InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood & Tears ❯ Relapse ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
Blood & Tears
Chapter 5: Relapse
InuYasha was still thinking about everything that had happened the last few weeks. He was finally going to take Kagome as his mate. They were both okay with the idea that Sesshomaru would claim her as well. At least with Sesshomaru's mark, Kagome would be safe from others like Kouga who would disregard his mark because he was a hanyou. It might even help with those who would think to go after her while they tried to locate that last fragment of the Shikon no Tama. InuYasha was willing to do almost anything to keep Kagome safe.
Kagome woke to find amber eyes once again looking down at her, but not for long. She had forgotten it was the night of the new moon. As the sun drifted below the horizon, the changed washed over InuYasha as he became human for the night. She looked into the now violet-black eyes before she reached up and pulled him into a kiss. This one seemed more intense, and then she remembered that human InuYasha had more emotions. He sometimes did or said things he didn't really intend to because he didn't have as much control.
Mama coughed before she entered the living room to tell them that dinner was ready.
It was Kagome's first real food in nearly three weeks. Well, sort of. She wasn't getting anything like steak yet, but Spaghetti with real meatballs was a vast improvement over what she had been eating. She could even have salad again and scarfed everything down. InuYasha just grinned. He was happy to see her get her appetite back.
Kagome was planning to try and go back to school the next day since she had a test coming up later in the week. She announced she was going up to her room to study after she excused herself from the table. InuYasha followed after her not really knowing what else to do. He couldn't just go out and hop up in the tree when he was human.
Kagome had counted on him coming up after her. She knew he did not like to be alone when he was human, that he was used to having her watch over him. She closed the door behind him and locked it.
“I…I thought you were going to study,” InuYasha said.
“I am…I'm going to study you,” Kagome replied as she pulled him into a kiss.
InuYasha was flooded by waves of emotion as he kissed her. He couldn't properly smell her, but he could feel himself growing hard as she rubbed her body up and down against his. His hands started up under her t-shirt and traced their way to her breasts. She moaned her approval as she arched her back to rub into him harder. As his thumbs teased her nipples, her hand found its way down inside of his sweatpants. She used her other hand to guide his inside of hers. She pulled his mouth back to hers as they rode each other in ecstasy, her hand around him, and his fingers inside her, flicking her clit with his thumb in rhythm. Kagome had to turn loose to hold onto InuYasha with both hands to stay on her feet as he brought her to climax. He knew she wanted more, and he wanted to give her more, so he pulled down her sweats and she stepped out of them before he set her on the bed. She sighed as he went to work with his tongue.
When her body could take no more, she whispered, “Your turn.”
So he could have more control, she lay on the floor with a pillow under her head, and had him with his knees either side of her so she could take him in her mouth as she had Sesshomaru that day in the cave. InuYasha closed his eyes as he thrust into her warm mouth, her tongue washing over him as her hands gripped him to apply pressure. He saw stars behind his closed eyelids when he exploded. As she swallowed everything she was given, he reached behind him to massage her breasts. When he was finally finished and licked clean, he stretched out and lay on the floor next to her, then leaned over and kissed her.
“InuYasha, I love you,” Kagome whispered when he pulled away.
InuYasha knew if he did not say it now, he might not ever be able to. It was time to stop hiding, time to let her know how he felt. “I…I love you too, Kagome.”
He rolled Kagome over on his chest and pulled her into another kiss. He never wanted to let her go.
They did not bother to get dressed when they eventually climbed into bed. InuYasha pulled Kagome back into him so he could bury his face in her hair as he nuzzled her neck. Satiated and content, they both fell asleep for a nightmare-free night.
~ ^~^ ~
InuYasha showered and dressed the next morning to walk Kagome to school. He wasn't about to let her go by herself. He would meet her at lunchtime to make sure she was okay, and then come back to walk her home. She still did not have her full strength back and promised she would call home if she got too tired.
InuYasha was glad to see her friend Ayume as they arrived at the grounds of the school. She smiled when she saw Kagome and InuYasha and walked over to meet them.
“Hi Ayume, how are you?” Kagome asked, and then continued, “Where are the others?” The three were usually inseparable.
“Eri was in something of a huff when she saw you walk up with InuYasha and went in. I had already told her off and told her to leave you alone, so she wasn't in a good mood anyway,” Ayume replied.
