InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood stains ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi had the sole pleasure of creating these characters.

Kagome hadn't spoken to him for a day. A whole day! She didn't seem to be mad, just unnerved; scratch that, downright frightened. Inuyasha's claws dug into his palms, the harsh prickle of claws breaking flesh going unnoticed. He'd turned again, but he didn't remember what he'd done. Somehow though, the well had been smashed and stuffed with rubble. Everytime he tried asking Kagome what had happened she just looked down and mumbled something noncommittal, or didn't answer at all, driving him insane, then she'd busy herself with something else. He cursed and slashed at the trees before him.

He'd make her tell him. He needed to. Sango and Miroku were both out of commission. He couldn't ask them. Kaede wouldn't let him in to talk to them, saying they needed their rest. Something had happened--hell, he didn't even remember what, but he awoke in the river, scrubbbing again. Any trace if what might have been on him had been washed off. Inuyasha inhaled deeply and headed in the direction of the river. Kagome would be there, he knew. She seemed to stay by the river a lot since he'd turned full-demon. Silently he stalked through the forest and made his way to the her, driven by her sad, longing scent.

Kagome was in a towel and laying out her school uniform. It was in shreds, Inuyasha saw and his eyes widened. He hadn't even realized she hadn't been wearing it. She buried her face in her hands and wept. Inuyasha looked more closely, he could smell her blood. Was it her time of the month again? No...hadn't she gotten over that a week ago? He sniffed again, it was mixed with something else. Kagome lifted out of her uniform her--what were they called again?--panties. They were torn and blood covered them, dried and shredded.

She sobbed and threw them away, turning around, not noticing it was in Inuyasha's direction-or for that matter, noticing him at all. He picked them up and ducked back into to the forest. There was something else caked on them. His eyes wiened and then narrowed in fury. Semen. Semen covered them. He understood now, someone had raped Kagome and that's why he had changed full-demon, although he still didn't remember if that indeed had been the cause of it all.

Kagome's cries had increased and Inuyasha knew he had to comfort her. She had turned around and was slowly slipping off her towel. Inuyasha froze midway and tried to backtrack. As the towel slid of her back he saw light scratches covering her back. She turned slightly, her head lowered and reached for something on the ground. He saw love bites under her breasts and a faint red line running between them to her belly button, like someone had sliced her shirt open.

As her eyes flickered upward for a second, time froze and Inuyasha was already regretting his decision to bother Kagome. Instead of screaming 'sit' like he'd thought she would, she gasped, scrabbled back and fell onto her butt. She reached for the towel to cover her slender nakedness and her fear was so strong it was making him dizzy. He extended a clawed hand to reach out to her and she screamed, "No!" Inuyasha developped a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He approached Kagome carefully and sat a good distance away from her.

In a soft voice he said, "I'm sorry for scaring you." She didn't respond and he felt the bad feeling increase. "Kagome," he whispered gently. "I want you to tell me what happened when I transformed, and I want to know why I transformed." Kagome was shaking hard. Her pulse was steadily increasing to unbelievable heights and her breath was coming in short puffs. She buried her head in her hands and said shrilly, "Nothing, nothing happened." Inuyasha sighed, "Kagome, please--trust me, okay?"

Kagome began to cry again, he longed to hold her and make her worries vanish, but he knew she wouldn't let him. Kagome laughed weakly, "Trust? Alright. You want to know what happened? I'll tell you." Her anger was overpowering her fear and Inuyasha worried for his life now. Her voice increased in volume as she said, "It was Naraku, I suppose--and Kikyo. We were in the middle of fighting one of his lackeys, when Naraku appeared with Kikyo at his side. Kikyo smiled and kissed him. The lackey sliced through you in seconds when you were distracted. Your demon blood took over to save you and you annihalated the lackey. Naraku took off but Kikyo stayed behind, smirking. She came up to you and caressed your face. That's when you snapped. You grabbed her hand and pulled her close, gripping her by the hair. You traced your claws along her neck and she struggled to get away. I tried to get you to let go, you--" her voice cracked, "You turned on me. Kikyo ran and left me behind. Miroku and Sango were unconscious and Kirara had taken Shippo to them. No one heard me scream. You didn't care. I trusted you and you know what? Do you know what I got out of it Inuyasha?"

