InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Staind Lies ❯ Heated Weapons ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Come on guys... you should know the drill by now... I own neither Inu Yasha.
Blood Stained Lies
By: Hells_Angel89
Chapter 7: Heated Weapons
Naraku tried to catch his breath as he leaned against his headboard. He could hear the girl on the floor, she was sleeping. The hanyou threw the now soiled sheets and walked to where she lay. A pride filled smirk spread across his lips as he brushed some hair out of her face. She was out cold. Staring at her feet, he let his fingers trace her curves. When he got to her head he tangled a hand into her hair. Suddenly he stood up with a great force, dragging the girl with him. “Did I day you could go to sleep?” His voice sent shivers down her back.
“Well,” said the woman teasingly. “Maybe if you would do something intresting I could stay awake.”
The enraged man threw her to the ground.
She just looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.
“What,” he spat at her.
“Well, I'm waiting to see why you woke me up...”
A disgusting smile spread across his lips as he bent down and grabbed her by the ankle. The carpet rubbed unforgivingly at her back, causing it to burn. She knew he was doing this to cause her pain, just as she knew that when he was done having his fun he would repay her.
Kikyo felt cold aluminum tiles on her back and instantly knew they were in the kitchen. Her heart began to rage against its confinements. She knew what was coming. Naraku only brought her into the kitchen for two things; to cook, and to be branded.
He dropped her leg as if it were molten lava. She could hear him rummaging through the drawers to find a metal shiskabob stick. Smirking, he turned on the gas stove and stuck the instrument into the fire. It began to glow.
Grabbing one of her arms, he threw her onto the kitchen table. He pulled her ass back and pushed her head down so that it was pressed up against the table. Using his free hand, he spread her legs and pushed himself against her back door entrance.
She felt some skin on her lover back sizzle and blister as the heated rod was pressed onto her. Without warning, Naraku thrust himself into her ass, making her cry out. He smiled and leaned over to whisper to her.
“You know, if you want me to stop all you have to do is say his name.”
He smiled as the woman beneath him withered in pain as he moved in and out of her. Without missing a beat he lifted the metal rod bringing it dangerously close to her skin. “Hmmm what do you think I should write on you this time Kik? Maybe I should make a list of all my victims, just to remind you of how nice I've been up `till now.”
Kikyo let out a sheer scream as he began to write down the names of people whose lives he had brought to a halt. The list seemed to go on forever... The woman felt her head began to spin; the world around her started to get foggy. Pain was surrounding her in a blanket of misery. She knew that this is how some his victims had must of felt when he worked his magic on them. But there was a big difference between the people on her back and herself; she chose this. All she had to do to end her own misery was utter two simple words and her torturer would stop, scared to hurt her more than nessary. The others hadn't been so lucky. They had no choice in the matter, all they could do was try to keep up with the sick bastards commands.
“Come on Kikyo, you know you want to say it.”
The woman just glared at him over her shoulder with passion burning in her eyes.
“Stupid bitch!” Naraku screamed as he began to whip at her back with the rod. “Don't you know you never say never!”
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A/N: Wow, that one was a hard one for me to write. Please forgive me for this being so late. There were a few personal problems have been arising, making it hard for me to concentrate. But now I think that I'll just that frustration and put it into my writing. Please review, it would make me feel better to know that people actually have feed back from this (even if it is bad).
Brit signing out...
