InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Sisters ❯ The Ultimate Bid-off and an impromptu engagement ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

Fanfiction reviews;

Youka-White-Kitsune (Yeah, every elementary school teacher I ever had thought I had ADHD. I had a freaky reaction to ritalin, so mom took me off it. She got into a huge fight with my 4th grade teacher because of it. It was so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

FoxylilRaven (I'll send you the list via e-mail.)

HellKeeper ('fires of hell rise up around DV' MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!)

Secret-punk-rocker16 (Finally, someone who appreciates my creativity!!!!!)

Youko n Kagome (You sign up by e-mail. I can send you one, If you'd like.)

shakes-zero (I'm a kitty lover, but my dad's not. He says he used to throw them on to roofs by thier tails. T.T)

NefCanuck ('cocks head' Ya think? I could probably do worse...)

Vengeance4love23 (Thanks!)

blackestheart (sorry i couldn't get the list to you, but I lost the e-mail and i'm pretty sure Uncle John threw it away or something... I'll still be happy to send to the list, though,)

moovache (Thank you! I hate it when pulls that kind of crap!!!)

GoldenKitsuneHime13 (No one's tried to blow me up yet, but I'm not holding my breath that people will forgive me... Am I really so evil?)

Purity.::.of.::.Darkness ('gulps' Is there really any reason to resort to violence?)

firehottie (here's the update!!!)

SakuraMona (I agree. There are people like that in every culture, though. Thank you!)

Devilchild34 (I know... 'sniff' anyone who's ever met me could tell you I'm a major cat lover.)

Wintry Enchantress (O.O;;;;;;;;; Now that's just cruel!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Crystal_Gem (Well, here ya go!!!)

Newfie/B.C Girl (Thank you! Well, that makes two I don't have to worry about killing me...)

HN-I-Love-Inuyasha (Well, this is 11 pgs on word, so I hope that's long enough for you...)

jokermanequin (No, I'm still alive (Though not for much longer...) I've just been super busy. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! That's so sweet!!!!!!! Sure I'll e-mail you!!!)

blackestheart (I haven't had the time to be bored. As a matter of Fact, mom's told me that unless I start getting at least an hour more of sleep, she'd take my computer away!!! I'm on AIM right now, but sadly, whenever I'm on, no one else is... 'sigh')

part time angel (Here's chappie 11!)

Hiei81 (O.O; 'sigh' Is there really any need for such language? I mean, really...)

Mediaminer reviews;

somel (Hmm... Can't say for sure. People will start dying as soon as it fits in well with my plot.)

AW (Thank you!!! Here quite a bit more for ya!)

Silver Shadow (Wow, thanks!!!!!!!! Hehe... I'm a bad girl... Yeah, the kitsune is my favorite demon, if you can't tell. ^_^;)

ywyw (Thanks!!! Here's my update!!!!!!!)

DV- Sorry this took so long to get up!!! I'm gonna delete a few of my stories so I can keep up with the more popular ones, as much as it kills me to do so. T.T

Kagome- You could always put them up again later.

DV- True…

Inu- Now hurry up with the story, bitch!!!!!!!!

DV- Damn it, dog boy, for the last time I'm a fox not a dog and-! `pauses.' Wait. Hurry up? You WANT me to start the chapter?!?!?!

Inu- err… The sooner you do, the sooner the story ends!!!!!!

Miroku- Actually, I'm quite curious about how this chapter will turn out as well. So many rich men combating for the fair heart of our lovely miko… `hand reaching for Kagome's butt,'

Sango- Think about it, And I'll personally make sure you lose the ability to have children as soon as the story ends

Chiisai- `snickering' I love this story…

DV- `cocks head.' What makes you think I stole Inuyasha? I'm just borrowing them without the explicit authorization of Rimoku Takahashi. Hehehe… `beams at bound and gagged lawyers and police officers' right guys?

