InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodlust ❯ Memoriam (lemon) ( Chapter 47 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sesshomaru swept away from the battlefield and back to Kagome, wrapped in soft silk drying cloths. Their son was nowhere in sight, and he searched with youkai-sharp eyes around the room for a little wrapped bundle.
“Don't worry! The little one is with Sango. Miroku is sleeping, recovering from something or other, and she came to bathe with me. She is pregnant, did you know? I think she wants a little practice before hers comes.”
Sesshomaru raised his eyebrows in surprise, and licked gently at the back of her neck.
`The monk works fast. Is he truly a monk?”
Kagome laughed.
“He has true houriki, but I'm not sure how he balances between Buddha and…well…lechery.”
“Mm…but you should remember, Kagome, that you are no longer pure, no longer a maiden, and still you have the holy powers of a miko.”
She shrugged, unknowing of how strange it was to him to see her unconcerned with what to him had been to him a certainty of knowledge.
“I think holy power has more to do with purity of heart and soul than purity of body, Sess-chan.”
His teeth caught on her skin in the midst of his licking, and she shuddered through the sensation, lost in an unexpected newness that came with the familiar motions of his mouth.
“I do not want your body pure…”
His claws tightened slowly in the flesh of her arms, shivers of soft pain and crawling desire running through the surface of her skin like ripples on water. He licked blood from his claws and from her elbow to her shoulder, teasing with his tongue and watching her skin. Delicate line-scars covered the wounds and disappeared, and through it Kagome tilted back her head.
Sesshomaru took her offered throat in his teeth, and shockwaves rose through her blood and over her nerves with a scream of pure delight. His ears grabbed at the sound, and he probed deeper, taking the richness of her blood in a mouthful of lust. Gentle, he licked the wound he had made, caressed the dark bruising of her skin, and she rippled with his tongue, soft moaning sighs escaping her throat.
Kagome reached for his skin, searching for the ties to haori and hakama. Again she reached for him, and dropped her soft woven towels to the floor. Her skin was chilled from the cattail brush of air on her damp flesh, and she snuggled against his chest. One sentimental moment in the middle of their passion play, and then her hands slid up his harms, hard muscles contracting under her touch. She almost growled at the touch of fabric she found bound around his arm. The strip of her obi that she had tied for him at the beginning of the War was still there, faded and worn and stained with a blood - still it was tied around his arm.
She untied it, and kissed his arm, and he took the piece of fabric from her and lay it on the low table beside their futon.
“I would thank you for that, my Kagome. My reminder of you, that saved me. It repelled Kasuka's magic…”
She smiled gently and pulled him close against her body.
“Words later, Sess-chan.”
She pressed the soft roundness of her breasts against his chest, and he growled his want. She lay back before him on the futon, and for the second time he though she was a goddess. Twisted ray s of sunlight sparkled through the windows and took on color shining through the colored silk of the hangings around their bed, making patterns of prism color on her pale skin and the silver wash of her hair. He kissed her then, his lips pressed to her lips and her neck and the smooth skin of her breasts, the tight, crinkled peaks of her nipples. The motions of his tongue were punctuated by the gripping nip of his fangs. She felt the tickling drip of thin blood drops slither down her skin, and he followed them with his mouth until the reddening haze of her thoughts trembled into a violet explosion of desire.
Sesshomaru grinned down at her, dominating and feral, and the feeling when he entered her overwhelmed all Kagome's senses and sent fire-hearted explosions dancing down the sweet fragments of her nerves. Every muscle tightened, waiting for the pleasure, and the waiting was so intense it hurt. Gently, feeling the shock-hot pull of her body, Sesshomaru pulled back, and her legs wrapped around his waist and writhed down his back and twined in the spread of his calves as he moved in her.
He wanted her, all of her, all at once. Every place he could touch her he touched her, every place he could kiss her he kissed her, rocked back and forth inside her and gritted his teeth to keep control of the rage of delicious desire in his blood. The tightness of her body was almost unfamiliar after so long apart, as if the perfect fit of selves he had grown so used to was something new and different, no less pleasing, no less welcoming. He could see in her eyes how close she was to the crest of the wave she rode on, pupils dilated to a wide circle of want. The swollen softness of her lips beckoned him, and he kissed her, raping her mouth with his tongue and her lips with his teeth, and when he pulled away again her panting was harder and her lips were bruised and bloody. She licked the blood from her lips and drank his skin with her hands. There was a moment when the pressure and the building and the pleasure was too much, was an agony that set fire to frayed nerves, teased muscle into convulsion, and fractured the remains of her thoughts.
