InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood & Tears ❯ September in the Past and Present ( Chapter 33 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha but I do own Kaminari, Kaiho, and the lovely Kichou.
AN: Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to leave a review. I do read them and they help to inspire me to keep writing.
Blood & Tears
Chapter 33: September in the Past and Present (Warning: small Lemons in chapter)
It was the middle of September, and for the first time since InuYasha and Kagome had met Sesshomaru in this era, they were being taken to his home. InuYasha was trying to keep his very pregnant mate from getting over-excited. They had not been told for certain - they were only guessing at why they were finally going to the Demon Lord's home.
The exterior still appeared much as it had five hundred years ago as the car drove down the long and winding drive through the small forest that still surrounded the home. The biggest difference that was immediately noticeable was the long garage and parking lot that housed the many cars of the household occupants. Kagome suspected that many of them belonged to Sesshomaru himself, as there were several limos and town cars. It wouldn't surprise her either, if the Demon Lord provided cars for his staff to use when needed.
Sesshomaru himself came out to welcome his brother and Kagome when they arrived. The two brothers helped Kagome out of the car then each gave her an arm to escort her into the mansion.
“Wow, a lot of your home is still the same as I remember it,” Kagome commented as they walked through the halls.
“It was built by our father to last a lifetime, which for us is a very long time,” Sesshomaru responded. “We've had it updated with all of the modern conveniences such as electricity, plumbing and satellite TV, and a few walls knocked out here and there, but much of it remains the same. Our quarters are still separated from those of the staff, though they had to be expanded somewhat as our four pups grew. Eventually, they were each given their own quarters as they matured. Now, of course, they have moved out on their own.”
They had reached the private quarters of Sesshomaru and Kichou and were met by Kichou as she welcomed them. Kagome asked Kichou if she could use the bathroom first since there was less and less room for her bladder as the twins grew. Kichou took her arm since Kagome said her balance wasn't all that great these days and led her away.
After Kagome was out of the room InuYasha said, “I hope we're here to meet Rin and Shippou or she's going to be really disappointed. She's been so excited since you invited us out here, hoping that is the reason why.”
“Do not worry, Little Brother. She will not be disappointed. We would have done this earlier once you made that final trip to the Western Domain, but Rin and Shippou have been traveling abroad all summer. They just recently arrived back home,” Sesshomaru replied.
“Well, I guess our only problem will be to keep Kagome from getting too excited and going into early labor. She's due the middle of next month, but the doctor will be surprised if she makes it that long. She said the pups are doing really well and appear anxious to make their way into the world,” InuYasha remarked.
It was just a few minutes later when Kichou came back with Kagome. She was feeling much better, so they proceeded to the living room. InuYasha helped Kagome to settle in on the couch and then sat down next to her.
InuYasha heard a small “oomph” from his mate and turned to her. “Pups kicking again?”
“It feels like they're kick-boxing. They were quiet on the ride here, probably because of the motion of the car and the fact that you held me a great deal of the way here to give me some extra energy. I guess now they're awake since I'm trying to get comfortable,” Kagome replied.
“They're kicking? Can I feel?” Kichou asked excitedly.
Kagome sat back and smoothed her top down over her very round abdomen and nodded. Kichou knelt to one side and placed her hand on Kagome's belly. A smile traced across her lips as she felt one of the twins kick at her hand. She motioned to her mate, and Sesshomaru's clawed hand joined Kichou's to rest on Kagome's belly as well.
They were all jolted back to reality when Kagome squealed, or maybe shrieked was a better description. InuYasha's response was to pin his ears to his head and Sesshomaru and Kichou, both startled, jumped back. Kagome was struggling to get to her feet so InuYasha grasped her hand and put the other in the small of her back to help her stand.
The cause of Kagome's excitement was the appearance of a handsome young man with bright red hair and the beautiful young lady that was with him. Of course neither were young - both were over five hundred years old.