Kagome sighed, “It's just as well. I was not ready to deal with her again, anyway.”
As Kagome stared towards the building, InuYasha motioned to Ayume and whispered to her, “Will you keep an eye on her? She still gets tired and might try to do too much. I'll be back at lunch to check on her, but will you call the shrine if she gets too tired or anything happens?”
Ayume smiled and nodded. Kagome knew what InuYasha was up to, but that was okay. She was glad he was concerned about her.
The warning bell rang so Kagome kissed InuYasha goodbye and headed inside with Ayume. InuYasha disappeared in a flash back to the shrine. He'd promised Grandpa he would help him move some of the heavier objects he had while Kagome was in school. First though, he went in and told Mama Higurashi that Ayume had promised to call if Kagome got too tired, and also asked her to remind him when it was time to go back for Kagome's lunch time. With that, he went barefoot out to see what Grandpa had for him to do.
~ ^~^ ~
Kagome was getting tired, but not from her schoolwork. Well, that was giving her a headache, but what was exhausting her was trying to stay away from Eri, who still seemed hell-bent on getting her to talk about what happened. She was so glad she had Ayume there who understood. However, Eri was starting to get on her last nerve.
Thank the Kami it was time for lunch. She saw Eri following her again, but it didn't matter. Eri came to a complete stop when InuYasha showed up to meet Kagome for lunch. She just glared and went back the other way. InuYasha had a perfectly good excuse to be there - he had brought Kagome's medically approved lunch for her to eat. Ayume had her lunch and joined them. InuYasha stayed to make sure that Kagome was okay, and to keep Eri at bay. When lunch was over, InuYasha kissed Kagome goodbye and told her he would be back to pick her up after school. He made Kagome promise again to call if she got too tired. Ayume nodded in agreement. She understood.
Kagome was completely stressed out by the end of the day. She did not know what she would have done without Ayume running interference. She wasn't really sure she wanted to come back the next day. Ayume was walking her out after school when here came Eri, again. Kagome caught her breath and kept heading for the door. She could not wait to get away from her. Eri, unfortunately, couldn't take the hint. She made the mistake of running up behind Kagome and grabbing her just as she made it outside. BIG mistake. Kagome didn't even think about what she was doing. SLAP! She had whirled and hit Eri as hard as she could. Kagome burst into tears. Everything that had happened to her had come rushing back in a flood. She ran and buried herself in the waiting InuYasha's chest. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair and back, trying to get her to calm down.
Normally kind, calm, and happy Ayume had had it. “WHAT did you THINK you were DOING!! I've TOLD you to LEAVE HER ALONE! YOU ALWAYS THINK YOU KNOW MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!”
Ayume didn't care that Kagome had hit Eri so hard that Eri had been knocked on her butt in the floor. Kagome had left a handprint that would have made Sango proud. Ayume ran out the door to catch up with Kagome and InuYasha.
“Oh Kagome, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault,” Ayume said softly.
InuYasha looked at Ayume. “It ain't your fault. It was the other girl's fault. I know you're trying to help Kagome. That fucking idiot just undid weeks' worth of progress. I'd better take her home.”
InuYasha picked Kagome up, her head still buried in his chest and crying. As he started to turn away he asked, “Do you want to come home with her? It might help.”
Ayume nodded, and followed them to the shrine.
InuYasha carried Kagome up to her room, with Ayume right behind them. InuYasha set Kagome on her bed and held her until she finally started to calm down. When she at last let go, he kissed her on the forehead, “I'm going downstairs. Your friend is going to stay here with you, keh?”
Kagome nodded and kissed him before InuYasha left and shut the door behind him.
InuYasha went downstairs to tell her mother what had happened. He told her how Eri had tried to grab her from behind, how Kagome had flattened her before running to him terrified, and how her friend Ayume had come home with them and was with her.
Mama Higurashi had not really cared for Eri before, but she really didn't like her now. Apparently the school had already called to tell her of the incident, and Eri had said that she did not do anything to provoke it - Kagome just hit her for no reason. InuYasha told her that Ayume had witnessed everything and had been telling Eri to leave Kagome alone before it happened, and how she told her off while Eri was sitting on her butt in the floor. InuYasha was certain that Ayume would be happy to tell the school what really happened. He knew Kagome should have come home at lunch when he felt how stressed she was. All because of one stupid girl who couldn't keep her nose to herself.