%%%%%%%%%%The Ultimate Bid-Off and an Impromptu Engagement%%%%%%%%%


Shit! I thought, staring at Naraku. There was no way the son of the bastard that killed my family would get my little sister all alone like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"…O…okay, we have… have two hundred… anyone for 205?"

"250!!!!!!!!!!" Kouga shouted out.

"300!!!!!!!!!" InuYasha retaliated.

"That's it?!?!" Kagura hissed.

"It's all I have on me!!!!!!!!" InuYasha hissed back.

"450." Naraku said calmly.

"450! Going once, twice…"

"I still have 200 I could lend you," Miroku told InuYasha.

"500!!!!!!!!" InuYasha yelled out.

"Okay, and a bid of 500 smackers from-"


"Wow. Where's this guy getting all his money…"

"I've got 250," I hissed to InuYasha. If Naraku won this…


"800," I shot Sesshomaru and Kagura pleading glances. Sesshomaru growled and Kaugra started fishing through her purse

"I'll lend you 400, brother, but not a penny more," I was suddenly very thankful we all got such big payouts. Between our `after school job' and these three guys being royalty, there was no way Naraku had the money to out bid us.

1150!!!!!!!!" There was a murmur from the crowd.

"3000," How much money did Onigumo give this kid?!?!?!?!?!

"I'll give you 4962," Kagura said, after rummaging through her purse.

"Going once,"

"Where the hell did you get all that money?!?!?!"

"Working." Kagura said with a smirk.


"How much is that?!" Miroku asked, frowning.

"Fuck the math- 6000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"6000!!!!!!!!! We have 6000 big ones on the little Enustik girl, any more high rollers? No? Then the winner is-!"

"6500," Naraku bid.

"Do we have enough money?!" I asked anxiously.

"I don't think so…" Miroku said dejectedly.

"6500 going once!"

"Well, where else can we get some fucking cash?!" Kagura hissed.

"Twice!" InuYasha growled and glared at Naraku, anger flashing in his eyes. "Sold!!! For the highest bid in the history of this school, $3500, to the dark haired guy in the far corner."

(DV; AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `running away from furious fans,' WAIT!!!! Don't kill me!!!!!! Wait to see what I'm planning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

InuYasha grumbled something under his breath and stormed out of the gym as Kagome slowly made her way towards Naraku, obviously dreading the next few weeks.


[Yes, Sango?]

<Do you have a good reason for all this shit that's happening, cause I can't think of anything and I don't want Kagome blaming our bad vibes for her new boyfriend or something like that,>

[Murphy's Law?]

<Works for me,>

Two hours later, I was on a jog in the park. Kagome hadn't said a word since the auction, then as soon as we got home shut herself in her room. Kagura was still trying to coax her out, but I decided to leave it to big sis alone after Kagome threatened to tell Miroku I enjoyed some rather indicative videos I had no doubt the pervert owned.

Really, All I did was suggest she turn the bad situation around and get a better look at Naraku's house by being invited over. It wasn't like I wanted her to have sex with him or anything!!!

I sighed and nodded at guy who was sitting on a bench. God, sometimes our life was so annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love my makeshift family, but sometimes I just wanted to stop. I didn't know if it was from guilt, or fear, or if I just wanted a new life. Probably the last. I sometimes envied normal people. The ones who only worried about work and friends, the guy they liked and minor problems in the family. I hated having to put up with all those AND worrying about the police AND trying to punish those the law couldn't.

Sometimes I got so scared for me, and the girls. If even one of us ever got caught, everything we worked for, everything we wanted, all of it would vanish.

Sighing again, I sat down on one end of a teeter-totter. No matter what pretty words or reasons we gave, there was only one way to describe us. The Blood Sister were a bunch of underhanded thieves, no way around it. I smiled bitterly at a tree. Mom and Dad would REALLY be proud to see me now… the embodiment of what they most despised in life.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt the teeter-totter level off. Whirling around, I met the amused violet eyes of-


"Surprised to see me?" I glared distrustfully at the lecher.

