InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Staind Lies ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha. I own nothing...except this cookie...
Blood Stained Lies
By Hells_Angel89
Chapter Two:
Miroku stared down at the cell phone in his hand. “2:28.” Kagome was in surgery at the moment to fix the tendons and veins she had cut. Luckly for her, the only thing the wound on her head needed was a few sitches. What worried Miroku, however was not the wounds on her body, but the wounds in her soul.
*Flash Back - two months ago - *
Sango stood by a hospital bed, stroking the hand of a limp female form. The girl in the bed had tube running in and out of just about every inch of her body. One machine, on the left side of the bed, was acting as her lungs. While two others maintain and recorded her vital signs. Her face is swollen and bruised, the top of her skull, bandaged.
“I should have been there.” Whispered Sango as Miroku entered the room.
“What could you have done love? You and I both know that if you had been with her, that room next door wouldn't be empty, you'd be in it. I don't think that's what Kagome would have wanted.”
“No, but I would've stayed with her at the club instead of heading home he probably wouldn't of attacked her.” Sango felt foolish for crying but she couldn't stop the tears. “Or maybe, he would of picked me instead of her. And then...and then she...she wouldn't be here...she'd be...”
“She'd be exactally where you are right now, say the exact thing you're saying. We both know she wouldn't want that.”
“What did the doctor have to say?”
“She should heal quite nicely. There was no damage to her spinal cord. There is however alot of broken bones: her left arm, all her fingers and both legs.”
“Will she regain consisnous?”
“She should, but that all depends on if she wants to live or not.”
“Wha-What does that mean?”
“Love,” whispered Miroku as he crossed the room and embraced her. “No one can even fathom what Naraku put our Kagome through. When the cops finally found her, she was chained to the wall of his basment. There were tools of torture on a table near by. Phiscally she should heal with no problem, but mentally, no one can say...”
“Someone should let Inu Yasha know.”
“I know,” Miroku murmered into Sango's hair.
“He deserves to know about her.”
“I know.”
“Even if he did abandon her to go live with Kikyo in London.”
“Now Sango. She told him to.”
“But she didn't think he'd actally move out there!”
“And how was suppose to know that love? We both know that Inu Yasha's kinda dense.” Replied Miroku, keeping his voice steady and calm.
“Still, he shouldn't have left right before she needed him most!”
“Sango, don't blame Inu Yasha for what happened to her. He had no way of knowing what was going to happen to Kagome. No one could've know what was going to happen.”
“But if he stayed, we wouldn't of gone to that bar. And I wouldn't... I... left her there.” Sango fell into Miroku as she broke down. Miroku glanced down at the bed where Kagome lay and did a double take. Kagome was comeing to! “Sango look!” He spun his beloved around to face her. Miroku began to remove the breathing tube (he's a doctor so don't worry) and gently held her down while speaking words of incouragement.
“Inu Yasha...” Kagome whispered.
*End Flash Back*
That time, the road for recovery had gone very smoothly for Kagome. Well, physically at least. Mentally, she was still in shock. She did have her good days, even if they were too few too often. On those days, she wouldn't `hear' the voice degrading her. Those day's you could talk to her and she would completely understand what you were saying. Most days however, were a completely diffrent story. The things you said to her went in one ear and out the other. She would only hear what she wanted to hear, and even then it was twisted. She was constantly in her own fantasy world, speaking to people who weren't really there and seeing some as others. There were quite a few occasions were she had mistaken Miroku or Sango for Inu Yasha.
During this last week though, poor Kagome had taken a turn for the worst. The last few times Miroku and Sango visited her, she sat in a corner telling the cactus plant that it was all her fault. At first the couple had thought she had been refering to torture she went through. But then she whispered, “It's my fault he left, he couldn't stand me. If I didn't exist he'd still be here. It's all my fault, my fault.” Of course the couple had tried to console her and explain that it was not her fault, but she just continued on as if they weren't even there.
`Damn it Inu Yasha,' thought Miroku as he calmly walked into the waiting room. `Kagome need's you more now then ever.'
“Sango, my love, do you happen to have Kaede's number?”
6666666666666666666 1 hour later 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Kaede stood at the head of Kagome's bed, stroking the sleeping girl's hair. “She's been through more than she can handel. The poor girl.”
Miroku, who was standing oppisite of her, just nodded his head. Sango was fast asleep, sprawled over a couch in the corner.
“He called me yesterday. Can you believe it?”
Miroku stared up at the old woman in shock. “What did he say?”
“Not much. He did ask how she was doing though.” Kaede responded carefuly. She knew how sensitive the topic of Inu Yasha was.
“What did you tell him?” Asked Miroku, making sure to keep his gaze on Kagome.
“I said to him, `Imagine the worst case scenrio. Now Multiply that by how long you've been away.' I didn't give him any details.”
“Why now? Why call you now for the first time since the bastard left?! Please forgive my rudeness Kaede, but he's a dumbass.”
Kaede stopped and walked towards the door. “Miroku, let's go get some coffee.” With a quick glance at his fiancee and Kagome, he fallowed the old woman out the door.
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“He broke her heart you know.” Miroku told the old woman seated across the both non too kindly.
“So did Koga and Hojo.”
“I know. I dispise them too.”
“She told him to go ahead and leave with Kikyo.”
“Yeah, but it was in a fit of rage. You didn't think she ment it did you?”
“How do you know she didn't mean it?”
“She loved him! Damn it, she still loves him! Tell me Kaede, would you tell the man you love to go live with another woman?”
“If I thought that would make him happier, yes. Yes I would.”
The two old friends paused as a couple entered and sat down at another both. Kaede leaned in towards Miroku and continued to speak with a lowered voice.
“None of us know what was truly said between them that day Miroku, remember that. So far, we have only heard one side of the story.”
“Oh yeah? Then tell me, what does the other side say?”
“That's not for me to say. Maybe you should ask him yourself.”
“And just how do I do that Kaede? Have you forgotten that the fool left with out leaving any information?”
“He didn't leave any information because he couldn't. Have you forgotten how controlling Kikyo could get?”
The young doctor stood up with a rush and dropped a twenty onto the table top. Throwing the old woman a deadly glare, Miroku dashed out of the cafe.
A/N: OMG I am sooo sorry I didn't get this out on time. I'm not worthy. Please forgive me!