed to leave us to the elements, considering The High Lord had supposedly been purified by a powerful rouge enemy miko and the High Lady, who herself was a miko, had died of an arrow through the heart, so no one could make them honor their oaths to the Punishers.

Our own family had turned their backs to us before our births, because of what we were, so a seven year old and a one year old were left to fend for themselves. That is, until we met Kagura, Kagome, Souta and Kanna.

Kagura and Kanna have been hurt by Onigumo as well. To make it worse for them, though, they're both his blood.

Kagura and Kanna are half spirit apparition thanks to their father, and half wind apparition from their mother. Their mother was one of Onigumo's many mistresses and wasn't exactly the motherly type, abandoning them nearly as soon as she gave birth. She was eventually killed by Onigumo himself, when he tired of her. He also more or less destroyed the town Kagura and Kanna lived in, in an attempt to rid the world of any evidence that he was less that faithful to his human mate.

Eight year old Kagura fled with the two year old Kanna, but the family that housed them was murdered. They traveled around for a while, until they met little Kagome and a one year old Souta.

Kagome and Souta have it the worse of all. Remember how I told you the High Lord and his miko mate were slain? Kagome is the High Lord Kari's only daughter, and oldest child. She is the heir to the throne of the youkai, half Golden Elemental and half miko and Souta is her younger brother with the same blood.

Elementals are some of the strongest know youkai there are, and Golden Elementals are the strongest of their breed. There are three kinds of Elementals, Golden, Silver and Bronze. All have all the same abilities as any other youkai (Fire, wind, ice, soul, animal), at different levels, Bronze being generally at the same level as regular youkai and Gold's being at least four times as strong.

Kagome's mother, Lady Bijin, was the Joryu Miko, the most powerful miko aiding the youkai, protector of the ancient jewel the Shikon no tama and a descendant of Midoriko, the first Joryu Miko, who was the creator of the all powerful jewel.

The Shikon no tama can do anything you can imagine and more. It was the duty of the Joryu Miko to protect the jewel from those who desired that power, and decide if matters were worth wishing on the jewel.

Lady Bijin was the most powerful miko working for the youkai, but the Sokkenai, a group of rouge mikos who believe youkai should be wiped out and earth left to the ningens, never believed in playing fair like she did.

Lady Teki Nazo, who still posed as a diligent worker for the youkai rulers and the late Lady Bijin's former best friend, murdered both of them in cold blood, right in front of Kagome and Souta, though he was too little to remember.

Lady Bijin probably could have destroyed Teki easily, but she feared hurting someone she viewed as a friend, and was shocked Teki would do something like that to her and her mate. Lord Kari feared hurting his mate by killing her, a fatal mistake for both of them.

Kagome and Souta got away because Teki never took notice about how much the girl was learning, and how rapidly both her youkai and miko powers were growing. She managed to teleport both of them away.

The bitch is currently the Joryu Miko, meaning she now protects the jewel that had been in Kagome's family since it's creation, and is now training her only daughter, Kikyou, to take the job.

As for Kagome and Souta, they both lived on their own in the shadows for a while. Kagome feared public places for months after her parents died, worried that someone would recognize her or that Teki would find them. While in hiding one rainy night, she met Kagura and Kanna and the rest, as they say, is history. We all got together and made a happy little `family.'

The one thing that worries us is that Kagome's powers have never quite leveled off since we met her. Usually, a youkai or a miko reaches their limit and that's it, their powers don't grow any more, but Kagome's never did that. They just keep climbing and climbing to dangerous levels and beyond (AN; …Okay, that sounded like some cheap line from Toy Story.). Kagome has to meditate every day to keep them in check.

Shippo doesn't have as long a sob story as the rest of us. Six years ago his mother and father were killed by some punk lightning youkai called the Thunder Brothers that Kagome and I easily killed. With her dying breath, Shippo's mother begged Kagome to take care of her infant son, five months old at the time. Kagome, being the softie she is, agreed in a heartbeat and has taken care of the little kit ever since.

We've been looking after a lot of people, actually. We have a growing underground army of youkais, mikos, hanyous and ningens that want the Nazos and the Kokuseis dead. We've been looking after all of them while keeping our activities from the enemy to the best of our abilities.

Everything was fine until a few months ago, when one of our spies reported that Kokusei and Teki were working together to make Onigumo the next High Lord if Teki was allowed to have a looser reign over what she did to youkai when he became High Lord. The position had been left empty for years after Lord Kari's death, since his heirs had both vanished into thin air and considering the test for if your heart and bloodlines were strong enough for the job always turned up a negative. Failing the test means the test taker ends up at the pearly gates a little earlier that they should.

But with a little help from Kagome's jewel, the test should be a snap for any youkai, including that snake Onigumo. And since the High Lord is the one who makes all the laws youkai must obey, if he says that any youkai that the Toryu Miko claims is a threat to society must die on the spot, you can believe it's gonna happen.

Obviously, we can't just sit back and let this happen. The jewel and the position both belong to Kagome, and the THOUGHT of Onigumo in charge of every living, breathing youkai is enough to make anyone have nightmares.

The only thing scarier is the thought that the position will eventually be passed to Naraku, Onigumo's heir who's even more of a manipulative asshole that he is, which is saying something.

I shook my head, and reached for a manga, flipping it open as I flopped down on my bed. Whatever Kagome was thinking would make itself clear sooner or later. When it came to anything that wasn't about our `job' or our family, the girl was absolutely transparent.


DV- There ya go! That was the longest chapter so far and it gave you a little bio on the girls. Hope everyone's happy.

Inu gumi- O.O;;;;;;;;

DV- what?

InuYasha- Why in the seven layers of hell would you do something like THAT to those nurses?!

DV- That's what you get when you try to give me a needle.

Kagome- Still… that's HARSH!

DV- They deserved it. Besides, it's nowhere near as bad as some of the things my brothers and I do to each other. Wanna see?

Sango- How?

DV- I can use Miroku and Inu as the dummies.

Sango Kagome and Shippo- Sure!

Miroku and Inu- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV- Too bad, you're out voted. Now, please review and come back for the next installment!