"What are you doing here?!?!" If he'd been stalking me I swear…

"Miioku!!! Miioku!!!!" I blinked as a three year old with a gaped tooth grin tottered over to my persistent admirer, hugging his leg. "Mama's here!!!" A young woman came over, putting one hand on the child's head and smiling at Miroku.

"Sorry I'm late. My professor wanted me to stay over a while to work on something."

"It was no problem, Kokai-san," He said with a charming smile. "I enjoy every minute I spent with the children," Kokai laughed and picked the little girl up.

"Thank you so much, Miroku," She said with a relieved smile, "You don't know how much I appreciate what you do," Miroku waved his hand in a carefree manner.

"Think nothing of it, Kokai-san," He said airily. Then the woman noticed me.

"Oh!!! Is this your girlfriend, Miroku?"

"No," Miroku sighed sadly before I could protest myself, "Sadly such a vision of beauty is out of my grasp. This is Enustik Sango, a classmate of mine." She smiled at me and held out a hand.

"I'm Kokai Ninso, a friend of Miroku's. It's really nice to meet you. Miroku needs a good girl like you to make him an honest man," I somehow mangaged to keep my smiled from wavering, but no amount of self control could keep my face from going red.

"Thank you." I said.

"well, Sumomo and I should probably be heading back to the apartment. Thanks again, Miroku, and It was nice meeting you, Sango-san,"

"Bye Miioku!!!!" The little girl called out as she and her mother walked away.

"What was that all about?" I asked, a little confused. To my surprise, Miroku actually looked slightly embarrassed.

"That was a young lady who made some rather bad choices early in her life, and is paying for it now." He admitted. "Kokai-san is a college student studying to become a veterinarian, but she became pregnant with Sumomo early on in her studies. Now she's a single mother trying to finish college and juggling several low paying jobs. There are many like her, and I happen to watch their children free of charge while they attend school." I stared at him.

"You… watch their kids so they can get a better life?" Miroku smiled in the direction the pair had walked off in.

"No family should be put in a position where they are struggling, especially not if others can aid them." I stared at the pervert for a few seconds.


"I know It's not the way many High school students spend time after school, but It's something I feel I have to do," He said in a timid sort of way. I felt my eyes begin to water and blinked back the tears.

"That's so cute!!!!!!!!!!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around Miroku's neck.


"I think it's so great of you to help people out like that!!!! That's got to be one of the most noble, virtuous things I've ever heard of a guy doing without any strings attached!!!!!!!!!!" I said.

"Really? InuYasha laughed when he found out…"

"Well, InuYasha's a rude, arrogant, selfish clod!!! It's really sweet of you to help kids and their parents like that, Miroku!!!!!!!!!"

"My dear lady, I'm honored you regard my duty on such a high level." He said with an elaborate bow.

"Why wouldn't I? It's great that you can do something so fantastic for people without taking their money." I hugged him again, A little surprised that he still hadn't pressed his luck, wit me being so close and all. Not that I was complaining, It was actually pretty nice to be so close to Miroku without being violated in any sort of way. I now had a completely new respect for him.

"Tell me, my dear Sango, are my noble deeds honorable enough to win me a chance to take you out for a few hours? Not a date, just a impromptu engagement." He said, holding out a hand for me to take. I hesitated for only a second.

"Why not?" I shrugged, taking his hand. He smiled broadly. "But if you grope me once, I swear this `impromptu engagement' of yours is over! Along with any you may be planning on having in the future!!!"

"My dear lady Sango! For you, I will be on my absolute best behavior."

"Then this'll last for about five minutes…" I muttered under my breath.

Surprisingly, Miroku proved to be more resilient than I thought. We had dinner at a nice local café, where we quizzed each other on our likes and dislikes. I was surprised at how many things we had in common. Then we went to a karaoke bar and sang a few songs together. Mostly, though, we sat at a table in the corner drinking our sodas while Miroku told me funny little stories about InuYasha and Sesshomaru in their childhood. I kept tabs on all the things Sesshomaru did, so I could tell Kagura later.

