InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blow out the Candles ❯ Saving Grace ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: As expected I wish I did, but I definitely don't own anything relating to the Inu Yasha fandom and anime. However, that's not to say that I won't manipulate the characters for your and my own reading pleasure.
Author's Note: Well, I'm back. In case anyone is wondering, all of the major characters that I mention in this story are derived from the Original Inu Yasha manga or anime. I like to incorporate as many significant characters as I can. I can't say this enough, THANK YOU to everyone that review because I love reading your responses. Anyways, on with the chapter...
Translator 101 (Just in Case):
Jijii - a colloquial, rough way of saying 'jii-san', meaning old man, or grandfather
Babaa - a colloquial, rough way of saying 'baa-san', meaning old woman, or grandmother
Oyaji - informal or slang way of addressing one's father
Otou-san - formal way of addressing one's father
Okaa-san - formal way of addressing one's mother
Urusee - shut up
Nan Jai - what is it
Bentos - Japanese lunchboxes or food containers
Iie - no
Konnichiwa - hello
Sou ja - right/thought so
Chotto - just a second
Yamete - stop it
Ecchi - lewd/perverted
Hentai - pervert
Kimmochi - It feels good
Onegai - please
Ne - it's a verbal intonation often used when asking a question, but its meaning can vary depending on how it's used in a sentence
Blow Out the Candles
Chapter 3: Saving Grace
One didn't need a sense of sight or even hearing to intuitively recognize that Inu Yasha was in an extremely foul mood today. It was just unfortunate for Myouga since he was directly in the path of the raging tidal wave that was about to come pummelling down upon his bald little head any second now.
Oh how he regrettably wished that his fortieth floor office window could actually open and provide him with an escape rout away from the enraged half demon. It would have been so easy to latch onto one of the many pigeons lounging about outside his window ledge and abscond somewhere safe and out of harm's way. And did he ever try, to no avail, in finding and squeezing himself through the window's crevices to reach the outside world - a place that ensured his momentary freedom and inevitable survival.
In hindsight, however, it probably wasn't his best decision to hang-up on Inu Yasha and it definitely wasn't wise of him to give into the sweet temptation of enjoying a warm-blooded, free meal from the plump desk clerk that served as his hiding spot either. Hanging-up on Inu Yasha had only served to rile the half-demon's already straining benevolence and leeching off his hideout's neck was what ultimately exposed his location to the deranged hanyou, who was set on his execution.
Yet, what more could a flea do but make like his youkai title and well, flee? So, that's exactly the course of action Myouga took in order to save his neck. Becoming scarce at the slightest sign of danger was his sure fire technique that had kept him alive and bodily intact for over numerous centuries during his past service to Inutaisho-sama, Inu Yasha's powerful youkai father, and during his current service to Inu Yasha-sama. At least that's what he had always believed until now.
Immediately following his brief conversation with Inu Yasha in which he hung up after his failure to gravel is way out of the situation, Myouga made a mad dash out of his lavish office and into the halls in search of a safe haven or potential host that could carry him out of the building before he was captured. And to his sheer delight, Myouga had found the ideal carrier who was just on her way to the building's cafeteria on the main floor for a quick snack. So, with a couple of quick hops here and long leap there, Myouga was securely hidden in the disaster that was the stout woman's bleach blond hair.
It was only seconds after Myouga had taken cover that he heard and felt the rampant present of his employer not a few feet away from his hiding spot. In fact, Inu Yasha nearly bulldozed over the naive woman secretly concealing Myouga upon his entry into the east office wing. Inu Yasha had come barrelling onto the fortieth floor snarling and yelling obscenities not meant to be heard and even beyond the knowledge of existence to many of the startled desk workers in his hunt for the cowardly flea.
Had it not been for the god sent factor that Myouga's current mode of transportation was heavily doused in a bottle of cheap imitation Chanel perfume, a pungent odour that Inu Yasha acute nose could just barely remain in the same vicinity of, Myouga and the woman would have never been granted easy passage to the elevator less then ten steps away. The pair tried their best to discretely wait for the elevator to arrive while Inu Yasha sniffed out some of the other employees within the area, recklessly searched Myouga's vacant office, and issued a variety of painful sounding threats.
While the inu hanyou interrogated Myouga's terrified secretary for information on his whereabouts, Myouga was praying for the bronze cast elevator doors to quickly open. There was only one more floor for the elevator go before it came to a stop at its next destination, but seconds seemed to sluggishly dwindle for the anxious flea covertly camouflaged in the equally tense woman that was unknowingly obscuring him from their superior.