Mama went up to check on Kagome while InuYasha went out and jumped in the tree. He hoped they weren't going to start the rounds of nightmares all over again.
InuYasha was on his favorite branch when Mama came out and sat on the bench. She didn't even have to say anything to him; he jumped silently down and sat next to her.
“InuYasha, how did you know to bring Ayume home with you after what happened?” Mama asked him quietly.
“I knew the same kind of thing had happened to her, and that Kagome had been able to talk to her after she found out. She came over here to tell Kagome what had happened to her, and helped Kagome see it wasn't her fault,” InuYasha said softly.
“But, how did you know? Even before…” Mama asked.
“You remember the day the three of them came over with the boy?” InuYasha asked her.
Mama nodded so he continued, “It's hard to explain, except I could tell by her scent - it was a combination of worry and fear. She was really unhappy that they had come and with the other girl's questions. When she showed up that day to talk to Kagome, I just knew,” InuYasha answered.
They sat in silence for a few minutes then InuYasha said, “I hope this doesn't start another round of nightmares. Kagome's been so much better. I can't believe that fucking girl was so stupid. I heard Ayume tell her to leave her alone at lunch.”
Mama just sighed in agreement. “InuYasha, Kagome is lucky to have a friend like you. I'm glad you brought Ayume back with you. They're talking and things will work out. I did tell the school that Kagome is not coming back tomorrow. After this they may finally let me pull her out and home school her.”
“Home school?” InuYasha asked.
“She would still have to do her work and take her tests, but she could do it from here over the computer. I thought she would miss the interaction with her friends, but after today, that may not be such a bad thing.”
“You ready to come back in?” Mama asked.
“Keh.” InuYasha got up and followed her in.
InuYasha and Mama Higurashi came in to find Kagome and Ayume quietly talking in the kitchen over a cup of tea. Kagome smiled at them when they came in and told them to sit. As InuYasha sat next to Kagome, she pulled his hand into her lap and leaned over and kissed him.
“InuYasha, I hope you don't mind. I told Ayume we would do her a favor,” Kagome started.
“We're going on a double-date with her to the movies tomorrow night, okay?"
Kagome squeezed his hand to let him know she would explain. Ayume stood up and said she'd better go. Mama told Kagome to stay and she would walk Ayume out.
Mama Higurashi explained to Ayume what Eri had done after she and Kagome left the school grounds. Ayume said she would tell them exactly what had happened, and how many times she had warned Eri to leave Kagome alone. Mama thanked her for that as well as coming home with Kagome and came back in.
“So what's this about a double-date?” Mama asked.
InuYasha looked confused. `What is a double-date' he thought, along with `what's a movies?'
Kagome recognized that look and laughed. InuYasha smiled. He was happy to hear her laugh, even if it was at him.
Kagome decided she should explain. “There is a boy that has asked Ayume out, but he is older than her. She's afraid to go out with him alone even though she likes him because she does not know him that well, so we're all going to go together. InuYasha, you'll be my date and Ayume will be with Niro. We'll meet them for an early dinner before we go to the movies.”
InuYasha finally asked, “What's a movies?”
“You know the long shows that we watch on TV?” Kagome asked.
“Well it's like that, except that it is a really big room with a really big screen that a lot of people can watch at once. You'll see.”
InuYasha was going to do his best that night to help Kagome have a nightmare free night. He didn't even argue with her when she wanted to go to sleep with no pajamas. He loved the feeling of her against his skin as much as she loved his. He pulled her into his body and was gently rubbing her abdomen to sooth her as she drifted off asleep. While she did wake him a couple of times during the night when her whimpers would start, he would pull her close and rub her belly until her breathing had evened out, and she was again sleeping peacefully.
~ ^~^ ~
Kagome and Mama took time during the day to explain more to InuYasha about their double date that night. Mama had decided that they each needed a new outfit to wear, so she was taking them shopping, and they would have lunch at a restaurant so that InuYasha would have an opportunity to set foot in one before their date that night.
InuYasha wanted to please Kagome, so he was very attentive to his lessons. His language had already drastically improved since he had been around Mama Higurashi so much. At least he didn't use `fuck' for every other word now. His table manners were also much better since he had been eating with the family so much.