She collapsed, her anger ebbing away and her misery weighing her down to the ground. "You raped me, Inuyasha. You raped me." She stood and ran from him. Inuyasha didn't call her back. He had raped Kagome...? The words slowly sank in. "FUCK!" He punched the ground and howled his fury. He'd--he' could he have done that to her?

A wetness flowed down his face and he looked up startled. "Kagome..." He needed her. He needed to--to...he couldn't possibly apologize for that. How could you take it back? His tears mingled with his blood as his claws slashed his face in agony. The one person he really cared about, Kagome--he'd raped her. He'd made her suffer. He should suffer in turn. He needed her to understand his regret, his turmoil, his--she needed to understand him. He wanted to hold her and make everything better for her. But he wasn't worthy of touching her. Suddenly he realized Kagome was naked, defenceless and weak out in the forest with both demons and humans. He sped after her. No matter how much she hated him, he would protect her with his life.

Kagome was reliving it. Her mind cruelly continued to play it on and on and on in her mind. She wasn't mad at Inuyasha, she was mad at herself. She was disgusting, a horrible person. She sighed through her tears and tried not to visualize it anymore...

Naraku's newest offspring didn't look like much, and he seemed to be mute, but boy, could he fight. Sango and Miroku were both out of comission. She'd ordered Kirara to take them and Shippo to a safer range and guard them. Inuyasha was still injured from his last fight with Naraku, there was no way he could function properly. The well had been smashed beyond repair and Kagome needed to help him as best she could. She was readying her arrow when a giggle from above made her twirl. Kikyo smiled down at her. Naraku kept a firm grip around her waist and one of his hands played in her long black hair.

Inuyasha was grinning about something as he turned to yell at Kagome. The grin slipped from his face and he looked on in horror as Naraku tilted Kikyo's face to a better angle and she pushed herself firmly into him. He broke away for air first and she tugged him back for another. Kagome shot a worried glance at Inuyasha and she saw the offspring jump into action. Her scream didn't even faze Inuyasha as he was cut down and as his blood pooled around him. She shot, aiming straight for the offspring who was about to lay the final blow. The air around her pulsed and she suddenly realized what was about to happen.

Inuyasha had lost his sword, it was lying off to the side, discarded. Naraku's newest creation hesitated, it was all full-demon Inuyasha needed. Kagome closed her eyes as he was instantly sliced into ribbons and as his blood splashed down around him. The blood hit her and she flinched. Naraku whispered something to Kikyo who nodded and dropped down beside Kagome. He vanished with a laugh and Kikyo brushed past Kagome. Full-demon Inuyasha turned to face the two girls, his face hungry and vicious for battle and death. Kikyo smirked and walked up to him with a seductive sway in her hips.

Kagome gulped and hesitated, what should she do? Inuyasha would never hurt Kikyo, no matter what so Kagome felt out of sorts. When Kikyo raised her hand and caressed his face Kagome was shocked to see him grab that hand and pull her to him. His other hand grabbed her hair and he released his grip on her hand. His free hand scrapped across her neck and Kikyo tried to purify him, but it didn't work. Kikyo was freaked now, Kagome was panicking and Inuyasha was sneering.

She ran forward and tugged at his robe. "Let her go," she pleaded. Inuyasha dropped Kikyo and looped an arm around Kagome. She froze and stared at Kikyo with wide eyes. Kikyo scrambled up and ran away, seething in anger. Inuyasha licked her cheek and ran a hand up her thigh. "Inuyasha!" she yelped. "Stop that!" A blush stung her face cherry red. He rubbed his face against hers and sank gentle claws into her side. "Mine," he whispered. Kaogme tried to get him to let go and she said, "No Inuyasha. Leave me alone. Go grab your sword, do you hear me--hey! Put me down this instant! Inuyasha! Stop it!"

He had lifted her up and was holding her tightly. He sprinted away like a blur and she closed her eyes. "Put me down," she whispered. Inuyasha ran faster until he found what he was looking for. He set her down in the middle of the forest and started taking his clothes off. Kagome's eyes widened and her blush intensified. "What, what are you doing?!" she screeched. Inuyasha's demon eyes looked her over and he smirked, "You are mine." He looked feral, dangerously handsome and for some reason the blood on his bare chest made him look delectable.