At the sound of the customary "ding," the elevator doors finally parted to reveal three other passengers standing within. Not wasting a moment to retrieve her cholesterol-saturated snack and wanting to avoid her boss' explosive temper, Myouga's human vehicle hastily stepped into the elevator with the other passengers, who wisely chose to remain in the elevator and decided to get off on another floor level upon seeing the incensed hanyou.
Obviously thinking himself safe and out of direct danger once he was inside the elevator, Myouga foolishly thanked the female smuggling him by feasting on her jugular vein, which in his opinion beckoned to be savoured as it rapidly pulsated in her anxious state.
The doors were just beginning to slide shut when said female gave a shrill scream and slapped her neck.
There was no more than three or four seconds at the very most before the elevator doors fully closed, but it was all the time needed for Inu Yasha to abandon his current victim, dash across the corridor to the elevator entrance, and snatched the spineless flea in his flatten position on the palm of the woman's hand.
Of course all the latter now lead to the current state of affairs unravelling in Inu Yasha office: Inu Yasha viciously glaring down at the trembling flea - who was at the present time leashed to a short length of string conveniently tied to the sleeve button of Inu Yasha's onyx suit blazer - as the aforementioned flea cowered into a protective position. His back was hunched and his legs were squatted while his stubby arms were trying to shield all his vital organs from the impact of the nuclear bomb just milliseconds away from being detonated by his young master.
A growing growl filled the rustically decorated office space until its undertones vibrated throughout Inu Yasha's granite and marble desk.
"How nice of you to stop by my office this morning, Myouga-jijii!" Inu Yasha gritted through his clenched teeth, "And to think all I had to do was track your pathetic ass down and tie you up to get you here!" The growling and miniature earthquake seemed to intensify with every passing word he spoke.
It came to a point where Myouga was forced to cling onto one of the still standing picture frames on Inu Yasha's desk in order to avoid falling off the desk or being crushed by one of the various tumbling objects scattered about. The picture and the frame itself were quite lovely, showcasing a portrait of Inu Yasha and Kagome sitting at the base of Goshinboku, a sacred tree that stood at the centre of Kagome's family shrine, but Myouga paid little attention to this detail.
"Onegai, Inu Yasha-sama, onegai... I can explain!!" Mygoua wailed between his attempts to beg for mercy and trying to free himself of his binding. 'What is that saying again? Oh yes, out of the pot and into the frying pan. But in my case it's out of one scorching pan and into another. Dear kami let me survive this!' Myouga silently prayed as he was forcefully yanked away from the glass picture frame that served to stabilize him.
On any other day Myouga would have preferred Inu Yasha-sama's wrath to that of Sesshoumaru-sama's, but he was greatly regretting his decision now and wished that he had never become involved in their family tradition of torturing each other on their birthdays.
"Keh! Quit hiding behind the picture frame and start talkin' jijii!!" Inu Yasha barked once he had the flea a good distance away from his favourite picture of him and Kagome. It had been a special gift from his mate and he didn't trust himself not he destroy it in the process of inflicting pain on his retainer.
'Ahhhh, these inu brothers will be the death of this poor and oh so loyal flea...'
"You must understand Inu Yasha-sama," the flea continued, "I was forced against my own will by your brother... He was going to kill me!!" Myouga whined as he miserably failed to loosen the knot tied around his midsection.
"Urusee! And what makes you think I wouldn't do the same, huh?" To emphasize his point, Inu Yasha cracked his knuckles and squashed the tiny flea between his index finger and thumb without a second thought.
"Gwhaa!!!" It was the only sound Myouga could make as he fluttered onto the desk surface and landed in a physically flattened heap.
Inu Yasha, who was about to pulverize Myouga a second time, suddenly paused in his assault and instead continued speaking in a surprisingly composed and even excited tone, "As amusing as it would be for me to slowly pull each and every single one of your four arms out or disembowel you on the spot, I have a much more efficient way of punishing you!"
At the sight of Inu Yasha's malicious grin and sudden lax demeanour, Myouga knew an utterly horrendous manner of torment was brewing in that thick skull of the hanyou.
"Iie, Myouga-jijii, you don't have to look so scared cause I'm not going to lay another clawed finger on you," Inu Yasha evilly chuckled to himself, "I really don't think Shyuga-babaa would like that very much, ne Myouga? In fact, I think I should call her up right this moment and let her know where exactly her dearest 'fiancée' is. I bet she's been worried sick wondering where you've been hiding for the last couple of centuries, especially after you ran out on your own wedding."