“I can't believe it's finally you two!” Kagome exclaimed as she carefully hugged Rin and then Shippou. “I've wondered all summer what you two look like now, and how you're doing. Do you have any kids? How long have you been mates?”
InuYasha just grinned as Rin hugged him, and he even allowed Shippou to as well. It had been five hundred years, after all - at least for them.
“Oi, you're all grown up runt,” InuYasha remarked.
“What about me? I'm grown up too,” Rin said with a smile.
“I knew you would grow up. I wasn't so sure about the runt here,” InuYasha said with a smirk.
“What's that supposed to mean?!” Shippou asked.
“Well, either you would say something that pissed off the wrong person, or my brother would figure out your intentions towards his ward and either neuter or strangle you.” InuYasha laughed.
A look crossed Sesshomaru's face that told InuYasha he had thought of it.
“Well, I think you have grown up beautifully, Shippou. You're quite handsome, and Rin is absolutely beautiful. Now, is anyone going to answer any of my questions?” Kagome asked.
Sesshomaru motioned for everyone to take a seat, and InuYasha helped Kagome settle back into her spot before he sat next to her.
Rin started, “Well, we didn't actually become mates until about a hundred years ago. Papa wouldn't let Shippou claim me as his until he matured and showed he could take care of me.”
“So when did Sesshomaru mark you to tie you to his lifespan so you would live that long?” Kagome asked.
“You know about that?” Rin asked.
“Keh. Midoriko gave Sesshomaru that power when the Shikon no Tama was purified,” InuYasha answered.
“So that's where he gained that ability. Papa, you'll have to tell me more about that,” Rin said pointedly to Sesshomaru before she continued, “Well, my sixteenth summer Papa sat down with me and told me that this could be done. He told me that I would live as long as he did, but he didn't want to do it without my consent. He was not sure a human would want to live for so long. Papa also said that if anything happened to him, I would probably die soon after. I told Papa that I wanted to stay with him, and if he died, I wouldn't want to live, anyway. So I bared my right shoulder and he marked me. When he did, I remember being surrounded in a flash of green light and we were bound together. I'm so glad I did, for not only did I live long enough to finally be allowed to have Shippou as my mate, I finally found out where you two disappeared to. No one told me until recently.”
“Yeah, why didn't you ever come back? I thought we would see you again after the pups were born,” Shippou said, realizing how weird it was to be saying that considering Kagome hadn't had them yet.
“Shippou, I tried to tell you, but you had that fucking temper tantrum. It would have been too dangerous to make that trip with Kagome and two hanyou pups,” InuYasha responded quietly. “I'm sorry, but I have to consider the safety of my mate and pups first.”
Shippou nodded and didn't say anything more. It might have been five hundred years, but he still remembered the feeling of the angry hanyou's hot breath on the back of his neck as InuYasha tried to shake some sense into him.
“What about kids? Do you have any yet?” Kagome asked.
“We've had two so far. They keep us busy enough that we decided we had better hold off before we have any more. Nikkou, Kasei, will you come in here?” Rin called as she stood.
A boy and girl ran into the room. InuYasha and Kagome both smiled at the pair. Shippou's characteristics were apparently strong because they each had bright red hair and green eyes, with little foxy red ears set on the top of their head.
Rin placed her hand on the boy's shoulder as she said, “This is Kasei,” and as she placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, “This is Nikkou. She's the older of the two. Kasei and Nikkou, say hello to InuYasha-sama and Kagome-sama.”
The two children nodded politely and said hello, and then looked back up at their mother. “All right, you can go outside and play now,” Rin replied to their unspoken question.
The children cried, “Bye!” as they ran back out the door. Rin sat back down and said, “They're a handful, but Shippou swears they didn't get it from him.”
InuYasha smirked and looked at the kitsune as he said, “Well you know what they say - `paybacks are hell.'”
Shippou just mumbled something they couldn't understand.
Kagome decided a change of subject was in order. “So what have you been doing? We went to a carnival that was yours. I couldn't believe it when we saw the prizes.”