Kagome backed away and was surprised to find herself thrown to the ground, with Inuyasha pinning her down and nibbling on her neck. His fangs grazed across the hollow of her throat and his claws sliced through her shirt and it fluttered open to reveal her powder blue bra. She gasped as he blew on the bra and it fell apart, split cleanly, releasing her breasts. A faint red scratch started from between her breasts and down. Kagome yelled and smacked him, but he ignored her and ripped the rest of the shirt off.

Kagome attempted to cover herself but he wouldn't let her. "Don't hide from me, beautiful Kagome..." His mouth and fangs came down on her breasts with a vengence and Kagome froze in complete shock. Once he was certain she was turned on, he shredded her skirt and tore her panties. He paused for a moment and locked eyes with her, he saw consent in her lusty-filled eyes. Unable to do anything but go into shock Kagome moaned when he entered her, the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure that followed. He purred for her and sank his claws into her again. She whimpered and snagged his hair.

Once he began moving she lost herself in the rhythm and the exotic, erotic, euphoria of his passionate thrusts. When she came his eyes glinted and he pushed himself into her once more to complete himself. Finally when it was over he let her go and smirked then disappeared for a moment. She cleaned herself off as best she could with her torn clothing and followed him. He was in the river bathing away the blood that still coated him and her sweat and cum. He looked beautiful. She knew Inuyasha never remembered what happened when he was transformed and her heart fragmented. He wouldn't remember. If he ever found out...? Had it been rape? Kagome didn't know anymore. It had certainly started out that way, but... Kagome wanted him to take her again and again. She craved him and found herself thinking she'd used him. Obviously as full-demon he picked up on her emotions better, meaning he was only responding to her.

Something cackled behind her. Kagome turned, unwilling to play defenceless maiden any longer. Knowing it was stupid and not caring, Kagome rushed them with a hefty stick in her right arm. Inuyasha barely managed to avoid the--for lack of better word to describe it--log swinging at his face. He jumped back and put out his hands in a gesture of peace. Kagome threw it down with a sigh, "Go away," she ordered. "I don't want your pity or anything. Just leave me alone, alright?"

Inuyasha touched his rosary and started, "I wanted, that is, well--" The leaves rustled and a man came out with a sloppy smile on his face. Kagome gave a disgusted grunt and picked up the stick again. "Get lost," she told him. He brushed by Inuyasha and smiled friendlily. "Wanna play?" Kagome's anger exploded, "Get LOST!" she screamed. Inuyasha grabbed the guy by the collar and threw him away, straight into a tree. He tried to continue, "I just want you to know that I--"

Two youkai crept up behind Inuyasha and one behind Kagome. A vein sparked out of Inuyasha's head, "Piss off," he yelled. Two bodies went flying and Kagome's dangerous stick gave the third one a lump on his head the size of a small boulder.

Inhaling deeply he opened his mouth again, "Look--" "Fresh meat, hanyou and ningen," a voice purred. Inuyasha shook with fury and Kagome's anger was emerging too as a female youkai minced out of the shadows and approached them. "Not now!" growled Inuyasha ferociously. "I'm trying to fucking admit I'm in love with Kagome and that I'm SORRY!!!!" he hollered. The poor youkai went flying.

Kagome leaned on her trusty stick and raised an eyebrow at the out of breath Inuyasha who was still glaring in the general direction of all the beaten youkai. She cleared her throat and asked, "Love me?" Inuyasha turned with a blush, "Umm...well yes, but after what I did to you, I don't see how you could ever forgive m--" Kagome pounced on him with a kiss and they both fell back. Kagome's eyes were lusty. "How about this, we try it out, and I'll forgive you." Inuyasha blushed again and Kagome chuckled throatily. "I didn't know you were so innocent," she said laughing. Inuyasha's eyes turned feral and Kagome shivered. "I'm not," he whispered.

The end, for now.
Or...TO BE CONTINUED...?'s up to you. My lemons aren't the greatest.