"WAH?!!! IIE, IIE, Inu Yasha-sama! Onegai, you must not call her!" The now desperate flea grovelled at the mention of his insufferable mate-to- be's name.
Their engagement had been a horrible mistake caused by a night filled with one too many cups of heated sake and stolen sips of sweet blood on his part and devious manipulation on hers. When he woke the following morning and discovered about his engagement to the clingy female flea, he had immediately tried to extricate himself out of the arrangement; his fear of commitment and confinement significantly motivating his hasty retreat and disappearance from their wedding ceremony.
However, Shyuga was equally persistent of him as she was frightening, and hell knows no fury when she got angry. It had been nothing short of a miracle that he had remained incognito and out of her clutches for as long as he did, but at the sound of Inu Yasha's most inhuman threat, Myouga crumpled into a blubbering mass.
"Oh how can you be so cruel, master Inu Yasha-sama?! You CAN'T do this to me - your most faithful servant... You're not that heartless!! ONEGAI!" The aging flea bawled.
"Nan jai, Myouga-jijii? Don't tell me you're afraid of your own fiancée. I'm sure she misses you terribly after all your long years of separation. Who knows, if you're lucky she might even be gentle on you for everything you've done!" Inu Yasha chortled sinisterly. Maybe his day was about to improve.
Inu Yasha was certain in the fact that Shyuga-babaa would do a far better job of teaching Myouga his long overdue lesson concerning the consequences of constantly running away than he could ever do.
If Inu Yasha had ever learnt anything of real use from his retired tycoon Oyaji, it was this: women, regardless of their species or age, were naturally the more formidable sex to be wary of and had many unspeakable ways of always getting what they desired. It was a lesson he himself had learned the hard way many times in the past, specifically from his Okaa-san and Kagome. So, Inu Yasha knew that Shyuga was no different from any other female.
Staring at the openly weeping flea, who was vigorously squirming and trying to escape, Inu Yasha was positive a few hours with Shyuga would do the flea some good. If not anything else, perhaps Myouga's pain threshold would increase or he would by some miracle develop a backbone during his time spent with the other flea. Hell, Myouga could even revert back to his humanoid form if he'd just marry Shyuga, but even Inu Yasha realized that that would never happen because Myouga enjoyed being a flea far too much.
'Feh, if I'm gonna have to suffer on my birthday by going to a meeting with that prick Sesshoumaru then Myouga, you're coming along for the ride too!' The hanyou justified as he frowned menacingly down at Myouga. 'Nothings gonna save you now!'
Less than two floors down on the elevator, however, Myouga's saving grace was on her way up to surprise Inu Yasha with lunch. Her meeting with Toutousai-jiisan went better than expected and she was positive Inu Yasha was going to love this present.
Toutousai had done a splendid job of making Inu Yasha's gift flawless, which served to further prove his expertise in his craft despite his oscillating memory that occasionally made him forget certain things during conversations. He was indeed a very kind and good-hearted old youkai that Kagome had met during her teen years. Inu Yasha had actually introduced the two when he had accidentally destroyed her baby pink, banana seat bike that she often rode around on in the forest near her old home.
After Kagome had repeatedly refused his offer to buy her a new and improved bike to replace the one that he had ruined, Inu Yasha had taken her and the heap of scrap metal that was her bicycle to Toutousai's mechanic shop since she didn't want to part with one of the last gifts her deceased Otou-san had given her before his passing. It was there that she became acquainted with the elderly elemental youkai.
Kagome had been shell-shocked when she came face to face with the famed mechanic who could create or mend anything so long as it contained metallic elements. Having previously read newspaper articles and hearing stories about how Toutousai was extremely picky with what he worked on and who it was for, Kagome felt tremendously privileged to have him repair her cherished memento given to her by her Otou-san. To this day she was still amazed how he had precisely shaped every curve and bend in her bike until it looked identical to how it was when she had first received it.
Seeing first hand how talented Toutousai was, Kagome knew that he was the ideal person to refurbish Inu Yasha's once beautiful treasure. And Kagome could already feel the anticipation amassing in her stomach; she had to mentally restrain herself from just finding her mate and dragging him outside of the office building to personally show him the present that awaited him. She really couldn't wait to see Inu Yasha's reaction.