In turned out his biggest problem was the menu. They didn't have Ramen on it, and he couldn't read all of the items. He could read some, but not enough to decipher everything in front of him. Kagome helped him through it and they decided on something he thought he would like. She decided if it was mentioned at dinner, she would just tell Ayume and Niro that InuYasha was dyslexic and sometimes had trouble deciphering the words. She also reminded herself to explain that to InuYasha before they met them.
InuYasha looked, well, hot. There was no other description. He was wearing black pants and a black silk shirt with silver studs for buttons. His hair was tied back and a black bandana covered his ears.
InuYasha thought Kagome looked beautiful. She was wearing a simple blue sweater dress that accented the curves of her body with a necklace and earrings that were a swirl of royal blue, black and silver. He took her hand as they headed out the door to meet Ayume and Niro.
InuYasha was relieved that they were going back to the same restaurant they had lunch at. During the course of their meal, he'd noticed a couple of items that smelled good as they passed their table on the way to their destinations. He had asked Kagome and Mama Higurashi what they were, and thought he would try one of them tonight. He also made sure to ask which ones had the curry in them when they went by - he wanted to make sure he didnot end up with one of those.
~ ^~^ ~
Their double date had been going very well. Ayume was quiet and shy, but Niro seemed very nice. They had made it through dinner with no major catastrophes, and were walking to the nearby theatre. Kagome had InuYasha by the hand, and they were following Ayume and Niro. InuYasha was on the outside, alert to everything going on around him as usual.
During dinner they had decided on a recently released action film. They stood in line to get their tickets before going inside. InuYasha actually groaned when they went inside. Of all the sounds, smells, and people in the lobby, what jumped out at him were Eri, Yuki, and Hojo. What were they doing here? He heard Ayume make a noise that sounded like a strangled cat. Apparently she wasn't too happy with seeing them here, either. Someone had apparently told them about their double date, and Eri couldn't keep her nose out of their business.
InuYasha instinctively stepped in front of Kagome when he saw the three head towards them. He wasn't letting that fucking idiot anywhere near Kagome again.
InuYasha did not even attempt to be polite. “What the fuck do you want?” he said to Eri as they came up.
Eri just acted like she hadn't heard. “Ayume, Kagome, what are you doing here? Which movie are you going to see? We can all go together.”
Ayume was glaring at Yuki when she said, “We are on a date, and you were not invited. Haven't you already done enough damage, Eri? Is it possible for you to get your own life and stop meddling with everybody else's?”
Eri pretended she did not hear Ayume either as she said to her, “Aren't you going to introduce me to your date? I was starting to think you didn't like guys.”
Kagome had had enough and stepped out from behind InuYasha. “Eri, if you don't want me to put your butt in the floor again, I suggest you leave. That was totally uncalled for. Just because she is more choosy about whom she goes out with than you are doesn't mean you have to treat her that way. We are going now. Don't follow us.”
After they had moved to the line for drinks and popcorn, Kagome turned to Niro and said, “Please don't blame Ayume for any of this. None of it was her fault.”
InuYasha added, “That fucking bitch just can't keep her nose in her own fucking business.”
Realization slowly crossed Niro's face. “That fight that was between two girls at school yesterday…”
Kagome answered, “That was me and Eri. She made the mistake of grabbing me from behind, and I instinctively turned around and hit her. It wasn't much of a fight. She scared me because I was not expecting it, and I laid her out in the floor and ran to InuYasha. Then Ayume told her off for grabbing me like that. That was pretty much it.”
Niro said, “She doesn't exhibit a lot of good sense, does she? It looks like she would be avoiding you after that.”
Ayume finally spoke again, “She's always been kind of the leader of the pack. I don't think she can accept that some of us have ventured out without her. I just hope that outfit doesn't get her in trouble.”
Kagome understood what she meant. If they thought their uniforms were revealing, it wasn't anything like what Eri was wearing tonight. It did not leave a lot to the imagination. She just shook her head, and then it was their turn to order.
InuYasha and Niro paid for their drinks and buttered popcorn (Kagome said you couldn't watch a movie without it) and headed down the aisle toward their theatre. They found four empty seats and sat with the two girls on the inside; InuYasha by Kagome and Niro by Ayume on the outside.
InuYasha wasn't sure what was expected of him, but Kagome leaned her head over on his shoulder. He put his arm around her and she smiled. He kissed her on the forehead and turned to watch the movie.
