InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood ❯ 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 16

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: Don’t Own Inuyasha

I am so sorry for not updating for like two months. But school is being a pain in the butt, and I have been lazy again. SO I Hope you like this chapter.


Sesshomaru got his men ready for battle. Inuyasha stay behind the trees. He watches his brother’s back. Sesshomaru’s attack the front gate. They run a fallen tree into the old wooden door. They broke through the door and charge into the castle. There were no guards around the main room.

The men start to search the castle. They wander the first rooms, and found nothing. One of the men reports back to Sesshomaru.

“Lord Sesshomaru, we have search the castle, and have found nothing.’’

“Well keep searching.’’ said Sesshomaru

“Yes, my lord.’’ said the man, as he bowed

Sesshomaru joined the search with his men. Inuyasha start to climb on the castle, and start to head toward the high tower. As he got closer, so did Kagome’s scent.

Kagome woke up from her nap, with a start. She felt some rumbled under her. She ran off her bed, and to the window. She saw men running into the castle.

She hoped that it was Inuyasha and his brother. She looked away and saw a spot of white hair coming toward her.


Inuyasha heard his name and looked up. He saw his bride-to-be up in the tower. She looked so beautiful. He jumped to her, but once he got a centimeter from the window. A barrier was put up.

Inuyasha almost got purify for it.

“What the hell.’’ said Inuyasha as he landed on the roof.

“What Happen?’’ asked a unhappy Kagome

“There is some type of barrier up.’’ said Inuyasha as he looked at the crystal clear barrier.

“Can you break it?’’ asked Kagome, she really want to get out of this tower. There was a loud rumbling under the tower and it was starting to scare her.

“Inuyasha, can you hurry up?’’

“Hold up, Woman, I am thinking.’’ said Inuyasha, as he thought of some how breaking the barrier.

The tetsusaiga start to hum, which was on his hip.

‘Tetsusaiga.’ thought Inuyasha as he pulls out his giant fang sword out

‘Maybe tetsusaiga can break the barrier.’

The rumbling starts to get worse. Something broke through the lock door. Kagome turn around to see three long brown tangles arms rushing toward her.

“Inuyasha.’’ she screamed

“Wind Scar.’’ shout Inuyasha as he destroyed the barrier. Inuyasha ran forward, just as Kagome was fallen from the tower. He caught her and holds her close to his heart.

The three tangles arms start to chase Inuyasha. Kagome screamed as the tangles stated to come toward them.

“WOMAN, shut up!!.’’ said Inuyasha as he dodged the arms.

Sesshomaru heard noise above him. Slowly rocks start to fall down from the ceiling.

“Men move out.’’ Shout Sesshomaru as the ceiling start to come down. The men ran out of the castle. They saw Inuyasha carrying Kagome in his arms. While being chased by some freak arms.

Inuyasha dodged another attack from the arms. He told Kagome :I’m going to throw you to Sesshomaru and he is going to catch you.’’


“1,2 , 3...’’

“No Inuyasha.’’

“Sesshomaru catch!!.’’ shout Inuyasha as he throw Kagome toward Sesshomaru

“Okay.’’ said Sesshomaru as he caught Kagome in his arms.

Kagome was so mad at Inuyasha. When his was done with his fight, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

Inuyasha took his sword out and the finish the arms off with one swing of his sword. All three arms were destroyed. Inuyasha landed on the ground. He grinned at his Kagome. Inuyasha found that Kagome was still in Sesshomaru’s arms.

“Gimme her.’’ said Inuyasha as he took Kagome into his arms.

“Well is it, sweet. Look the Inutaisho’s brother are on my land rescue somebody.’’ said a deep voice from behind them.

To be Continue….

So what do you think?? Like it, is it good? I am hope so. Sorry for the long wait, I start working on all my stories now, cause I feel inspire too.

Bye Kagome