InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blue lace ❯ Awake....Where the hell am i?! ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
^_^@@@Disclaimer I don’t own any of the inuyasha characters only Naomi and her companions. Thank you>Also I will expect reviews if you want more chapters*Spits flames*MWAHAAHHAHAHAH!>><oh wait the fanfic…right -_-;;
Two thieves stumped down a dark corridor.” Quiet you fool!” one yelled as the other uttered yet another high pitched girly scream at the sight of what must have been their 10th skeleton they had seen. ”What the fuck happened here…?” the older thief remarked in a low solemn tone, not that respect for the dead meant more to him than money cause god knows he'd broken a few holy laws in his day. They had stumbled upon this cash cow of sorts….. quit literally, they had been on route to the nearest temple to well…He laughed low and deep in his throut,pay their respect to holy ones but then his clumsy companion in training had stumbled and fallen through the roof of this elaborate manner that had been buried in earth for what looked like ages. “Hey boss” the younger one said in a thoroughly ‘please with his dumb luck’ tone, pointed to the end of the corridor” that looks new don’t ya think?” The older one looked up blowing some grey hair out of his leathery face “don’t be ridiculous cant you fucking see this place is ages old and-“he trailed off seeing that his partner was in fact correct…for once…The door looked new and lit inside, it was rather brightly in fact.”Welp no point in hesitating, go break it down boy” his authority over the younger thief came from his years of experience in the field.” Right oh boss!” he said rushing full force at the door he was rather nicely built with a fine toned body except when you got to the face it brought to mind a toad of some sort. With a rather load wood splintering bang the door was off its hinges and sliding across the floor.
The elderly thief caught up to the toad and looked in side “candles?” he remarked “but how could they have burned so long?”,befor he really had time to ponder this however a loud “Oh wow!” from the younger one interrupted his thoughts and balance as he shoved him aside rushing towards the jeweled gold box. It was long and thin, covered with an intricate design of sparkling rare jewels ,“oh wow….”he murmured again running his calloused hand over the fine craftsmanship. As the older thief came upon the toad who was drooling very literally on the chest, his look of hate and pain quickly took and U-turn” Dear god this is more than ten temples quickly I bet there is more inside help me push.!”
Together they placed their hands against the lid pushing it with great effort off the long box. The top made a loud clunk on the ground but then there was silence….”A corpse!!”The older one stumbled back horrified at the cruel joke of expecting jewels and finding the dead, his stomach turning in to knots. But oddly the toad who had screamed like a pubescent 12 year old girl moments earlier just stared in wonder at the body covered in blue lace. Slowly his hand reached out lightly grasping the edge of the lace pulling it back….The old man waited behind the toad…and he waited and waited… but he said nothing till a slow whisper escaped his lips” So pretty……”Had he been mistaken the elderly thief asked himself as he inched closer slowly peaking over the thugs shoulder. The sight that met his eyes was amazing to see and yet frightening. A girl no more than 16 layed there bare to the shoulders.” a demon…”he breathed to the toad that was to interested in the body to be interested in him. Her skin was like fresh cream pale and he guessed in fact very soft, her shoulders weren’t very big but rounded nicely and lead to an elegant neck thin and curved. But the face was most astonishing ,she had a rather rounded face with a small chin and her lips…For some reason his felt very dry suddenly as he kept licking them ,were like sakura blossoms in the snow pink with a hint of red plump and with a bit of gloss still hovering on them. Her nose was small and pointed leading to her eyes closed of coarse she was dead after all, he wasn’t why but he needed to remind himself of that…her eye lashes were lush a black brushing again her pale skin creating a contrast with her coloring. She had trimmed bangs that curled just above her arched eye brows, cute fuzzy white ‘no not white’ he told himself, they had a hint of blue which stood out against her….he trailed off…he was breathing harder and he knew it but….her hair was her crowning glory, it faired out around her body black as night, thick and full like glimmering ravens wings surrounding his beautiful angel of death.
The toad reached out and brushed his calloused hand against her pale cheeck.”Don’t touch her!” the older one shrieked as he pushed him away…In a matter of moments he was panting an hadn’t moved…she was dead of coarse and that’s how she would stay. “What a foolish old man I am…” he said with a chuckle “falling in love with a dead girl...”He went to the gold lid and started to lift it while the toad stared in disbelief “well give me hand with this and lets go!” he got up at his partners command helping him pick up the top of what they knew was a coffin and carried it towards the door” but boss…”the toad started” No we cant take her with us she’s dead…..’As they reached the door he couldn’t help as his will power faded as he turning slowly and saw…..His death lover sitting up right looking at him with two brilliant blue eyes like oceans staring at him”RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!”He yelled to the toad dropping the casket cover as they ran from the living corpse down the elegant hallway which became a blur as each climbed through the hole in the roof.
**Back in the casket room Naomi climbed out holding the dusty blue lace around her shivering bare body, slowly what started out a breathed whisper turned in to an earth shattering scream” where….the Hell…..AM I?!!!”
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