Kagome breathed out, an extended moan that carried in it all feeling, all the color in her blood and the depth in her scent, the rocking waves in her body that had broken in such a short, tearing-span of time. He felt her tense, the sudden sharper pulling, the strain in her eyes, and let go the iron reins of his control. Quiet and complete, he lay down beside her and pulled her close against his skin. Contentment swam through his blood, and they slept. The castle was silent from the setting of the sun, all within asleep and heavily motionless.
Three days of reflection and silence were welcome, but not as full of relaxation as Kagome had wished, and full of more than enough revelation. The first morning, she awoke in warm arms to the gentle throb of a familiar heartbeat, and the chest that was pressed against her back was solid and strong. Quietly, so as not to disturb even his slumber, she wriggled out of his hands and slipped into a simple yukata, procured with Sango's aid as an alternative to her ornate kimono. She almost screamed when she opened the door and found Eldest standing inches away from her, nose to nose.
“Eldest? Forgive me - I did not know you had come to visit us.”
Eldest smiled.
“That is quite alright. No one knows I came here but your huntress friend. Her mate was wounded in the battle, a priest I think he is…”
“Miroku was wounded! How?”
“One of Kasuka's wrathful arrows. The poison of the wound nearly killed him, but I was in time for one life, at least.”
Kagome bowed, the rush of concern fading as quickly as it had come.
“I wish I knew how - and why! They had come to the battle, but I thank you all the same.”
“I came to ask how you did it, Kagome? How did you kill my daughter without driving her mate mad, how did you purify such a terrible soul?”
Kagome paused and looked at the Elder youkai with a hard stare, a new expression that had grown up on her face in a few long months.
“I do not know what you mean by `purifying' her soul, but I used the knife you gave me, and it shattered into pieces as she died. There was light everywhere. Kinawai went mad, attacked Sesshomaru and then came after me - and I killed him. Somehow afterwards I brought him back. I don't know…there is another power inside me, strange and powerful, but it is alien and the beauty of it does not belong to me.”
Eldest stared at Kagome who spoke little words without really knowing their meaning, and did not even notice the shock on her companions face.
“Kagome…to have broken that blade would have taken more power than I put into it - and to have purified my daughter's soul more strength than I possess. It is you who did that, and I am lost in how to explain it. That you resurrected Kinawai, I can explain for you, sister-daughter. It is Tensaiga's power that is trapped in your blood, Tensaiga the sword of his father that Sesshomaru sacrificed to save your life. I believe…that power is yours now, Kagome, to use with wisdom. If you would have me, I would teach you. I know the miko Kaede had begun to teach you the uses of your own miko, the healing herbs and the legends of power - but she cannot teach you the art of your magic, she is not youkai, and they are wound together inseparably. Where she will say to you, `clear your mind', I will say `find your emotions', and where she will say `empty your thoughts' I will say `fill your heart'. Will you have me as a teacher, sister-daughter?”
Kagome nodded once, certain.
“I will.”
“The come to me by sunset on the day of the full moon, and we will begin.”
She walked down the hallway away from Kagome and seemed to fade into the stones, until even the sound of her footsteps was gone. Kagome smiled and ran down the hall, laughing. Pink sparkled at her throat and she grinned, catching the reflection of the shikon no tama in the polished marble surface of the walls. Returned by Sango, it seemed that everything was coming back to where it belonged. Morning light shone through the dining hall windows, tinted with the pale pink of quartz-edged glass, and she was startled to find a young female dragon placing a steaming pot of tea and a pair of bone-thin china cups on the table. She bowed quickly, full of distress at being found out of form, and Kagome smiled.
“What is your name, and why are you here? What chance left you living in this place after all these things?”
“I am Oki, miko-sama, daughter of Tanakoto, leader of my house in the long absence of our clan mother to the far woods in the North. I am one of those that have long served here unseen, victims of sorcery. Have you, instructions, miko-sama?”