'Well, one major gift down and one more to go.' Kagome thought to herself as she stepped out of the elevator and into the lavish foyer that lead to Inu Yasha's forty-third floor office. Up ahead, she could see the reptilian youkai, who was his secretary, working at her desk.
Kagome was about to interrupt the youkai when suddenly her cell phone interrupted her. The ring tone of the song Four Seasons by Namie Amuro played for a minute before Kagome was able to answer without dropping or slipping one of the many bentos or drinks she carried in her hands.
"Moushi moushi, Kagome speaking." The young miko politely spoke into her titanium Samsung phone.
"Konnichiwa, Kagome-sama. It's Miroku. Gomen to disturb you before you see Inu Yasha, but I just have a few questions I would like to get your opinion on." His voice was crisp and clear on the other line.
"Oh, that's alright Miroku-sama. Go ahead and ask your questions, I'm listening." But as she listened to him, Kagome began to regret what she said.
"What do you mean I have to promise you that I'll actually use the birthday gifts that you bought for Inu Yasha?" Kagome hesitantly enquired. Somehow she did not like where this conversation was headed.
"What exactly did you buy?" She quietly hissed into the phone; she could only imagine the kinds of perverted items that her lecherous friend had bought and that caused an unwanted blush to spread over her cheeks.
"Ma, ma, Kagome-sama. I assure you of my admirable intentions, I just want your word that you will put to good use my gifts since I have already ordered them and can not get a refund or exchange on them. Now what do you say?" There was a pause on her part since she intelligibly decided to further investigate what Miroku had purchased for Inu Yasha's birthday.
Years of experience had taught her to be cautious when accepting gifts from Miroku. Thinking back, Kagome could remember the numerous strippers, inflatable toys, and other themed 'gifts' that Miroku had given to either Sango, Inu Yasha, or herself and she did not want a repeat of that.
Hearing her hesitation, Miroku spoke up again, "If it will ease your mind, Kagome-sama, I bought you and Inu Yasha anime collector items because I know how much you both love anime. You wound be deeply Kagome-sama, I'm buying these tokens of my affection for Inu Yasha and your own enjoyment, not that of mine." He exasperatedly signed into the phone; attempting to sound disappointed and hurt when in actual fact he knew Kagome would cave and agree any second. And oh how right he was .
'Great now I feel guilty! Mou, it better not be something degrading or I'll definitely let Inu Yasha hurt you, Miroku.' Kagome likely signed as her left arm became tire from balancing the bentos and drinks.
Fortunately for her though, she never was given the chance to reply as Sango's distinct voice was heard in the background and cut short Miroku's guilt trip before she relented.
"Miroku, what are you trying to trick Kagome-chan into agreeing to now?" Their voices were slightly muffled, but Kagome could still make out what was being said on the other end.
"I knew I should have gone shopping with you to buy Inu Yasha's birthday present. Knowing you, you probably got Inu Yasha and Kagome something ecchi, didn't you Houshi-sama?!" Sango scolded her hentai husband as she demanded him to hand over the phone.
"Chotto, Sango-chan...Yamete my love!"
There were a few moments of phone static, some shuffling between the couple on the other end over possession of the Miroku's cell phone, and a loud shriek before the sound of a ricocheting slap was heard by Kagome. And even she had to wince at the strength Sango had put into that blow.
For a woman in her second trimester, Sango was still a force to be reckoned with and nobody knew that better then her husband. Being pregnant did little to alter or deter Sango's defined physique and abilities that she developed and maintained as the Head Officer in the youkai and civilian enforcement SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) team.
It wasn't long before Kagome could hear Sango speaking again. She was either slightly panting from her earlier exertion or because she was just fuming at her husband for a body part that he had just caressed, but which every the reason, Kagome couldn't tell.
"Gomen ne, Kagome-chan. I couldn't prevent him from buying whatever he bought you guys."
"That's alright Sango-chan, I still really appreciate the gesture even if Inu Yasha doesn't."
Miroku, who had regain consciousness, participated in the conversations thought nothing had occurred. "But Sango, my love, in your delicate condition you shouldn't trouble yourself. I got them perfectly tasteful gifts and as I told Kagome-sama, the presents are anime related."
"Hmph! Houshi-sama, I trust your preference in buying gifts as far as I can throw you." Sango retorted, which sparked another round of arguments.
And as Kagome listened to her friends' bickering, she couldn't help but giggle at their antics. Some things really don't change, even after marriage.