Rin laughed, “Did you see all of them?”
“If you mean the dog with the rosary, I won two of them. They kind of make me think that Shippou never got over Kagome removing that rosary,” InuYasha responded.
“I won the firecat,” Kagome answered before Shippou had a chance to make a remark. “And our friends won the big red fox and two-headed dragon.”
Shippou was muttering something under his breath but replied, “We didn't know how they would go over at first, but they went like hotcakes. Other carnivals and companies have wanted to buy them, but we keep them for our distribution only. It makes people look for our group to come to town. They're doing really well.”
“So what else have you been doing? We've waited all summer hoping to see you,” Kagome asked.
“Papa told us we needed to see some more of the rest of the world, so we've been traveling abroad all summer. We went to Australia first, and then on to Hawaii and the United States mainland and Canada. It took the entire summer. We just returned a couple of weeks ago. I know Papa said we should visit other countries, but secretly I think he just wanted some peace and quiet from our two very busy kits for a while.”
Sesshomaru had a look on his face that resembled the cat caught eating the canary.
About that time, a two-tailed cat came strolling into the living room and leaped lightly up onto InuYasha's lap (since Kagome didn't have one).
“Kirara, is that you?” Kagome asked as she reached to rub an ear.
Shippou replied as the firecat mewed, “It's her. She showed up one day looking for me. Kirara must have stayed with Sango and Miroku until they had both passed on, and then traveled to the Western Lands. She's been here ever since. At one point she even went out and came back with a few others. I think one of the females may be that one we ran across in that town where the rat demon had the villagers drive her away. She'll answer to the name Kuroro. The others may be her kittens, though they are all grown now. Anyway, they have safe haven here and don't have to worry about being hunted down. I'm sure they are the last of the fire cats since they can't take human form and blend in.”
Kagome was sad as she rubbed Kirara's head. She knew in her head that Miroku and Sango would be long gone by now, but still it was hard to think about. Kagome knew InuYasha would not let her travel the countryside again if they went back, but maybe the couple would be in the village sometime when they went to check on old Kaede.
Kagome was brought out of her thoughts when InuYasha said, “Yeah, that reminds me. I noticed something as we were coming onto the grounds. Do you have some sort of barrier in place?”
Sesshomaru nodded, “The entire estate is surrounded. It is an illusion that makes the grounds appear as a dense forest to anyone who does not belong here. It works for either humans or youkai. It is one of the reasons the paparazzi cannot find us. It drives them insane.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and visiting with Shippou and Rin. Sesshomaru even joined in on some of the stories about the antics of the kitsune when he was younger. They only had to stop a couple of times for InuYasha to pull Kagome into his lap and let her absorb the energy she needed. The second time, he just kept her there so she could draw what she needed when she needed it. Rin and Shippou would watch in fascination. Shippou had to give Rin youkai energy the physical way when she was pregnant both times, but since Rin was not a miko, they had not seen anything like this. They would stop and watch while Kagome glowed pink, and then continue their conversation when she was ready.
They had an early dinner before it was time to head back to their home. After hugs and promises from each side to come and visit, Kagome and InuYasha climbed into their waiting car for the trip home. InuYasha pulled his mate into his lap and held her most of the way. Kagome was asleep in his arms when they reached the apartment building. InuYasha carefully got out of the car with his mate still in his arms and dismissed the driver for the night. InuYasha carried Kagome through the lobby to the elevator as the driver returned to his apartment on one of the lower floors.
“Mmmm, `yasha, are we home?” Kagome asked sleepily as InuYasha carried her into the bedroom.
“Yeah, `gome, we're home,” InuYasha replied as he set her on the bed and then kissed her on the forehead.
“It was nice to see Rin and Shippou all grown up, wasn't it?” Kagome asked, a little more awake than before.
“The runt's done good, and I always knew that Rin would with my brother looking after her,” InuYasha responded with a slight smile. “I'm glad he survived so long considering some of the stunts they say he pulled.”