Right now, we where going for a walk around a public garden and I was telling Miroku about some of the places the girls and I had visited after meeting each other. He was a very attentive listener.

"What specific place was your most favorite in the world?"

"Specifically? Toyko." Miroku shook his head.

"Not specific enough, my dear," I sighed, looking at the array of flowers that surrounded us. I sat down on a bench and motioned for Miroku to sit next to me.

"…there's a shrine. I can't remember exactly where it is, just that it's in Tokyo. One night, a strong storm rolled in unexpectedly, and Kohaku and I were out on the streets. We ran, trying to find some cover that wouldn't send us to an orphanage, and he saw the steps to this old shrine. We ran up them and found shelter in a small hut. It was old, but sturdy and dry. Kohaku fell asleep easily, but I couldn't. I never could after mother and father died. I had horrible nightmares every time I tried.

Anyways, after the rain died away there was a sound outside, and I got scared, thinking the hut belonged to someone and we were trespassing. I opened the door a little, just enough to peek outside and see who it was…"

"What did you see?" Miroku asked softly. I smiled sadly at a beautiful rose bush without really seeing the symbolic flower and rested my head against Miroku's chest. He hesitated before wrapping a comforting arm around my waist.

"It was so… beautiful. The clouds had disappeared, and the whole place was covered with tiny drops of rain. The moonlight made them sparkle like I was in some kind of dream or something. There were statues everywhere of mikos. Kohaku and I had missed them in our desperation to get out of the rain. Most were aged and had crumbled away with time, but one hadn't.

It was breathtaking. The statue of Midoriko, donned in her armor and grasping a jewel around her neck, stood in the middle of the shrine. A stream of moonlight was coming down, sort of like a spotlight and she was looking right at the hut, I could see her eyes, and thought that she looked so gentle for one of the most dangerous mikos to ever walk the earth. Then, I noticed something at her feet."

"What was it, Sango?"

"My parents. They were sitting there, looking at the statue. Mama had a tiny bundle in her arms. They looked so calm and happy. I yelled out to them, and threw the doors open, running towards them like my life depended on it. They looked at me, and looked so happy to see me, but they didn't say anything. I tried to touch Mama, to hug her, but she started to fade, so I backed away a little, scared to lose them again.

Mama touched her hand against my cheek, but I couldn't feel it. Then, she put the bundle at the base of the statue. Then Papa stepped up to me, and bent down so we were eye level. He planted a kiss on my forehead, then pressed something into my hands. What really surprised me was that I could feel whatever he'd given me.

Then, he and Mama stepped away and started to fade. I cried out and ran towards them, begging them to stay, for me and Kohaku, but they just gave me a sad smiled, then, Mama said something…"

"What did she say?"

"'Stay strong, my baby.' Those were her last words to me. `Stay strong.' After they vanished, I felt tired. Next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hut. It was morning, and Kohaku was still asleep.

I thought it was just a dream at first. It seemed too… unreal. I'd half convinced myself it never happened, when I felt something in my hand."

"What was it?"

"Papa's favorite knife. He made it himself, so it was one of a kind, and he was very proud of it. It'd vanished when he died, sheath and all, although I knew he had it when he left home. I was surprised. I didn't know what to think. Then I remembered the bundle Mama put in front of the statue. I ran outside, and found the statue was gone, but the bundle was still there. Inside was a tiny kitten. I knew, right then and there, that this was a special place, and I felt so… happy. I felt safe, and loved, and like I owned the world. I could've stayed there forever."

"But you didn't?"

"A man had seen me and Kohaku run up the shrine steps, and thought we were vandals decimating a holy place, so he called the cops. Kohaku and I ran when we heard them coming. I haven't seen the shrine since." Sango lifted her head to look into Miroku's eyes. "You probably think I'm crazy…"

"No," Miroku shook his head. "Quite the contrary, I believe you're very level-headed. And I believe your story." Miroku gently stroked my cheek. "I know what you saw is real, Sango. Your parent's loved you very much, and not even death could keep them from a final goodbye."