The movie was entertaining, once InuYasha adjusted to the loudness of the volume and the speaker system that surrounded them in the theatre. When he realized it was part of the movie and not attacking youkai, he started to enjoy the impossible things the humans were doing. Kagome had explained to him in advance that they used something call `special effects' so they could do things in the film that were not really possible. Well, at lot of it would have been possible for InuYasha, but not for puny humans.
When the movie was over, they sat until the majority of the crowd had made their way out and then stood to work their way down the aisle and out of the theatre. As they were going down the long corridor, InuYasha came to a stop.
“InuYasha, what's wrong?” Kagome asked.
“I don't fucking believe it,” was InuYasha's reply. He was trying to decide the best action to take. He couldn't just go and kill them; they were humans, not youkai.
“Go get help and stay together. That fucking idiot has gotten herself into trouble.” InuYasha took off down a darkened hall. He could hear them as well as smell the fear that was rolling off of Eri in waves.
Eri had apparently tried to pick up the wrong guy. She was now surrounded by eight tough looking guys who had her cornered.
“Hey baby, we know you want it. Weren't you just telling Bairon here what a good time you could show him?” He was grabbing at her as he spoke.
“Leave her alone. She doesn't want anything from you,” InuYasha said with a growl.
The biggest one turned to InuYasha. “So what're you going to do about it, pretty boy?” he said as he took a swing at him.
“She may be a bitch, but she doesn't deserve what you have planned for her,” InuYasha answered as he ducked.
One of the others tried to sucker punch InuYasha, but he caught his fist in his hand and crushed it. Another jumped at him from the other direction and InuYasha caught him in the face, smashing his nose. The others were starting to wonder what they had gotten themselves into when Security came running up with Kagome, Ayume and Niro close at their heals.
Eri threw herself on the cutest security guard. “Oh, thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would have done.”
The guard pried her off of him and said as they watched the guys taken away, “You need to thank them. Apparently their friend came to help you while they came and fetched us.”
The security guard was pointing at InuYasha, Kagome, Ayume and Niro as he spoke. He then continued, “You'll need to go to the office to make a report, but you should thank them before you go. I don't think those boys were planning a tea party for you.”
Eri looked at them and said, “Well, thanks,” and then followed the officer down the hall.
Kagome and Ayume were almost in tears and just shook their heads. Eri had no idea what they had just saved her from. She had turned into a bitch and was acting like a slut, but even she didn't deserve that.
InuYasha just said, “Let's get out of here.”
As they were leaving, Ayume looked at him and asked, “How did you know?”
“Keh. I've got really good hearing,” he replied as he wrapped his arm around Kagome.
Kagome just nodded as she wrapped her arm around his waist. Niro took Ayume's hand as they walked back to the restaurant where they had met.
Ayume's mother was there to pick her up. Ayume kissed Niro on the cheek as she told him, “I had a good time. I hope you'll call me again.”
Niro blushed and nodded and waved goodbye.
Niro turned to Kagome and InuYasha as they walked him to his car. “I want to thank you for coming with us. I have been trying to get her to go out with me, but she's so shy she was afraid. I had a good time.”
Kagome smiled at him and replied, “Just remember she's younger than you. Go slow with her. She was probably afraid you would expect more than she was ready for. Okay?”
Niro nodded as he got in his car to drive home. He had found out that Ayume was kind, caring, and stood up for her friends. She would be worth taking the time to get to know.
Kagome's mom was there, waiting to pick them up as they waved goodbye to Niro.
“Did you have a good time?” She asked.
“Yes, and Niro was really nice. I think he'll ask Ayume out again,” Kagome responded.
“How about you two. Did you enjoy the movie?” Mama asked.
“Did you know anything about the disturbance they mentioned on the news?” Mama asked.
“The news? It must have been a slow news night,” Kagome answered.
“That fucking idiot got herself in trouble,” InuYasha finally spoke up.
Kagome explained, “Eri showed up at the theatre and tried to start up with us when we arrived. She was horrible to Ayume. I told her to take a hike if she didn't want me to lay her out in the floor again before we went into the movie. When we came out, InuYasha could hear that some guys had her cornered down an empty corridor. He went to save her while we got help. Eri would not even thank either him or us until the guard made her. I just don't understand what has happened to her.”
Mama sighed, “I don't care for her much after the way she has acted toward you, but I'm glad you saved her. No one deserves that.”
Kagome said quietly, “I know.”
InuYasha was rubbing her hand between his. He was afraid there were going to be nightmares the next few nights.