“Yeah, me too,” Kagome yawned.
“Did you want to take your bath before bed?”
“Not until after…”
InuYasha didn't have to ask `after what,' he could smell the spike in her arousal.
InuYasha stripped and then came back and helped Kagome out of her clothes. When she was ready, she lay close to the edge of the bed on her left side with her back to InuYasha and her right leg bent forward so he could reach her. He was afraid to bring her to one of her massive bucking orgasms anymore, but he could at least make sure she had a small one. InuYasha carefully reached between her folds and started to rub with the middle finger of his right hand. His left hand ran in circles across her back as he gently brought her pleasure below. InuYasha continued until her breathing started to become more ragged and he heard her gasping his name. He didn't stop until he felt her body shudder from his ministrations. When her trembling started to slow down, InuYasha leaned over and gently started to lick the juices that had flown onto his waiting hand from her body, and then his fingers.
“Are you ready?” InuYasha asked her softly before he entered her.
“Always for you,” his mate replied.
InuYasha was careful as he entered her, his hand grasped at the base of his erection so that he wouldn't penetrate her completely. With his left hand on her hip to help keep them steady, InuYasha began to thrust into his mate. His eyes bled red and the demon markings appeared on his cheeks as he released his youkai so that she would get as much energy out of this coupling as possible. Concerned only for his mate and not his own pleasure, InuYasha quickly found his rhythm and coated her inner walls with his seed. He remained still as he continued to fill her, but growled in pleasure as Kagome's hand found his laid on her hip and started to trace his fingers and claws with hers. InuYasha felt her fingers wrap around his as he completed his release and returned to his hanyou state.
InuYasha squeezed her hand before he leaned over to kiss Kagome on the cheek. “Are you all better, now?”
“Thanks, InuYasha. I feel much better. I'm glad we went, but I was really tired. I think I'm ready for my bath now,” Kagome responded.
“All right. You stay here and I'll fill the tub,” InuYasha said as he pulled a throw over her before he went into the bathroom.
A few minutes later InuYasha came back and helped Kagome up and to the bathroom. They stepped into the shower just long enough to rinse off, and then he helped his mate into the tub. InuYasha climbed in behind her, and then helped Kagome to sit down and settle back against his chest. He soaped her puff and lovingly started to wash her body before he handed it to her so she could wash the parts he couldn't reach. Once satisfied that they were both clean, InuYasha took a washcloth to make sure all of the soap had been rinsed away and pulled the plug to allow the water to drain. InuYasha grabbed a towel and quickly dried himself off, then stepped out of the bath and grabbed another and started to dry Kagome. He then helped her out of the bath and into her panties and nightgown he had brought in while the tub was filling. Ready for sleep at last, InuYasha led his drowsy wife back to the bed and threw back the covers so that she could climb in. He tucked Kagome in and kissed her on the forehead before he put on his pajamas and climbed in behind her.
“Goodnight, Kagome.”
“Night, InuYasha.”
~ ^~^ ~
Sango and Miroku were glad they had returned to Kaede's village with their son. They were already feeling much better with the help that Kaede and the other women in the village were willing to give them. Sango had started to gain back some of the weight that she'd lost over the summer, and Miroku was able to help Kaede with some of the spiritual duties around the village.
When it came time to harvest, the children would be left with some of the adults to look after them. The majority of the villagers tended to the fields to make sure they would have enough food to make it through the winter. No one was taking any chances. It would be better to be prepared for a harsh winter and have too much than not have enough and starve.
Shinkei looked just like his father and was already attracting girls. The young ladies in the village were constantly coming to visit and spoil the baby. Every once in a while Miroku's hand would want to stray, but he would remember those words that InuYasha said to him. Miroku couldn't decide which was worse, when InuYasha threatened to kill him if he ever looked at another girl again, or when the hanyou threatened to `cut it off.' Miroku shivered at the thought - InuYasha could do it.