"What makes you so certain?" I asked desperately. "You've never even met my parents! What makes you so sure they'd do something like that?"

"Because," Miroku said, completely serious, "It's so hard not to love you, Sango. I have no doubt your parents felt the same, and that's why they wanted to reassure you while you were in mourning."

It's so hard not to love you,


"I'd better get home. Everyone might get worried." I said, trying to choke back the emotions I was feeling.

Miroku nodded, and helped me up.

We walked to the apartment in silence, enjoying the company of each other. I felt so tired, yet happy at the same time. I didn't know why, but being like this with Miroku, talking with him, singing with him, being comforted by him or just plain walking with him… it made me feel whole. Part of me was dreading reaching my apartment.

But it was inevitable. We reached my front door and it was time for me to go back. Miroku and my relationship would go back to yelling, groping and slapping, and the girls and I would go back to a life of thievery and running.

It was then, right in that hall, that I realized none of us, not me, or Kagome or Kagura, would ever truly get the life we wanted. A life were we could stay together forever, and be the normal, happy teens we envied so much.

The Blood Sisters were cursed for their sins.

That was probably what had Kagome so upset. She knew, when she'd met InuYasha, what I'd figured out tonight, and if we went through with Kokusei and Nazo, there'd be no turning back.

"Sango? Are you alright?" I blinked and realized I was close to crying.

"F-fine," I didn't want that. Any of it. I wanted to go to school, play with my siblings, get a boyfriend, go off to college, get married, get a legal job, have a million and one kids and grow old with the man I loved.

I didn't want to be Tsurara anymore!!!!

"Are you sure?" I sighed and looked into Miroku's eyes.

"We're too deep in to get cold feet now. We are going to do what the Blood Sisters have been doing for the last ten years. Punish those both human and youkai laws ignore. We're the karma for those who think they can take whatever they want and go unpunished."

"Miroku. Promise me something," It was too late. Too many people were counting on us to get rid of Kokusei and Nazo. And we swore to reveal ourselves after Kokusei and Nazo were punished, so that our own crimes would be recognized. Kagome had proven she wasn't going to back out because of selfishness, and now it was my turn.


"Swear to me that after Prom, you'll forget all about me. Find a new girl and move on."


"Promise me!!!!" Miroku frowned at me curiously, before setting his jaw in a determined sort of way.

"I cannot make that promise, Sango." I sighed and nodded, understanding.

"I'd better go." I opened the door then stopped, turning back to the hanyou. "Miroku?"

"Yes, Sango?" I stepped forward to gently kissed his cheek, then stepped back into the apartment.

"That was the best impromptu engagement I've ever had."


Sango, DV, Chiisai and Kagome- T.T

Inu- >..<

Sango- `sniff sniff' T-that was so beautiful!!!!!!!!

Inu- >..<

Kagome- I'm willing to slightly forgive you for the Naraku thing for the enormous amount of fluff in this chapter!!!

Inu- >..<

Chiisai- Wow!!!! Miroku should act like a well behaved gentleman more often!!!

Inu- >..<

DV- `sighs wistfully' That turned out better than I'd expected. I wasn't planning on putting a date in this chapter at first, but now I'm glad I did!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inu- >..<

Miroku- Is there a problem, Inuyasha?"

Inu- Hell yeah there's a problem!!!!!!!!!!! NARAKU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

DV- relax, Inu. The story's not over yet.

Inu- Damn well better not be!!!!! What's gonna happen anyways?!?!

DV- I can't tell you that!!!!!

Chiisai- Why not?

DV- Because it's not professional!!!!!!!!!!

Chiisai- So?

DV- -.-;;; What did I do to deserve this?

Chiisai- You could just-!

DV- No.

Chiisai- At least hear me out!!!!

Kagome- `sigh' Please review on your way out!!!!!