~ ^~^ ~
InuYasha didn't get much sleep the next three nights. He could smell Kagome's monthly blood and was fairly certain she would not want to participate in their usual pre-bedtime activities. He thought about offering anyway, but was afraid she would be too embarrassed and sit him, so he stayed awake and rubbed her belly and then her head and back when she rolled over into him, clutching at his chest. At least Kagome was trying to make it up to him. She would let him nap on the couch with her, his head in her lap as she rubbed his ears.
~ ^~^ ~
Kagome had one more doctor's appointment the day before they were due back to meet Sesshomaru. She had decided it was time to talk to her mother.
Kagome went into the kitchen as Mama was getting ready to start lunch. “Mama, do you remember the talk you had with InuYasha?”
Mama sat down across from her. “You mean the one the day that I…”
“Yeah, that one. Did he tell you he wanted me to become his mate?” Kagome asked hesitantly.
“Yes, dear, he did. When I asked he said it was a commitment like marriage,” Mama replied.
“Mama, you know how long we've been together. I love him and cannot imagine ever being with anyone else. I told him I think I'll be ready after we go back. We also talked about the fact that I am not ready for children yet, and I was wondering if when we go back to the doctor tomorrow…”
“You would like to start birth control so you don't get pregnant,” Mama finished for her. “Are you sure you are ready for this after everything that has happened?”
“Yes, Mama. That was what it took to make me realize that I was ready, that I don't want to spend another minute of my life without him. You saw what he was willing to do for me without asking for anything in return. I want to be able to love him with my whole heart, with my whole being. He's the reason I want to get up in the morning. I can't imagine a day without him. Can you understand? I know I'm young, but I know I love him,” Kagome answered.
Mama came around the table and pulled her daughter into a hug. “I know. I was amazed when I saw what he was doing for you. I felt the same way about your father, so I understand. Were you thinking about the shot so you wouldn't have to worry about it?”
Kagome blushed. “Yes, I thought it would be the most practical under the circumstances.”
“We will discuss it with the doctor when we go tomorrow. She should be able to take care of it for you,” Mama replied.
Kagome was glad that was over with. It was a huge relief and she was glad her mother understood.
Mama Higurashi was amazed that they had maintained their self-control so long. She was glad that they had both decided to act responsibly about it. Even though she had not heard him say it, Mama was certain that InuYasha was in love with her daughter and had been for some time.
Kagome made her trip to the doctor and had been declared free to return to her normal eating habits. She was starting to gain some of her weight back and was feeling much better. They had also given her the shot she had requested. All they needed was to make a trip to the market to get supplies for their trip to the past.
InuYasha gladly made the trip to the market with Kagome to buy their supplies for the trip back. They had plenty of Ramen and medical supplies (which they hoped they would not need). They had packed everything in her backpack the night before. The Sacred Jewel was hanging from its new chain down between her breasts. The two shards from Kouga had been fused to the rest of the jewel. It looked like only one piece was now missing. InuYasha also did everything in his power to assure that their last night in her soft comfortable bed would be nightmare free.
~ ^~^ ~
InuYasha was dressed in his firerat once again as they prepared to go back. Kagome had become so accustomed to wearing sweats and t-shirts that was primarily what she brought along with some sweatshirts and a jacket for the cooler night air. After telling everyone goodbye and giving her mother one more hug, InuYasha threw the backpack over one shoulder and picked Kagome up to jump in the well.
As they expected, Sesshomaru was waiting for them when they jumped out on the other side. Kagome went and kissed him on the cheek again, and thanked him for coming for them. He had brought Ah-Uhn with him to help cut down the length of the trip. They would not drive him like they had to come home when she was hurt, but he would still take at least two days off of their travel time. Sesshomaru estimated that they should be back in about two and a half days if there was no interference.
Kagome wanted to go and say hello to Kaede before they headed west to let her know she was all right. Kaede knew something was up when she saw her with InuYasha and Sesshomaru in tow. Kagome looked happier than she had in a long time and looked much better. Kaede told them good luck in their search and that she hoped she would see them again soon.
With their goodbyes said, InuYasha set Kagome up on Ah-Uhn and jumped up behind her. Her oversized backpack and a bow and quiver with plenty of arrows had already been secured to the dragon. Without a word, Sesshomaru took flight, and Ah-Uhn followed as they headed west.
To be continued…