InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood ❯ 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Nine

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha

Author Note: I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and here is your present. This has yet to be editing yet, but I want to put up anyways.


“My Lord, Naraku’s troops are on their way here.’’ said One of Inutaisho’s subject.

“What!’’ Shout Inutaisho as he stood up from his throne. “Go round the troops. Wake up Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.’’ ordered Inutaisho to the servants.

“But my Lord, it is in the middle of the night.’’ said Izoyai as she went to her mate.

“I don’t care.’’

“But my lord, if we are going to have a war. What would we do with the girl?’’ asked a servant

Inutaisho thought for a moment about it, and he came to the conclusion that Kagome should be sent back home to her family.

“But my Lord, she has just arrive today.’’ said his mate

“I know, but for her safety. She must be sent back.’’ said Inutaisho

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Inuyasha snuggled in to his pillow. The scent of Jasmine and Lily’s fill the room and his bed.

“My Lord, you are needed in the throne room.’’ said a servant as she tried to shake Inuyasha up.

“Go away.’’ mummer Inuyasha as he turn of as start to snuggle with Kagome.

“But My lord. Lord Naraku’s are on his way here.’’

“What!!!.’’ shout Inuyasha as he jumped out his bed.

“Lord Naraku of the southern lands has declared war on your father. Your father has for me to get you and to wake miss Kagome up.’’ said the servant as she was ready to exit his room, to wake up Kagome.

“Wait, you don’t have to go and wake Kagome up. She is here.’’ said Inuyasha as he gesture to the little girl who was sleeping his bed.

“My Lord, you father has said that Miss Kagome must be sent back home.’’

“What!!!.’’ shout Inuyasha again and this time he did wake up Kagome.
“Mmm’’ Yawned the little girl

Inuyasha walked over to Kagome and pick her up from his bed, carrying her with some blankets.

“Yasha, why were you yelling?’’ asked the sleepily girl.

“Nothing that I need you to worry about. Now go back to sleep.’’ said Inuyasha as Kagome snuggled into his chest and fell back to sleep.

Inuyasha walked into the throne room carrying Kagome. Both his parents, Sesshomaru and Rin were all right there.

“Father want is the meaning of sending Kagome back?’’ demand the thirteen year old.

“Inuyasha you must allow us to sent Kagome back home.’’ said Inutaisho


“Yes Inuyasha.’’

“But Why?’’ whined the little boy as he played with Kagome’s hair

“Naraku has declared war on us. Sesshomaru and you must go to trained in the arts of war.’’ stated Inutaisho

“But.’’ said Inuyasha as his mother came up to him and took Kagome out of his arms.

“Your mother and Rin shall return with Kagome to the Higurashi’s estate.’’ said Inutaisho as he watch his mate and two little girl left the throne room.

The throne’s door closed and that when Inuyasha had turn full demon, for they had took his mate away from him. He let out furious scream and charge to the door. But His father and his brother block him from getting her. Inutaisho knock out his son and then sent him back to bed.

‘I am sorry son’ thought Inutaisho

Here is chapter nine, so what did you think of it. I am planning on doing some fan art for this story, but my scan is being an idiot as usually. So bye for now