Kagome shook her head, and the girl nodded and turned to leave.
“One thing, Oki, before you go. How did you know I was miko?”
The girl-youkai laughed and bowed at the same time.
“All know that the mate of the Lord Sesshomaru is miko youkai, miko-sama. You are a daughter in the line of my clan-mother…it is an honor to serve you.”
One more quick bow with a last smile left Kagome alone with the steaming teapot, and she sat gratefully, easing still-sore muscles onto the silk cushioned chair. She breathed the steam, sweet and slightly bitter with a new-green smell. The heat felt good on her palate, the lack of sweetness refreshing to her tongue, and still somehow leaving her with a sense of sleepiness. She finished her tea and set the small cup beside the teapot, still wreathing the candle lit lamps on the ceiling with thing, misty steam. Slowly, she walked up the stairs she had come down, and stopped outside Sango's door, feeling the emotion presence of her son in her thoughts with a stifled warmth. Quietly, she knocked on the door, and a yawning, tousled Sango opened it a few moments later.
“Kagome! You have come for your pup?”
She smiled.
“Come see how is sleeping.”
Kagome's tiny youkai son was sleeping in the curve of Miroku's body, in the indentation where Sango's body had lain.
“He will be a good father, Sango. Did Kaede say how long until the birth?”
“The passage of another six moons, she thinks. It is difficult to be completely certain, but she has skill. Because I am a fighting woman, she has given me and herbal tea to `calm my tempers'. I do not think it is working very well, but then…I am a fighting woman.”
Kagome lifted her son gently from the futon beside Miroku, careful not to disturb either of the sleepers. The hunger-pulse she had felt was still mostly dormant in soft slumber.
“Will you come bathe with me, Sango? The little one will be hungry when he wakes, I know. It is difficult to have a bath while nursing - I have already tried. Either you drown your pup, or you drown yourself!”
Sango grinned, and slipped out the door silently, shutting it behind her with a soft click and a groan of hinges.
“Then what are you going to do with your son?”
A wicked smile broke the tenderness on Kagome's face, and she turned down towards her won bedchamber.
“Sess-chan can watch him until we're through - unless he is still sleeping.”
The swish of air as the door opened behind her was not missed by her listening ears, and she passed her son into Sesshomaru's unsuspecting hands with an uncanny swiftness.
“Sango and I are going for a bath, Sess-chan….choose a name for our son!”
She flounced down the hallway before he could even blink. He turned to Sango, trying to hide her giggles, and glanced between the human woman and the pup in her arms.
“She is…concerned with the name of our pup. Why?”
The giggles exploded out of Sango's control, and she ran down the hallway after Kagome, peals of laughter reverberating off the walls. Sesshomaru turned his head slightly, wincing at the noise, and looked down at his son.
“Humans…are very loud.”
He retreated back into the bedroom.
As the sun was setting on the castle's third day of peace since the end of the Dragon War, Sesshomaru lifted his son before a small crowd standing in the castle gardens. A warming wind whipped around them, creating enervating shivers, and Sesshomaru lowered his son to Kagome's arms as twilight stirred the stars from sleep.
“This is my son, heir of the line of my father, Taiyoukai of these lands in the days before my life. As it has been, so it will be - for the honor of the one who saved my mate and my son from certain death at the cost of his own life, I give my son the name Kouga.”
There was a gasp from his side, and those who knew her saw a new shine in Kagome's eyes.
“With this naming, I erase the ties of vengeance that have for so long bound the South and the West. Do you accept him as an heir to the House of the West?”
The crowd before him gave their approval with a chorus of cheer, and Sesshomaru noted all this with only a nod. Beside Kinawai and Akira, who helped support a slowly healing Histaru, he could see Sango crying and shouting joyously at the same time, Miroku doing his odd jig, and the other lords so much more restrained, unknowing of the beauty and the danger that had been. Kagome reached for him, and pulled him into a deep kiss, the restrained passion of her grieving tears coming finally with other, happier weeping.”
”You picked the perfect name, Sess-chan.”
”You picked the perfect name, Sess-chan.”
He smiled a little, only for her.
“Of course.”