InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter six

By Kagome_13

DIsclaimer: DoN't OwN iNuYaShA

Inuyasha carried Kagome home, ad when the got their house it was time to eat. By that time Inuyasha had return to his Hanyou form, After they ate Inuyasha,Kagome, Sesshomaru and Rin got their stufff together and hp onto their horse gave to them. Kagome sat infront of Inuyasha as he rode towards, the western lands, his home.

Kouga, Lord of the Northern land was spying on the Inu brother. Kouga saw a little girl, who was infront of the yroungest brother.

'That is she.' thought kouga as he ran onto his horse to attack Inuyasha. When Kouga was close enough to Inuyahsa's horse, he push Inuyasha off his horse and then swith horse with his. Kouga sat up on Inuyasha's horse hold onto Kagome and the horse's reins.

The litttle girl didn't know what happen to her protocer. So she start to screamed for him.

"Inuyasha! help!!.'' Kagome screamed

Kouga kick the horse in its side and start to gallop toward the northern lands. Inuyasha on the ground, where Kouga had knock him off. He heard the scream of Kagome calling his name to help her.

'Nobdy takes her away from me.'thought Inuyasha as he eyes flash to red and blue. Inuyasha jumps up and start to chase after Kouga.. Since Inuyasha was in his full demon form. He chase after Kouga and Kouga was on a horse.

~with Kagome~

"let go of me, you big bully.'' screamed Kagome as she kicked and screamed demending that Kouga let go of her. But he wouldn't let go of the little girl.

'I cannot let go of the girl, Ayame's life depends on it.'thought Kouga as he continued to ride toward the northern lands. A flash of red and white, came infont of Kouga and the horse.

"Where is the hel do you think you're taking Kagome.'' said Inuyasha

"None of your damn busniess.''

"She is my business.'' shouted the full demon Inuyasha "Gave her back to me, or else I will be forced to kill you.''

Kouga smirked "Your just a measly little puppy, what can you do to me, a full grown wolf demon.''

"Inuyasha!'' cried Kagome happily to see Inuyasha

"Gimme back Kagome, NOW!!.'' roared Inuyasha


"Then you shall die.'' said Inuyasha as he ran toward Kouga kicking him off the horse.

"Kagome go to Sesshomaru.'' said Inuyasha as he gets ready to battle Kouga.


"NOW'' Shouted Inuyasha

Kagome did as she was told and rode toward Sesshomaru and Rin.

"Now it time for you to die.'' said Inuyasha as strike claws at Kouga

"I don't think so puppy.'' said Kouga as he dodged Inuyasha attack.

~ with Sesshomaru and Rin~

Sesshomaru was on guard making sure everything was alright on the journey.

"Sesshomaru!!.'' cried Kagome on Inuyasha's horse

"What is wrong?'' asked Rin

"A wolf demon kidnepped me, and now Inuyasha is fighting him.'' said Kagome as she got close to Sesshomaru and Rin's horse.

~end of chapter~