Clearing her throat, Kagome stopped their verbal fight, "Ahem, it was great talking to you both but I have to go. My arm is numb and the bentos are getting cold."
Sheepishly, Sango replied, "Sorry about that. It was nice talking to you too. We should all get together next week for dinner okay? Give me a call when you're both free Kagome-chan. I'll let you go now. Heaven knows how testy Inu Yasha gets when he's hungry. Ja Ne."
"Ja, Sango-chan. Say bye and arigato to Miroku for me."
Once Kagome put away her cell phone, she headed straight for the secretary's desk to momentarily unload her packages and speak with Inu Yasha's secretary, Alexia.
Out of Inu Yasha's entire group of previous secretaries, Alexia was the only one that survived the job more than a year without threatening to sue or to mutilate the hanyou. Following the ten secretaries that Inu Yasha had went through in a span of half a month, Kagome had taken matters into her own hands and specifically selected Alexia for her high tolerance level and intense façade, which were naturally apart of her youkai heritage as an alligator.
Alexia was the perfect secretary for the inu hanyou because she extremely organized, always serious about what she said or did, and she could handle his mood swings without a blind of her neon yellow eyes. Her tough exterior of speckled black scales and spikes ensured that she was physically fit and prepared for anything that Inu Yasha threw in her direction - be it insults, gruelling tasks, or manual labour. Yes, Kagome liked the middle- aged youkai very much.
"Ahhh, kimochi!" She happily cried when she was free of her burdens.
Seeing the young miko's actions, Alexia greeted her employer and smiled, showing her pointed teeth. "Konnichiwa, Kagome-sama. I wasn't expecting to see you today, what's the occasion?"
"Hi, Alexia-chan. It's Inu Yasha's birthday so I'm surprising him with lunch. I'm going to need you to do me a small favour though." Kagome quietly requested so that her mate wouldn't be alerted to her presence.
"Sure thing, what can I help you with?" The reptile answered without faltering in the typing that she was doing.
"I need you to push back all of his afternoon appointment until after two o'clock. He doesn't have anything major scheduled for today, does he?"
"Hmm, he just has a meeting with Sesshoumaru-sama at one-thirty, but that's about it. I already tried to reschedule it, but I got nowhere talking to Sesshoumaru-sama's toad of an assistant, Jaken"
"Eeh, a meeting with Sesshoumaru? That's not good at all and the situation won't get any better considering that Sesshoumaru doesn't like to wait." Kagome had to take a few minutes to think about this new piece of information that would affect her plans.
'Inu Yasha must not be a happy koinu about this.' She grimaced as she heard a loud crack from within his office. "Ano, Alexia-chan? How many times did he try to fire you this morning?" Kagome asked.
"In a period of three and a half hours, Takainuhiko-sama has threatened four times and I'm sure he'll try a few more times by the end of the day." The alligator youkai replied casually having become accustomed to his hallow threats. Besides, both she knew and Inu Yasha knew that the only person who could actually fire her was Kagome herself.
'Sou ja, Inu Yasha definitely isn't in a pleachant mood today. Well, let's see if I can't fix that!' At the sound of Inu Yasha's growl and Myouga's wail, Kagome's mind was made up.
"Tell you what Alexia-chan, if you can stall Sesshoumaru until two o'clock, I'll give you a ten percent raise and an extra week of vacation. Consider it casualty paid, plus you've earned it!"
"Oh you don't need to do that, Kagome-sama. If you can just get Takainuhiko-sama to stop demolishing his phones or shattering the doors, I'll gladly do it." Alexia joked to her boss; she really did like her miko employer and would gladly help her out if it meant she didn't have to contact the repair shop again.
"You've got yourself a deal!" Kagome freely laughed and was interrupted yet again by another one of Myouga's scream for help. "Well, that's my clue to save the flea. Arigato, Alexia-chan! You should leave early today; it's a Friday after all so enjoy the week-end." Kagome said as she picked up the bentos and drinks and entered Inu Yasha's office.
The sight that met her was a comical one: Inu Yasha's fingers tangled in a piece of string that was attached to Myouga while Myouga was hurriedly leeching his lunch from Inu Yasha's right hand.
"I'm not disturbing anything here, am I?" Kagome greeted from the door as she tried to control her amusement.
That's all for this week, stay tuned for the next chapter when you find out what Toutousai made for Inu Yasha. There'll also be some citrus flavouring as well! My apologies for any spelling mistakes. R&R, onegai!!! Ja Ne.