Kaede was glad when Sango and Miroku had returned to the village. She would have indeed been worried if they had tried to stay up in the mountains all alone through the winter. If the couple had waited until the snow started to fall at the upper altitudes, even with Kirara they would have had a hard time making their way back with their young son. Now that they were here, they were helping to prepare for the winter and should be much safer than in the slayer village by themselves.
Kaede also wondered how Kagome was doing. She knew it wasn't that much longer before the young miko would be due. Kaede understood InuYasha's hesitancy about his hanyou children and miko mate in this land, but hoped that they would at least come and visit so that she could see their pups. If anyone had ever earned the right to be happy and secure, it was InuYasha. He had struggled for so long, and it was about time that someone understood him for the man he truly was. For all of his rough exterior, InuYasha was one of the most honest and sincere beings the old miko had ever known.
~ ^~^ ~
Mama Higurashi had been over to visit with Kagome several times during the month to talk to her daughter and make sure that she had everything she needed before the twins arrived. They wanted to make certain that she had plenty of things like diapers, bibs, receiving blankets, onesies - the endless list of everything you needed with newborns but twice as many.
Mama had also taken a liking to Mai. She was glad her daughter had hired someone to help her keep the large apartment and cook as she continued to fill out. The two ladies worked together to make certain that everything that was needed for the nursery was obtained.
~ ^~^ ~
Sesshomaru and Kichou decided to make this new moon less traumatic (and misunderstood) than the last one. Kichou told Sesshomaru that InuYasha had revealed while human that his powers actually started to wane during the day even though they weren't totally gone until sundown. Sesshomaru told his mate that InuYasha had blurted the same thing out to him. It had confirmed what the Demon Lord had suspected once he found out that InuYasha turned mortal the night of the new moon. Sesshomaru had noticed a lessening of the tie to his brother through his mark, and it began during the day. Now that he knew the timing to look for, he understood why.
Kichou decided to put together what was basically a picnic basket to carry over to the penthouse around lunchtime. She had food and a bunch of DVDs so they wouldn't have to be a slave to the cable TV. It was really annoying to have four hundred channels and still not be able to find anything to watch.
Sesshomaru and his mate arrived at the apartment just before his brother's usual lunchtime. This time the new moon fell on Saturday night, so InuYasha had not had to make excuses to dismiss the tutors or Mai for the day. InuYasha would have been surprised except that he still had enough of his youkai left to feel Sesshomaru's approach, and Kagome could feel him as well. As Kichou expected, they found InuYasha trying to find something for Kagome to eat, but not anything for himself. Kichou solved the problem by pulling a container of Oden out of her basket. It was still warm, but InuYasha went and pulled out a ceramic pot for Kichou to pour it into to heat it back up.
InuYasha didn't have to look at his mate's face to know that her eyes had lit up when he heard, “Hotpot, Oden, thanks Kichou!”
While the hotpot was heating up, InuYasha took Kagome to the couch and sat with her in his lap and his arms securely around her. His youkai was starting to fade, but he wasn't ready to totally hand his mate over to his brother just yet. InuYasha did compromise as Sesshomaru sat down next to him, and pulled the miko's legs across his lap. Kagome snuggled into InuYasha's shoulder as both brothers became surrounded by her aura.
Kichou smiled as she faintly heard, “Thanks, guys.”
She turned from stirring the Oden to look at the trio now asleep on the couch together. Seeing Kagome's excitement and happiness over the approaching birth of her pups made Kichou long for more. Kichou wondered what Sesshomaru would think if she told him that she was thinking of maybe having another set of pups. Things had changed a lot since the first whelping. Their daughter had developed an antidote that was almost ready for use with mothers of poison youkai, and Kichou was sure that she could get Kagome to attend the birth as well just in case anything went wrong. Since she was older, she probably wouldn't have as many as last time, either. Kichou decided she would wait until Kagome had her twins, and then maybe approach her mate about the possibility. Kichou was brought out of her thoughts as she heard the others start to stir.
Kagome was the first to wake and stretch and yawn, and InuYasha followed suit.
“Watch, it, Little Brother,” he heard as he accidentally hit Sesshomaru in the face.
“Sorry, Sesshomaru, I forgot you were there,” InuYasha replied. “I'm not used to having anyone next to me except Kagome when I wake up.”
“How long were we out?” Kagome asked.
“Just long enough for the Oden to get good and hot,” Kichou replied. “It was about an hour.”
InuYasha and Sesshomaru helped Kagome to her feet and followed her to the table. Once InuYasha made sure his mate was comfortable, he went and got a bowl for Kagome and brought it to her. Kichou just shook her head and brought a bowl to InuYasha and put it in front of him. She pointed at it and said, “Eat,” before she filled a bowl for her mate and then herself.
“Thanks for coming over, but why are you here so early?” Kagome asked.
“We decided it would be best to avoid any incidents like last time,” Kichou answered her.
“What…what do you mean?” Kagome asked curiously.
“You mean he hasn't told you?” Sesshomaru responded.
Kagome turned bright red - she remembered the last time she'd heard those words from the Demon Lord.
Sesshomaru chuckled. “Nothing that drastic. Last time you went to sleep right before the sun went down still in need of more youkai energy. InuYasha felt enough anxiety over the situation that I picked it up and flew straight over. When I asked him to call Kichou and let her know I was here, he did. Only when my mate asked my little brother what I had to do to help you, he told her I was sleeping with you. The next thing InuYasha knew, Kichou was here and running through the door. Only when she saw us did she realize that I was indeed sleeping with you and we were both sound asleep. That was when she finally looked at InuYasha and realized what the problem was. We decided it would be best to go ahead and come over and avoid any such misunderstandings again. We also thought if we were here a little earlier, we could keep your need from becoming so strong to begin with. You are so close to going full term that we would like to help you get there.”
“I don't know - I'm about ready for these two to come out. Half the time it feels like they've got a wrestling match going on,” Kagome replied. “But thank you, thanks for coming over. We both appreciate you taking the time to spend with us. I also appreciate you bringing food. Is there enough Oden for supper, too?”
“If you want it, or we can get something else. I brought some cold noodles and other things as well,” Kichou answered.
“I guess we'll decide when that time comes. I never know from one minute to the next what I'll want to eat,” Kagome responded.
InuYasha had stayed silent through the exchange, he felt badly that he was in this situation to begin with and had to rely on his brother to help Kagome.
Sesshomaru could pick up on his self-loathing and worry. “InuYasha, quit berating yourself because you turn mortal one night out of the month. I know you worry about what you would do if I were not here, but I am. Just as your mate was there to save mine, I am here to help yours. Chances are if Kagome has another pup and there is only one, she will not have nearly the energy problems she does because she is carrying twins. For now, let me help you. I am here, I want to. This is probably the last new moon before she delivers. Think about it, you made it all the way up to past seven months before you needed my help. Considering everything, I would say you did rather well.”
“Keh,” InuYasha said as he gathered the empty bowls and spoons to put in the sink for now. He knew Sesshomaru was right, but he still felt badly about it.
As they had the first time they discovered the secret of InuYasha's transformation, Sesshomaru and Kichou stayed through the night with the couple. They alternated playing cards with watching the movies that Kichou had brought with her. Sesshomaru only had to pull Kagome into his lap a few times during the first part of the night for her to get the energy she needed. Usually Kagome would wake back up and ask, “What did I miss?” about whichever movie was playing at the time. Sesshomaru wasn't being drained as much so he would stay awake most of the time, but when he did fall asleep, he would just pretend he knew what was going on and shake his head at Kagome's question.
Luckily the place down the street was open until quite late, because they all decided they were hungry again in the middle of the night. This time InuYasha ordered a variety of tempura before he called downstairs to tell them they were expecting a late delivery. The guard on duty just chuckled. With the very pregnant wife upstairs they were used to getting deliveries of food at all hours of the day or night. He even told InuYasha that since there were two of them on duty because it was Saturday night, one of them would bring it up the elevator for him. InuYasha thanked him and asked him to call to warn them when he headed up.
InuYasha started to feel a little better. Yes, he hated the fact he turned human and couldn't give his mate all of the help she needed. But, the fact was, his brother was there and willing to help. He couldn't not accept his help any more than Kichou could have turned down Kagome's when she was giving birth. All in all, InuYasha was glad he and his brother had made amends.
~ ^~^ ~
Back in Feudal Japan, Shippou had gotten himself into trouble. He had finally learned why he was not allowed in alone with the pups. It wasn't because they were afraid he would hurt them, it was because he was young and didn't always use good judgment.
Rin had wanted to go and look at the pups. She was fascinated just watching them play with each other in their playpen. Shippou, however, thought that was rather boring and wanted to climb in and play with them. Rin tried to warn him - Inu-youkai pups were much stronger than they appeared. Shippou ignored her warnings and climbed in with them anyway.
The four pups at first were wary and backed away, but then Shippou got down on his hands and knees and started teasing them. The next thing Shippou knew, he was buried under four pups that were pulling at various parts of him. One had his ponytail and was yanking as hard as he could. Another had a sleeve and the remaining two each had a pants leg. Each of the pups were growling as they shook their head as if they'd caught their prey. They quickly discovered that their new `toy' also squeaked when they bit down. So the next thing Shippou knew, two of the pups were chomping down on his fingers and toes with extremely sharp milk teeth to cries of, “Ow! Ow! Ow!”
Shippou should have been thankful they weren't going for his ears, for playtime with their sire had taught the pups that ears were not acceptable targets.
Rin didn't know what to do, so she ran out of the nursery and down the hall. Much to Shippou's humiliation, the first person she ran into that could help was Lord Sesshomaru.
The Demon Lord followed his ward back to the nursery, wondering what mischief the kitsune had gotten into this time. Sesshomaru tried not to laugh as he looked at the site before him - Shippou was barely visible under the busy bodies of his four pups. The kitsune was under no immediate danger as long as he didn't do anything to upset Eikou and cause her to use her poison claws. However, it did appear they were giving him a pretty good work over with their sharp little teeth.
“Shippou, I see you could not follow instructions. Were you not told not to go in with the pups?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Ow! Ow! Yes, ow! Lord Sessho, Ow! maru, Ow! I'm sorry! Ow! I won't do it again! Ow! Ow! Ow!”
“Are you certain I do not need to leave you in there a little longer?” Sesshomaru responded.
“No! Please! Ow! I won't do it again! Ow!” Shippou pleaded.
“Very well,” Sesshomaru said as he walked to the edge of the playpen, “Come, my pups, give the kitsune a break.”
Much to both Sesshomaru and Shippou's pleasure, their sire's voice drew the four pups away from Shippou to their father so that the kitsune could make his escape. Ragged and bleeding, he bowed to his savior. “Thank you, thank you, Lord Sesshomaru,” he groveled.
“You had better thank Rin as well. If it were up to me, I might have let them chew at you a little longer,” Sesshomaru responded.
“Thank you, Rin. I'll listen to you next time,” Shippou apologized.
Rin just sighed. “Sometimes Rin knows best and you should listen. You had better go and clean up before dinner.”
Sesshomaru chuckled to himself as Rin ushered Shippou out of the nursery. Once they were gone, the Demon Lord climbed in and willingly assumed the position that Shippou had just begged to escape from. Mostly worn out, the four pups snuggled up next to their father and went to sleep.
~ ^~^ ~
Sunday morning came, and as usual, InuYasha was hungry when he transformed back to his hanyou self. He laughed to himself at the sight of Kichou asleep against his brother's shoulder on the couch as he left the living room and went into the bedroom to check on his mate.
The last time Kagome had fallen asleep she seemed to be replenished with youkai energy, but actually just needed to sleep. InuYasha had gone and turned the bed down so Sesshomaru could carry the pregnant miko and lay her on her side. InuYasha adjusted the pillows like she needed, with one between her knees, and then covered her up and tucked her in. Kagome was still sleeping soundly, so he decided that he could us a little rest himself after being up all night. InuYasha shed his clothes and climbed under the covers with his mate.
Sesshomaru was the first to wake, and was surprised to find that everyone was asleep. His mate was snuggled against his shoulder and it appeared that InuYasha had finally gone to sleep with Kagome. Sesshomaru gently nudged his wife until she woke up. She yawned and said, “You mean we fell asleep? We managed to stay up all night before.”
“I guess everyone was more comfortable this time. I bet InuYasha stayed awake until he transformed, and then went to sleep with his mate. As far along as Kagome is, I am sure she could use all of the sleep she could get. Should we leave them, or see if they want to go out again?” Sesshomaru replied.
Sesshomaru stopped, “Well, they are awake. Let us wait a few minutes and see what they want to do.”
Kichou asked, “Why wait?”
Sesshomaru just raised an eyebrow.
“Oh. All right.”
When Kagome had stirred it had indeed awakened InuYasha. It had become a morning ritual for him to lower Kagome's panties and then enter her carefully from behind. He would actually work himself with his hand first so that he didn't have to thrust into his mate any longer or harder than he had to. It was just a few minutes before he heard her sigh in relief as her immediate needs were taken care of. InuYasha kissed her shoulder and nuzzled her neck as he finished spilling his seed into her.
“Oi, wench, what do you want to do today?” InuYasha asked quietly as they lay together.
“I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hungry,” Kagome said.
Sesshomaru appeared in the doorway, “Just what I was about to ask. How are you feeling this morning?”
“I'm fine, thank you, Sesshomaru. I know it helped that you both were here last night,” Kagome responded.
“Keh,” InuYasha said in agreement.
“Kichou would like to know if you would like to go out for brunch before we return home,” Sesshomaru said.
“Do you mind if we take a quick shower first?” Kagome asked.
Sesshomaru answered, “Please do. In fact, if you do not mind, we will do the same. We brought a change of clothes with us.”
“You can use the shower in the last bedroom. It has soap and towels in it,” Kagome responded. She didn't mind sharing before, but she didn't want anyone besides InuYasha and her doctor seeing her naked in this condition.
“I understand,” Sesshomaru said before he disappeared to join his mate.
Kagome felt a pain when she was in the shower, but she had gotten so used to the twins kicking at her she didn't think much about it. InuYasha noticed when she grabbed her swollen belly, but she swore it was just the twins moving around. InuYasha furrowed his brows, but didn't say anything and helped her to soap up and rinse off.
There was a restaurant that wasn't far away that Kichou really liked for brunch, so they decided to go there. Sesshomaru noticed that InuYasha was keeping a close eye on his mate, but wasn't saying anything. Kagome had insisted she wanted to go out.
They had been taken to their table and sat down. All four were looking over the menu when InuYasha noticed that Kagome clutched at her stomach again.
“Kagome, are you sure you are all right?” the worried hanyou asked.
“They just seem to be kicking extra hard this morning is all,” Kagome responded.
Even Sesshomaru felt the next jolt of pain that went through the miko. “Kagome are you certain you are all right?”
“It is just the pain is getting harder. I wish they would quit kicking me so,” Kagome said.
“Are they getting closer together?” Kichou asked quietly.
Kagome's eyes opened wide. “You don't think…”
“Oh fuck, we'd better get out of here,” InuYasha said as he stood and helped Kagome to her feet.
Sesshomaru was throwing a bunch of bills on the table as Kichou was on the phone calling the doctor to let her know they were on their way to the hospital. Sesshomaru called their chauffeur to pick them up at the door.
It looked like it was time for Kagome to have her twins.
To be continued...